Why can't ghosts exist?

if someone had an experience, they had an experience. how dumb can you be? ready acceptance of what? it is not acceptance as you put it. it's not dismissal and it's open to speculation because that is all we can do for many of them. we are talking about people's experiences which all can't be just dismissed away.
Do you or do you not believe that if paranormal events exist that these are important? Yes, or no?

Do you believe that since they are important we need to verify them carefully? Yes, or no?

If we need to verify them carefully do you or do you not agree that the standards applied to that verification must be very high? Yes, or no?

Do you or do you not agree that if a significant possibility exists that there is a mundane explanation that the event should be provisionally rejected? Yes, or no?

If your answer to any of these questions is no please explain why you believe so.
there are people who have had experiences which cannot be explained and you still cannot handle that.
I have had experiences that cannot be explained and I handle those quite well, thank you. What I find difficult to handle are those who automatically cry "oh look, a mysterious unexplained event" even when there are plausible, mundane explanations available. I don't like witnessing human stupidity.

you asshole. what makes you so vile is everything you accuse me of in this thread, others have even been more guilty of.
So are you saying that someone who commits only a single murder should not be called to account simply because some people commit multiple murders? (This is called an analogy. I am not accusing you of murder.) Once again you demonstrate your illogical thinking in almost every line.

as far as the messages, you should know better than me, i just related it to you.
You have made a public accusation that I have abused my authority on another forum. I have not done so and request you, here or via pm, provide the details of your accusation.

I note, again, that your readiness to accept these canards without any investigation simply because they align with your own viewpoint is objective evidence of your closed mind.

i am going to report you since this is the forum to post such occurences and to speculate on them unless they are proven to be hoaxes.
Report away. I already reported myself earlier for a post in which I swore at you. It didn't seem to result in any sort of action.:bawl:

beyond that, these experiences do indicate there is something going on that can't be explained yet you keep hounding like a mad dog as if it can't be,
I keep demanding a high level of verification because of the importance of the subject under investigation. With your cavalier attitude that tends to accept rather than question you bring the entire field of paranormal research into disrepute. It is not surprising that there are some knee jerk reactions from the anti crowd when you behave like a stereotypical, gullible fanatic.

If you seriously wish to investigate such phenomena, find explanations, prove the existence of the paranormal and convince others of its reality, then your own approach has to be rigorous and above reproach. It falls very far short of this at present.

are you kidding me? like your statement about a dead lizard's innards? not being human?
Perhaps you are not familiar with metaphor and hyperbole. Did I say my remarks were anything other than an opinion? I think not. So, now we are agreed, we each hold poor opinions of the other. That is an objective fact demonstrated by the posts within this thread. ..... At last, progress.
for intance, there is a story related be a fireman who was trapped in a burning building and resigned himself to die because he couldn't see the exist because of the heavy accumulating smoke. he was crawling following the trail of the hose but it was tangled and actually was only a few feet away from the exit. he just sat there believing it was his time to go when he described a blue light on one of the building's beams as the one he was leaning on which took on a hazy figure. it didn't say anything but just pointed in a certain direction so he crawled right out to safety.

after the fire had ceased and the building was clear, they went into check the location of that sighting and that area of the beam where he saw the vision was cool to the touch.

now honestly tell me, if this happened to you, i would think you would be much more curious or at least not as disbelieving about unusual phenomena. also, if you related this experience to others, you would also know that many would not believe you. that's just the way it is.
So you are back to personal anecdote.
Please cite the source for this story.
When did the fireman set down, or tell his version of the event?
Was the fireman suffering from anoxia at any point during this event? (If not, why not?)
How long after the fire was out was the temperature of the beam checked?
Were other beams in the vicinity checked for temperature?
Is there any evidence that that beam, or others were dowsed with water during attempt to put out the fire?
Etc, etc, etc.

These are the questions you should be asking if you have an interest in such phenomena. I see no evidence that you have asked a single one of them. Instead we have this "Oh, look an amazing unexplained event that we cannot explain." Do you totally lack critical faculties?
Birch that fireman story is pretty lame. Even if it were an anecdote from a real fireman, there are various psychological explanations for it, without having to resort to ghosts. People under stress can wig out and see strange things, this is understood scientific fact.

If you don't understand the science, go study.
The thing is we have not been able to communicate with ghosts and therefore their existence is hard to prove. With that given, I'll stick to what I know from religion and it basically points out that there shouldn't be such things as ghosts.