Why Blacks?

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I really should have learnt by now to NOT click on links provided in these forums... From the link...

"The Pioneer Fund’s original charter outlines a commitment to work for "racial betterment" through studies in heredity and eugenics and to "improve the character of the American people" by encouraging the procreation of descendants of the original white colonial stock."

"As one of the Pioneer Fund’s first "accomplishments," it imported two copies of a Nazi propaganda film, "Applied Eugenics in Present-Day Germany," adding English subtitles for American consumption. The film portrayed severely impaired people as freaks living in the splendor of a palatial sanitarium, while genetically-sound Aryan children lived in squalor. The message was clear: too much money is wasted on "life unworthy of living."

The Nazis produced more sophisticated versions as a means of preparing medical workers to commit mass murder in state-sanctioned euthanasia programs. During the Third Reich an estimated 200,000 mentally and physically disabled persons were murdered by lethal injection, deliberate starvation, and gas."

"Fascist ideologist Roger Pearson, a Pioneer Fund beneficiary ($568,000 from 1981-1991) and author of Eugenics and Race, published by Willis Carto’s notoriously anti-Semitic Noontide Press, argues that the white race is endangered by inferior genetic stock, but with proper use of modern biological technology "a new super-generation" descended from "only the fittest" of the previous generation can be produced."

I'd have quoted a few more choice sections but they were too horrid to even consider. I think I'm going to be sick!

JB.. what in the hell kind of person actually advocates such things? I don't think there's even a name for you. I have seen and dealt with some racists in my time, but you take the cake. That site is obscene.

It is advocating the murder and sterilisation of innocent people because they aren't of the proper genetic stock (whatever the hell that is meant to be or mean) or because they are classified in some way inferior due to their religion, race or because they are disabled. And you post that as though it were a good thing? What in the hell is wrong with you?

I don't believe it. I'm actually speechless...
"Is it possible to think of blacks as being 'inferior' and not be a 'racist'? "
not if the sole criterion for the label "inferior" is race. in fact, that would be the textbook definition of racism. :rolleyes:
Baron Max said:
Did you post that to show that you respect the opinions of others?

Baron Max
Oh, I respect his right to have a dissenting opinion, no matter how fucking retarded it may be.
I just don't like his opinions.
What I got from the parts I read is that they would rather drug someone (no particular race of people) instead of repairing the very fabric of this societies birth that is torn and continues to tear as we speak! We should fix the communities first....ie....better housing, education, jobs (because even with education some people can't get hired by a certain majority race of people), more tax money spent on those things because if people had money then they would not feel the need to steal from others...or murder each other over money (drugs create money in some communities),so forth and so on. I'm sure you get the idea.
If it wasn't for JB, I would have no idea that there are people still thinking these things up. So I value his and BM's opinion (cruel though) on the subject...it really gives me something to think about and fight against.
You guys are getting all worked up, all it is is science.

Different races have biolgical differences, it a fact.

Case and point:

Blacks have much higher levels of testosterone then do Asians.

Just think of the many ways that a FACT like that effects the behaviour and health of these two different races.
J.B said:
You guys are getting all worked up, all it is is science.
Pre-medititated, biased non-science. I could produce "science" that shows whites to be "inferior" too. Moron. Get a fucking clue. Idiot. God I don't know how people like you still exist. Oh, wait. Yes I do. Your racist, pig-headed parents taught you the same bullshit that they were taught to believe.
Different races have biolgical differences, it a fact.
"It a fact?"
So you, J.B., are saying that because black people have higher testosterone levels than "Asians," they are inferior? Was that really what you said? Lets just assume that your "science" is accurate. Clearly an assumption. Your "science," becomes my "science." What does having higher levels of testosterone mean to you?
Blacks have much higher levels of testosterone then do Asians.

Just think of the many ways that a FACT like that effects the behaviour and health of these two different races.
Yes, what does your "science" and your "FACT" say the "effects" of this are on "the behavior and health of these two different races?"
J.B said:
If you could you would, but you won't cuz you can't.

Why should I need to? I'm not a member of your "inferior" race. I can be a moron just like you J.B. Know what I mean, dufus?
ReighnStorm said:
We should fix the communities first....ie....better housing, education, jobs (because even with education some people can't get hired by a certain majority race of people), more tax money spent on those things because if people had money then they would not feel the need to steal from others...or murder each other over money (drugs create money in some communities),so forth and so on.

Nice speech, Reighn, but do you have any suggestions for accomplishing that in the realities of the world today? ...even here in the USA?

Just saying it ain't gonna' fix it, Reighn ....no matter how many times it's said or how many doo-gooders say it!!

I'm sorry, Reighn, some people just don't like other people. It's a fact of life that may or may not ever change. Forcing someone to hire someone that they don't wnat or like is NOT going to "fix" the problem. And you can't force someone to like someone that they don't like.

Why is that so hard for people to understand??? Remember ....understand is not the same thing as "to like". Hell, many animals don't like other animals and if so, they don't associate with them. That ain't rocket-fuckin'-science.

Personally, I think the USA should be sub-divided into areas ....blacks down yonder, whites up there, Injuns somewhere in the north middle, hateful white bastards down somewhere in the lower middle, ...........and on and on!

Those who feel that they want the problems of mixing races, ethnic groups, religions, etc, can pick the place that they want to live ......as long as those living there will let them!

People who have no where to go or no one will let them in, we'll just shoot 'em and be done with it!!

ReighnStorm said:
So I value his and BM's opinion (cruel though) on the subject...it really gives me something to think about and fight against.

Well, good! I wish others would also listen and think and take some heed of the issues. You may not agree with some of them, but you should think very, very seriously about them. And you should also look around in your surroundings and watch how people act and react. Most of it ain't pretty.

All humans suck giant donkey dicks, but some humans suck more and bigger donkey dicks than others! ...just a fact of life, get used to it.

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
What I got from the parts I read is that they would rather drug someone (no particular race of people) instead of repairing the very fabric of this societies birth that is torn and continues to tear as we speak!

Ermm Reighn, I'd suggest you read through JB's link again. It does not merely advocate the drugging of "someone", it is advocating the murder and destruction of 'many' (ie. those who are not of the perfect "white stock" such as Black, Asians, Native Americans, Jews, Hispanics and all other non pure white peoples as well as those who are in any way disabled) as a way of repairing society.
QUOTE by Bells

Ermm Reighn, I'd suggest you read through JB's link again.
Which is why I said "from the parts that I read" :D . Wasn't willing to go any further and I won't change my point made.
And what the hell is "Ermm" and "Err"? Where are you from anyway?
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