Why can't ghosts exist?

Given that they are supposed to have all sorts of strange abilities, yes. For example, ghosts can walk through solid walls, they can float or fly, they can teleport from place to place, appear and disappear at will. All of those things violate laws of science.

Many electromagnetic waves can go through walls, as can the theorized dark matter.

Clouds float. Birds fly.

Quantum particles can appear and disappear.

I'm not saying I believe in ghosts. But to say that the idea of ghosts would violate the laws of physics reveals a very unimaginative and unscientific point of view.
Many electromagnetic waves can go through walls, as can the theorized dark matter.

Clouds float. Birds fly.

Quantum particles can appear and disappear.
So what?

I'm not saying I believe in ghosts. But to say that the idea of ghosts would violate the laws of physics reveals a very unimaginative and unscientific point of view.
So define "ghost".
How do any of the above have a "human shape"? How do they "manipulate objects"?
Both of those, and others, are among the claimed attributes of "ghosts".

You're confusing "imagination" with "undiscerning credulity" and "science" with "woo wooism.
what if, ghosts, or djins (wich is different from ghosts, but, about this topic can share this)
and i'm going, somehow with fantasy, and then start shaping it to get an idea
what if they live in another dimention, and we are a part of that dimention, they can see us and etc... and we can't
what if they live among us, but like, like that we can't see the ultra violet light with our eyes, what if they are from, something like that, means, what if their world, is another world, but in our world, that is like, another kind, of existence/matter/energy, idk
like we have in our univerce, the matter is only 4% and the rest is dark energy, and dark matter
what if they are, like, from some kind of energy, that can't sence or know or see, and neither our machines, means, that we don't know about them, we have no evidences on it, i mean scientific evidences, or know what are they, so we can detect them somehow, like we can detect the radio signals for example
what if they are somehow, not even from matter, i wan't be surprised, neither you can deny that (not necerly on our earth or something)
what if they are on another univerce (i said previously dimention but i meant another univerce) from another kind, different physics laws, different in the kind of matter, the kind of energy, different, and wich somehow, it is still connected with our univerce, as also we supose that all univerces are connected, like the space and the galaxies and etc... fibers in our univerce, maybe a fibre of univerces

it seems like if i'm saying mambo jumbo, but, since we have no, rational explained, and actual laws and science, so, we need some bluffing :p
however, i don't expect that they would be against the physics laws, what if, our univerce have it's laws, the other univece have it's laws, and etc... and the univerces fabric (if that exist) have also laws, that rules the laws and orgenize it and keep it together and atached and etc...

however, what if, they are actually some phenomens from our own univerce, from our own laws, what if, we don't know everything that we think we know all the physics laws, however i can't go further than that here, because I practicly don't know anything in physics and maths and etc... i still have alot to learn
but i can just, go with the philosophical and just, ideas and etc.. :p
what if they live in another dimention, and we are a part of that dimention, they can see us and etc... and we can't
By "dimension" I take it you mean universe.
If they can see us and we can't etc then how come we supposedly do see them?
How come we can't detect this "other universe"?

it seems like if i'm saying mambo jumbo
You are.

however, i don't expect that they would be against the physics laws, what if, our univerce have it's laws, the other univece have it's laws, and etc...
Then how come the laws of the two different universes haven't mixed? If they can interact (e.g. ghosts supposedly show up here) then there should be detectable interaction/ mixing. Which there isn't.

however, what if, they are actually some phenomens from our own univerce
Your answer is here:
because I practicly don't know anything in physics and maths and etc...

but i can just, go with the philosophical and just, ideas and etc.. :p
Even philosophical ideas are expected to stand up to scrutiny and rationality.

By "dimension" I take it you mean universe.
If they can see us and we can't etc then how come we supposedly do see them?
How come we can't detect this "other universe"?

You are.

Then how come the laws of the two different universes haven't mixed? If they can interact (e.g. ghosts supposedly show up here) then there should be detectable interaction/ mixing. Which there isn't.

Your answer is here:

Even philosophical ideas are expected to stand up to scrutiny and rationality.

as i said, just ideas :p
doent have to be right or rational or something, idk
another dimension is another speculative idea. the nature of these phenomena vary so that it's not just about so-called 'ghosts' either.

it may be that in some rare cases, the mental projection is so strong that others may be able to see it manifested in physical reality in some way. how long they last or the nature of it, as well as being positive or negative would depend on the one who produced it. i've heard cases of where there is a strong violent atmosphere in the home that many experience unusual happenings. some cases are obviously being sensationalized such as blood dripping from walls produced for movies. there are certain things that are easily dismissed but not all of them.

just as we can create on the physical level producing inanimate objects as well as producing life (giving birth), perhaps on some level at times for good or ill people produce on a mental/emotional level which could manifest itself as some sort of apparition with temporary properties that others may even be able to see or experience at times. again, this is all speculation.

i recall a case where there were some paranormal phenomena occurring in a household where they just moved in recently. at first they thought it was just one entity/spirit or what have you but later it was more clear that it was more than one. there was a violent older male and a younger child. the child apparently appeared for a time and asked one of them confusedly and lost 'where do all the lonely people go?' which struck me with some type of knowing or understanding to the core even though it is anecdotal. it's just one of those things where your intuition screams it's not imaginary or unreal. it made me cry actually even though it may not be real but i can't rule it out completely. was this a residual memory they were picking up where an occurence happened there? was this a spirit that was separated from it's owner or host or is it a dead spirit? how long do they last before they dissipate?

or it could be a situation of another layer of reality or dimension.
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Eyewitness testimony as in court trials and news reports and lab experiments and autobiographies? Yeah that's SOME unreliable sh%t there..;)
You just confirmed for me that you are not to be taken seriously. Anyone who is so ignorant of the human cognitive function that they actually believe eye witness testimony is reliable shouldn't be allowed out without bodyguards and an adult diaper. Really, dude, try to get an education in these things and you might not continue to look like a total dork.
Oh, and for those still brave enough to remain open-minded ....

MR it seems that being proven wrong only makes you feel brave and open-minded.

You rationalised similarly on a previous thread, dismissing all links to studies contradicting you by declaring that you were capable of thinking for yourself.

Since when has thinking become totally independent from doing research and analysis?

It seems you're not just learning-challenged, you're also learning-insulated.
You just confirmed for me that you are not to be taken seriously. Anyone who is so ignorant of the human cognitive function that they actually believe eye witness testimony is reliable shouldn't be allowed out without bodyguards and an adult diaper. Really, dude, try to get an education in these things and you might not continue to look like a total dork.

So did you see a ghost or didn't you? You claimed you did and then said you didn't believe it. Why should YOUR eyewitness testimony, or lack thereof?, count when others should be dismissed out of hand?
MR it seems that being proven wrong only makes you feel brave and open-minded.

You rationalised similarly on a previous thread, dismissing all links to studies contradicting you by declaring that you were capable of thinking for yourself.

Since when has thinking become totally independent from doing research and analysis?

It seems you're not just learning-challenged, you're also learning-insulated.

My my, such unprovoked hostility from those normally so confident and infallible in their dogmatic faith. You know, you would at least expect that a bunch of mature adults so sure of their position wouldn't HAVE to resort to childish belittling and personal ad hominem attacks. Sniff sniff. Oh woe is me! Is it something I said? ;)
another dimension is another speculative idea. the nature of these phenomena vary so that it's not just about so-called 'ghosts' either.

it may be that in some rare cases, the mental projection is so strong that others may be able to see it manifested in physical reality in some way. how long they last or the nature of it, as well as being positive or negative would depend on the one who produced it. i've heard cases of where there is a strong violent atmosphere in the home that many experience unusual happenings. some cases are obviously being sensationalized such as blood dripping from walls produced for movies. there are certain things that are easily dismissed but not all of them.

just as we can create on the physical level producing inanimate objects as well as producing life (giving birth), perhaps on some level at times for good or ill people produce on a mental/emotional level which could manifest itself as some sort of apparition with temporary properties that others may even be able to see or experience at times. again, this is all speculation.

i recall a case where there were some paranormal phenomena occurring in a household where they just moved in recently. at first they thought it was just one entity/spirit or what have you but later it was more clear that it was more than one. there was a violent older male and a younger child. the child apparently appeared for a time and asked one of them confusedly and lost 'where do all the lonely people go?' which struck me with some type of knowing or understanding to the core even though it is anecdotal. it's just one of those things where your intuition screams it's not imaginary or unreal. it made me cry actually even though it may not be real but i can't rule it out completely. was this a residual memory they were picking up where an occurence happened there? was this a spirit that was separated from it's owner or host or is it a dead spirit? how long do they last before they dissipate?

or it could be a situation of another layer of reality or dimension.

Very interesting case. I don't rule out the existence of other dimensions or even other realities. Nowadays there is a fundamentally monist assumption defining our experience of the real, as if it is a given that there is only one reality. But really there don't seem to be any solid grounds for denying the possibility of a pluralist scenario in which many parallel realities exist and even overlap with each other. All speculation mind you, but then so is belief that this physical universe is the lone and absolute reality.
Magical Realist:

Really? So fields aren't made of energy? What homeskool science course told you that?

Fields aren't made of energy. They do carry energy. But like I said, energy isn't a substance. It's more like an accounting method. In fact, in some ways fields are abstractions, too. They are basically a shorthand way of saying something like "if I put a charged particle here then it will experience such-and-such a force in this particular direction".

No everything is not at that quantum level. The rules that apply at the quantum level do not apply at the macro level.

Yes they do. Big things are made of little things, so they must.

There's a little thing called decoherence that interferes with quantum phenomena for anything much larger than an atom.

Explain to me how this "decoherence" changes the rules all of a sudden.

Wow..so quantum entanglement and Bell's incompleteness theorem propose nothing "magical"? You could've fooled me AND Einstein. He called it "spooky action at a distance".

Science and magic are two quite different things. You seem confused about the difference, which is probably one reason you're so credulous about ghosts.

Quantum entanglement is not magic. It is well-understood science. And Bell's incompleteness theorems are mathematical, physical propositions. In other words, once again, science, not magic. As for Einstein, he was raising the issue of the apparent non-locality of quantum entanglement. Einstein, you must remember, remained skeptical about quantum physics to the end of his life - quite the opposite of an attitude that would help your argument about quantum physics supporting ghosts.

No dimensions beyond the usual four we are familiar with (3 space and 1 time) have ever been detected anywhere. So ignore new-age gurus who tell you there are extra dimensions.

You need to update yourself on string theory and Everett's many-worlds hypothesis, both of which are gaining wider acceptance these days. As far as new age gurus go, I don't read them. But I DO recognize that reality is not defined by science but by philosophy, particularly via various metaphysical schools such as physicalism, absolute idealism, dualism, panexperientialism, and panpsychism. These were around before your new guru demons ever deigned to materialize in our modern world. So don't be so paranoid ok?

How is any of this relevant to the statement of mine you quoted? Answer: it isn't. I was correct. No dimensions beyond the usual four we are familiar with have ever been detected anywhere.

You can bluff and bluster about how reality isn't defined by science all you like, but when you use a scientific concept such as "extra dimensions" to justify a fringe belief such as ghosts, then get the science wrong, you really end up looking quite silly.

No..you are directly contradicting what I said. I said SOME are probably hoaxes and camera glitches, but that others look authentic. Is is YOU who summarily dismisses all photographic evidence before even examining it. And all because you just know, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that the phenomenon isn't real. You are thus trapped in a vicious circle: denying the evidence as inauthentic because you believe there is no authentic evidence. How CONVEEENIENT!

Oh no! You have me quite wrong. I haven't dismissed all evidence without examining it, and would never do so.

I'll tell you what. How about you post the most convincing 3 photos (or even just the most convincing one, for a start) of ghosts that you know of. Link me to all the relevant information on those photos that you have, since obviously a bare photograph by itself is going to be of little use to me, so give me all the information you have on the specific cases. I will take a look at your evidence and get back to you with thoughts and comments. We can examine the evidence as a team. Ok?

I believe the people who are eyewitnesses of the phenomena and who are actually out in the field doing the research.

Then you're too credulous. Eyewitness testimony is very very often unreliable. Some of it is outright lies. To simply believe somebody when they tell you "I saw a ghost" is naive in the extreme.

But again, let me not rush to dismiss good evidence without fair examination. Why don't you post the best investigative evidence you have that shows the presence of a ghost? (with links or whatever). I will take a look and together we can work through how strong the evidence is. Ok?

That's why I usually believe scientists too, except when they refuse to do research and instead pontificate on what can and can't be real. Less still do I believe devoted adherents of scientism who on purely dogmatic grounds deny the existence of documented and recorded phenomenon.

Good for you! Now you're getting the idea! You only need to apply the same thinking to your favorite psychic "researchers" now, and you'll be on track.

Thousands upon thousands of eyewitnesses of paranormal phenomena down thru the centuries in every culture on earth and suddenly I'm supposed to believe YOU instead because...uh...because...now what was that reason again?

I'm not asking you to accept anything I have to say on authority. I'm asking you to start thinking a little.

Do you believe in witches? Thousands of people were burnt in the past for being witches. There must have been something to that, right? Why aren't there so many witches today, do you think? Or are there as many as ever, but they are just better at hiding? What do you think?

What about leprecauns and other fairies? Do you believe in those? Thousands of people claim to have seen the "little people". There are even photographs of them. If you don't believe in fairies, why don't you believe in them?

Tell ya what. While you're out there frantically googling for experiments of cloud-generated lightning performed in lab settings I'll be over here trying to discuss the thread topic at hand so I don't get my ass infracted again by some socially-challenged hypermoderating OCD case. ok?

Never mind. Given that you apparently now accept that there are facilities that can do lightning tests, there's no need for me to provide you with links. Let us move on.

I have watched these programs for years and they consistently make it a point to debunk the reports with possible natural explanations ALL the time.

How many of the programmes conclude a ghost investigation with the investigators saying "Well, that turned out to be a complete hoax" or "We have deteremined that the cameras weren't working correctly in this case" or "We have uncovered no evidence at all of a ghost in this house. It is possible that the family reporting these incidents were all under a kind of mass delusion, as the psychiatrist we interviewed earlier convincingly argued."?

I'm betting that there are a lot of inconclusive endings like "We can't explain the temperature drop we recorded in the bedroom. Our camera crew definitely felt scared and heard noises during the night. We got a fuzzy object on this freeze frame here. We can't say for sure that there was a ghost, but the evidence certainly points that way! Coming up next week...."

Many investigations in fact come away with nothing paranormal at all and show the client that their reports were likely due to outside street noises, emf in the bldg wiring, air currents from a/c units, and old pipes in the basement. Do you even watch these shows? Give'em a try. You might find them more credible than you have already concluded them to be.

Yeah, I've watched fair few. When I was a teenager, I was quite credulous, like you. Then I learned something about the scientific method and I learned a bit about scepticism and how to examine claims properly.

I see..So the ones that are TOO clear can't be ghosts because they're obviously hoaxed and the ones that aren't clear enough can't be ghosts because well afterall who ever heard of a hazy unclear ghost eh? You can't even look at these pics objectively and without preconceptions. That doesn't sound very scientific too me.

Show me your three best, with the surrounding stories/evidence and I promise to look. I'll give you my thoughts. I can't promise no preconceptions, but I can promise you a truthful analysis.

Yeah that sneaky old niece of mine-- part of the vast world conspiracy to create fake ghost photos while taking pictures of her family in her own living room. Guess she hired the guy to stand there just so she could fool me. You must live in a VERY supicious world. I feel sorry for you..I really do.

Sorry that I tend to be suspicious of third-hand stories. "My sister's former room-mate took this photo, and it shows a strange man!" Wow. On that basis, I'm supposed to believe in ghosts? Did you know that my second-cousin has built a perpetual motion machine? He has it in his bedroom. I even have photos of it, so that proves it's real.

Wow..ghost believers are such deceptive and lazy people aren't they?

Generally the hoaxers are not believers, though I guess it is possible that some are.

Who said anything about lazy?

Funny then that even according to paranormal investigators 80% of the cases aren't real paranormal cases.

So all they need is to go the extra 20% and they'll be living in the real world.

SNIP inane and overelaborated tiger tale.

Didn't you understand the point?

Because of the nature of the phenomena! They're ghosts in dark rooms man! Ofcourse they look hazy and indistinct.

Why don't ghost hunters turn on the lights when they do their investigations? Why do ghosts only appear in the dark?

Right..So there's no free thought or decided intent or self-derived willpower going on behind your typed words at this moment. It's all the result of a ham sandwich you had for lunch yesterday. Geez that must've been one helluva of a sandwich!

There's certainly thought, intent and willpower. Whether any of those are "free" or not depends on what you mean by "free". Free of what? Free from what? The energy to type this post certainly comes from the food I've eaten recently. Where else could it come from? Try it yourself - don't eat for a while. You'll find you quickly become tired. After a while, you'll become seriously ill. Continue and you're sure to die. Your food sustains you. There really is no question about that, despite what guru "breatharians" might tell you. Are you a breatharian?

A mind exists in a physical object called a brain. No brain, no mind.

If it exists INSIDE it then it can't exactly be the same as it now can it? Is the water in a glass the same as the glass?

A better analogy is that of a computer program inside a silicon chip. The program is not the same as the chip, but if you take the chip away the program won't run on the computer. See?

Scientists do not study transphysical entities for the simple reason that there's no reliable evidence that such entities exist.

Keep repeating that to yourself enough and you might actually start to believe it!

I already believe it. I'm hoping you might start to believe it, silly! :)

I'll wait for your one (or three) best ghost cases. Let's go through them together. It'll be fun. And hopefully enlightening. Who knows? One of us may even change his mind.

Or are you going to find an excuse to chicken out of this challenge?
Ok James..I'm game. Let's start with this old photo taken of the old Myrtles plantation in Louisiana. I don't have the date of the photo (I can do more research if necessary) but I tend to find it more credible because it predates the age of photoshop.
The plantation itself is notoriously haunted by several spirits, one being a slave woman who was killed there after poisoning the wife and kids with oleander leaves in their dinner. See if this photo convinces you that SOMEthing is there that shouldn't be. Note the transparency of the figure too--the white boards can clearly be made out behind her. Hoax? Not likely in my opinion.

getting back to another example such as the 'soul', many people say it doesn't exist. how do they know? the answer is they really don't. it's an assumption as well.

it's actually similar to saying that the body doesn't exist because one day it will disintegrate into base components.

what makes people so sure that what we feel and sense in the heart area is not a real manifestation even though it's not physically seen? the answer is they don't. it's just a very black/white assumption. it's just may be a different kind of reality. an example they may be able to understand would be like gas, liquid or solid.
getting back to another example such as the 'soul', many people say it doesn't exist. how do they know? the answer is they really don't. it's an assumption as well.

Oh please, our personality can be altered by simple chemicals, and brain damage can alter us permanently, and these mechanisms are quite well understood. How then does this soul have any bearing on our personality? Does the soul too, get drunk when I drink? Is the soul abstract, and ethereal, rather than absolute, and physical?

If the soul is somehow separate from our physical body, how come it's fate is dependant on the actions of that body?

Please plead a consistent and testable case for the existence of the soul, or admit, rather than naysayers making assumptions, it's actually the believers that are doing just that, and failing to make any definite statement.
Oh please, our personality can be altered by simple chemicals, and brain damage can alter us permanently, and these mechanisms are quite well understood. How then does this soul have any bearing on our personality? Does the soul too, get drunk when I drink? Is the soul abstract, and ethereal, rather than absolute, and physical?

If the soul is somehow separate from our physical body, how come it's fate is dependant on the actions of that body?

Please plead a consistent and testable case for the existence of the soul, or admit, rather than naysayers making assumptions, it's actually the believers that are doing just that, and failing to make any definite statement.

actually you have a backward understanding of the mind/feeling dynamic. the brain is the processor but most of our experiences is felt in the heart region as well as our sense of self.

did i say the soul was abstract? no. your take is.

first of all, did i say the soul was necessarily separate from the body? no.

did i say the brain can't alter or affect our moods, feelings etc or even permanently? no. thank you for that enlightening point. when you turn off the light switch, the light goes out. that's amazing. when your arm is amputated, you no longer have an arm. when you are having a pleasant day, you tend to feel better. how amazing.

just the same with your physical body, what you do and what you eat as well as the enivironment can affect or change it in subtle and overt ways.

that doesn't negate the existence of it no matter how many changes it may go through. even your body reproduces it's cells continuously as well as mutates at times.

the soul is part of your personality. your brain creates it. that is the 'result' as well as from what you experience as well as affected from the environment.

uh, when you drink, does the soul get drunk? it affects your mind and also feelings does it not? yes, it does even if it's temporary. does it mean that it affects your soul permanently? not necessarily.

when you get a tan, does it last forever? usually not. when you gain weight, does it have to be permanent? of course not.

when you feel sad, don't you usually do something to alter that feeling? this is because there is a constant communication going on from your sense of self/feelings/and or body to the mind and vice versa.

can you quantify exactly my sense of self as well as yours? absolutely not.

can you quantify the feeling of happy or sad? absolutely not.

does it mean it doesn't exist? absolutely not.

not everything can be measured in a lab but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
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Magical Realist:

Ok James..I'm game. Let's start with this old photo taken of the old Myrtles plantation in Louisiana.

The photo you've linked is poorly digitised. Zooming in even a little shows a heap of jpeg artifacts - so many in fact that I can't tell where this "figure" is that you're telling me I should look at. I can't see anything particularly unusual in the inset photo either. Could you please tell me what this figure you see looks like, where it is in the photo and so on?

The plantation itself is notoriously haunted by several spirits, one being a slave woman who was killed there after poisoning the wife and kids with oleander leaves in their dinner.

According to wikipedia, that plantation is supposed to be one of the "most haunted sites in America" or something. Apparently there have been claims of 10 murders there, but only one is historically documented (not the slave girl you mention, either).

Is this photo really your best evidence for ghosts?

The site has been investigated at least twice, as far as I can tell from a minute or two searching the web.

One of your ghost TV shows - a thing called "Ghost Hunters" (ever seen that one?) - apparently spent a night there. Their infrared cameras saw shapes or images of some kind, although none of the people could see them with their own eyes. The most spooky event reported was when two of the investigators were sitting near a table with a lamp on it, discussing their "research". The lamp slowly was seen in the TV footage to move across the table! Oooh, ghosts ghosts!

The only problem was that the show's own viewers quickly wrote in to express their outrage, because they had noticed that the lamp was being pulled by its own power cord - presumably by one of the makers of the show, off-camera. So much for Ghost Hunters.

The plantation was also investigated by professional paranormal investigator and skeptic Joe Nickell in 2003. A lot of the wikipedia article on the plantation is actually based on his research and the story he wrote back then. He found no evidence at all of any ghosts or paranormal activity there.

The place uses its "ghost house" reputation as a lure for tourists. They even have a web site. They don't want to scare off the tourists, of course, so they make sure to tell you that the ghosts there are harmless to tourists.

There's plenty more information on the place on the web. A lot of it is mindless repeating of information from elsewhere, including all the incorrect stories about the supposed history of the place. But there's some stuff that seems a bit more careful and thoughtful.

Once again, I have to ask you: is this really the most convincing evidence you have for the existence of ghosts? Do you really believe the Myrtle plantation is haunted? By whom? How many ghosts? Why?

Oh, and I should also add that I've found plenty of other "ghost" photos from the plantation house on the web. There is apparently quite a famous mirror that shows ghostly images in some photos. I read that it is cracked and doesn't show the expected reflections from all angles. Looking at some of the photos that purport to show ghosts in a mirror, I notice that some of them merely show direct sunlight shining across one part of the mirror, which looks a bit like a hazy glowing shape if you hold your head the right way and have a good imagination.