Woo-Woo Contest?

Oh, you're right. I guess that should be "Then is washed away." Sorry.

The monkey rises
Scratches, stretches, spies the sun
Then hurls poop again
It was an ode to Bishadi, kind of. About how someone can touch on the truth - the rock, the sun - and then get swept away (the river) or just resume the usual mindless routine (hurling poo).
It was an ode to Bishadi, kind of. About how someone can touch on the truth - the rock, the sun - and then get swept away (the river) or just resume the usual mindless routine (hurling poo).

Hrm do you have links to posts in which he touched on the truth ?
Well he knew what the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics was, you see, but didn't really grasp how it doesn't work for his point.
Well, isn't the Second Law of Thermodynamics true?

He didn't at least run around claiming we were made out of sand in seven days.
Well, it's like that momentary pause of the blossom petal on the half-submerged rock, or the monkey reflecting on the sun before going back to flinging dung.

It's...it's like SciForums. But with less dung-flinging.
life not abuse entropy

life absorb energy from high-energy node into closed system

what 'high energy node' absorbtion is putting on a jacket, when cold?

or finding food?

living things often move out of the heat or into the sun to keep cool/warm up.

these are from the 'life' itself, not random adjustments or even the idea of 'high-energy nodes'...............

Confucious say "He who bets with train does not get to work on time after all."
perhaps the train is running out of track; even if it appears to be going to the right place

seems in the story, the turtle won the race
Which is NOTHING to do with what you're saying it is.
so when schroadinger wrote the book "What is Life" and practically coined the term Neg-entropy to define living structures, it has nothing to do with what i'm saying?

perhaps read a bit more

No, that's simply your ill-informed misunderstanding.

Only for the crackpots.


Last 100?

One thing we are certain of: you're wrong on nearly every count.

find me wrong on one line and then you have a case

otherwise, i can see you really do not understand

don't blame me
Originally Posted by GeoffP
life not abuse entropy

life absorb energy from high-energy node into closed system

Confucious say "He who bets with train does not get to work on time after all
Too intelligible :D

now that is humor;
someone who actually wrote non-sense and you praise it because of one reason; it maintains the current acceptances (but is blatantly some of the most horrid english on the forum)
so when schroadinger wrote the book "What is Life" and practically coined the term Neg-entropy to define living structures, it has nothing to do with what i'm saying?
That's right: you're completely misconstruing the term.

find me wrong on one line and then you have a case
Your errors are constantly being pointed out to you, but you're incapable of realising they are errors since you persist in lying to yourself (and us).
Life does NOT abuse entropy.
Well he knew what the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics was, you see, but didn't really grasp how it doesn't work for his point.

the 2nd is a rule that incorporates a direction to d/t to the physics of the 'standard model'

hence when you hear the idea of 'well that can't happen, it goes against the law of physics, be certain the 2LoT is the primary one underlying the claim.

IN 1901 planck maintained the second in his calculations in which that direction was imposed to the base unit of energy

To understand this absolute fact and how angular momentum removed the ability to combine like 'f' of energy within like systems, removed the ability to calculate the total power of the 2 systems.

ie..... if 2 men can each lift a maximum individually; the total weight the 2 can lift together is often greater than the sum of the 2 individual maximums.

(the current math cannot account for the increase or total potential of the combining systems) (that is why they created dark matter/energy to correct the errors between what hubble observed and what the current math predicted)

what has happened on this forum is that people are contesting what i say because they personally do not know the actual publications, math and evidence nor have any intent of looking into it before commenting.

the same MO i have deal with since 16 yrs old when writing on the enchange of energy between neurons (it's light, not electrons)

to really dig deep enough to comprehend what is being said why not just look at plancks pub and see for yourslf before commenting?

when a single person on this site can show me where i am lying, bsing or have not clue what i am saying; then i will leave!

but be fair, because for every item a person posts, they must present evidence that can withstand

as welll must observe evidence and answer the questions in rebuttal

what a few of you fail is to understand YOU ARE A PEER TOO........ So that common sense must apply to you rather than just what the book told you (science is no theologically based; the law (2nd) is not the last word, either)

but from the gays to the mods to the mathematicians, physicist and even the from the pig headed deceivers; for some funny reason, they can't over come the truth of matters:

why, because i have dealt with this shit for too long (since 83), have reviewed and observed more material then most even know exists and to this day, will be looking into more.

ps... i have an error to claim: the paper Photo Neuron Conduction (PNC Theory) was not written in 82, it was 83................... (damn i love being human)
That's right: you're completely misconstruing the term.

Your errors are constantly being pointed out to you, but you're incapable of realising they are errors since you persist in lying to yourself (and us).
Life does NOT abuse entropy.

what ever floats your boat

if you think what you eat is randomly consumed and you are completely uncertain within your chaotic mind; then you just enjoy yourself

the problem is people believe before they comprehend and why i say often the most ignorant are often the most educated
when a single person on this site can show me where i am lying, bsing or have not clue what i am saying; then i will leave!
That in itself is a lie, since you HAVE been shown, many times, and you are still here.

but be fair, because for every item a person posts, they must present evidence that can withstand
So why does this "rule" not apply to you?

but from the gays to the mods to the mathematicians, physicist and even the from the pig headed deceivers; for some funny reason, they can't over come the truth of matters:
So you're not only deluded but bigoted too?
That in itself is a lie, since you HAVE been shown, many times, and you are still here.

from the main mod of this site, to the best math guys, and even the philosophies and religions; not a one!

So why does this "rule" not apply to you?
it does

ie... to comprehend what 'evolution' is and how it works proves entropy is a joke

just for you putting on a jacket when you are cold, proves entropy is a joke (the problem is, you perhaps don't know enough math or retain enough self imposed integrity to just observe the reality over the acceptances of others opinions)

So you're not only deluded but bigoted too?

you missed the thread on how gays are the "bigots" themselves, not the majority of mankind (meaning; the self centered are not the people to observe over the total of mankind) (if a gay, likes being gay; that is their choice but the majority are not to change for what the few enjoy as a pastime)

reality check: more people are born with a cleft palet than gay; what do the people do? they assist the few in need, not cut up everybody elses lip to make the few 'happy'.

that subject is dead
from the main mod of this site, to the best math guys, and even the philosophies and religions; not a one!
You see?
You're incapable of recognising reality.

But you don't adhere to it.

ie... to comprehend what 'evolution' is and how it works proves entropy is a joke
No, that proves conclusively that you have no idea what you're talking about.

you missed the thread on how gays are the "bigots" themselves, not the majority of mankind (meaning; the self centered are not the people to observe over the total of mankind) (if a gay, likes being gay; that is their choice but the majority are not to change for what the few enjoy as a pastime)
No I didn't.
All that thread showed is that you have no clue whatsoever on that topic either.
I wonder if you're a pre-cursor of a new "skill set"?
Incompetent in many fields.

that subject is dead
Like your brain?
what 'high energy node' absorbtion is putting on a jacket, when cold?

You maintain homeostasis by catabolism of chemical energy. Some of catabolism comes out as heat. This does not contradict the 2LoT. If you could generate your own heat by magic, this would contradict the 2LoT.

For crying out loud.

or finding food?

What, are you serious?

The food didn't get there by magic, you know, Bishadi. The plants hatched from seeds produced by plants which got their energy from the sun. The sun is the large glowing ball of fire in the sky that undergoes a complete circumference of the sky every 24 hours. (In fact, we're actually circling it, but let's leave that aside for now.) The plants collect this energy in a process called photosynthesis. This process involves the transformation of solar energy into chemical energy by plants. This ecological level is sometimes termed primary production. When herbivores eat the plants, they are termed primary consumers. In the transit of energy from production to primary consumption, much of it is actually lost as heat energy, which has the advantage of keeping homeotherms like deer and cows alive. Secondary consumers - predators - consume primary consumers for the chemical energy stored in their somatic tissue. Again, much of this energy is lost as heat. The ability to forage - to find food - is motivated and supported by energy stores: fat, essentially. We use stored fat as an energy reserve in times of plenty to allow us to continue to function even without direct energy transfer.

I can only pray this makes sense.

living things often move out of the heat or into the sun to keep cool/warm up.

Essay question: where is the heat coming from? (Hint: it's in your answer above.)

these are from the 'life' itself, not random adjustments or even the idea of 'high-energy nodes'...............

Define "the life".

seems in the story, the turtle won the race

You'll notice he didn't log into AOL and troll up the internet immediately afterward.