Why do you love God?

Is humanity better off today than in past (hundreds of years)?

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Pretty much all of them, from the garden of eden through the gospels to every failed prediction in the bible.
One of the basic rules of formal logic is
"thou shalt not default to the supernatural" So untill you can prove the existance of the supernatural or spiritual logic rules out their existance.

Mmmm.. you must be right then. :rolleyes:

Wouldn't you agree that in the Xian story, Belzebub is the only one who stands up for the right of man to have freedom? Free will to know right and wrong. Prior to that we were simply automatons knowing neither joy or pain. Just existing to ... what? Make good eye candy for God?

I bet you an Belzebub have more in common than you know - don't read that trashy part gossip part propaganda mag compiled sometime in the 3ooCE. I mean gesh, what about Sophia? Remember when she told YWHA to go stuff himself and castrated him for being a piss-head? WHAT happened to THAT little ditty? (note: you'll still find Sophia in the Greek orthodox Bible).

Regardless, you owe Belzebub for even being able to be snide in your response - as quoted above ;)
regardless, if you want to address the issue of your desires, desire alone will not be sufficient to grant them
If you think the garden of eden, adam and eve, was a true story provide evidence. If you believe the jesus myth, provide evidence. You won't have any better luck than the other theists but you are welcome to try :rolleyes: yourself

What evidence would you accept regarding adam and eve?
You want me to provide evidence of believing the jesus myth? What kind of a request is that?
Why should I not believe that jesus existed, or that God exists. What evidence is out there that obviously means neither exists (or existed in jesus' case)? And what evidence exists that refutes the supernatural or spiritual realm, or the possibility of such natures existing.

I can do so but only to a receptive mind. Your hostility betrays you. Change or the Lake of Fire awaits you !

Yes, yes, yes. You are unable to provide evidence and that is my fault?:rolleyes: Then you break out the eternal damnation threat. Sorry, I'm not primitive enough to fall for that.
What evidence would you accept regarding adam and eve?
You want me to provide evidence of believing the jesus myth? What kind of a request is that?
Why should I not believe that jesus existed, or that God exists. What evidence is out there that obviously means neither exists (or existed in jesus' case)? And what evidence exists that refutes the supernatural or spiritual realm, or the possibility of such natures existing.


You believe the fable, provide any empirical or logical (oh wait the logic thing has already ruled against god) evidence. It should be testable, or at least we should be able to research it.
Did you see the bibliography that I posted from medicine woman? it's a few pages back but in any event you do have your work cut out for you. Perhaps you will be the first theist to provide any evidence for your supernatural beliefs.
You want me to provide evidence of believing the jesus myth? What kind of a request is that?
Why should I not believe that jesus existed, or that God exists. What evidence is out there that obviously means neither exists (or existed in jesus' case)? And what evidence exists that refutes the supernatural or spiritual realm, or the possibility of such natures existing.


I actually asked you to provide evidence that any of the jesus myth is true.
Are you really asking me to prove negatives? That would be another logical flaw you know.
snake river rufus,

You believe the fable, provide any empirical or logical (oh wait the logic thing has already ruled against god) evidence. It should be testable, or at least we should be able to research it.

Please explain how it would be possible to provide such information to your satisfaction, and what the evidence would have to entail in order for you to accept my belief. And I'll see what I can do.
As far as I can understand (scriptoraly), our basic senses are not equipt to directly observe God, at least not without a developed, sober intelligence.
And i don't mean a high I.Q.

I actually asked you to provide evidence that any of the jesus myth is true.
Are you really asking me to prove negatives? That would be another logical flaw you know.

Why would I need to provide evidence of his accounts? Wouldn't it be easier to just not believe that they are true and be done with it? Like you have.
Why are you and others so obsessed with proving those accounts are myth?

I am not asking you to prove a negative, I am asking for an explanation of what you believe.

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Typical xian. I knew I wouldn't get an answer from you. Have somebody PM me when you feel you are able to post coherent thoughts. Until then, welcome to 'ignore', I've wasted enough time.

Matthew read 27:44-50

9 hours

Mark read 15:34-37

9 hours

Luke read 23:44-46

9 hours

John doesn't specify a time.

So where is the anomaly that you talked about?
snake river rufus,

Please explain how it would be possible to provide such information to your satisfaction, and what the evidence would have to entail in order for you to accept my belief. And I'll see what I can do.
As far as I can understand (scriptoraly), our basic senses are not equipt to directly observe God, at least not without a developed, sober intelligence.
And i don't mean a high I.Q.

Why would I need to provide evidence of his accounts? Wouldn't it be easier to just not believe that they are true and be done with it? Like you have.
Why are you and others so obsessed with proving those accounts are myth?

I am not asking you to prove a negative, I am asking for an explanation of what you believe.


Any evidence to justify your belief in the god myth, that's what I'm asking you to provide. Unless it's simply your belief is a product of years if indoctrination? Why do you accept an outlandish tale w/o evidence? Why should I accept your beliefs in said outlandish tale? Why should anyone accept scripture which tells us that anything supernatural is reality?
Why should you provide evidence? Because you joined this thread,,,
You believe the fable, provide any empirical or logical (oh wait the logic thing has already ruled against god) evidence. It should be testable, or at least we should be able to research it.

Then research it. Study the scriptures you wonder about, and then act on the instructions they give. Millions of people do that on a daily basis, so it's not impossible to do.
If you have questions about how to act on those instructions, consult those who appear to be more advanced in acting on those instructions than you currently are.
Then research it. Study the scriptures you wonder about, and then act on the instructions they give. Millions of people do that on a daily basis, so it's not impossible to do.
If you have questions about how to act on those instructions, consult those who appear to be more advanced in acting on those instructions than you currently are.

I have studied your scriptures as much as I intend to, I'll waste no more time on fiction.
Why would I want to act on others delusions? I wouldn't.