Why Blacks?

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That was my point Baron, all animals except humans are integrated into their own groups......Hyenas with Hyenas, Lions with Lions, Bears with Bears etc.......... Humans are one species of animal and should be intergrated just like wild animals!
Don't try to use the natural world as a reference if you don't understand it. It's disrespectfull to "misquote" the earth like that.
European brown bears don't integrate with north american brown bears.
Hyenas don't integrate with hyenas from a territory 5 kms over, let alone hyenas from a different country.
Just because hyenas "all look alike to you" doesn't mean they're the same you biggotted ignoramous.

It's not so much that a white man can't get along with a black man, maybe they can if raised together in some plastic domesticated world. But if their cultures of origin come into contact with one another, if a sudanese population is put in the same geographic area as a scandinavian population for example, they'll clash.
As seen all through history countless times over.
A pure indigenous population will live in harmony with it's environment. Even the "evil" english managed themselves into a feudal system, which ensured the landscape to be a patchwork of sustainability, with humans living in the shadow of intact forests protected from the lower class by lords and knights.
It wasn't untill explorers and merchants travelled to the east and brought back funky ideas from non-english cultures that it all fell apart, and dirty plague riddled towns of filth sprung up and the florae and fauna disappeared.
Cultures evolved in areas to be suited to those areas. Throw one black man into england and he won't hurt shit, he'll make white friends and be educated white and be like a white man with black skin. It's when you get enough that they can have their own non-english culture within england that problems arise.
Multiculturalism is no different than introducing feral species. Although rather than directly affecting the environment it affects the human culture in that area and turns it into something which directly(negatively) affects the environment.

Why not just admit it you dirty arab hugging liberal bastards, and then say "I think people getting along is more important than the stability of the planet". You don't even have to add the recommended "because I'm an idiot" at the end.
Just take an honest opposing view for once in your god damn lives, and stop trying to pretend you are the good against the evil. You're clearly just as evil, you're encouraging tolerance and pleasant manners yes, but you're also encouraging disease, cultural turmoil and the destruction of the planet, it's florae and fauna.
Which is so niggery of you. God I hate niggers.

Actually I don't, I hate jews way more. Pretty lame that JB is a jew.
I don't consider niggers my equal or anything, but I have the capacity to grow fond of them, as I do a good hound. Jews are my sworn enemies, as governed by our opposing rival religions. Oh I don't believe in god, but I believe in, and agree with, why religion evolved and commend mother nature for inventing it.
To make white christians, brown muslims, yella shintoists and lighter-brown-sometimes-white-but-unmistakably-jewy jews hate eachothers guts and passionately go about trying to exterminate one another for the title of rulers of earth.
Negros being a tribal people aren't competitors for this title, and so I naturally don't feel such disdain for them.
Like "hahaha, that crazy negro :smileylolshrug:" vs "that dirty scheming motherfucking chink/jew/arab cunt:angryfistsmash:", you get the idea.
ReighnStorm said:
Humans are one species of animal and should be intergrated just like wild animals!
And here I thought you were of the opinion that non-white and whites in the US should not be allowed to marry each other:

ReighnStorm said:
I actually would agree of the abolition of marriage between non-white and european american....I think that they were on to something there. True opinion! So no I would not be outraged.
How hypocritically rich of you.

So what is it to be Reighn? You don't think they should marry, just intergrate? How about whites and non-whites procreating? What is your opinion on that? Or do you set limits on that as well?... But of course, then you come out with this:

ReighnStorm said:
The more children born into an integrated society, the more they won't fear it. Won't even know what it feels like to work with a person of another color or culture because it would all be the same. That's what you truly fear! Black people have no fear of working with or for a white person. We can't change history but we can help change the present (future happens every second).
So now it appears that you don't think they should marry... just so long as they have children so that "it would all be the same". You believe in intergration so long as certain limits are set. Again.. how hypocritically rich of you...

Tell me Reighn, is this your way of helping change the present? Because from where I am sitting, your 'opinions' are just as nasty as Lou's there. At least Lou is open about it. You on the other hand try and sneak your discrimination into the corner and state them as personal 'opinions' and hope that no one notices.
Baron Max said:
Yes! Any and everything that "seperates" people!

so you want us to all live by ourselves, each having our own little country?think thats called a house.
kenworth said:
so you want us to all live by ourselves, each having our own little country?think thats called a house.

Makes me wonder if Baron's notion of defending his own little kingdom equates to sitting in a rocking chair on his front porch with his shotgun on his lap... ;)
Bells said:

Makes me wonder if Baron's notion of defending his own little kingdom equates to sitting in a rocking chair on his front porch with his shotgun on his lap... ;)

suppin moonshine.he is actually a jack daniels advert now that i think about it.
It seems the level of debate in this thread has deteriorated to the stage where there's not much point in continuing.

The thread is full of opinions, mostly completely unsupported by any good argument or evidence. And it is becoming a thread for racists and bigots to simply proclaim their prejudices.

I advise all participants to review the posting rules of the EM&J forum (see the sticky thread at the top of the thread list), before posting here again. In particular, read the sections regarding tolerance and stereotyping. In fact, read the whole thing.
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