Why do you love God?

Is humanity better off today than in past (hundreds of years)?

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Of course! - why wouldn't I love myself?

maybe because you frequently experience difficulty in fulfilling your desires, not only in terms of negotiating the environment but also in regard to how you interact with others (of course this is not picking on you personally ... everyone has that experience .... except god of course)
It appears it matters to you whether your views are perceived as being "too extreme". Can you say more about this - how come this matters to you, what potential losses or dangers are there for you if other people do perceive your views as "too extreme"?

To be honest I don't know why. It just seems interesting to me what other people think.
It's not like I'm going to change my views or anything.
Maybe I can use the information in sensitive situations. You know, like knowing when to shut it or something like that :)
its clear you were tired since you obviously gave up reading anything except your own posts quite a while back in the piece ...
Well, you have to admit it wasn't really going anywhere. There was no point in continuing. In addition to that I was getting somewhat annoyed as you may well have noticed (apologies for that..).

... for some reason I doubt your sincerity
Hmm I see.. I shouldn't have used the word "idiotic".
I was sincere though, whether you want to believe that or not is up to you.
maybe because you frequently experience difficulty in fulfilling your desires, not only in terms of negotiating the environment but also in regard to how you interact with others (of course this is not picking on you personally ... everyone has that experience .... except god of course)
Oh I don't know, Beelzebub wasn't all that happy with the way God cooks. She's always bitching about a bit of pork now and again....:D
Not all of it is true. The Gospels are true though.

Interesting. I guess Paul's work has always been controversial in many ways. Personally, I see no way I can know how true the Bible is to reality. It's been written, translated, re-translated, over and ovver and over until we have what we have today. It's hard for me to think that it is genuine.

If you had the original gospels it would be way easier to verify.

I just think men could have easily corrupted the original text over the years.

Well not if it's a thought unless you think thoughts are sub atomic particles?

I think human love has different levels but have no idea how I could invent a machine to measure the different levels.

Just think of someone you love the most. Then think of someone you dislike the most (Hitler, etc.). This is your spectrum. Everyone else is in between.

You're right though, I highly doubt we'll ever be able to scientifically measure love. Maybe though.

I don't think thoughts are particles. Though I'm not sure exactly what a thought is.
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I think it would be easier to love God if he commincated with the entire world as a whole a little bit more. Maybe an annual State of the Union type speech would do the job.

All we have are ancient texts, thousands and thousands of years old rangind from the Hindu Vedas to the Christian Bible. It's time for God to release his next bestseller. We need something new. Or at least I do.
Oh I don't know, Beelzebub wasn't all that happy with the way God cooks. She's always bitching about a bit of pork now and again....:D
so I guess thats something both you and Belzebub have in common .... and since you can't get pork simply with the thought "let there be pork" I guess the similarity continues ...
I think it would be easier to love God if he commincated with the entire world as a whole a little bit more. Maybe an annual State of the Union type speech would do the job.

All we have are ancient texts, thousands and thousands of years old rangind from the Hindu Vedas to the Christian Bible. It's time for God to release his next bestseller. We need something new. Or at least I do.
Have you read what's already on offer?
Personally, I see no way I can know how true the Bible is to reality. It's been written, translated, re-translated, over and ovver and over until we have what we have today. It's hard for me to think that it is genuine.

If you had the original gospels it would be way easier to verify.

I just think men could have easily corrupted the original text over the years.

I think most educated minds would have the same reservations as you. I did(hence why I asked) until that day.

Just think of someone you love the most. Then think of someone you dislike the most (Hitler, etc.). This is your spectrum. Everyone else is in between.

Interesting viewpoint.

I don't think thoughts are particles. Though I'm not sure exactly what a thought is.

Me neither. But it's interesting that in the past people who were not in contact with each other came up with the same inventions at around the same time. For example there is evidence that perhaps writing developed independently in at least three different places. Egypt, Mesopotamia and Harappa between 3500 BC and 3100 BC.

But I guess that is another discussion.
Have you read what's already on offer?

No, but from what you've written and from the small excerpts I've read of the Gita and others, Hinduism seems like the "truest" religion so far in my viewpoint. You're a good representative of it, and you make it make sense. But I still have to read more of the Vedas if I ever overcome my laziness.
Admire that word "God". That word is easy to write, remember, and it is fun to make of.
God x Dog, God= Good Or Demonic etc of what you can think of. I love God, I don't fear him, he's in my brain, I'm listening to him.
Out of gratitude for the blessings he has heaped upon you. For sending his only brgotten son to save wretches like you from the consequences of your sin.

And lastly, for giving us the Bible, which proves the above to be true.

Jesus was a myth and the bible "proves" no such thing. Unless you have some evidence?
davewhite, just out of curiosity:

What is your definition of the "kingdom"?

Did the person you talked to tell you anything about the kingdom?

Is "kingdom," "kingdom of God," "kingdom of heaven," "heavenly kingdom," all referring to the same thing?

And is "heaven" and "kingdom" the same thing, or similar?

Jesus was a myth and the bible "proves" no such thing. Unless you have some evidence?

Evidence ? Jesus talks to me frequently, especially when I am reading the Bible. He points out the significance of difficult passages and explains what most people cannot understand.

If you can read biblical Hebrew and have a suitable typeset, I can reveal many wonderous things to you.

Personally, I see no way I can know how true the Bible is to reality. It's been written, translated, re-translated, over and ovver and over until we have what we have today. It's hard for me to think that it is genuine.

Even if this is true, the translations and re-translations must have a basis in something.

Your position is either you don't believe in God, period, therefore your actual reasons are meaningless.

Or you have some idea as to why translations and re-translations render the whole bible, (and possibly God) to be, not what it is percieved as. If it is the latter, please give an explanation.

Not all of it is true. The Gospels are true though.

Really? I guess I should ask then why do the four books of the gospel not agree on major points? Or where was the fictional jesus really born? Or when is the second coming due? Or according to the KJ translation, how long was the fictional jesus on the cross?
Should I go on?

Even if this is true, the translations and re-translations must have a basis in something.

Your position is either you don't believe in God, period, therefore your actual reasons are meaningless.

Or you have some idea as to why translations and re-translations render the whole bible, (and possibly God) to be, not what it is percieved as. If it is the latter, please give an explanation.


Just like Hans Anderson's tales have a basis. So what ?
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Evidence ? Jesus talks to me frequently, especially when I am reading the Bible. He points out the significance of difficult passages and explains what most people cannot understand.

If you can read biblical Hebrew and have a suitable typeset, I can reveal many wonderous things to you.

There is a word for people who hear voices that no one else can.
If we can't understand difficult passages that must make you something special.
I cannot read hebrew nor do I have a suitable typeset. To be honest, I'm not sure that I want you to "rerveal" anything to me. Could you use evidence and/or logic instead?