Why must people hate Islam?

Thats not why people should hate Islam.

People should hate Islam because it redirects people's time and energy towards *following* rather than *improving* themselves and their relations.

And also perhaps because they hate me, for no practical reason other than I'm not a believer.
According to believers God is a law breaker.

He kills when the law he established says not to kill.

He breaks the laws of nature and the physical laws. Believers call these law breakings miracles.

But then the devil is a law breaker too.
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Only because you ignore scriptural doctrines regarding infidels. Hate is perhaps not commanded, but certainly a superior attitude, with clear rules regarding warfare against people like me. Don't you think I'm inferior because I reject Islam?
Only because you ignore scriptural doctrines regarding infidels.

I ignore it? Maybe you know all of them :D

Hate is perhaps not commanded, but certainly a superior attitude, with clear rules regarding warfare against people like me.

Well there are warfare rules in the Quran... and they are not 'against' you.... But for someone who knows all the doctrines compared to someone like me who ignores them I'm sure you've got everything right.

Don't you think I'm inferior because I reject Islam?

No, you're equal to me as a human although spiritually speaking there could be a difference but I don't know that I am superior to you even in that... Of course you knew this too but I'm ignoring things :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
The OP question is absurd: which 'people' hate Islam? Is disagreement with their principles the same as hating them as people? Why must Muslims hate Jews? And all white Northern Europeans for that matter?
Muslims don't hate Jews.... this is political bs.

Peace be unto you :)
Only because you ignore scriptural doctrines regarding infidels. Hate is perhaps not commanded, but certainly a superior attitude, with clear rules regarding warfare against people like me. Don't you think I'm inferior because I reject Islam?

what's an infidel?

i'm a gentle (when i wanna be)

"Why must people hate islam?" is a rude thread title in itself

play with words for a bit;

Islam is real


Isreal is lam

all ah could be god

and the 'name' could be the same for both

know what i mean

to comprehend that, then maybe mankind is-real within all-ah existence

no need to hate
786 said:
Muslims don't hate Jews.... this is political bs
Many Muslims - quite possibly most Muslims - show obvious indications of the standard anti-Jew bigotry familiar to Westerners for centuries.

And yes, it does cross the line into hatred, frequently and flagrantly.
Many Muslims - quite possibly most Muslims - show obvious indications of the standard anti-Jew bigotry familiar to Westerners for centuries.
sorry youngster

the occupation started the western affiliation

them who HATE the west are doing it because the west is allowing, funding and supporting a migration into an occupied land

And yes, it does cross the line into hatred, frequently and flagrantly.

kind of like what happened in ww2, any country that maintains a concentration camp (like gaza) will have lots of enemies.

before taking a side, perhaps read

them folks kissing the dirt five times a day are not the cause of this global climate.

when you do the homework, then you will know (don't have to take my word for it; be fair with yourself to find the truth)
Ah, the religion of peace loves everyone... except when they have to kill you.
Killing someone for self defence is legal all around the world .
If you invade some-one's sovereign country and start killing its people and stealing its resources; I am sure it is in self defence to have you killed like a little dumass . Colonialism and bullying are terrible acts and they must be stopped by any means .
Would you not fight for the sovereignty of your nation if attacked by the mighty Russia or the most populous China ?. Oops..chicken never fight....:D .
How about killing yourself and anyone around you because you believe you will go to paradise?
Many Muslims - quite possibly most Muslims - show obvious indications of the standard anti-Jew bigotry familiar to Westerners for centuries.

And yes, it does cross the line into hatred, frequently and flagrantly.

Quran says about Jews what the Jewish Hebrew Bible says about them... if they think this is hatred then that is their problem, perhaps they should change their own Bible first.

As for current hatred for Jews, granted now Muslims have turned on Jews to the point of hatred but this is political in origin and is primarily about Israel/Palestine issue. But any Muslim who can separate the political bs doesn't hate Jews.

Peace be unto you ;)
How about killing yourself and anyone around you because you believe you will go to paradise?
No one kills anyone just to go to heaven .
It is a political issue and a struggle and not a religious matter .
It is a military tactic and it was used by Japanese, Vietnamese, sri Lankans.....etc.
Quran says about Jews what the Jewish Hebrew Bible says about them... if they think this is hatred then that is their problem, perhaps they should change their own Bible first.

As for current hatred for Jews, granted now Muslims have turned on Jews to the point of hatred but this is political in origin and is primarily about Israel/Palestine issue. But any Muslim who can separate the political bs doesn't hate Jews.

Peace be unto you ;)

But why is there a political problem in the first place? Because Islam teaches that it should dominate the world, especially in places where it is already established. It hurts their pride that non-Muslims should gain any power, it's a step backwards in their eyes, and they cannot accept it.
But why is there a political problem in the first place? Because Islam teaches that it should dominate the world, especially in places where it is already established. It hurts their pride that non-Muslims should gain any power, it's a step backwards in their eyes, and they cannot accept it.
Muslims are fighting for their freedoms and their sovereignty .
Look how many Muslim countries were liberated thanks to their wars against tyranny, colonialism and injustice .