Why Blacks?

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J.B said:
Yep, so's my parent's my wife and two children.

i still find that odd that you are a member of a very persecuted section of humanity and yet you dont hesitate in saying the most horribly racist things.
Racism stems from fear of the other - nothing more.

Arguments against integration are really just arguments which perpetuate racism, since it is easy to "other" people who don't live next door to you, and who you never actually meet.

Why do racists hate? In a nutshell, because they are afraid.
More accurately, I think racists hate because they have been taught to hate (out of fear, maybe)

Obviously, fewer people in America have been taught to hate, than during Stephen Douglas' time for instance.

But that is not the only source of teaching, parents and culture.

Being mugged or raped by a black person can also foster racism - the mugger/rapist has taught the victim to be prejudiced against blacks.

Often times racism is subtle so that we don't even notice it within ourselves. Only through continuous liberalism might we be as close as ever to eliminating bigotry. There is a White People's Party running where I live, but then the Constitution mandates that even blacks must be able to register for the party..
JamesR is correct. It's just fear.


I think racists hate because they have been taught to hate (out of fear, maybe)

The fear of the other is innate. It's in all of us to one degree or another. And environment can enhance or reduce that fear.

Evolutionary biology explains why we have this fear and why it was good. Now our intellect can release us from the outward manifestations of the fear (we really should help all humans to be safer, heathier, happier), but the innate fear is in our genes. It's going to be there for a while, and there's no legislating that away.
kenworth said:
i still find that odd that you are a member of a very persecuted section of humanity and yet you dont hesitate in saying the most horribly racist things.

Racism is NOT just ONE-WAY, ya' know?!

As I see it in the real world, most everyone dislikes those others who are different ....yes.... different! And if you read "superluminal's" last post, if think it should be quite enlightening to many. ...especially those who CLAIM that they're not racist. It's easy to "say" that we ain't racist, it's quite another to actually live that high-falutin' ideal (like so many high-falutin' ideals!).

Baron Max
by J.B.
In fact the exact opposite has happened, people of color all over the world are risking their lives just for a chance to live amongst these "white" racist.
J.B. this country is not just full of white people, never was and never will be no matter how much you huff and puff. People of color were here on this land and other lands first!
by J.B.
If America was such a "racist" country, people of color should and would be doing all they could to flee.
People of color are not known to run from anyone!

by Baron Max
Liberals are those who have not been mugged or beaten or had family members killed! Blame it all on the white man
But people of color knew that all to well for over 550 years now. :(
Who else is there to blame?

by Baron Max
how fast to drive our cars... to wearing seatbelts
Yes, isn't it kind of stupid and really sad (meaning ridiculous) to have to FORCE someone to save their own lives by putting on a damn seatbelt. Shouldn't you know how important that is already (without the law having to enforce it?) Says alot about the (some) people of this world.

by Baron Max
most of the human advancements in early history came from segregated societies.
Advancement of how to murder other nations of people more effectively?

by Baron Max
And this same isolation would be true of all of the societies in the area ....you leave us alone, we'll leave you alone.
I don't know about other societies but your society (people) have never left anyone alone. History has definately supported that reality :bugeye: !

by Baron Max
blacks and chinks and spics, etc would have their own little world and they could have their own brand of civil rights if they wanted it ...if not, fuck 'em!
That's just it Baron...we do have our own little world! It's called planet Earth! Civil rights should not have to be given to anyone...It was ours and yours at birth. There should never have needed to be anything called civil rights. What it is and will always be is freedom. You took freedom away and replaced it with your own made up version and called it civil. But what you forget is that it wasn't yours to give or take away in the first place!
All animals group with their own kind...yes that's true...Did you know that humans are only one species of animal and that's why we (should) group together. You're just picking out your favorite color....no other species of animal does that (at least I've never heard of it).
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Baron Max said:
Racism is NOT just ONE-WAY, ya' know?!

yes,thats fairly obvious.however i would have thought that someone who has experienced persecution would be less likely to inflict the same thing on others.
ReighnStorm said:
You're just picking out your favorite color....no other species of animal does that (at least I've never heard of it).

No, Reighn, if you'd read a little more carefully, I wasn't talking about color, but anything that "we" didn't like about another. I was suggesting segragation of any and all people who were different ......for whatever reason. My post was not just or only about race or color.

But what I find so interesting is that people like you have been preaching tolerance of others for thousands of years and it ain't done a fuckin' bit of good .....yet you continue to do it. Why? What do you hope to accomplish that thousands of others haven't be able to do?

Some people just don't like some other people .....and they shouldn't be forced to live around them or interact with them. That is all I've been saying. The racial issue is just one of many issues!

ReighnStorm said:
People of color are not known to run from anyone!

Oh, I don't know about that! Whenever I walk around the ghetto late at night and a bunch of hot-shot black punks start giving me shit ......they run like hell when I pull out my .44 Magnum. Don't run? Oh, yeah, they run!!

ReighnStorm said:
...to have to FORCE someone to save their own lives by putting on a damn seatbelt. Shouldn't you know how important that is already?

Has nothing to do with smart or stupid, it has to do with forcing people to do something against their will. If I think that something that you do is stupid and dangerous, should I get a committee together and force you and all others to follow the committee's guidelines? If so, why?

ReighnStorm said:
I don't know about other societies but your society (people) have never left anyone alone. History has definately supported that reality!

That's right! I agree! And yet you continue to preach integration as though it's actually going to change millions of years of evolution in just a few years!

In the USA, we've been lording it over people of color since the beginning of this great nation, yet you think you can say a few words of preaching and change all that?? Reighn, surely you ain't serious, are you?

People should be segregated into colonies of like-minded individuals. And if you'd like to be in with a bunch of liberal whites, then you can make up that little integrated community and you can all live happily everafter (maybe even in little gingerbread houses!).

Baron Max
QUOTE by Baron Max
I was suggesting segragation of any and all people who were different ......for whatever reason. My post was not just or only about race or color.
Define different then? Do you mean people who like rap?, people who live in the ghetto?, people who sell drugs?, people who love people?....because as I recall the things listed are not just happening with one race (color) of people! So how will you define different and who's to decide which difference should hold the segregation. You know a little about my history (family)...it's multiracial....if it's not about color then....I like rap music and classical music.....I like republicans and democrats (both sides make key points), I grew up in the ghetto (early life) but went to a rich private school (99%black).....The only difference I can say is that I only speak one language, so should I segregate to a community that only speaks the English language?

by Baron Max
But what I find so interesting is that people like you have been preaching tolerance of others for thousands of years and it ain't done a fuckin' bit of good .....yet you continue to do it.
Please define "some people like me".......But that's just it! It has done "Some" good! Check your history please!

by Baron Max
Some people just don't like some other people .....and they shouldn't be forced to live around them or interact with them. That is all I've been saying. The racial issue is just one of many issues!
I guess that's the same conversation that the Hyenas are having about the Lions! The difference is that people are the same animal living on the same planet.....it's nobodys fault that we're all trapped here on planet earth together...You could always go to the moon if you want to be
"left alone", as you say.
One more thing I'd like to add to this. Isn't it ironic that all or most of the male species on this planet are the ones seeking, destroying because of..,fighting for space all the time. Male animals are the dominators of this planet and they all fight over space.

If I think that something that you do is stupid and dangerous, should I get a committee together and force you and all others to follow the committee's guidelines? If so, why?
My answer would be yes, depending on the circumstance of the persons actions. If the consequences of their actions hurt other people or the economy. And as long as the guidelines are not prejudiced or discriminative.
ReighnStorm said:
Define different then? Do you mean people who like rap?, people who live in the ghetto?, people who sell drugs?, people who love people?....

Yes! Any and everything that "seperates" people! I can't think of a single case of integration that actually works (without conflict), can you? And yet you continue to preach for something that does NOT work, has never actually worked? How can you be so idealistic in the face of such evidence against it?

ReighnStorm said:
I like rap music and classical music.....

Surely you're not the only one on Earth with those likes?

ReighnStorm said:
I guess that's the same conversation that the Hyenas are having about the Lions!

The wild animals are smarter than humans ....they've worked out their segregation principles ages ago and it continues to work well for them. Name one instance of wild-animal integration that works.

ReighnStorm said:
The difference is that people are the same animal living on the same planet.....

But we don't have to live shoulder-to-shoulder! Nor should those who don't like rap music (or clasical or bluegrass or ...) be forced to listen to it. Nor should those who don't like blacks be forced to work or deal with them. Nor should blacks be forced to work with or deal with whites that they don't like. .....the list goes on and on. (We could have visa/visitation rights to those other places if the host "nation" agrees!)

Integration simply does not work, has never worked well and probably never will.

Baron Max
"Integration simply does not work, has never worked well and probably never will. "

Your statement should be amended - integration does not work in democratic societies.

The great empires were often multiracial and multicultural, but they were also tyrannical and usually ruled by an elite of a specific race. Historically, democracy has flourished in nations that were running on the same racial or cultural programs.

Multicultural empires such as the US aspires to be required greater and more centralized control - the Roman empire is an excellent example, having transitioned from the more or less republican senatorial governance to rule by the ceasars at roughly the same time as it's imperial ambitions caused greater cultural "diversity".

There is a direct corrolation between greater US power abroad and its increased reliance on federal (as opposed to state) power.

Related, the civil rights movement of the fifties and sixties (incidentally as opposed to the feminist movement, which operated mostly on a statewide level) required for its success growth of federal power at the expense of state autonomy.

Interesting, eh.
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QUOTE by Baron Max
Any and everything that "seperates" people!
Seperate people who have nothing in common with you? Everyone has something, even if it's only one thing, in common with each other. So once again, who's to decide the seperating factor?

By Baron Max
I can't think of a single case of integration that actually works (without conflict), can you?
Actually I can....I thought this was clear to you by now. I am a case of integration that works perfectly well. My entire family is a proven case!

by Baron Max
And yet you continue to preach for something that does NOT work, has never actually worked? How can you be so idealistic in the face of such evidence against it?
I could ask the same of you!

By Baron Max
name one instance of wild-animal integration that works.
That was my point Baron, all animals except humans are integrated into their own groups......Hyenas with Hyenas, Lions with Lions, Bears with Bears etc.......... Humans are one species of animal and should be intergrated just like wild animals!

by Baron Max
But we don't have to live shoulder-to-shoulder! Nor should those who don't like blacks be forced to work or deal with them. Nor should blacks be forced to work with or deal with whites that they don't like. (We could have visa/visitation rights to those other places if the host "nation" agrees!)
The majority of the Nation does not agree with you. The more children born into an integrated society, the more they won't fear it. Won't even know what it feels like to work with a person of another color or culture because it would all be the same. That's what you truly fear! Black people have no fear of working with or for a white person. We can't change history but we can help change the present (future happens every second).

Integration simply does not work, has never worked well and probably never will.
Integration does work! Again, that's what you truly fear!
ReighnStorm said:
I thought this was clear to you by now. I am a case of integration that works perfectly well. My entire family is a proven case!

That's not integration, Reighn, that's creating a whole new "race" of humans! And I won't deny that after several million years or so, when all humans look and talk and act and think alike, "integration" might be achieved. Might be! (My guess is that they'd just find something else to hate others for!)

ReighnStorm said:
Humans are one species of animal and should be intergrated just like wild animals!

Well, now ye're just trying to mix science into the bubbling cauldron so as to say that there's no such thing as "race" .....which if true, then there'd be no such thing as "racism" ...and so you'd have no argument about integration, would you? "Race" is as humans perceive it, not as scientists proclaim it.

ReighnStorm said:
Everyone has something, even if it's only one thing, in common with each other. So once again, who's to decide the seperating factor?

But, Reighn, people try to separate into like groups NOW! And that's what you're arguing AGAINST ...and yet you're now claiming that you don't see how segregation can be done????? Duh?

ReighnStorm said:
Integration does work! Again, that's what you truly fear!

See Xev's post above. Integration works ONLY by using force against the people ...in otherwise "free" nations, it's never worked and I doubt that it ever will.

Fucking our way to where all humans look and act and think alike is NOT integration ....it's assimilation. There is a difference, Reighn.

It's not that I fear it, Reighn, it's that we're fighting something that simply won't work and never has worked. To me, that's silly and a waste of effort and money.

Baron Max
Baron Max
I have a white dog and a black dog and they co-exist quite happily. I've also had a guinea pig and a rabbit sharing the same space. Dog and cats if brought up together will quite happily exist together without tearing each other apart.
The whole of the animal kingdom is actually integrated it is only when some members are artificially removed or introduced (by humans of course)that problems start. Not because the animals just can't get along but because the food chain is broken. What a world your segregated society would be especially the one filled with people with views like you own. I wouldn't want to live next door to it either......
Well, sniffy, that might, just might, be true of animals. But it's just not true of humans! And thousands of years have proven that to be the case. I don't see how you can deny it?? Read Xev's post above for additional thoughts on the subject.

Baron Max
The problem of humans not getting on which each other is not one of race. It is a simple matter of numbers. Humans are comfortable when they have regular contact with around 30-50 people. Communities with fewer than 30 people usually have little trouble regulating themselves, regardless of mixed-race composition. Larger communities find that formal laws and regulatory bodies must be imposed to maintain order. This has nothing to do with race, either.
J.B said:
Where do you live?

Brownfield, Texas (u.s.a). Buckley street. Look for a blue bronco parked out front on the god-damned street. How many times do I have to say this for one, just one, of you morons to come pay me a visit?! You coming? Or just posturing?!

tecoyah said:
You guys have got top be kidding...I mean....this is so freakin imature as to be....oh nevermind....this is silly
Why? Kind of like a bunch of bush supporters sending our troops to beat the shit out of some backwards-ass Iraqis? Tell me what the fucking difference is, other than numbers. Moron. Why don't you come with J.eB, and I'll beat your ass too so that you can see what trying to be "mature" gets you in this world. Fucking people nowadays are so insulated and so god-damned deluded. Fuck your america and fuck you.

J.B said:
Originally Posted by kenworth
surely JB cant have anything to do with the kkk,isnt he jewish?
Yep, so's my parent's my wife and two children.
Then why the fuck are you such a god-damned racist? Double fucking moron. Is it because people like me piss you off so much? Can't you use that peanut-size brain your "creator" gave you? Are you such a fucking imbecile?

James R said:
Racism stems from fear of the other - nothing more.
I think this is the easy, convenient explanation.

One could simply be racist because one hates the way the other race smells, or talks or acts. Or because of the way the other race has been stereotyped by your "friends." Fear does not necessarily act as the motivator, in every case.

I think that racism is the sign of an ignorant mind. A mind that has never had to think for itself.

Baron Max said:
Racism is NOT just ONE-WAY, ya' know?!
It's one-way, in an ignorant mind. It's one-way, in any racists' mind. I hate any fucking racist, be they white, black, brown, yellow, red. Does that make you feel better Baron Max? I don't discriminate between my sweet little racists. I'd like to kill all of you.
As I see it in the real world, most everyone dislikes those others who are different ....yes.... different!
Bullshit. I know and like many people who are "different" than me. Yes! Different! Just not racists. Or hypocrites. Or dishonest morons.

And if you read "superluminal's" last post, if think it should be quite enlightening to many. ...especially those who CLAIM that they're not racist. It's easy to "say" that we ain't racist, it's quite another to actually live that high-falutin' ideal (like so many high-falutin' ideals!).
By "high-falutin' ideals!" do you mean the bible? The koran? The whatever the fuck the name of the jewish bible is? Those high-falutin' ideals? At least with the ideal of no-racism you know who the actual enemy is. Noone is perfect, but at least we know that.
Baron Max i don't know how to do that copy paste thingy that you all do (a lack of intellingence on my part no doubt) but yes humans are animals - any basic biology book will reveal that much to you.

I've got more uncomfortable news for you - the study of genetics has revealed that in many cases there are as many similarities between individual "races" as there are between people from the same "race". This would seem to suggest that far from choosing segregation humans have chosen to do the opposite, steadily migrating towards one another despite geographical barriers such as mountains deserts and oceans. All humans if you go far enough back are genetically linked.

It sounds to me however that you are living in the ideal place already why not move on down to that place in Texas that doesn't seem to want black people around. You can all sit arouind cursing and comparing deadly weapons!
sniffy said:
This would seem to suggest that far from choosing segregation humans have chosen to do the opposite, steadily migrating towards one another ....

Yes, that's true. But wherever two different types of humans finally come together is where we have the problems, ain't it? Sure, all humans migrate, say, toward the cities where there are more jobs ...but in doing so, they also come into conflict with other, dissimilar "races", cultures, religions, etc AND conflict begings. It's happened over and over all throughout history.

sniffy said:
...move on down to that place in Texas that doesn't seem to want black people around.

...LOL! I already live in The Great State of Texas! And down here, it's not just blacks that we don't want, but Mexicans, liberals, people from east of the Mississippi, whining doo-gooders, anti-gun jerks, people who don't like pickup trucks, ....oh, shit, the list goes on and on. :)

I just don't see how anyone here, even the doo-gooder liberals, can truly advocate integration in places where the people don't want it? How can you hope to consider yourselves advocates of human freedom, yet insist that those who don't want to, must live and work and deal with people that they don't like?

Baron Max

PS: The cut n' paste works just like any other ....I think?? Hey, what I know about computers you could stack on the head of a pin and have lots of room left for all of the angels!!!
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