Why do you love God?

Is humanity better off today than in past (hundreds of years)?

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Well, I look at it this way. The color purple, or the way that we see the color purple and identify it, doesn't really exist. Only our perception of it exists. Same thing with time, love, etc.

So we could also ask:

Does the color purple exist?
Does time exist?

I guess, objectively it doesn't. But subjectively it does. And that does counr for something.

The thing is love is an emotion, it is something that cannot be quantified.
Interesting, but I've never personally experienced such an encounter. I know of others who have talked about similar encounters.

Just out of curiosity, why did you end up becoming specifically a Christian? You could have had the experience and became a Hindu, Muslim, etc. Why Christianity? And if you were born and raised in India and had the same experience, would you have become a Hindu?

Again guesswork, I am from England so I had had more exposure to Christianity, whether this is important or not I don't know.

I asked if the New Testament was true.
The thing is love is an emotion, it is something that cannot be quantified.

Can the color purple be quantified?
Can a musical note be quantified?

But also, why can't I have different quantifications, or levels, of love?

I can love someone a little, or a lot, right? So I personally think love can be quantified. Just my opinion.
Can the color purple be quantified?
Can a musical note be quantified?

But also, why can't I have different quantifications, or levels, of love?

I can love someone a little, or a lot, right? So I personally think love can be quantified. Just my opinion.

Well not if it's a thought unless you think thoughts are sub atomic particles?

I think human love has different levels but have no idea how I could invent a machine to measure the different levels.
Karma and free will cancel each other out. You can't believe in both. I know you believe in free will, so you can't also claim to believe in karma.

If I decide to torture someone right now, it's my choice to, not the person being tortured.

Also, even there was karma, how do you know it is perfect?

For example, tsunamis cause hundreds of thousands to die. How are you so sure karma picked all the exactly right people? Impossible.

Karma is baloney.
Actually, it has to be voluntary. If God tortured you on a daily basis, and you knew it was him doing it, would you love him?

No, you wouldn't. So you must love for a REASON or for multiple reasons.

So, davewhite, what are those reasons that you love God? (don't worry, I'm not expecting an answer)

We love because we cannot do otherwise.
Well not if it's a thought unless you think thoughts are sub atomic particles?

I think human love has different levels but have no idea how I could invent a machine to measure the different levels.

Why would you want to measure it in the first place ?
Sometimes I "worry" some of my views will be perceived as being too extreme.
I really don't know where I stand with them in relation with others as as don't speak about them in depth with people in real life.

It appears it matters to you whether your views are perceived as being "too extreme". Can you say more about this - how come this matters to you, what potential losses or dangers are there for you if other people do perceive your views as "too extreme"?
Thanks Myles, I wish I had thought of that earlier...

It's never too late. Read them again and see whether you can find any inconsistencies. They were not eyewitness accounts, so think of Chinese whispers. How about feeding the multitude, walking on water , raising a putrefying corspse from the dead?

I rest my case.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
but it does indicate that we have previous karma, even if we are currently a 2 year old child or whetever.

Karma and free will cancel each other out. You can't believe in both. I know you believe in free will, so you can't also claim to believe in karma.

If I decide to torture someone right now, it's my choice to, not the person being tortured.
so then there is the issue whether your free will is the only required ingredient for any action.
For instance can you decide to torture me right now, or are there quite a range of social, geographic, physical and environmental issues that frustrate that desire?
Also, even there was karma, how do you know it is perfect?

For example, tsunamis cause hundreds of thousands to die. How are you so sure karma picked all the exactly right people? Impossible.
Impossible for who?
Someone like you or me?
I'm getting a bit tired of this.
Basically: I am saying that I love nature, and you are replying that it isn't love because I don't believe in God.
And yes you are saying that, because you said YOU can love nature because you can relate it to God (which you love, ironically).
You said its only liking for me.

I love nature, you say it's impossible.
You love God, I say it's impossible.

its clear you were tired since you obviously gave up reading anything except your own posts quite a while back in the piece ...

.....(no offense).....

... for some reason I doubt your sincerity
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This is probably the best response in this whole thread so far. How can I love something I don't know, understand, or talk with?

Can a bug ever love me? No, because we aren't on the same level.
there's an interesting part in the gita where krishna assumes the universal form (ie "you are a bug" form) and this causes no end of distress to arjuna .... anyway to cut a long story short, if god cannot accommodate his creations, he must be limited ... so "me-as-a-bug" types of understanding of god are simply incomplete understandings of god .... so sure in that sense, love cannot exist

(BTW this point you bring up is precisely what I was trying to get across to Emnos in 10+ posts)