Why do you love God?

Is humanity better off today than in past (hundreds of years)?

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what makes you so sure its unnecessary?

If you decide to eat three kilogram of deep fried potato and wind up sitting on the toilet for three days afterwards, would you describe that suffering as necessary or unnecessary?

How about when kids are brutally raped by people. What's the purpose of little kids being brutally raped by child molesters? I'm sure those little kids did something to deserve being molested and raped, right LG? That's absurd, and you know it.

How about all those people who drowned from tsunamis. I'm sure they did something to deserve that, right?

How about the holocaust? That had purpose, right LG? All the people getting burned alive, shot in the gut, gas chambered, raped, etc. The Jews deserved it. That's absurd.

Are you seriously ready to say that no uneccessary suffering occurs, ever? I hope not.
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How about when kids are brutally raped by people. What's the purpose of little kids being brutally raped by child molesters? I'm sure those little kids did something to deserve being molested and raped, right LG? That's absurd, and you know it.

How about all those people who drowned from tsunamis. I'm sure they did something to deserve that, right?

How about the holocaust? That had purpose, right LG? All the people getting burned alive, shot in the gut, gas chambered, raped, etc. The Jews deserved it. That's absurd.

Are you seriously ready to say that no uneccessary suffering occurs, ever? I hope not.
In short, the only way suffering is unnecessary is when we go about things unnecessarily to suffer
I deal with this in detail in the OP of this thread
LG, let's get real. Okay, so we all have eternal spirits. Doesn't change the fact that we all can suffer greatly while in these physical bodies.

When someone feels pain in a dream, which does happen, even though the dream is not real the pain is undoubtedly real. Just because our physical bodies are an illusion, we still experience the pain and suffering. There's no getting around it.

If someone kidnapped you and brutally raped and or tortured you, you would experience a great deal of suffering. THE EXPERIENCE IS REAL. Even though you are fundamentally a spirit, you are still trapped in your body and are bound to the rules of this material universe. YOU CAN'T MAGICALLY LEAVE YOUR PHYSICAL BODY DURING SUFFERING. YOU ARE FORCED TO ENDURE IT.

For you to argue that there is never unneccessary suffering is really absurd. But I don't think you really believe that.
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I Love God because God loves me.

Its very simple.

People just cant see the simplicity because they spend their entire lives trying to find a way to convince themselves that God isn't there.

I'm not preaching or saying everyone else is wrong, but to me, its simple.

Take a look around you. God Created it, We live in it, and we created our own reality.

Of course if the ability to Love God is too far away for one to comprehend, then one could always try kallabah or scientology.

Or become a muslim or a suicide bomber and get to "heavan" that way.

Me, I prefer the ten commandments and to Love my God.

Woo! Man thats a lot of stress off my plate, saved, saved from not just sin which I'm no doubt guilty of, but saved from a heap of bullshit which gets us into sinning and wondering why God wont help us.

my 2c.
Why do you think God loves you? Or how do you know God loves you, let alone exists?

Also, if God loves everyone on this planet, why would he allow so much pointless suffering, like young kids being raped?

What if you were born and raised in China as a Buddhist, taught that God doesn't exist? Would God still love you, and would you still love God?
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From one deluded mind to another:

I Love God because God loves me.

Well, it's all a delusion of sorts anyway.. so why not delude yourself into a loving relationship with 'your creator' *snort* as if 'create' is a term to be applie to the origin of species. As if will is something that makes sense outside our potentially paultry human reference frame. Lol. So paultry the majority of the species anthropomorphizes 'the unknown' into a substanative aspect of their lives. Seems 'fledgling' at best. Yet we... in all our arrogance, tend to say we know of such things that we define as inherently beyond us. Lol, we define it and defy the ramifications of the definition because we cannot see them or more humanly, we ignore them to avoid disengaging from the emotional attachment we have with our most important ideas.

Its very simple.


People just cant see the simplicity because they spend their entire lives trying to find a way to convince themselves that God isn't there.

Projection is such a powerful evasive tool. You dissallow other possibilities by conveniently ignoring them and stand warranted in your authoratative conclusion. You imagine what it must be like for you to have to not believe for whatever reason, and it seems a struggle to you. You can't understand how it could be so easy not to believe or as you probably think of it disbelieve. It's funny that in missing this you do the same as those you accuse. They can't imagine what it's like to spend a bunch of time, effort and thought into thinking about 'god', a concept so retarded to them that they simply can't imagine anyone 'buying it', like a bunch of retarded sheep trying to convince them they're not retarded via repetetive bleats, spitting and stamping at the ground.

They can't see. You can't see. You're both part of the same system with different beliefs and hold one another as beneath each other in some way because neither can relate to the mindset of the other. You can't relate to the mindset because well, basically you lack imagination and/or empathy or the will to exert it. Methinks this indicates a closer lineage with apes than almost any human would condescend to admit. Dull brutes, the lot of them. Well, at least you. :p Nah it's probably me.

I'm not preaching or saying everyone else is wrong, but to me, its simple.

No you are preaching and saying everyone is wrong, but you don't like the thought of yourself in that context so you pretend it isn't happening. That is exactly what you're doing.

Take a look around you. God Created it, We live in it, and we created our own reality.

Bleat bleat stamp.

Of course if the ability to Love God is too far away for one to comprehend, then one could always try kallabah or scientology.

You admit you're a simpleton who can't think for themself... as you with your apparent authority, prescribe to the other simpletons your recommendations for enlightenment? It's more important to expand your reference frame to include the co-existence of all beliefs and attempt to undrestand why they are believed, no? Yes. Er... well no I suppose if you can't then you won't. You're not there. You're in love with your delusion as we all are, you just personify it and talk about it as a person because thats what you learned to do to deal with living. It's like your own personal ERP. You split off part of your brain to call 'god', give it an indepdent psuedo personality and dump off your primary control systems to its control so you simply don't have to deal with them directly. You can just manage the aggregate that flows forth from your self-applied conceptual lobotamy.

Or become a muslim or a suicide bomber and get to "heavan" that way.

It's sad and kind of cool at the same time that we're so easily programmable. I doubt it would really take that much to get you into a nice explosive jacket, so long as it was for god's love. Sure you might argue god wouldn't do that... but you sound primed for justifications to the contrary if offered by a sufficiently clever and talented manipulator.

Me, I prefer the ten commandments and to Love my God.

Of course you do. You simply can't relate to anything else. Why would you want to? *sigh* You trickster of you, you. It's all good though. I'm glad it makes you happy. Afterall, I honestly think that's what really counts in the end (seriously). I suppose that makes me a hedonist.

Woo! Man thats a lot of stress off my plate, saved, saved from not just sin which I'm no doubt guilty of, but saved from a heap of bullshit which gets us into sinning and wondering why God wont help us.

Just plug in, and worship! You go boy. G'luck.
LG, let's get real. Okay, so we all have eternal spirits. Doesn't change the fact that we all can suffer greatly while in these physical bodies.
but it does indicate that we have previous karma, even if we are currently a 2 year old child or whetever
When someone feels pain in a dream, which does happen, even though the dream is not real the pain is undoubtedly real. Just because our physical bodies are an illusion, we still experience the pain and suffering. There's no getting around it.
the point is whether we have acted in such a way previously to warrant receiving such pain
If someone kidnapped you and brutally raped and or tortured you, you would experience a great deal of suffering. THE EXPERIENCE IS REAL. Even though you are fundamentally a spirit, you are still trapped in your body and are bound to the rules of this material universe. YOU CAN'T MAGICALLY LEAVE YOUR PHYSICAL BODY DURING SUFFERING. YOU ARE FORCED TO ENDURE IT.
so the question arises whether this is a suffering that is meted out to me due to my past deeds

For you to argue that there is never unneccessary suffering is really absurd. But I don't think you really believe that.
Suffering in this world is as necessary as the suffering involved in eating 3kg of deep fried potato. The universe acts in accordance with laws and if you transgress them you get a reaction.
So it’s a coincidence that this is how love is unanimously expressed in the world throughout history?
I disagree. See your examples below.

So that sort of “love” is etymologically quite distinct from a more particular usage
IOW ….

Indeed. Different colors..

It was you who described the object of love as a means to your end …this is not love. This is commerce.
Wtf ? lol
Look at your own description.
Besides, did I not say that I have trouble expressing it in words ?

I don’t see what the problem is.
Obviously you have some very clear ideas on what love is and what love isn’t, and not in a way that in just pertinent to yourself. So it’s not clear where your problem lies in others applying the same general principle.
The problem lies with your definition of love.
When you talk about love I have no choice but to apply your definition to it, no ?
So when you talk about loving a chair, to me it means loving a chair in the same way as you love your wife but somewhat less.
This is crazy.

If you can’t indicate separation, it becomes practically impossible to indicate love. (aka Kant, love does not equal others as means to one’s end)
I don't know what this means.
You think I cannot talk about love without including myself ? Somehow.. ?

Well in what ways does nature have a potential separate from you?
And in what ways is that lovable?
Can you indicate what is lovable about nature in ways that don’t more or less directly tie in to how it houses and facilitates your existence?
Huh ?
Your mind is so alien to me that I am in doubt as to what you mean half the time.
Let me put it this way (hypothetical):
If I were given the choices
1. Kill yourself and life* on Earth will thrive.
2. Kill all life* on Earth and you will thrive, be rich beyond believe, have absolute knowledge etc etc whatever you can come up with (maybe essentially be God).
I would quite happily pick option 1.
If you substitute "yourself" and option 1. and "you" in option 2. for "humankind" the answer will still be the same.
I hope that is clear enough for you.

Or for that matter, can you indicate your existence separate from nature?
No. Can you indicate your existence separate from God ?

So there’s nothing unique in your loving relationship with nature?
I wouldn't say unique, but (as it seems) relatively rare.
People such as yourself are too blind to see it.. apparently.

Therefore it’s not clear to me on what basis that you hold that a chair is somehow outside nature/creation, since the whole god thing doesn’t enter the scene for you.
Would you say a chair is a natural object ? What about nuclear reactors ? :bugeye:
Or from your point of view, did God create any chairs ?

Do you realize how mercantile it sounds to simply love someone as a sum total of appearances?
I mean suppose you love the dress that your wife wears … you do realize that there are probably another 5000 of them in circulation … I mean, golly, imagine if you bumped into another woman wearing the same dress.
I don't think you understood what I meant there, which isn't surprising.. I should have clarified.
To me it is depressing when you assert that love is only possible through God or because of God.
What would happen to you when you lost your faith ??
And finally, what does that say about any kind of love an atheist might entertain, from your viewpoint ?

Actually I am saying that you can only claim to love nature in the etymological sense of “liking” or “deriving pleasure from” since you are hard pressed to give any qualitative descriptions of nature or indicate how it is separate from you or you separate from it.
It has nothing to do with your atheism.
The only advantage a theist has is that they can (provided that they have qualitative knowledge of god, etc) claim to love nature since they perceive it as owned by god … just in the same way as a man may love the dress of his wife, simply because it owned by her. The real affection is for the person, not the dress. Similarly the real affection is for god, not nature.
So you are saying that I can't possibly love nature because I am an atheist..

So you just spontaneously fall into loving relationships with people who set your car on fire?
Or people just run up to you with a box of chocolates if you hit them repeatedly over the head with a crowbar?
It's all black and white with you huh ?

Assuming that you were after the result of that person not doing such acts again, I guess you could analyze whether that was the best way to instigate such a state of being. Argumentum ad baculum tends to be the last recourse, although effective in particular time, places and circumstances.

So what would you do ?

As I said … time, place and circumstance. Even argumentum ad baculum can be effectively applied if used correctly … whether this is correct or not depends on the circumstances … and you could assess the correctness of the action by examining the results.
If you are trying to ask me whether this action would give the desired result, I would say “no” if the person involved is a complete stranger (which seems to be the case, given the lack of supporting info you tag along with the scenario)
What would give the desired result ?
And you should know that I am not at all a violent person. I have never attacked anyone before.
My answers to those questions were more like what I want to than what I really would do.
But I am not saying I won't attack the bastard when I happen to come across an incident like described, I might flip.

If you can’t talk about the qualities of the beloved, you have no means to present an understanding.
For instance suppose I was madly in love with a rock star (let’s call him Gumpy Gazza)and this struck you as absurd since you never heard of them.
Then perhaps I could go and talk about how his snake tattoos were really cool and he was really cute the way he has no front teeth and just wait till you listen to the way he burps when he plays the guitar and smashes a beer bottle over the head of his road manager.
At this point you could either agree and say “yeah, Gumpy gazza is the topmost of lovable things” or “Just as I thought, gumpy is a loser and you are a nutcase” or anything in between. If I have nothing to say, you have no scope for making a value assessment.
Familiarity with the name, form, qualities and pastimes of a thing is what paves the way for all sorts of relationships .... My question to you (which you will hopefully address earlier in the piece) is in what ways are your declarations of “loving” nature distinct from “liking” nature.

So this is a response to your claim that I can’t approach your loving relationship with nature possibly because of an urban upbringing or something. In other words it is a claim that I am in ignorance about the object of love, and that if I wasn’t, then perhaps I could see it. So that’s where Gumpy Gazza comes in. You know nothing about him, but then I tell you his qualities, his activities, etc etc and then you make a value judgment.
It’s not that I am saying loving nature is wrong (a value judgment). I am saying that you have no means to make a value judgment (in regards to love) on nature since there is no scope for a presentation on its qualities or activities in any meaningful way that isn’t obviously connected to your own well being or sense of comfort. Interestingly enough, if you want to start philosophizing on nature as some sort of conscious entity, you quickly arrive at descriptions of god’s qualities (minus an extra special something personality offers) – eg “I love nature because it takes away and gives to everyone equally regardless of caste, colour, creed, etc” vs Bg 9.29 I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him.
Even if you just want to examine it theoretically, wouldn’t a nature that can personally reciprocate be grander than a nature that can’t?

My point is that nature (or even a dog) will never have the potential capacity to win your heart (or alternatively, piss you off) in a way that a person can, simply on this issue of reciprocation, service and knowledge of name, form, qualities, pastimes.
And as it relates to the OP, god is the topmost person, with all good qualities that we find in others finding their origin in him, ... so therein lies the value in loving him.

So qualities are where it’s at ... and either makes it or breaks it as far as love is concerned.

If you want to argue that nature offers more potential for great loving exchanges than people, it would seem to suggest that you have experienced something that hampered your love and understanding of people. Actually there has been a long standing dominant paradigm of seeing the purpose of creation simply as something we can just take from to get whatever we need to make us happy in whatever way we imagine. Just now we are perhaps beginning to see how this results in strife and entanglement, so a new sort of paradigm is starting to emerge. So when you talk of “loving nature” I see that as representative of a new way of assessing the purpose of creation. However even though love entails issues of obligational duty, dependence, etc, it is something more sublime than simply assessing issues of purpose (hence the word “love” distinguishes itself from the word “like” even though they might be frequently interchangeable)

One can actually talk about the good qualities of people (or the bad of course) and not just in a way that is pertinent to one’s fundamental well being – for instance I could talk of how a particular person is free from envy and not just because I stand to profit from that person’s nonenviousness.
Because there is no scope for discussing this in regards to nature (or even the scope for discussing it in regards to animals in contrast to people is greatly reduced), love, as it pertains to the theistic notion of loving god, has a particular etymological sense that is not addressed by claims of loving nature. I did however offer a framework in which I think the sense of “loving” nature is valid. (ie assigning purpose, consciously being aware of our dependence on it, etc etc)
No, I am saying you are in ignorance of nature. I don't know how else to explain your lack of love for nature.

Well what are exactly “persons like you” and what exactly “are persons like me” and how do you know these are apt categories?
And furthermore, why is this misaligned ratio a cause for lamentation?
"Persons like me" refers to people that love nature.
"Persons like you" refers to people that don't love nature. Of which some are human supremacists.
May I cut to the chase and respond to the op. I love god because he is Irish and, as everyone knows, the Irish are loveable people.

Before anyone laughs at me, please tell me in what way my belief is more silly than some of the posts I have read on here !
How about the Light Fntastic ?

lol ok..
Sometimes I "worry" some of my views will be perceived as being too extreme.
I really don't know where I stand with them in relation with others as as don't speak about them in depth with people in real life.
lol ok..
Sometimes I "worry" some of my views will be perceived as being too extreme.
I really don't know where I stand with them in relation with others as as don't speak about them in depth with people in real life.

You are worrying unnecessarily. Your views are clear and, in any event, this is not the place for an in-depth discussion.

In he present instance we are talking about an emotional response called love. It has many shades of meaning but it is always directed at some person or object. It may or may not be reciprocated. It is also an involuntary response. I do not look at an object and decide to love it; it just happens. After the event I can rationalize my emotion if it is necessary to do so.

There are religious groups who artificially work themselves into a frenzy by chanting, reciting mantras and so on until they love of feel at one with whatever is the object of their attention. This can scarcely be regarded as love in the sense we normally talk about it.

In my view, LG comes along and confuses what is essentially a straightforward idea with a need for service, reciprocity and so on. He cannot leve well alone.

I can love Nature because of the feelgood factor it engenders but it would be foolish to expect Natureto love me back. Nature is indifferent to my feelings. A sunset will be as it is whether I am looking at it or not. It is foolish to talk of reciptocity in this situation. I am getting something back but only in the sense that my brain is responding emotionally to what I am observing.That is why I can say I love Nature.
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You are worrying unnecessarily. Your views are clear and, in any event, this is not the place for an in-depth discussion.

In he present instance we are talking about an emotional response called love. It has many shades of meaning but it is always directed at some person or object. It may or may not be reciprocated. It is also an involuntary response. I do not look at an object and decide to love it; it just happens. After the event I can rationalize my emotion if it is necessary to do so.

There are religious groups who artificially work themselves into a frenzy by chanting, reciting mantras and so on until they love of feel at one with whatever is the object of their attention. This can scarcely be regarded as love in the sense we normally talk about it.

In my view, LG comes along and confuses what is essentially a straightforward idea with a need for service, reciprocity and so on. He cannot leve well alone.

I can love Nature because of the feelgood factor it engenders but it would be foolish to expect Natureto love me back. Nature is indifferent to my feelings. A sunset will be as it is whether I am looking at it or not. It is foolish to talk of reciptocity in this situation. I am getting something back but only in the sense that my brain is responding emotionally to what I am observing.That is why I can say I love it.

I agree.
Only the part about reciprocity has me confused.
Reciprocity is, as far as I know, a mutual exchange of which both parties benefit.
There is nothing in the definition of reciprocity that says the exchange must be conscious.
Now I admit that I can't give much back, but I can try.
It is also difficult to imagine nature benefiting from what I do, until you break nature up in parts.
One can be beneficial to a particular environment, or species.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
So it’s a coincidence that this is how love is unanimously expressed in the world throughout history?

I disagree. See your examples below.
I see them but i don't see your point

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
So that sort of “love” is etymologically quite distinct from a more particular usage
IOW ….


Indeed. Different colors..
I thought I made it very clear at the onset that there is a specific etymological usage of the word I was working with(and I even conceded the etymological usage you were going with) ... I mean to come midway with "different strokes for different folks" philosophy isn't really helpful
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
It was you who described the object of love as a means to your end …this is not love. This is commerce.

Wtf ? lol
Look at your own description.
Besides, did I not say that I have trouble expressing it in words ?
ordinarily love doesn't experience that difficulty in these cases ... I mean if a person can't rattle off at least a dozen things that they love about something it tend to raise doubts

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I don’t see what the problem is.
Obviously you have some very clear ideas on what love is and what love isn’t, and not in a way that in just pertinent to yourself. So it’s not clear where your problem lies in others applying the same general principle.

The problem lies with your definition of love.
When you talk about love I have no choice but to apply your definition to it, no ?
you also have the option of invalidating it through analysis or example.
So when you talk about loving a chair, to me it means loving a chair in the same way as you love your wife but somewhat less.
This is crazy.
actually it was a response to your claim of loving nature.
You say you love nature
I say I love a chair
so what do you think?
How about if someone says they love air?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
If you can’t indicate separation, it becomes practically impossible to indicate love. (aka Kant, love does not equal others as means to one’s end)

I don't know what this means.
It means that if something is simply a means to your end (and cannot be indicated separate from your existence) you have no scope for entering into a relationship with it

You think I cannot talk about love without including myself ? Somehow.. ?
its certainly difficult in regards to nature ... that's why I ask

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Well in what ways does nature have a potential separate from you?
And in what ways is that lovable?
Can you indicate what is lovable about nature in ways that don’t more or less directly tie in to how it houses and facilitates your existence?

Huh ?
Your mind is so alien to me that I am in doubt as to what you mean half the time.
Let me put it this way (hypothetical):
If I were given the choices
1. Kill yourself and life* on Earth will thrive.
2. Kill all life* on Earth and you will thrive, be rich beyond believe, have absolute knowledge etc etc whatever you can come up with (maybe essentially be God).
I would quite happily pick option 1.
If you substitute "yourself" and option 1. and "you" in option 2. for "humankind" the answer will still be the same.
I hope that is clear enough for you.
it's not clear how either choice ties into love

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Or for that matter, can you indicate your existence separate from nature?

No. Can you indicate your existence separate from God ?
if the living entity didn't have minute independence there would be absolutely no question of loving god

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
So there’s nothing unique in your loving relationship with nature?

I wouldn't say unique, but (as it seems) relatively rare.
People such as yourself are too blind to see it.. apparently.
well feel free to qualify it.
I mean if you can't see anything of Gumpy Gazza the guitarist I can fill you in on a few things

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Therefore it’s not clear to me on what basis that you hold that a chair is somehow outside nature/creation, since the whole god thing doesn’t enter the scene for you.

Would you say a chair is a natural object ? What about nuclear reactors ?
Or from your point of view, did God create any chairs ?
if a chair or a nuclear reactor isn't natural what is it?
You could perhaps argue that a nuclear reactor is artificial arrangement, but it doesn't house anything that isn't natural.
A nuclear reactor is not something "nature" (or god) cannot deal with, what to speak of a chair.
Is a stone that can be utilized as a chair somehow more lovable than a chair that is made from slapping a few bits of wood together? Or alternatively, is there something about a stone chair that qualifies it for love in obvious ways that can't be applied to a wooden chair?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Do you realize how mercantile it sounds to simply love someone as a sum total of appearances?
I mean suppose you love the dress that your wife wears … you do realize that there are probably another 5000 of them in circulation … I mean, golly, imagine if you bumped into another woman wearing the same dress.

I don't think you understood what I meant there, which isn't surprising.. I should have clarified.
To me it is depressing when you assert that love is only possible through God or because of God.
well that's a bit of a no-brainer coming from an atheist

What would happen to you when you lost your faith ??
in regards to nature and its connection to god?
I would probably take the default position like everyone else and simply view nature in terms that is agreeable to my lifestyle (whether that be in the form of sustainable agriculture or the production of nuclear bombs)

And finally, what does that say about any kind of love an atheist might entertain, from your viewpoint ?
love for what?
nature or just love in general?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Actually I am saying that you can only claim to love nature in the etymological sense of “liking” or “deriving pleasure from” since you are hard pressed to give any qualitative descriptions of nature or indicate how it is separate from you or you separate from it.
It has nothing to do with your atheism.
The only advantage a theist has is that they can (provided that they have qualitative knowledge of god, etc) claim to love nature since they perceive it as owned by god … just in the same way as a man may love the dress of his wife, simply because it owned by her. The real affection is for the person, not the dress. Similarly the real affection is for god, not nature.

So you are saying that I can't possibly love nature because I am an atheist..
I am saying no one can love nature, just like in the sense that no one can love a dress (they might like the person wearing it however, but since an atheist has an official stance that there is no person behind nature, that possibility doesn't arise) ... they may like the dress however, and be able to come up with quite a few good points on how they could utilize it... or even how their way to utilize it is unique and more sensitive than any other person's plans to utilize it ..... IOW the clear distinction is that the theist has the option of viewing the world as being possessed by someone else - namely god - whereas others simply have views on how they can get their greasy or not quite so greasy paws on it

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
So you just spontaneously fall into loving relationships with people who set your car on fire?
Or people just run up to you with a box of chocolates if you hit them repeatedly over the head with a crowbar?

It's all black and white with you huh ?
if you mean is it relatively clear how to cultivate a loving relationship with someone, then yes

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Assuming that you were after the result of that person not doing such acts again, I guess you could analyze whether that was the best way to instigate such a state of being. Argumentum ad baculum tends to be the last recourse, although effective in particular time, places and circumstances.

So what would you do ?

As I said … time, place and circumstance. Even argumentum ad baculum can be effectively applied if used correctly … whether this is correct or not depends on the circumstances … and you could assess the correctness of the action by examining the results.
If you are trying to ask me whether this action would give the desired result, I would say “no” if the person involved is a complete stranger (which seems to be the case, given the lack of supporting info you tag along with the scenario)

What would give the desired result ?
I can't think of anything that could give the desired result. Maybe try and reason with them after the act to fan any ambers of remorse ... but its not like we are omnipotent beings that can establish any result from any circumstance. That is god's prerogative, not ours.
And you should know that I am not at all a violent person. I have never attacked anyone before.
My answers to those questions were more like what I want to than what I really would do.
But I am not saying I won't attack the bastard when I happen to come across an incident like described, I might flip.
that's understandable

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
If you can’t talk about the qualities of the beloved, you have no means to present an understanding.
For instance suppose I was madly in love with a rock star (let’s call him Gumpy Gazza)and this struck you as absurd since you never heard of them.
Then perhaps I could go and talk about how his snake tattoos were really cool and he was really cute the way he has no front teeth and just wait till you listen to the way he burps when he plays the guitar and smashes a beer bottle over the head of his road manager.
At this point you could either agree and say “yeah, Gumpy gazza is the topmost of lovable things” or “Just as I thought, gumpy is a loser and you are a nutcase” or anything in between. If I have nothing to say, you have no scope for making a value assessment.
Familiarity with the name, form, qualities and pastimes of a thing is what paves the way for all sorts of relationships .... My question to you (which you will hopefully address earlier in the piece) is in what ways are your declarations of “loving” nature distinct from “liking” nature.
So this is a response to your claim that I can’t approach your loving relationship with nature possibly because of an urban upbringing or something. In other words it is a claim that I am in ignorance about the object of love, and that if I wasn’t, then perhaps I could see it. So that’s where Gumpy Gazza comes in. You know nothing about him, but then I tell you his qualities, his activities, etc etc and then you make a value judgment.
It’s not that I am saying loving nature is wrong (a value judgment). I am saying that you have no means to make a value judgment (in regards to love) on nature since there is no scope for a presentation on its qualities or activities in any meaningful way that isn’t obviously connected to your own well being or sense of comfort. Interestingly enough, if you want to start philosophizing on nature as some sort of conscious entity, you quickly arrive at descriptions of god’s qualities (minus an extra special something personality offers) – eg “I love nature because it takes away and gives to everyone equally regardless of caste, colour, creed, etc” vs Bg 9.29 I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him.
Even if you just want to examine it theoretically, wouldn’t a nature that can personally reciprocate be grander than a nature that can’t?

My point is that nature (or even a dog) will never have the potential capacity to win your heart (or alternatively, piss you off) in a way that a person can, simply on this issue of reciprocation, service and knowledge of name, form, qualities, pastimes.
And as it relates to the OP, god is the topmost person, with all good qualities that we find in others finding their origin in him, ... so therein lies the value in loving him.
So qualities are where it’s at ... and either makes it or breaks it as far as love is concerned.

If you want to argue that nature offers more potential for great loving exchanges than people, it would seem to suggest that you have experienced something that hampered your love and understanding of people. Actually there has been a long standing dominant paradigm of seeing the purpose of creation simply as something we can just take from to get whatever we need to make us happy in whatever way we imagine. Just now we are perhaps beginning to see how this results in strife and entanglement, so a new sort of paradigm is starting to emerge. So when you talk of “loving nature” I see that as representative of a new way of assessing the purpose of creation. However even though love entails issues of obligational duty, dependence, etc, it is something more sublime than simply assessing issues of purpose (hence the word “love” distinguishes itself from the word “like” even though they might be frequently interchangeable)

One can actually talk about the good qualities of people (or the bad of course) and not just in a way that is pertinent to one’s fundamental well being – for instance I could talk of how a particular person is free from envy and not just because I stand to profit from that person’s nonenviousness.
Because there is no scope for discussing this in regards to nature (or even the scope for discussing it in regards to animals in contrast to people is greatly reduced), love, as it pertains to the theistic notion of loving god, has a particular etymological sense that is not addressed by claims of loving nature. I did however offer a framework in which I think the sense of “loving” nature is valid. (ie assigning purpose, consciously being aware of our dependence on it, etc etc)

No, I am saying you are in ignorance of nature. I don't know how else to explain your lack of love for nature.
just like you may be in ignorance of gumpy gazza, but just let me tell you a thing or two about him ....

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Well what are exactly “persons like you” and what exactly “are persons like me” and how do you know these are apt categories?
And furthermore, why is this misaligned ratio a cause for lamentation?

"Persons like me" refers to people that love nature.
"Persons like you" refers to people that don't love nature. Of which some are human supremacists.
given that I have clearly stated several times now that the problem is not that "I don't love nature" (which is a value statement) but rather you haven't presented a basis for making value statements (which would allow for the terms of either love/or don't love), why do you think these categories are accurate?
You have yet to provide some sort of run down on nature that isn't simply an elaboration on how wonderful it is that it houses the human phenomena
If someone kidnapped you and brutally raped and or tortured you, you would experience a great deal of suffering. THE EXPERIENCE IS REAL. Even though you are fundamentally a spirit, you are still trapped in your body and are bound to the rules of this material universe. YOU CAN'T MAGICALLY LEAVE YOUR PHYSICAL BODY DURING SUFFERING. YOU ARE FORCED TO ENDURE IT.

Agreed. But there are ways to understand suffering and to prepare for it that don't make it seem so overwhelming anymore.

I see you've mentioned Buddhism in your posts several times. I suppose you are informed about Buddhism?
I agree.
Only the part about reciprocity has me confused.
Reciprocity is, as far as I know, a mutual exchange of which both parties benefit.
There is nothing in the definition of reciprocity that says the exchange must be conscious.
Now I admit that I can't give much back, but I can try.
It is also difficult to imagine nature benefiting from what I do, until you break nature up in parts.
One can be beneficial to a particular environment, or species.

We can give something back in the sense that we respect our environment, for example, but Nature cannot be aware of this. This doesn't matter a damn.

The point I am making is that, unlike the guy with the attention-seeking avatar, I do not regard love as being conditional on service, reciprocity or anything of the kind. Love is an emotion and it is natural to want to take care of that which we love. There are no conditions.