Why are you ARGUING about "GOD?"

Cottontop3000 said:
When has it (god) ever united mankind? When?! god-damnit. I even have to forgo my normally good grammar for this idiot now!
What idiot?
Cottontop3000 said:
Any idiot who thinks an imaginary god has ever loved mankind. OR, any idiot that ever thought to try to be a god for mankind.
Idiot , according to www.dictionary.com is
1. A foolish or stupid person.
2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

Can an idiot think/imagine?
Well, gee, I'm glad I've never thought that an imaginary god has ever loved mankind, I might have been called an idiot.
You've got a better grasp of reality BTS. Eton's as yet to understand beyond the bible, this seems to be the only thing he knows well. In good company with David Koresh, Rev. Jim Johnes, and every Catholic preist who molested a child. ;).

Godless said:
You've got a better grasp of reality BTS. Eton's as yet to understand beyond the bible, this seems to be the only thing he knows well. In good company with David Koresh, Rev. Jim Johnes, and every Catholic preist who molested a child. ;).

What do you mean by this
Eton's as yet to understand beyond the bible, this seems to be the only thing he knows well.
? Have you ever come to know the very depth of the Bible?
audible said:
all atheist have, hence why they are atheist.
Are you sure, they don't even know the answer of my question. For your sake, answer this with explanation "Did God's people in Moses' times know that water is H2O?"

What is it about you and this H<sub>2</sub>O thing? They did not have any concept of atoms, or elements beyond earth,fire,air and water.
Have you ever come to know the very depth of the Bible?

I was blinded by christianity for 18 years! Does that answer your question?. :bugeye:

Have you ever come to crasp ALL the iconsistencies of the bible?

I found the incosistencies when I finally reached the depth of the bible. ;)

superluminal said:

What is it about you and this H<sub>2</sub>O thing? They did not have any concept of atoms, or elements beyond earth,fire,air and water.
M*W: I just can't wait to read his reply and laugh!
superluminal said:

What is it about you and this H<sub>2</sub>O thing? They did not have any concept of atoms, or elements beyond earth,fire,air and water.
They did have that concept and you can read it in the Bible itself. H2O is the result of the desire of man not of science since science was already present before the foundation of the world and God's people in the time of Moses already knew that :D water is in fact composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen okay? Besides, I don't have to elaborate further isnasmuch as you have had a preconceived notion about the Bible.
Godless said:
I was blinded by christianity for 18 years! Does that answer your question?. :bugeye:

Have you ever come to crasp ALL the iconsistencies of the bible?

I found the incosistencies when I finally reached the depth of the bible. ;)

What christianity are you talking? And what inconsistencies are you talking?
enton, it took me 22 years, until the age of 30, to get a grip. Please, don't take that long, for your own good.
Cottontop3000 said:
enton, it took me 22 years, until the age of 30, to get a grip. Please, don't take that long, for your own good.
For your sake, it took 50 or 60 years of my other fellow brethren who happened to be devout Roman Catholic Members before to know exactly the authenticity of the words of God written in the Bible.
enton said:
For your sake, it took 50 or 60 years of my other fellow brethren who happened to be devout Roman Catholic Members before to know exactly the authenticity of the words of God written in the Bible.

From your poor use of the english language, I think I can glean from the above that you know people who have studied the word of "god" for 50 to 60 years before they "got it." Is that right? Are you sure they just didn't get scared of dying and going to hell, by that time? Figured that because they couldn't ever know for sure, one way or the other, that they had better just ask for forgiveness to be on the safe side? What proof did they "glean" from the word of "god?" Any clear and undiluted revelations in that big old book?
Cottontop3000 said:
From your poor use of the english language, I think I can glean from the above that you know people who have studied the word of "god" for 50 to 60 years before they "got it." Is that right? Are you sure they just didn't get scared of dying and going to hell, by that time? Figured that because they couldn't ever know for sure, one way or the other, that they had better just ask for forgiveness to be on the safe side? What proof did they "glean" from the word of "god?" Any clear and undiluted revelations in that big old book?
You have many questions. Why not ask Bro. Eli? http://www.angdatingdaan.org/ask/ :D