Why Blacks?

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by cottontop3000
What does having higher levels of testosterone mean to you?
It means that he's afraid of black people because their meaner and more dangerous than any other race of people. Testosterone levels that are high (to him/her) means that you're (blacks) more violent than any other race. He's probably right because living in the jungle with lions, tigers, bears oh my.....you have to be dangerous! ;)
QUOTE by Baron Max
do you have any suggestions for accomplishing that in the realities of the world today? ...even here in the USA?
Why yes I do Baron, lets see....we could chase down all the real drug dealers in the country (and abroad) instead of the drug handlers....which would get the drugs off the street and less minority population in the prison system....which would also save me something on the way of tax money! We could improve education by having better school incentives, better teachers (more minority teachers teaching minority students), effective teaching leads to effective learning means more graduation so that kids that grow up can have their own business in their own neighborhoods and not have to worry about being hired by someone who doesn't like them (for whatever reasons they have). Umm, better neighborhood community programs instead of liquor stores on every corner. Tear down all community project housing! More education on credit/debit/banking/financing/real estate/retirement SS how to's.....Better pay for labor work......better health education and cost. More money on hourly minimum wage. etc..........

by Baron
I'm sorry, Reighn, some people just don't like other people. It's a fact of life that may or may not ever change. Forcing someone to hire someone that they don't want or like is NOT going to "fix" the problem. And you can't force someone to like someone that they don't like.
That's why we have to do away with the FORCE aspect of the problem....get down to the real reasons that you don't like someone else and why. No one should be afraid to express themselves (as long as their not using violence) to do so. Also the person who's doing the hating should have at least a real reason that's somewhat understandable in order to be able to come to some sort of agreement. I think that's a start anyway....... :D add to it if you will?

by Baron
Personally, I think the USA should be sub-divided into areas ....blacks down yonder, whites up there, Injuns somewhere in the north middle, hateful white bastards down somewhere in the lower middle, ...........and on and on!
I see what you're thinking, but why divide? Is it the color of the skin?, the testorone level of the races?, the ability to dance? What is the reason behind why we should divide.

by Baron
All humans suck giant donkey dicks, but some humans suck more and bigger donkey dicks than others! ...just a fact of life, get used to it.
So that's why this donkey has been hanging around my backyard all day huh? ;)
ReighnStorm said:
I see what you're thinking, but why divide? Is it the color of the skin?, the testorone level of the races?, the ability to dance? What is the reason behind why we should divide.
Why? because people should have the right and the freedom to do what is best for them.

Why does the government FORCE people to associate with people they don't want to? Why is it against the law to even want to divide?
In EVERY aspect of life, the government forces people to associate with people they do not want too.

"The First Amendment and the `liberty' interest secured by the Fourteenth Amendment have been interpreted to protect a person's right to associate with others who share similar ideas, interests, and goals".
But why force them to divide? Most people are actually quite comforable with being integrated with other races in school, work, etc. Just because you don't like to assossiate with people who aren't of your skin color doesn't mean you have the right to forcibly seperate people.
Hapsburg said:
But why force them to divide? Most people are actually quite comforable with being integrated with other races in school, work, etc. Just because you don't like to assossiate with people who aren't of your skin color doesn't mean you have the right to forcibly seperate people.
I don't think ANYONE should be FORCED to divide or intergate!

But here in America we are FORCED to intergrate.

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Because in the long term it's better to be friendly with all races of humanity, not kill them.
I say we let Baron and JB (along with their families) exist on a patch of land somewhere. They will be divided from the rest of the world. They will have to remain completely self-sufficient and not be allowed to trade with any others, be it State or individuals. In short, we divide them from the rest of society. We could do it as some sort of experiment. See how long they hold out. I'm sure in a couple of generations, inbreeding will be a tremendous problem and they could even simply die out due to lack of diversification.
ReighnStorm said:
...we could chase down all the real drug dealers in the country (and abroad) instead of the drug handlers...

There are people right here on sciforums who think drugs should be legal! What are you to do about that?

And, Reighn, gazillions of dollars have been spent trying to get rid of drugs in this country ....it's a losing battle because as long as there is a demand, there'll be a supply ...and surely you know that.

ReighnStorm said:
...drugs off the street and less minority population in the prison system....

It ain't only minorities who take drugs, Reighn. But see the note above about drugs ....it's like shoveling sand to try to clear a mountain of sand.

As to education ...many people in, say, Los Angeles, are not going to want their tax dollars spent on schools in, say, Detroit. If the money is spent, why should certain schools be discrimiinated against? Why should some schools get more government money per child than any other?

ReighnStorm said:
Tear down all community project housing!

Can't do that ....it's someone elses property! Surely you don't think the government should steal a man's property, do you? ...even if it's a run-down slum apartment?

Remember, I did ask for REALISTIC solutions. And, Reighn, it's damned near impossible to find such solutions! And if you think of any more "solutions", try to think about them in terms of those racist assholes who might object ...legally! Then see how your solutions stand up to the test.

ReighnStorm said:
...get down to the real reasons that you don't like someone else and why.

Well, I sort of agree ...but some of the reasons ain't too logical or rational. What the hell do you do then? And worse, even if you "prove" to the racist assholes that it's wrong, they'll still hate the minorities, but now they'll hate you for "proving" them wrong!! ...and you've done nothing to solve the problem. Shooting them might work, but is that what you want to do?

ReighnStorm said:
...the person who's doing the hating should have at least a real reason ...

they think they do, Reighn ...and you ain't gonna' tell 'em otherwise. Hate is a strange thing ...it's sorta' like love, no one would expect you to prove that you love someone, would they? How could you prove it? Or disprove it?

ReighnStorm said:
I see what you're thinking, but why divide? Is it the color of the skin?, the testorone level of the races?, the ability to dance? What is the reason behind why we should divide.

The reason, of course, is to seperate those who don't want to be forced to integrate or to accept other "types" of people ...be it race, religion, height, weight, hair color, size of tits, length of dick, music styles, dance styles, favorite sports, clothing styles, ............

See? And if you think about it much, we're actually already "divided" by those things. The difference is we're all forced to live too close to the others. And in doing so, we've automatically caused the very divisions that we pretend that we don't like!

If Joe Blow lived on one side of the hill and liked Bluegrass music, but hated Rap, he could still be friends with Mike Suck on the other side of the hill if he didn't have to listen to the Rap music. But no, see, poor ol' Joe is forced to hear that damned Rap music at almost every intersection being blasted from the car beside him. So how do you expect Joe to ever really come to like Mike??????

Reighn, the world is working hard at becoming a world where we take our hate to extremes ...and it's mostly 'cause we're being forced, more and more, to live and work shoulder-to-shoulder with people who do things we don't like and look the way we don't like. It's only gonna' get worse!!!

I don't know, Reighn, but you youngsters are just gonna' have to work it out or the shit's gonna' really hit the fan one of these days.

Baron Max

Oh, Reighn, those donkeys probably love you - see, I told you that you were a lovely young woman! But surely you ain't "discriminating" against those donkeys, are you? ...LOL!
QUOTE by Baron Max
There are people right here on sciforums who think drugs should be legal! What are you to do about that?
Let them continue to think what they want...but actions speak louder.
by baron max
And, Reighn, gazillions of dollars have been spent trying to get rid of drugs in this country
But the money spent trying to rid the country of drugs is being used on the wrong people! To take down an empire you have to start on the top floor.
by baron max
It ain't only minorities who take drugs, Reighn.
The comment about less minorities in prison is not just about drugs. Combine that with less drugs on street with false arrest for crimes alot of minorities and majority did not commit means less taxpayer money spent on prison system.
by baron max
As to education ...many people in, say, Los Angeles, are not going to want their tax dollars spent on schools in, say, Detroit.
The education system needs to be completely disassembled and rebuilt.
by baron max
Can't do that ....it's someone elses property! Surely you don't think the government should steal a man's property, do you? ...even if it's a run-down slum apartment?
The government can take whatever they want in the end.....but they could also pay them.
Reighn, it's damned near impossible to find such solutions! And if you think of any more "solutions", try to think about them in terms of those racist assholes who might object ...legally! Then see how your solutions stand up to the test.
But Baron Max it's impossible to find a solution but not to create one (some)....also it's because of legalities in this country that the laws have and will continue to change.
by baron max
but some of the reasons ain't too logical or rational. What the hell do you do then? And worse, even if you "prove" to the racist assholes that it's wrong, they'll still hate the minorities, but now they'll hate you for "proving" them wrong!! ...and you've done nothing to solve the problem.
Rearing a child not to hate someone because they're different would most definately work....but that my friend will never happen.... as you say!
by Baron Max
they think they do, Reighn ...and you ain't gonna' tell 'em otherwise. Hate is a strange thing ...it's sorta' like love, no one would expect you to prove that you love someone, would they? How could you prove it? Or disprove it?
You can't just tell them otherwise, you teach them otherwise (if they're willing to learn). Also, people have to prove their love everyday because they need that confirmation...why?... I don't know...In my opinion, love is the only thing that will conquer hate.
by Baron Max
seperate those who don't want to be forced to integrate or to accept other "types" of people. And if you think about it much, we're actually already "divided" by those things. The difference is we're all forced to live too close to the others. And in doing so, we've automatically caused the very divisions that we pretend that we don't like!
I don't agree completely....a child born into integration would not see a noticeable difference. Mild difference maybe...once all the old foggies (all colors) die out, there will be no one left to tell them that their everything except american....instead it will be just american born and raised.
My daughter was about 8 yrs old...she loves her grandpa (my step-dad) almost more than me....he's white (german mix)....she was told by someone one day that he was a white man. She got confused and came to me to clarify. She had never noticed with her own eyes any difference from him to her until someone told her so.
by baron max
Reighn, the world is working hard at becoming a world where we take our hate to extremes
Really? I hadn't notice.....to busy being ambushed by gay and lesbian affairs!
J.B said:
I don't think ANYONE should be FORCED to divide or intergate!

But here in America we are FORCED to intergrate.


Nobody's going to answer this question for you, JB. The argument has already evolved beyond your boundaries of confusion.

A little advice:

James R said:
I suggest the topic starter go off and learn a bit about slavery, then come back and we'll have a discussion. I don't think anybody here has time to educate you from scratch.
Reighn, all I can say to you is ......you're letting your idealism get in the way of reality. And, to me, that just causes MORE problems rather than solving them.

All you're saying, in actuality, is; "We should do more and better things to help."

I.e., you say disassemble the schools and rebuild them, yet you give no specifics as to what and how or where the money comes from. Again, do you expect that California should help pay for the schools in the ghettos of Detroit?

You say; "I don't know...In my opinion, love is the only thing that will conquer hate." But you don't say where we're gonna' get that "love" or how it's gonna' be distributed. Can you buy "love" down at the local Wal-Mart? And do we FORCE people to swallow the pills ....even if they don't want to?

Reighn, until we stare racism and hatred in the face, in the reality of it, we're not going to get any-fuckin'-where solving the problem. Until a person can say, "I don't want to hire you 'cause you're a fuckin' black man(yellow man, Arab, Muslim)!" then we're just trying to hide from the problem.

Racism and hatred is something that must be confronted ....like in a war! If someone is openly racist, shoot the sonuvabitch and that ONE problem will be solved! And we continue shooting all racists until there ain't no more!!!!! Then and ONLY then, will we have solved the problem. (And, Reighn, don't forget that we'll also be shooting a helluva lot of blacks and Muslims and Arabs ......not just whites!)

Baron Max
Facial said:
Nobody's going to answer this question for you, JB. The argument has already evolved beyond your boundaries of confusion.
Nobody like you WILL answer that question.

As far as slavery?

Is there anyone prepared to make the argument that blacks in America today would be better off if they were in Africa?
That question (in my opinion) is unanswerable because history has already happened. Who knows what Africa would have been if those events for the last 2000 years or so had never taken place. Who knows how America would be like if not for the slave trade or the Louisiana Purchase or War (with indians and such) ending differently etc.....whose to say?
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