Why can't ghosts exist?

i don't believe in god. i see nothing but more paranoia

Prove it. just more slurs.

i don't even believe in ghosts yet you are still on that train of thought. it's either you believe or it's emphaticaly out of the question is your logic on the issue.

I take any good science seriously.

we create not just on a naked-eye physical level. we also create on an emotional/mental level.

Which stems directly from the physical.

many atheists are so ascetic they tend to view everything from a reactive point of view. from that type of position then nothing does seem to be real unless it's knock on wood.

Because it isn't real.

there are people like that. a typical example is of a person who tends to react to only outside stimuli without ever considering about harnessing what is inside of them.

Such as?

but the truth is you can also be proactive and procreative on the mental/emotional level which aren't concretely evident. we do it all the time. one's moods can even affect another subtly or overtly.

moods are governed by electrochemical processes and neurotransmitters

even concepts and ideas are creations as well as our emotions or how we cultivate them.

Thoughts are electrochemical. you can see them on scanners, nope. nothing mysterious there.
Ok..I'm not in the habit of people calling me "dumb". So you've just been reported. FYI, I have no interested in discussing anything with rude people.

But your are. You ignored the point about Infra Red cameras, and came back with some vague bullshit about 'energy'. Infra Red light is energy too, DUH! And all the time, even in the dark, there is ambient temperature, which is energy. DUH!

You stated these programs prove the paranormal, yet haven't come up with any proof. DUH!

You need to drop the word 'Realist' from your handle.
And no..I haven't seen any ghosts LIVE (that I know of) but have seen plenty on camera and on photograph.
I have seen ghosts on two separate occassions and I most certainly do not believe in them. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. Photographic evidence presented thus far is barely laughable. You need something very much more substantial than anything you have offered so far to justify even a glimmering of doubt.
I just wish people could understand plain english. There is NO weird energy available only to ghosts that science has mysteriously missed. Both the soviet and US government looked into telekinesis etc. with huge resources. The only thing it proved was that nothing occult could be proved. Further, all such programmes were scrapped as a waste of time.
This field just attracts fakers and con-artists because some people are extremely gullable.
Additionally, enthusiasts have a chip on their shoulder about all the skeptics so they seek to "prove" the skeptics wrong by fabricating evidence. Once you understand the psychology behind it you suddenly have an answer to the question "why is there so much 'evidence' if there's nothing really there?".
Magical Realist:

Nothing is "made of energy". Energy isn't a substance, even though every new-age guru, astrologer and psychic will try to tell you it is.

Really? So fields aren't made of energy? What homeskool science course told you that?

Everything is at the quantum level. Large objects such as people are made of small objects such as atoms. Atoms have quantum properties. People, who are made of atoms, have quantum properties. But people can't walk through walls.

No everything is not at that quantum level. The rules that apply at the quantum level do not apply at the macro level. There's a little thing called decoherence that interferes with quantum phenomena for anything much larger than an atom.

There's nothing magical about quantum physics, despite what those new-age gurus would have you believe. Quantum physics is science. It doesn't explain ghosts.

Wow..so quantum entanglement and Bell's incompleteness theorem propose nothing "magical"? You could've fooled me AND Einstein. He called it "spooky action at a distance".

No dimensions beyond the usual four we are familiar with (3 space and 1 time) have ever been detected anywhere. So ignore new-age gurus who tell you there are extra dimensions.

You need to update yourself on string theory and Everett's many-worlds hypothesis, both of which are gaining wider acceptance these days. As far as new age gurus go, I don't read them. But I DO recognize that reality is not defined by science but by philosophy, particularly via various metaphysical schools such as physicalism, absolute idealism, dualism, panexperientialism, and panpsychism. These were around before your new guru demons ever deigned to materialize in our modern world. So don't be so paranoid ok? ;)

You only think there are many that are real and authentic. Any real investigation would show you quickly that there are many many fakes, and many many instances where there are perfectly normal explanations for fuzzy spots on photos, strange-looking people in photos, grainy videos and so on.

No..you are directly contradicting what I said. I said SOME are probably hoaxes and camera glitches, but that others look authentic. Is is YOU who summarily dismisses all photographic evidence before even examining it. And all because you just know, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that the phenomenon isn't real. You are thus trapped in a vicious circle: denying the evidence as inauthentic because you believe there is no authentic evidence. How CONVEEENIENT!

SNIP ad hominem about having to grow up a little. (sniff sniff ;)

You decide who's reputable. That's the problem you're currently having - you're willing to believe anybody right now. You think everybody is honest, nobody would be bothered hoaxing you, nobody wants money or fame, etc. You're way too naive right now.

I believe the people who are eyewitnesses of the phenomena and who are actually out in the field doing the research. That's why I usually believe scientists too, except when they refuse to do research and instead pontificate on what can and can't be real. Less still do I believe devoted adherents of scientism who on purely dogmatic grounds deny the existence of documented and recorded phenomenon.

Don't trust Congress when 100 members report a ghost in the House of Representatives? I say "Good for you!" Now you're finally developing a healthy sense of skepticism. Next apply that to the single witnesses whose internet photos you currently believe are unquestionably real.

Thousands upon thousands of eyewitnesses of paranormal phenomena down thru the centuries in every culture on earth and suddenly I'm supposed to believe YOU instead because...uh...because...now what was that reason again?

I just told you there are facilities that exist
explicitly to replicate lightning strikes. Do you think I'm lying to you? Have you ever watched Mythbusters? On at least one show, they used one of those places. They went there and filmed it. I'm sure you could check for yourself with about 2 minutes of internet searching as to whether I'm telling the truth or not.

Tell ya what. While you're out there frantically googling for experiments of cloud-generated lightning performed in lab settings I'll be over here trying to discuss the thread topic at hand so I don't get my ass infracted again by some socially-challenged hypermoderating OCD case. ok?

Please give ONE example if you can, other than of ghosts, of something that is made of "some kind of energy".


95% of those ghost programmes take a credulous approach to the matter. They never do proper scientific investigations. They only ever interview the believers. Skeptics and real scientists never feature on those programmes. No alternative, sensible explanations are ever offered. All you get is a string of people being interviewed telling you they went to a place and "felt a presence" or "got the shivers up my spine" or "saw a light I couldn't explain" or "heard a weird noise that I couldn't explain" or whatever. And they'll tell you the local history of the place - that according to legend somebody was murdered there or died a cruel death or whatever. Everything they tell you supports the ghost story. They never look for alternative explanations such as old buildings, creaky floors and doors, dusty rooms that produce bright spots on photos when you use the flash, etc.

Uhh..might I just say, in the most respectable way I can, BULLSHIT! to all the above. I have watched these programs for years and they consistently make it a point to debunk the reports with possible natural explanations ALL the time. Many investigations in fact come away with nothing paranormal at all and show the client that their reports were likely due to outside street noises, emf in the bldg wiring, air currents from a/c units, and old pipes in the basement. Do you even watch these shows? Give'em a try. You might find them more credible than you have already concluded them to be.

A lot of them, even on the first page, are quite obvious and badly-done fakes. Can't you see that? Others are slightly cleverer fakes. Some are legitimate photos but they don't actually show ghosts, just effects of the conditions under which the photo was taken or of characteristics of the camera.

I see..So the ones that are TOO clear can't be ghosts because they're obviously hoaxed and the ones that aren't clear enough can't be ghosts because well afterall who ever heard of a hazy unclear ghost eh? You can't even look at these pics objectively and without preconceptions. That doesn't sound very scientific too me.

Maybe a man in a dark suit was standing behind her sons...? Who knows?
You'd have to know all the conditions under which the photo was taken, how reliable you niece is in telling the truth, and a lot of other facts before you could start getting to the bottom of that.

Yeah that sneaky old niece of mine-- part of the vast world conspiracy to create fake ghost photos while taking pictures of her family in her own living room. Guess she hired the guy to stand there just so she could fool me. You must live in a VERY supicious world. I feel sorry for you..I really do.

There are certainly people like you who are true believers who will want to go and sit in a cold damp house somewhere for the night. As a true believer, you'll be very willing to interrupt a boring night by attributing any strange noises you hear from the creaky old place to a ghost in the house. That will make it all seem worthwhile, I'm sure.

Wow..ghost believers are such deceptive and lazy people aren't they? Why hell.those scumbags would go all the way out to a deserted bldg and then decide to fake it just so their trip wouldn't be viewed as such a waste. lol! Funny then that even according to paranormal investigators 80% of the cases aren't real paranormal cases.

SNIP inane and overelaborated tiger tale.

Obviously, the situation is completely different with ghosts. Why are the photos fuzzy and badly focused?

Because of the nature of the phenomena! They're ghosts in dark rooms man! Ofcourse they look hazy and indistinct.

Why is the video always dark and grainy? Why are the
sound recordings always vague and of poor quality? Why can't ghosts be guaranteed to be seen at a particular time and place?

Good question. When I run into one that wants to communicate with me I'll ask him..

No. The energy to run your body comes from your food. Your brain is also run from the same source. The brain signals the body via well-understood electrical signals.

Right..So there's no free thought or decided intent or self-derived willpower going on behind your typed words at this moment. It's all the result of a ham sandwich you had for lunch yesterday. Geez that must've been one helluva of a sandwich! ;)

A mind exists in a physical object called a brain. No brain, no mind.

If it exists INSIDE it then it can't exactly be the same as it now can it? Is the water in a glass the same as the glass?

Scientists do not study transphysical entities for the simple reason that there's no reliable evidence that such entities exist.

Keep repeating that to yourself enough and you might actually start to believe it!

Then you should be out there demanding that those ghost-hunter TV shows you're so fond of start employing some real scientists and also start giving equal time to skeptics who have some doubts from the start about the ghosts being investigated. Giving all the time to the believers/hoaxers is hardly objective examination of the evidence, is it?

Look, I don't know what ghost shows, if any, you watch, but the ones I watch have real photographic analysts and real audio specialists doing the technical examination. Do you seriously think only "REAL scientists" have the ability to tell when something is real or not? Gee I hope not!

You know what? I think you do like thinking that something could float across your ceiling at night. If you saw a ghost yourself, that would make you special. You might even become famous for your ghost story.
Also, you find it nice to know that all those smarty-pants book-learnin' types who have an actual education in science don't know everything. You are one-up on them, because you know how the world really is, while they stupidly live in a narrow world of ignorance.

Wow..and so one last vicious ad hominem aimed straight for my sensitive lil heart. Sniff sniff..How will I ever go on now? By cover's been totally blown! Oh what a world..I'm meeeeelttting...SSSSSssssss..
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I have seen ghosts on two separate occassions and I most certainly do not believe in them. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. Photographic evidence presented thus far is barely laughable. You need something very much more substantial than anything you have offered so far to justify even a glimmering of doubt.

Eyewitness testimony as in court trials and news reports and lab experiments and autobiographies? Yeah that's SOME unreliable sh%t there..;)
But your are. You ignored the point about Infra Red cameras, and came back with some vague bullshit about 'energy'. Infra Red light is energy too, DUH! And all the time, even in the dark, there is ambient temperature, which is energy. DUH!

You stated these programs prove the paranormal, yet haven't come up with any proof. DUH!

You need to drop the word 'Realist' from your handle.

Yeah.. whatever you say Phlog. But DO try not to get so upset over such petty things. You're coming off as rather huffy here. And in the end that's not really too good for your heart. (thump..thump..)
I wonder whose sock you are.
Your "style" seems vaguely familiar: incoherent punctuation and grammar/ syntax. Long inane diatribes. Self-justifying rants. And double standards. Plus that readiness to select "ignore" when confronted with questions that you can't answer.

BTW, last three posts?
Get an education.
I just wish people could understand plain english. There is NO weird energy available only to ghosts that science has mysteriously missed. Both the soviet and US government looked into telekinesis etc. with huge resources. The only thing it proved was that nothing occult could be proved. Further, all such programmes were scrapped as a waste of time.
This field just attracts fakers and con-artists because some people are extremely gullable.

you keep repeating that there is energy only available to ghosts when i don't think anyone has said that.

i did recently see a program on the science channel which did show there were some unusual but very rare people that did show some telekinetic activity. it was conducted by scientists but they do not understand nor does the person exactly how they do that. one person could hold a spoon to their head using some form of concentration. i'm sure they contacted research scientists to find out for themselves as well. they can't explain this but they did record some unusual brain activity during this exercise. of course these aren't spectacularly lavish feats but it is unusual.

it's just about not ruling out possiblities.

Thoughts are electrochemical. you can see them on scanners, nope. nothing mysterious there.

you aren't making sense. anything is mysterious when it's not understood but just because something is not understood at this time doesn't mean it doesn't exist. i said the mind is a powerful tool and we aren't aware of all the different possible ways it can work or express itself in the world.
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Additionally, enthusiasts have a chip on their shoulder about all the skeptics so they seek to "prove" the skeptics wrong by fabricating evidence. Once you understand the psychology behind it you suddenly have an answer to the question "why is there so much 'evidence' if there's nothing really there?".

Oh come on! Spare us the psychobabble.

Could it ACTUALLY be the case...with Occam's Razor deftly applied here...that there's so much evidence because there IS something there?!
Oh come on! Spare us the psychobabble.

Could it ACTUALLY be the case...with Occam's Razor deftly applied here...that there's so much evidence because there IS something there?!

No. The simplest explanation is that people are making stuff up and/or seeing what they want to see. We know for a fact that people have a tendency to do such things.
No. The simplest explanation is that people are making stuff up and/or seeing what they want to see. We know for a fact that people have a tendency to do such things.

No.. I don't know for a fact that people have a tendency to lie and make up stuff that would make them a laughing stock if they told anyone about it. In fact if someone is sure enough about what they saw that they have the courage to come forward and be public about it then I say they must have experienced SOMEthing. That kind of "I saw it with my own eyes" testimony, particularly from people who didn't even believe in it to begin with, at least deserves to be looked into. That would be the TRULY scientific way to approach it instead of just dismissing them as either liars or delusional.
Originally Posted by James R
You know what? I think you do like thinking that something could float across your ceiling at night. If you saw a ghost yourself, that would make you special. You might even become famous for your ghost story.
Also, you find it nice to know that all those smarty-pants book-learnin' types who have an actual education in science don't know everything. You are one-up on them, because you know how the world really is, while they stupidly live in a narrow world of ignorance.

i don't think seeing something makes one special and i really don't think others do too. i don't think it's necessarily some special ability either. there are various people of all types who have had some unusual experiences or that can't be explained concretely that vary depending on the situation.

it's not about one-up, it's about experiences that are unexplainable at this time. most people dismiss it all as 'it's all in the head' though that may be in some cases but it may not be in all cases. it's just possibilities.
No.. I don't know for a fact that people have a tendency to lie and make up stuff that would make them a laughing stock if they told anyone about it.
And here we have an excellent example of the blinkered view.
Denial or ignorance? I wonder...

How many people can you come up with that fit into the category of "lie or make up stuff that would make them a laughing stock if they told anyone about it" boys and girls?

David Icke.
Claude Maurice Marcel Vorilhon
Graham Hancock.
Need I go on?
How about right here on this very forum?
Any examples?
No names of course, because that could be breaching the rules, but there's more than a day's worth of reading in threads that would lend credence to the idea.
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I have seen ghosts on two separate occassions and I most certainly do not believe in them.

Okaaaay...so did you see ghosts or not? BTW, that reminds me of what Einstein once said, that even if he saw a ghost he wouldn't believe it. I might not either come to think of it. Afterall, the mind IS capable of all sorts of strange perceptual illusions. BUT--when the same phenomena gets reported over and over again in the same house or bldg over the years, or if YOU experience repeated events that defy physical explanation, then there's a reason to at least suspect that this is MORE than a random glitch of an overimaginative brain. And then when lots of other phenomena accompany it, like footsteps in empty rooms, moving cold spots, doors shutting and opening in shuttered rooms, moving objects, electrical appliances turning off/on, and voices, then the case for it being paranormal is very strong at that point. Lots of people who don't know each other do NOT as a rule keep making up the same exact experiences. But haunted places show exactly this kind of historical continuity of phenomena. Thus such events cannot be dismissed as mere delusions or chance mistakes.
Yeah.. whatever you say Phlog. But DO try not to get so upset over such petty things.

Who is upset? Not me kid. You're the one with the warped view of reality not me. You believe in ghosts, and don't seem very bright, I'd be upset if I was like you.

You're coming off as rather huffy here.

Like I care how you perceive me.

And in the end that's not really too good for your heart. (thump..thump..)

Yeah, whatever kid.
A couple of reputable scientists who believe(d) in the paranormal:

"Reputable" Scientists and The Paranormal - Paranormal Haze

Ah yes, Brian Josephson, who also claims that he knows others who have successfully repeated Fleischmann and Pons cold fusion experiment,.... despite every other credible scientist failing.

Sorry, where are these 'reputable' scientists again? The guy has lost the plot.