Why must people hate Islam?

So what, some of them are extremists and terrorists!
Think about it. In midevil times Pope Urban (in my opinion one of the WORST MEN TO EVER WALK THE FACE OF THIS EARTH) ordered a violent attack on Jeursalem to take it from the Muslims.

Who had taken it from the Christians, Jews and others via violent attack. I expect that part was never covered (or at least not covered accurately) in your school books.

Why hate them, Christians basically started terrorism in religion


... What do you guys think?

Threads like the one below probably have something to do with it. It's hard to convince idiots away from their idiocy, when they have a "higher stake" in being offensive and hateful:

Huh......what ?!.

sorry...... i thought perhaps you understood what you wrote as perhaps applying to what others may be experiencing

Originally Posted by mike47

Nowadays the Muslim lands are stolen from them in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan . Also Muslims are being killed like Mosquitoes in these countries . So the Muslims are victims and everyone knows that

did you not see the news about fort hood?

there was a US soldier, who perhaps had the same understanding as you had written, in HIS head, just before blowing a fuse

why, would anyone who comprehends what is happening, ever want to be an american soldier contributing to the atrocities across the lake?

ie.... why would anyone want ONE SINGLE tax dollar going to sustain a divide over a city, that is supposed to be holee? (equally amoung the 3)

'we the people' screwed up a long time ago, supporting a regime under the guise of freedom and equality, when to do the homework and see what is currently happening, we all can see we created a monster. The division of three heads (judaism,christianty,islam) is not only theological but now of forceful confict which is affecting the welfare of the whole global populations

(the divide of mankind based on a religious intent is causing oppression in a magnitude of unequalled proportions; in a world of nuclear weapons)

there is not a continent on this earth, that is not rattling over the issue of the middle east

that is reality

and you posted up the underlying that many just don't see

to me: one belief has created an environment of contempt for the other, based on false premises.

the west has been ruined by belief in opinion, bias and the media; while few know the truth
Pure bs, Mike. Islam sets up impossible demands for the rest of us and you assert Muslims are victims if we don't meet those demands.

Give it a rest, pal.

do some history reading............... who drew "first blood?"

ie..... and if you are really sharp, you can find newspaper articles, where in Germany the synagogues published a war campaign against "Germany" before ww2 even broke out.

well, muslims didn't start the oppression either

these are informative items only you can reach, by knowledge and the pursuit of reality

ie.... no american (of EQUALITY) would ever send billions over a 60yr period to palestinian lands to create a religious state.

'we the people' have been bamboozled

(my fathers accepted (voted) it to be a 'free state' of equality (in compassion for the war torn), not a religious state or to maintain a 1.2 million soul concentration camp (gaza))

point is, you reading the newspapers, not looking into the scope of the divide and its causes.....

ie... muslims as a whole are far more peaceful than most any sect, as it is why they the last to need the possessions and military of western countries

(they have money coming from under their feet (over 100 yrs now), but do they ALL Have the same military expenditures as we do?)

big difference in needs and wants (not going over the theology unless you really want a spanking)
Would that happen to be after the Muslims conquered Jerusalem, brutally killing the occupants there and placing the rest into slavery?


Huh? The "Muslims" as you call them, surprised their Christian opponents by pardoning and releasing them [this is too famous history for you to have missed this, look up Al-Uhdah Al-Omariyah or the Covenant of Umar] and invited the Jews back. Which year are you referring to? The Mongol invasion?
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Look, when the Muslims were in power of Jeurusalem they allowed both Jews and Christians to live and pray there and then BAM there come the christians killing the innocent.
So what, some of them are extremists and terrorists!
Think about it. In midevil times Pope Urban (in my opinion one of the WORST MEN TO EVER WALK THE FACE OF THIS EARTH) ordered a violent attack on Jeursalem to take it from the Muslims. In the process they brutally killed muslims and jews in a successful attempt to take over Jeursalem. This is now called the crusades. This is the first crusade of the holy land. Many others preceded. Many Muslims died, many Jews died. Many were taken as slaves and now the Islamic people are portrayed as evil!?! WHAT THE FUCK! This is just plain ridiculus. Why hate them, Christians basically started terrorism in religion... What do you guys think?

Can we hate them both, please? Thanks.
when the Muslims were in power of Jeurusalem

Right after they conquered Jerusalem, raped the women and kept the booty.

they allowed both Jews and Christians to live and pray there

Right after they conquered the Jews and Christians, raped the women and kept the booty.

and then BAM there come the christians killing the innocent.

They weren't "innocents" they were conquerors who killed, raped and pillaged.
Right after they conquered Jerusalem, raped the women and kept the booty.
actually once they became more urban that happened rather infrequently compared to other places.

Right after they conquered the Jews and Christians, raped the women and kept the booty.
actually once they became more urban that happened rather infrequently compared to other places. plus those jews and christians were arabs and arabized people. lastly you know the jews fought with the muslims against the crusaders?

They weren't "innocents" they were conquerors who killed, raped and pillaged.
no one is saying the didn't. but they cared more about the civilian populations in the holy land than the crusaders
because people who hate islam try and teach others to hate Islam. a lot of the teaching(to hate Islam) comes from the USA and Israel both of whom have a vested interest in making sure people hate Islam.
because people who hate islam try and teach others to hate Islam. a lot of the teaching(to hate Islam) comes from the USA and Israel both of whom have a vested interest in making sure people hate Islam.

I doubt you can leave out Europe, Australia or Great Britain whom have a vested interest in making sure people hate Islam. It is a process whereby the teeth of deities are pulled placing them in line according to evolution’s grand design.
I am a Jew, I like the my Islamic brothers. My best friend is a devoted muslim, I am a devoted jew. I don't see why people just can't GET ALONG!
because people who hate islam try and teach others to hate Islam. a lot of the teaching(to hate Islam) comes from the USA and Israel both of whom have a vested interest in making sure people hate Islam.
Just observe this site and see how many threads about bashing Islam and Muslims as if Islam is the only religion on this planet.......:shrug:.
Some posters go from one post to another just about Islam......:shrug:.
Its easier to kill people you don't like.

pffft, its easier to kill people you've never met.
I know people (all christians) who believe every bad thing they have ever read about Muslims and have never met one. :rolleyes:
pffft, its easier to kill people you've never met.
I know people (all christians) who believe every bad thing they have ever read about Muslims and have never met one. :rolleyes:
In this age unless you educate yourself and use your logic; people are going to tell you all kinds of misinformation . Once I met a person who thought that Christinians do not value virginity like others in mnay countries because the priests take the virginity of every Christian woman......hahahaha!!!.