Woo-Woo Contest?

Who would you rather spend the night in a tent with.

Fred Phelps and David Duke or

Stanton Friedman and Stephen Yulish

it's dark in a tent right?


Damn, I would definetly rather spend the night with her for sure.

Yes it's dark in the tent, you would be given a flashlight but the battery will run out before sun up.
UFO believers are loathe to compare the predictable effect that leaps in technology from outside cultures rapidly trigger, transforming isolated ones. Had there been something real to the enthralling fantasies of interstellar ET vehicles in human hands, then we would have all witnessed a technology explosion/quantum leaps that would have suddenly and shockingly put to shame every human innovation of the past century combined. It would be like providing a prehistoric clan with some of the vehicles and possessions of a wealthy dynasty of our times- Lives and technology would change in a very perceptible way, and the technology would always spread conspicuously. UFO believers are all woo-shippers of Woo.

Talk about a "woo woo"...man, I thought you were going start going on about "passing the plate"

Instead of pretending to know something you don't have a clue about, why not try and back up your perspective with something akin to solid fact instead of just more, you guessed it, pseudo woo verbiage.
George Bush was pres of the US

what does that have to do with YOUR experience with the foo foo Ufoo?

argue with them about the guy

seems to me, them with the bigger box, are the ones that will fib to keep it

meaning if he is so credible, then he should be able to provide evidence; himself.

talk is cheap as far as over head but can make some a fortune; when selling BS

ah...so you admit to being a sock in a swami's clothing. Game over, NEXT!
Not forgetting that there have been far more who have advocated crazy ideas that eventually turned out to be incorrect.

And of course in turn, relatively speaking, the few that were correct were some of the most course altering and important scientific revelations of all time.
you know what i think is woo woo? insecure, close-minded, egomaniacal people who are threatened by anyone who attests to different experiences, opinions, and beliefs than their own, and respond to their fear by dishing out hateful and degrading rhetoric. THAT is woo woo.

and THAT is the whole point and basis of this assinine thread.

And that's why we're including you on the list, Lori. All you've done since anyone even raised an eyebrow in doubt to your experience is lash out with personal insutls. Go back and read the threads. You've been hostile to anyone who doubts you.

i have read the threads, and as i wrote the posts, i know that this is an outright lie. i've addressed the topics at hand, and i've answered people's questions to the best of my ability and honestly. i didn't come out here, read one of your posts, and respond by hurling insults at you. you did that to me. i came out here and talked about MY experiences, MY opinions, and MY beliefs, none of which have anything to do with you. i was actually criticized for talking about myself so much, remember? i have expressed an appreciation for freedom of opinion and belief, realizing an appreciation for the fact that we all have different experiences to draw from and different paths. i don't expect you to understand or even agree with my beliefs since you haven't walked in my shoes. you seem to think you have that obligation anyway because you're egotistical. and because you disagree with my beliefs and you don't understand or believe my experiences, you see that as a license to call me a liar, delusional, mentally ill, and to even go so far as to diagnose me via a few posts on a discussion forum, suggesting that i'm either on drugs, or need to be. my personal life up for judgement with the suggestion that i believe in god because i'm not cohabitating (fucking) someone. genius. you guys are worse than any religious people i've ever met. hypocrits. you're modern day cavemen. in the dark, practicing your little circle jerks, and when interacting with someone outside your group, display sociopathic behaviors reminiscent of lord of the flies. there's a move of the holy spirit on this earth right now that is unprecedented. and when the shit goes down, you guy's will be so terrified you'll piss your pants. and as that warm sensation is making it's way down your leg just remember...that i'll be out there somewhere in the world laughing my ass off at you.
i have read the threads, and as i wrote the posts, i know that this is an outright lie. i've addressed the topics at hand, and i've answered people's questions to the best of my ability and honestly. i didn't come out here, read one of your posts, and respond by hurling insults at you. you did that to me. i came out here and talked about MY experiences, MY opinions, and MY beliefs, none of which have anything to do with you. i was actually criticized for talking about myself so much, remember? i have expressed an appreciation for freedom of opinion and belief, realizing an appreciation for the fact that we all have different experiences to draw from and different paths. i don't expect you to understand or even agree with my beliefs since you haven't walked in my shoes. you seem to think you have that obligation anyway because you're egotistical. and because you disagree with my beliefs and you don't understand or believe my experiences, you see that as a license to call me a liar, delusional, mentally ill, and to even go so far as to diagnose me via a few posts on a discussion forum, suggesting that i'm either on drugs, or need to be. my personal life up for judgement with the suggestion that i believe in god because i'm not cohabitating (fucking) someone. genius. you guys are worse than any religious people i've ever met. hypocrits. you're modern day cavemen. in the dark, practicing your little circle jerks, and when interacting with someone outside your group, display sociopathic behaviors reminiscent of lord of the flies. there's a move of the holy spirit on this earth right now that is unprecedented. and when the shit goes down, you guy's will be so terrified you'll piss your pants. and as that warm sensation is making it's way down your leg just remember...that i'll be out there somewhere in the world laughing my ass off at you.

And here we go again with the ridiculous ramblings that do not address the topic.

You do say a couple of things that stick out, however, and I'll address them.

First, you say that you appreciate freedom of expression and opinion. This is clearly lip service. You have demonstrated in this thread and others that this is simply not the case. You make wild claims, and when someone says "Uh, what?" you freak out.

Yes, you've had your sanity questioned. I personally think that someone who makes the claims you make has some mental stability issues. You aren't the norm. I know devout Christians who do not say the things you say.

I'm sorry that you had your sex life or your ability to maintain an intimate relationship questioned. I, as you should be aware, did not take that path. I never questioned your ability to maintain a relationship with another adult, primarily because it's none of my business. You were not offering advice on relationships or sex, so they weren't on-topic. However, you were being rude long before anyone made any of those accusations.

And also, let's take a look at what you say here: " there's a move of the holy spirit on this earth right now that is unprecedented. and when the shit goes down, you guy's will be so terrified you'll piss your pants." How do you expect people to react to such a comment? Are we supposed to say "Well, that's what she thinks, so we might as well agree with it"?

No, obviously not.

What has become apparent, Lori, is that the only freedom of expression and opinion you are interested in is your own. You don't seem to understand that such freedoms include MINE to state that YOU are a nutjob. That's how it works. I'm free to express myself in that manner. Again, I'm not commenting on your love life or your sex life, because you didn't put those out there; you DID put your sanity on the line, however, when you started saying that you reasoned your way to God, and that God communicates personally with you. You even anthropomorphized this god.
Damn, I would definetly rather spend the night with her for sure.

Yes it's dark in the tent, you would be given a flashlight but the battery will run out before sun up.

I want to see the art form style underneath her garments :rolleyes: so yeah flashlight battery will run out.
I'm sorry that you had your sex life or your ability to maintain an intimate relationship questioned.

Nobody questioned her sex life, that's just Lori being dramatic and stuffing a straw man.

Whether she had a stable relationship with a partner is relevant however, because I wonder whether losing a previous partner has pushed her towards religion, and it is filling a void.
you're egotistical.

Then you prove it's you with the ego when you say;

there's a move of the holy spirit on this earth right now that is unprecedented. and when the shit goes down, you guy's will be so terrified you'll piss your pants. and as that warm sensation is making it's way down your leg just remember...that i'll be out there somewhere in the world laughing my ass off at you.

Yes Lori, you are so special. Care to make an 'End Times' prediction? Is the end of the world, nigh? Go on, you have the word of God in your head. Tell us the date, so the day after you can realise your folly and look at seeking help.
Nobody questioned her sex life, that's just Lori being dramatic and stuffing a straw man.

Whether she had a stable relationship with a partner is relevant however, because I wonder whether losing a previous partner has pushed her towards religion, and it is filling a void.

the only thing that ever pushed me towards religion was my holy roller grandma when i was a kid. and because of what i experienced of it, by the time i was a preteen, i was entirely turned off to it, and have been ever since.
Then you prove it's you with the ego when you say;

Yes Lori, you are so special. Care to make an 'End Times' prediction? Is the end of the world, nigh? Go on, you have the word of God in your head. Tell us the date, so the day after you can realise your folly and look at seeking help.

i don't know the date, and everyone is special in their own way.
Nobody questioned her sex life, that's just Lori being dramatic and stuffing a straw man.

Whether she had a stable relationship with a partner is relevant however, because I wonder whether losing a previous partner has pushed her towards religion, and it is filling a void.

would that be a sex partner that you're referring to phlog?
would that be a sex partner that you're referring to phlog?

Why are you so hung up on sex? I said 'life', someone you share your life, and experiences with, another adult (not a relation) that you have found common ground with, developed a bond with, a fondness for, and whose company you enjoy.

But you already knew that, and are merely being obtuse.