Why Blacks?

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Baron Max said:
I also know of no human society/nation that is peacefully integrated with several different cultures, do you?

Baron Max

Brazil. Didn't I already say this, in this thread? Or do you mean where each culture continues with all its strength? It's syncretism country, things just sorta mix... so we get things like 100% genetically german god fearing catholics getting voodoo done with "Old Blacks" [a religious title] for protection, or cursing...

A couple of religions came up that are a mix of christianity and african religions, too, they're quite popular, and exist peacefully with the purer versions of their faiths; and others.

And before someone says something dumb about the violence here, that's about money, power, and corruption; which is rampant. NEVER culture.
originally posted by Baron Max
those who CLAIMED that they weren't racist, the reactions were of fear and dislike and distrust.
The question is not who they feared.....but why they feared them. Show pictures of similiar white people and the fear is all the same.

origninally posted by Baron Max
All animals in nature are segregated by choice. I know of no specie that it willingly integrates with any other species. Oh, sure there are symbiotic relationships, but it's not the same thing, is it!
That's just it....we are the same damn animal. If you, like me, have dogs...I have a red nose bit bull and three german shephards....they all get along even though their not the same breed of dog...there still dogs!

originally posted by Baron Max
I also know of no human society/nation that is peacefully integrated with several different cultures, do you?
Yes, in fact, I do....Black people peacefully intergrated with people who hate them for no reason.....it's the other race of people who started fighting...so we faught back..ie...black panthers.......

Racism: The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Some of you guys are confusing racism with distrust and being guarded. Black people won't so easily drop the ball this time when it comes to other nations.
...So it's perfectly OK for dogs to hate cats, then, because they aren't the same species?

Should humanity all join and dance together, happy in the moon light; and when the aliens come we blow the filthy things up?

Nit picking...
Yes, it's perfectly ok (natural) for dogs to dislike cats...and no, they're not the same kind of species but are in fact are of animal species AND... it's a natural design of chaos for other animals to dislike (prey) on other animals.
So after everything I said...this is what your questions/statements are?
(nitpicking) :rolleyes:
ReighnStorm said:
Yes, it's perfectly ok (natural) for dogs to dislike cats...and no, they're not the same kind of species but are in fact are of animal species AND... it's a natural design of chaos for other animals to dislike (prey) on other animals.
So after everything I said...this is what your questions/statements are?
(nitpicking) :rolleyes:

Well, I agree with a lot of what you said. I just think that example has a bit of a slippery slope problem to it. The whites of the past, and I guess some still today, though it was perfectly natural to enslave blacks, because they had black souls, I believe the excuse was.

Of course the cat/dog example was pretty extreme, meants merely to colorfully illustrate my point. But what about what I said about aliens? (By which I meant ETs)
I think that if aliens come down....white people will happily try and sell anything that's not white into slavery to the aliens...even if they don't want us! Even in the face of total anniliation I believe white people to be more treacherous. (honest opinion...no kidding) :D
And how...pray tell...is this racist. It's my opinion of events that may or may not take place and the outcome I believe from past (history)experience. How do you "though of suicide". I don't know what that means exactly. Is that some form of whitebonic's? LOL. And furthermore only some person/people who thinks he's inferior (his life) to himself or others would commit suicide.
That's why it's so prevelant in some communities.



Suicide rates among whites are higher than among blacks at all ages, including the teen years.
Difference between black and white rates is greatest in the South and least in the North Central States. (Shaffer et al, 1994).
ReighnStorm said:
I think that if aliens come down....white people will happily try and sell anything that's not white into slavery to the aliens...even if they don't want us! Even in the face of total anniliation I believe white people to be more treacherous. (honest opinion...no kidding) :D

I think it entirely possible that in an alternate history, blacks could have been the ones doing the enslaving, and everything we see today could have been totally reversed. I think our history depends on a lot of circumstance, like who happened to be in certain locations, locations that supplied either riches or locations that supplied fewer riches. Riches, I think, and the desire for riches are what led to slavery, imo. You can still see forms of this slavery today, though those who practice it (Big Business) will call it something else. Why do you think Wal-Mart has gone to China? Imo, to get laborers that are as close to slaves as it is politically correct to get in today's world. Sweat shops and child labor. Illegal hear in the U.S., but not as much in China or Cambodia or Thailand.

Remember that if you say we all are human, and humans are humans, you have to be willing to admit that we all have the same potential.
ReighnStorm said:
And furthermore only some person/people who thinks he's inferior (his life) to himself or others would commit suicide.
This is definitely not true, ReighnStorm. I think of suicide often because I am sick of humanity. All humanity. I feel ashamed to be human. I am ashamed of the way humans act and think. I feel sorrow and hatred for a lot of humanity, and still think that even being able to see man's atrocities is not enough to stop our rampages upon this planet, it's animal life and each other. I feel like we are a train-wreck waiting to happen. I am ashamed of what I am and what you are and what Avatar is and what J.B. is and what Baron Max is. You could say that I feel this way mainly because I am ashamed of myself and what I have done in this life, which is atrocious sure, but who created me? Other men and women. Maybe I am an extreme example of what is bad about humanity, but I don't think I am that different from anyone else. I just no longer value what "most" Americans do. Humanity for humanity's sake. I feel like humanity is inferior, as a whole, not just me.
Cottontop3000 said:
I think it entirely possible that in an alternate history, blacks could have been the ones doing the enslaving, and everything we see today could have been totally reversed. I think our history depends on a lot of circumstance, like who happened to be in certain locations, locations that supplied either riches or locations that supplied fewer riches. Riches, I think, and the desire for riches are what led to slavery, imo. You can still see forms of this slavery today, though those who practice it (Big Business) will call it something else. Why do you think Wal-Mart has gone to China? Imo, to get laborers that are as close to slaves as it is politically correct to get in today's world. Sweat shops and child labor. Illegal hear in the U.S., but not as much in China or Cambodia or Thailand.

Remember that if you say we all are human, and humans are humans, you have to be willing to admit that we all have the same potential.
I could admit to that and I may one day...but not today. Considering this is the only life we know. NO if ands or buts about it. This is the reality of our lives. Africans live in the worse of worse places in the World. It's a cursed land. Some of them are crazy as hell (too much sun) but that still does not make a difference to the rest of the world. To be deemed inferior because of where you live not who you are. That's what's going on here and from the beginning. It's been proven time and time again that they (the other white meat) are a treacherous race of people.
originally posted by
Cottontop3000I think of suicide often because I am sick of humanity. All humanity. I feel ashamed to be human.
You're making my point Cotton!
I am ashamed of what I am and what you are and what Avatar is and what J.B. is and what Baron Max is.
And what exactly are we compared to what you're ashamed of...people??
You could say that I feel this way mainly because I am ashamed of myself and what I have done in this life
I could and I am saying that you should be ashamed of yourself for being ashamed..... :bugeye:
I say again
"only some person/people who thinks he's inferior (his life) to himself or others would commit suicide.
That's why it's so prevelant in some communities."
ReighnStorm said:
I could admit to that and I may one day...but not today.
I totally understand.

Considering this is the only life we know. NO if ands or buts about it. This is the reality of our lives.
You are right, but I do encourage you to think about it from my point of view as a white man who also hates racism.

It's been proven time and time again that they (the other white meat) are a treacherous race of people.
Some can be, I know. Just don't make the harmful mistake of thinking that all of us are. I wish like hell that what has been done by my ancestors could be undone. But it can't, and so now you and I, and others like us, must come together to find a way towards reconciliation. I hope this is possible. But others will fight it, and we may lose if we don't fight back. You've just seen my opinion about humanity in general, which I know is extreme, but I still have some hope for a better future, though it is hard for me to admit at times.
ReighnStorm said:
You're making my point Cotton!
Let me clarify then. You said:
I say again
"only some person/people who thinks he's inferior (his life) to himself or others would commit suicide.
That's why it's so prevelant in some communities."

I don't think I am inferior to myself, because I can't be inferior to myself, only my expectations of myself (maybe this is what you mean?). I don't think I am inferior to others because I feel that we are all just as bad, at times. I feel that humanity is inferior to the gorilla, the wolf, the roach, etc. Why do I feel this? Because I don't have a lot of hope that we aren't going to destroy it all. I think the gorilla, wolf and roach, etc. has more potential to ultimately survive than we do. However, you could argue that they may not be aware of what they are doing and this, thus, makes them inferior. I don't know just how aware they are. Dogs, Cats, Dolphins, Gorillas, Whales, Bees, Ants. Hell, they may all be more aware than we are. They may be smarter. I don't know. I don't speak their languages, but somehow I sense that they may have languages and feelings, joys and pains. I wonder what would become of this earth if we humans were to somehow disappear? To me, there is more hope for this planet and all its "wild" life if we were to somehow magically disappear. :)

P.S. I know this sounds crazy, and maybe it is, but I am just trying different ways of thinking to see where they lead.
ReighnStorm said:
And what exactly are we compared to what you're ashamed of...people??
Let me say it this way. I see humanity, as a whole, as an organism say, destroying this world. Pollution, global warming, nuclear war, urban sprawl, whatever. There may be individuals who stand out from the whole, who seem to have better qualities than some others, but I don't think they are the ones making the decisions. The ones that are in power seem to have the qualities of greed and avarice and corruption, and they are the ones making the decisions. God, also, is one part of this. As long as man believes that there is a God, and an afterlife, he will not care enough about this planet to save it. What if we are wrong about God? What if there is no God, and we destroy ourselves and this planet as a self-fulfilling prophecy? Then what happens. Will some of us survive some sort of Armageddon just to start the process all over again somehow? Do we only care for ourselves? Do we care for our happy little dogs and cats? Maybe animal rights activists have the right idea after all. Maybe we should let the dogs take over the world and give them a chance to evolve. Hee Hee. I don't know.
ReighnStorm said:
Africans live in the worse of worse places in the World.
Ermm Reighn, Africa is one of the most beautiful continents in the world. The diverse ecology alone is breath taking.

Are you saying it's the worst place in the world because of the poverty? Poverty does not exist solely in Africa.

It's a cursed land.
Cursed land? Cursed how? Because of the draughts, famine and poverty that occur? Reighn, again, these things don't occur solely in Africa. To say it's cursed because of this is wrong. Draughts occur everywhere in nature and famine can also occur anywhere. The difference is that the States where famines take place in Africa are also war-torn and usually have despots as leaders. The land itself is not cursed. No land is cursed. The leaders of the poor nations of Africa are the one's who cause the problems. By the leaders hoarding all the money that their country makes into their own bank accounts, the people of these countries suffer. So when draughts occur, as they always have, the Governments of these countries can also be blamed for the famines that have occured since they've also pocketed the aid money their country has received from other nations and organisations. So instead of developing the countries they lead (for example better irrigation, farming practices, etc), these despotic leaders take that money instead and build up their own personal wealth. They terrorise their own people in the process. That does not equal a cursed land Reighn. That equals cursed leaders.

Some of them are crazy as hell (too much sun) but that still does not make a difference to the rest of the world.
On the contrary. African countries probably get more aid than most other countries on other continents. However these African countries have also amassed a huge amount of foreign debt. The other major problem is that the aid given to these countries never reach the people who need it. Instead it's used to line the pockets of the leaders of these African countries. This coupled with the AIDS epidemic currently gripping Africa and Christian organisations dictating that African's should not be taught about condoms, because it goes against the belief of no sex before and outside of marriage, and threatening to withdraw aid if condoms are distributed in poorer areas or the use of condoms advocated by African governments... well all that adds up to a total stuff up. You see Reighn, the rest of the world does care. It's just that with all sides pulling in different directions, the people of Africa themselves end up suffering instead. Once the despots are outed and the Church told to butt out, I'd hope that the aid would reach the people who need it.

To be deemed inferior because of where you live not who you are.
Aside from the uneducated racists who have shown themselves in this post, no one is deeming Africans inferior because of where they live or because of who they are. You're the one who's saying Africa is a hell hole and that Africans are crazy because they get too much sun...

It's been proven time and time again that they (the other white meat) are a treacherous race of people.
And here I thought you'd said that it just wasn't in you to be racist? :rolleyes:
Once again Bells, I've never stated that I wasn't a racist (you obviously don't know what the word racist truly means). And everything else you said is BLA...BLA....BLA....being beautiful does not make it a good place for africans....African countries get aid at a cost to them not because of the kindness the others hearts.....africans we're indeed deemed inferior because of where they are from....anything else? The other white meat has also, without a shadow of doubt, proven that they are a treacherous race...I never said there was anything wrong with being treacherous!
ReighnStorm said:
Once again Bells, I've never stated that I wasn't a racist (you obviously don't know what the word racist truly means).
This is getting tedious... This was in reply to a comment that African American's can be just as racist as any other group...

ReighnStorm said:
We can be, but we're not...Plain and simple, history shows that for the majority.
Page 6 of this thread
Lets just clear this up now shall we? Now when you say "we", you're not including yourself?

being beautiful does not make it a good place for africans..
Ok Reighn, why do you think Africa is bad for Africans? You stated it was the worst of the worst for Africans, why do you think so?

I stated above (you know the bits you see "bla.. bla.. bla") that the mixture of politics, foreign debt, despotic leaders, tribal violence and mentality and draughts are some of the major causes of pain to the every day African individual who's just trying to live their lives in their individual countries on the continent. Doesn't mean the continent is a bad place to live. Just means that things must start to change for them and they must lead the charge to bring forth that change. It's easy for us in the West to say it's a shithole and all the rest of it and that things must change, but Africans must want that change for themselves first and instigate to change their own situation.

African countries get aid at a cost to them not because of the kindness the others hearts.....
Where did I say the aid they get is out of the kindness of the richer State's hearts? I said African countries probably get more financial aid compared to other countries, but the result of that aid is accompanied by the fact that they have now amassed a ridiculous amount of foreign debt. Plus the fact that the aid does not reach the people in need because their leaders are greedy gobs who only wish to plant their arses on gold toilets does not help the Africans much either. There is no single cause for the problems that plague that continent Reighn.

africans we're indeed deemed inferior because of where they are from....
Racists view Africans as being inferior. Africans do not see their countries or themselves as inferior. When they manage some level of self-sufficiency and are given the right to trade freely on the global markets to ensure that they can help themselves, then things should improve. But before all that happens, they need to change the political mindset that is prevalent on the continent... the mindset that every leader is out solely to gorge themselves on the richness of their country to the detriment of the people. In short, to achieve any level of self sufficiency, they need to get rid of the tyrants.

Racist may have viewed Africans as being inferior, but it's not because of where they are from. It's because the Whites saw Africans as being less than them.. as being primitive and even went so far as to describe them as being apes. It was because of colour and because they lived differently (the whites saw them as primitive because they toiled the land and enjoyed a way of life that suited their location but was different to what White Europeans were used to). Africans weren't the only race of people who were deemed inferior by the Whites.

The other white meat has also, without a shadow of doubt, proven that they are a treacherous race... I never said there was anything wrong with being treacherous!
Did I ever say they weren't? But the problem is that to end racism, both sides must come to the table. We must also point out that slavery also existed in Africa in many tribes. In fact, many of the slaves taken from Africa and sent to all parts of the world were captured by fellow Africans, many of whom belonged to different or warring tribes. Every race has the propensity to be treacherous and have been in the past and no doubt, will be in the future.
Bell...you talk to much to make a point. Did you see my post to you. It was short and sweet (or unsweetened). Africans were deemed inferior by racists. So we're making the same point! If needing help means givening a hand to them, then that's aid. Borrowing (lending )is not the same thing. It's motivated by other things. So Africans are not getting help more than other nations of people. Africa (unfortunately) needs more help.
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