Why can't ghosts exist?

If you take a picture of something, it is matter so it can reflect the light to make the photo or it is matter that emits light so it's image is recorded. If you record a sound, matter was involved to produce the sound energy.

Energy and matter are part of the physical universe and as such can be observed consistently. In fact, as most of us are aware, it is the process of examining and re - examining to log consistent results that defines science.

If "ghosts" exist but are not made of matter or manifestations of energy then they cannot interact with us in any way and are thus irrelevant to us. To wit: if you can see it, it exists, if only in your mind as an hallucination. If you see ghosts that we do not then they exist in your' head and not out here with us.

"No number of testimonials, anecdotes or case histories can prove an hypothesis, but it takes only one exception to destroy an hypothesis."
To wit: if you can see it, it exists, if only in your mind as an hallucination. If you see ghosts that we do not then they exist in your' head and not out here with us.

"No number of testimonials, anecdotes or case histories can prove an hypothesis, but it takes only one exception to destroy an hypothesis."

don't pass off your limited take on reality as if it is all reality.

you don't know this for sure, you just think you do. it's true that anecdotes and testimonials and some case histories are not enough to prove especially something of this nature but neither do you have a RIGHT to emphatically say that it doesn't exist. you are not seeing the forest for the trees but you think you have. it doesn't take just one exception to destroy a hypothesis when there is no understanding of what it is in the first place. understand now? if you are so intellectually honest and logical, then you'd understand that.

some things are indeed hallucinations and other things are a lot more complicated than that.
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Maybe poltergeists. Poltergeists seems to move things around.


Excellent article! I guess according to some of the scientism fundamentalists in this thread all these scientists and physicists who have studied and confirmed the phenomenon itself were therefore not REAL scientists and physicists. Maybe they were just fake members of the Max Planck Institute who were really new agers just trying to get famous or who just wanted to feel "special". They're a sneaky lot those..;)
Excellent article! I guess according to some of the scientism fundamentalists in this thread all these scientists and physicists who have studied and confirmed the phenomenon itself were therefore not REAL scientists and physicists.
Not real? Studied and confirmed?
I wonder how they did that?
Maybe they just made it up...

Maybe they were just fake members of the Max Planck Institute who were really new agers just trying to get famous or who just wanted to feel "special". They're a sneaky lot those..;)
Sure are. After all Karger has also claimed:
There is a certain type of cord, or connection, between the soul and the body. It’s called the silver cord, because clairvoyants can see it as a shining "tether" between the soul and the body, and when this chord is severed, then it’s no longer possible for the soul to return into its body.
Yup. A physicist says there's a soul.

Just another crank. :rolleyes:
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If you take a picture of something, it is matter so it can reflect the light to make the photo or it is matter that emits light so it's image is recorded. If you record a sound, matter was involved to produce the sound energy.

Energy and matter are part of the physical universe and as such can be observed consistently. In fact, as most of us are aware, it is the process of examining and re - examining to log consistent results that defines science.

If "ghosts" exist but are not made of matter or manifestations of energy then they cannot interact with us in any way and are thus irrelevant to us. To wit: if you can see it, it exists, if only in your mind as an hallucination. If you see ghosts that we do not then they exist in your' head and not out here with us.

"No number of testimonials, anecdotes or case histories can prove an hypothesis, but it takes only one exception to destroy an hypothesis."

You're debating a particular theory ABOUT what ghosts are instead of the occurrance of paranormal phenomena itself. But I think most paranormal researchers would admit that they just do not know what ghosts are or what they are made of. Some appear to be residues of past events that are played over and over. Others appear intelligent and actually responsive to words and requests. Others manifest thru mediums and ectoplasmic projections. And still others like certain kinds of poltergeists seem to be psychokinetic generations of the repressed psyche of adolescent teenagers. So it doesn't seem that we can simply attribute all these phenomena to one generic being called "a ghost". As with every field of research, the more you study it the more complicated it gets.
We've posted several links of such examples already. Check the Wiki article on poltergeists for example.

Surely you have one or two "favourites" that would serve as good examples of scientists and physicists being able to verify paranormal claims.
And still others like certain kinds of poltergeists seem to be psychokinetic generations of the repressed psyche of adolescent teenagers

this is enough of a tentative subject as it is so don't get way stupid. maybe you've been watching too many 'scary movie' part umpteenth or scream etc.

there have been many unusual paranormal phenomena of many different types experienced by all types of people which cannot all be explained away or dismissed away. we just don't know it all.
Yup. A physicist says there's a soul.

Just another crank.

i don't know about life after death but you obviously don't have a soul.

perhaps you have a pit for one. lol

the soul is usually an expression of the sense of self/selves/emotions/experiences in the seat of the heart area. the feelings can also be layered.
this is enough of a tentative subject as it is so don't get way stupid. maybe you've been watching too many 'scary movie' part umpteenth or scream etc.

there have been many unusual paranormal phenomena of many different types experienced by all types of people which cannot all be explained away or dismissed away. we just don't know it all.

Uhh...READ the Wiki article! Geez! Do I have to do all the legwork here?
Click on the link and see. I can't read them for you.

I did. I've actually read the Wikipedia article on Poltergeists before. Are you demanding that I read all the sources in an attempt to locate an example like the one I asked for? You're really going to refuse to point me to one?
i don't know about life after death but you obviously don't have a soul.
And you appear to be short on brains.

the soul is usually an expression of the sense of self/selves/emotions/experiences in the seat of the heart area. the feelings can also be layered.
If you'd actually read what the guy said about you'd realise that isn't what he means. :rolleyes:
I did. I've actually read the Wikipedia article on Poltergeists before. Are you demanding that I read all the sources in an attempt to locate an example like the one I asked for? You're really going to refuse to point me to one?

Uhh..I think I just pointed you to several. So what did you find questionable about ANY of the described accounts?
Uhh..I think I just pointed you to several. So what did you find questionable about ANY of the described accounts?

I'm sorry, but I couldn't locate an example that was verified by scientists and physicists. Such an example is of the type I think would be useful to examine.
Dear Magical Realist,

You probably think your thread received so many views because you've asked a novel question. LOL! No, people have entered your thread to see what kind of fucking idiot you are. That is all.