Why must people hate Islam?

Ah, I see the problem now, you haven't really been reading my posts.
many have

I have nothing against people, only the ideologies that enslave them.

and what ideology is maintaining a 1.2 million soul concentration camp?

perhaps a combination of judaistic and xtian?

Islam is just one of the many ideologies that are dangerous to mankind.
they maybe the least armed on the globe, next to the hopi

It's penchant for promoting violence, hatred and bigotry has only been made evident by it's followers.

how many nuclear weapons and concentration camps they got?

bet more physical assaults and direct violence against women in one state of the US, then all muslims combined (take a bet)

It's blatant disregard for basic human rights is beyond reproach.

in the USA we can watch video clips of phosphorus weapons being used on civilians in gaza, and how many are claiming foul and calling for war crimes?

There's plenty more, but you get the idea.

notice my responses are about what is happening RIGHT NOW and not in stories?
I understand that some of the ideas of Islam are archaic and promote hatred, but there are many ideologies that promote those very same things. There are many who believe in their subscribed doctrine but do not promote ideas of hatred and bigotry . Not everyone who subscribes to a particular belief system is incapable of making rational and intelligent decisions.

that was a beaut

Waiting for change (4,666 posts)
From what I understand, early islam was not innocent. And while the crusades were a bad thing, you really dont see too many christians going around these days strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up buses and grocery stores. Christians, for the most part, stopped doing this kind of shit ages ago.

Muslims had been invading Christian lands for quite a while by the time the first Crusade happened.
I understand that some of the ideas of Islam are archaic and promote hatred, but there are many ideologies that promote those very same things.

And, it would be in mankind's best interest to eradicate those ideologies, don't you think?

There are many who believe in their subscribed doctrine but do not promote ideas of hatred and bigotry .

Then, they aren't following their doctrines, hence don't really believe in them, do they? Hypocrisy comes into the fray at this point.

Not everyone who subscribes to a particular belief system is incapable of making rational and intelligent decisions.

We have yet to see that when it comes to their religious beliefs.
Muslims had been invading Christian lands for quite a while by the time the first Crusade happened.

and from what i read, Jews killed jesus

and xtians hold many in oppression (hunchback of notre dame)

i can read too!

but what about RIGHT NOW on the globe, who is the dominating control freak powers?

who is oppressing, torturing, bombing and dividing people across the earth?

sure aint mary poppins
And, it would be in mankind's best interest to eradicate those ideologies, don't you think?

It would do well for the parts of those ideologies that promote bigotry and hatred to cease to exist yes, but that does not call for the eradication of a belief system, merely the evolution of it.

Then, they aren't following their doctrines, hence don't really believe in them, do they? Hypocrisy comes into the fray at this point.

So its either be an extremist or be a hypocrite? Realizing that with time certain concepts must be changed is the hallmark of rational and intelligent thought, I should think that you would be praising these people for disregarding the parts of their beliefs that are outdated and evolving their ideology to meet the demands of an ever changing community.

We have yet to see that when it comes to their religious beliefs.

Really? I see churches in my community that now openly accept gays/lesbians when twenty years ago that was unheard of...if that's not demonstrating the ability to change I dont know what is. :shrug:

i see people doing it

and what is a religion to one is a cult to another

ie..... what's a jew to a xtian? an anti christ?

what's the US economics foundation built upon; 'the invisible hand'

(a focus without virtues)
It would do well for the parts of those ideologies that promote bigotry and hatred to cease to exist yes, but that does not call for the eradication of a belief system, merely the evolution of it.

So its either be an extremist or be a hypocrite? Realizing that with time certain concepts must be changed is the hallmark of rational and intelligent thought, I should think that you would be praising these people for disregarding the parts of their beliefs that are outdated and evolving their ideology to meet the demands of an ever changing community.

Really? I see churches in my community that now openly accept gays/lesbians when twenty years ago that was unheard of...if that's not demonstrating the ability to change I dont know what is. :shrug:

little man in the avatar, but the words share a huge sense of rationalization

ever thought of teaching human beings how to be human?

cool shit dooood
It would do well for the parts of those ideologies that promote bigotry and hatred to cease to exist yes, but that does not call for the eradication of a belief system, merely the evolution of it.

But, the current belief systems that rule the planet have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. They are based on myths and superstitions from an age long past. Their moral and ethical standards are laughable. They completely ignore human rights. They cannot evolve because they are the absolute word of that cults god.

So its either be an extremist or be a hypocrite? Realizing that with time certain concepts must be changed is the hallmark of rational and intelligent thought, I should think that you would be praising these people for disregarding the parts of their beliefs that are outdated and evolving their ideology to meet the demands of an ever changing community.

Again, you can't "evolve" cult doctrines, they are the word of a god. It simple cannot be done without god coming down and doing so. They are disregarding outdated beliefs, but still clinging to other outdated beliefs.

Really? I see churches in my community that now openly accept gays/lesbians when twenty years ago that was unheard of...if that's not demonstrating the ability to change I dont know what is.

That's called hypocrisy. They are changing their gods word, hence their doctrines have become pointless.

Why not just get rid of them altogether?
But, the current belief systems that rule the planet have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. They are based on myths and superstitions from an age long past. Their moral and ethical standards are laughable. They completely ignore human rights. They cannot evolve because they are the absolute word of that cults god.

No, they are professed as some to be an absolute, but not by all. The idea that religion has no redeeming qualities is an extreme view point and laughable in its own right. The world does not exist in absolute view points, and if the religious community can over time come to realize that fact, then maybe so can you.

Again, you can't "evolve" cult doctrines, they are the word of a god. It simple cannot be done without god coming down and doing so. They are disregarding outdated beliefs, but still clinging to other outdated beliefs.

I think you forget that god is a figurehead of religion, but the real power lies in the hands of the people subscribing to whatever their particular doctrine may be. People aren't mindless zombies incapable of making their own decisions. Like I said there are those who believe in interpretation, and those that see things in absolutes and those that subscribe to the latter are a loud minority and not representative of the communities as a whole.

That's called hypocrisy. They are changing their gods word, hence their doctrines have become pointless.

No, its called progress and rational thought, its called interpretation. Their doctrines are no more pointless just less bigoted, their fundamental teachings can remain the same.

Why not just get rid of them altogether?

Like I said the change represents an evolution of a belief system, maybe one day they will taper of, but you simply cannot eradicate a belief system.
No, they are professed as some to be an absolute, but not by all.

You don't seem to get the point. Followers of a religion cannot profess anything about their doctrines, they cannot change their doctrines or choose to believe one doctrine and not another. That is the entire point to religious doctrines, they are the final and absolute word of their god. It is written into their scriptures as such.

The idea that religion has no redeeming qualities is an extreme view point and laughable in its own right.

Yet, no redeeming qualities have ever been observed. Please list all the redeeming qualities of any of the Abrahamic religions?

The world does not exist in absolute view points, and if the religious community can over time come to realize that fact, then maybe so can you.

Au contraire. Religions ARE absolute points of view and the religious community would be hypocritical to state otherwise.

I think you forget that god is a figurehead of religion, but the real power lies in the hands of the people subscribing to whatever their particular doctrine may be.

Perhaps you forget gods haven't been shown to exist. Of course, the doctrines are in the hands of the people.

People aren't mindless zombies incapable of making their own decisions.

Theists are mindless zombies, made only too evident here.

Like I said there are those who believe in interpretation, and those that see things in absolutes and those that subscribe to the latter are a loud minority and not representative of the communities as a whole.

Yes, hypocrisy abounds in religions by the boatload.

No, its called progress and rational thought, its called interpretation. Their doctrines are no more pointless just less bigoted, their fundamental teachings can remain the same.

Again, you miss the entire point of religion.

Like I said the change represents an evolution of a belief system, maybe one day they will taper of, but you simply cannot eradicate a belief system.

Changing a belief system is utter hypocrisy and demonstrates plainly that the religion is bogus, fraudulent and irrelevant to begin with.
I disagree with your premise. I don’t think people must hate Muslims or Islam. What makes you think otherwise? All religions and all people have committed atrocities. No one or on group is without guilt, without sin.

That said, unfortunately today, I can see no great teachers in Islam, no great men of peace in modern times. Ironicly, in medival times, I understand that Islam was the patron saint of wisdom, knoweldge and tollerance while we barbarians in Europe were running around destroying things.
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I disagree with your premise. I don’t think people must hate Muslims or Islam. What makes you think otherwise?

Why hate a bad ideology? Why not get rid of it, instead, rather than having the ideology justify atrocities to mankind, that will eventually, and already has generated a lot of hatred.

Why do followers of cults hate those who aren't followers?
You don't seem to get the point. Followers of a religion cannot profess anything about their doctrines, they cannot change their doctrines or choose to believe one doctrine and not another. That is the entire point to religious doctrines, they are the final and absolute word of their god. It is written into their scriptures as such.

No, you don't seem to get the point, followers of a religion can do whatever they so please, religion is not an unchanging rock, not if its followers no longer want it to be.They are the stewards of their beliefs and of the future of those beliefs, changing them is a matter of inevitability.

Yet, no redeeming qualities have ever been observed. Please list all the redeeming qualities of any of the Abrahamic religions?

Maybe no qualities have ever been observed by you..which does not surprise me in the least given your inability to think abstractly or outside your own personal realm of comfort. Religion does promote ideals that are helpful to a community as a whole, they give some people purpose and comfort in a world that seems devoid of it, and if that's their only redeeming quality and it is being done without harming others then I applaud them.

Au contraire. Religions ARE absolute points of view and the religious community would be hypocritical to state otherwise

No, they don't have to be.

Perhaps you forget gods haven't been shown to exist. Of course, the doctrines are in the hands of the people.

Of course I know this...whats your point?

Theists are mindless zombies, made only too evident here.

How have I made that evident? Please explain.

Yes, hypocrisy abounds in religions by the boatload.

As it is everywhere in then world.

Again, you miss the entire point of religion.

I don't think I do.

Changing a belief system is utter hypocrisy and demonstrates plainly that the religion is bogus, fraudulent and irrelevant to begin with.

No, it represents a rational people moving in a rational direction, are you suggesting that once an idea is written its set in stone? Gee that sounds an awful lot like those religious extremists that you seem to despise so much.
No, you don't seem to get the point, followers of a religion can do whatever they so please, religion is not an unchanging rock, not if its followers no longer want it to be.They are the stewards of their beliefs and of the future of those beliefs, changing them is a matter of inevitability.

Sorry, if theists can interpret whatever they want, do whatever they want and change their beliefs to whatever they want, then they don't follow a religion, they simply follow whatever they want. Do you get that?

So, what does their god have to say about them changing gods word? Does that even remotely have any relevance to you?

Religion does promote ideals that are helpful to a community as a whole

Bullshit! What ideals are helpful to the community?

they give some people purpose and comfort in a world that seems devoid of it

Complete nonsense. The world is ruled by theism, hence the world is devoid of purpose and comfort. Failed logic there.

No, they don't have to be.

But, they are, that is the entire point of religion.

How have I made that evident? Please explain.

It is the theists themselves that make that evident.

As it is everywhere in then world.

Religion IS everywhere in the world, do you see the same hypocrisy with science? You are only agreeing with me here.

I don't think I do.

Yes, you do.

No, it represents a rational people moving in a rational direction, are you suggesting that once an idea is written its set in stone?


Gee that sounds an awful lot like those religious extremists that you seem to despise so much.

theists ... simply follow whatever they want. Do you get that?


So what, some of them are extremists and terrorists!
Thats not why people should hate Islam.

People should hate Islam because it redirects people's time and energy towards *following* rather than *improving* themselves and their relations.