Why do you love God?

Is humanity better off today than in past (hundreds of years)?

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snake river rufus,

Any evidence to justify your belief in the god myth, that's what I'm asking you to provide.

I believe in God because I can understand that every effect has a cause, so there must be an original cause. Original cause means just that, original, meaning it was not caused.
The scriptures reveal the nature of this original cause, which is understood as God.

Unless it's simply your belief is a product of years if indoctrination?
Why do you accept an outlandish tale w/o evidence?

Try and understand what an "original cause is". It must be infused with everything with everything we percieve, including oureselves, while simultaneosly separate from its effects, in the same way an artist's painting is infused with aspects of the artist, while he remains in his own domain, separate from his work.

Why should I accept your beliefs in said outlandish tale? Why should anyone accept scripture which tells us that anything supernatural is reality?
Why should you provide evidence? Because you joined this thread,,,

You don't have to accept my beliefs, that is silly.
Your view of God and religion has a very materialistic ideal, which is why you cannot fully understand what I am saying.
By your tone, you are no different to any other religion which seeks to dominate and control, by defeating other ideas through some kind of force. This usually comes in the form of; all ideas contrary to ours is delusional therefore they should be destroyed.
You are attempting to to belittle God or the idea of God, by equating the scriptures with outlandish tales. But it is very clear that you do not really understand them, for whatever reason.
I am begining to understand that that is all you can do.

Jan, how would you define and describe the kingdom of God, or simply the "kingdom." What is it, where is it, and how can we reach it?
We cannot blame God for what we have created in this world. We, as humans, are to blame for oppressing our own brothers and sisters. The wealthy invade and destroy less privileged, in economics, politics, and among countries. We have done this.

How does the name of the thread relate to the poll?
First of all I know there has to be a Creator because my personal reasearch of scientific laws and postulates concerning exotic observation of confirmed phenomena validates my belief. For example: the atom. Scientists are some of the most ignorant individuals a Christian can encounter. You almost call them a Pharisee. They try justify their atheism and unbelief through dumb and never-to-be-proved theories like the Bing Bang. And there ignorance has led them in to planning to allot billions of dollars to creating a hadron collider, earning the position of the world's largest particle collider to be created. They are absent-mindedly trying to recreate the conditions that were proliferated during the Bing Bang. If you listen to a physicist or astronomer quote the sequence that occured to initiate the Bing Bang, eventually you'll laugh at the claim. There was nothing and then this bubble of supersymetry broke apart to create electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak nuclear force. Heck no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It says under the divinely inspired Word of God that you atheists need to believe in that God created the Heaven and Earth. He created the stars. Scientists say that gravity coalesced with molecular gases to condense them to the process of nuclear fusion and eventually create the plasma that is seen in the photosphere of all stars today. No. God created the stars. He created the moon. A collision with a proto-earth didn't the Earth. And back to the atom. Its complexity and structural integrity prove that there is an intelligient design. Electrons orbiting the nucleus via the force of electromagnetism is an amazing thing in itself. The creation of electromagnetism. If there was nothing in the beginning, then out of nothing there can not be something. The combined four fundamental forces came out of nothing by what phenomenam. Scientists say an unlikely event of quantum disruption. I can go on and on about this balogna theories but I must stop here. If this nation starts to believe in God, stop the pornography, stop the perversion, stop the violence, stop the sodomy, stop the fornication, stop the gay marriage, we would better of. We WOULDN'T have the high gas prices, we wouldn't face a near-recession, our nation probably wouldn't be plagued with catastrophic events like major hurricanes and fires. We would be in solitude in peace.