Why must people hate Islam?

Look, when the Muslims were in power of Jeurusalem they allowed both Jews and Christians to live and pray there and then BAM there come the christians killing the innocent.

lets not forget the event that allowed the jews back to the city. the muslim conquest of it from rome.
Why must people hate Islam?

People don't have to hate Islam. The thread title makes it sound like everyone should be hating them. I may not be religion's best friend but I certainly don't hate them. Sure, right now it's awfully tough to not find an area of the world where their followers aren't stirring up some serious shit. However they don't have a monopoly on extreme religious activity.
Islam is evil. It teaches people to be murderers. That is my opinion. The fact that the Ford Hood nutcase shouted "Allah is great" just before he started shooting tells us all we need to know. Islam is an insane cult that creates equally insane followers.

The most pleasant muslims I've had dealings with (and there have been many muslims I've dealt with) are always intensely secular. I wonder why that is.
Islam is evil. It teaches people to be murderers. That is my opinion. The fact that the Ford Hood nutcase shouted "Allah is great" just before he started shooting tells us all we need to know. Islam is an insane cult that creates equally insane followers.

Don't get all bent, 'God is great' has been shouted more than once by sick pathological killers aka theists on more than one occasion. Us atheists aren't allowed to say that for obvious reasons so before we stick you we shout " How great is your God now asshole" or something to that effect.
because people who hate islam try and teach others to hate Islam. a lot of the teaching(to hate Islam) comes from the USA and Israel both of whom have a vested interest in making sure people hate Islam.

One merely has to read the Quran and the Hadiths to understand Islam and how dangerous it is to mankind.
Just observe this site and see how many threads about bashing Islam and Muslims as if Islam is the only religion on this planet......

Are they more or less than the threads bashing science and atheism? This IS a science board, not an Islamic board.
actually once they became more urban that happened rather infrequently compared to other places.
actually once they became more urban that happened rather infrequently compared to other places. plus those jews and christians were arabs and arabized people. lastly you know the jews fought with the muslims against the crusaders?

Defending Islamic conquerors by sugar-coating their deeds is rather disingenuous.

no one is saying the didn't. but they cared more about the civilian populations in the holy land than the crusaders

Yes, they really did "care" for the people they conquered, after they raped their women, stole everything they could get their hands on and turned everyone into Muslims. Id10t.
Be more specific, rather than wasting my time.

I'm wondering since you seem to be soooo against the "extremist cults" as you call them why you yourself seem to fall prey to the type of one dimensional thinking that so plagues the aforementioned religions that you would speak out against?
I'm wondering since you seem to be soooo against the "extremist cults" as you call them why you yourself seem to fall prey to the type of one dimensional thinking that so plagues the aforementioned religions that you would speak out against?

Please continue? What one dimensional thinking do you refer? I'll be happy to take back whatever I said.
Please continue? What one dimensional thinking do you refer? I'll be happy to take back whatever I said.

You seem to have very little tolerance for the Islamic community as a whole, I was just wondering why you view Them in such absolute terms?
You seem to have very little tolerance for the Islamic community as a whole, I was just wondering why you view Them in such absolute terms?

Ah, I see the problem now, you haven't really been reading my posts. I have nothing against people, only the ideologies that enslave them. Islam is just one of the many ideologies that are dangerous to mankind. It's penchant for promoting violence, hatred and bigotry has only been made evident by it's followers. It's blatant disregard for basic human rights is beyond reproach. There's plenty more, but you get the idea.
Ah, I see the problem now, you haven't really been reading my posts. I have nothing against people, only the ideologies that enslave them. Islam is just one of the many ideologies that are dangerous to mankind. It's penchant for promoting violence, hatred and bigotry has only been made evident by it's followers. It's blatant disregard for basic human rights is beyond reproach. There's plenty more, but you get the idea.

I understand that some of the ideas of Islam are archaic and promote hatred, but there are many ideologies that promote those very same things. There are many who believe in their subscribed doctrine but do not promote ideas of hatred and bigotry . Not everyone who subscribes to a particular belief system is incapable of making rational and intelligent decisions.