Why are you ARGUING about "GOD?"

We debate the idea of God because it is something we cannot prove or disprove with our logic and senses. Atheists believe they can disprove God with human logic, but their own closed-mindedness to anything beyond the physical dooms their proof. Anything could exist out there that we could never detect. Those of faith have the same credence, as their proof comes from personal experience, ancient texts and so-called miracles. Atheists do not believe in God because they see no proof and because belief in God limits their ability to do as they please. Believers believe because they cannot explain the universe in any other way, it provides structure and they believe that there is proof.

The reason to debate it on the modern ground is not to convert someone from one place to another (unless you're an evangelical) but to cause someone to understand "why" you believe as you do, and to help the other person to at least tolerate and hopefully accept your beliefs as valid, though there is disagreement. Also, searching for a common ground (such as "I see no proof for God, but I cannot disprove God for you, and it is possible he may exist") becomes important as our beliefs increasingly diversify.
Science is nothing without the people who pursue it.

What is your point?

And your argument is full of straw.

In other words, you have nothing to say.
water said:
Imposing? She is imposing her view on us?

Do you see her standing there next to you, pointing a gun to your head and a knife to your throat, saying "Think the way I tell you, or I will kill you?"

R U Drunk ? R U on medication or something ? Have U have been seeing things lately like those U mentioned above.

Admited, she is a girl, But be on the fair side.

All I said was , "Stop putting your words in others mouth". And U did that for your thoughts, THats called imposing (without a gun or cannon).
Cottontop3000 said:
How about this? How about we agree to accept that "we" may be wrong and the "other" may be right? Would that kill us? I mean, I can't prove to you that you are wrong, and you can't prove to me that I am wrong, so let's drop the whole thing and get on with something that we can make a truth as opposed to something that will possibly remain a mystery for eternity?

Or, how about this? We ALL sincerely ask Jesus, or God, or Mohammed to save us, to forgive us, to deliver us and THEN get on with the business of making a difference in this world? Stop talking about it, stop dwelling on it, stop obsessing about something that we can't understand or find an absolute answer to. Stop hating. "Can't we all just get along?" I love that quote!! :)
How about this, U agree that U r wrong, then I tell that hence U shutup and leave this thread.
water said:
Lazy self-victimization.

Unless you ACTUALLY believe that you will go to hell if you don't love God, ANY fear of God is an illusion, a lazy self-victimization. And taking any such threat serioulsy, is an act of laziness.

You are taking those threats seriously -- this shows in that those threats are one of your reasons for discarding religion.

Moderators are welcomed to deelete this post. But its in context of the topic.

Can U do this Water.

God is an asshole, God is a Mother F*****, Common GOD Kill Me Now U son of fatherless mother. GOD is a Bastard, GOD is the DEVIL. GOD is EVIL. GOD is nothing. I am Better than GOD becuase I wont let people suffer as GOd does.


So much for the evolution of godless mindful humanity.

SO much So for the fears.
TheMidnight12AM said:
1) We debate the idea of God because it is something we cannot prove or disprove with our logic and senses.

2) Atheists believe they can disprove God with human logic, but their own closed-mindedness to anything beyond the physical dooms their proof. Anything could exist out there that we could never detect.

3) Those of faith have the same credence, as their proof comes from personal experience, ancient texts and so-called miracles.

4) Atheists do not believe in God because they see no proof and because belief in God limits their ability to do as they please.

5) Believers believe because they cannot explain the universe in any other way, it provides structure and they believe that there is proof.

6) The reason to debate it on the modern ground is not to convert someone from one place to another (unless you're an evangelical) but to cause someone to understand "why" you believe as you do, and to help the other person to at least tolerate and hopefully accept your beliefs as valid, though there is disagreement.

7) Also, searching for a common ground (such as "I see no proof for God, but I cannot disprove God for you, and it is possible he may exist") becomes important as our beliefs increasingly diversify.

1) Really ?

2) THats the point ANYTHING, So why not nothing; hence no proof = not exists.

3) Non repetable misinterpretations.

4) Limits ? Hey dosent that leaves an option open for us to contend being god.

5) Ask the Atheist instead, they are real and not in question of existence.

6) Dont put your words in my mouth, Stop talking on behalf of god.

7) Thats not an excuse good enough to pray god.
I’m not arguing about God, I’m arguing with Him.

Someone should kill that bastard before He creates something else.
Anomalous said:
How about this, U agree that U r wrong, then I tell that hence U shutup and leave this thread.

Like that's gonna accomplish anything. This is MY thread bitch, you leave. You are an example of the reason I created this thread in the first place. Morons who can't except that they may be wrong. I can. I have. I do. Still doesn't change the fact that I may be right.

However, just insisting that you are right in order to continue to inflate your own little self-ego is exactly my point. You and one other, so far, have chosen to pick out little idiotic things to pick on (like Ellion with We) because you really have no desire to THINK. Because you like to argue for arguments sake. Are you smart enough to realize that for thousands of years we have been arguing these same tired points about a supposed God or Gods? That we have gotten NOWHERE! That it just leads to more hatred and violence and misery. Just because it is easier to do this than it is to do the hard things in life.

You wonder why some Muslims hate America, and other similar countries? That would be a no-brainer if you had one.
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who do you include in your group when you say we?
again you are accusing other people when really you are talking about yourself. own it. say what you mean, "I dont think" say it "I have achieved nothing" say it, "Ihave gotten nowwhere" say it, "I need to Change things" you need not be concerned what we think and what we need to do, i am sure people on this forum can think for them selves. if your world is fucked and you dont want to argue about some cunt of a god then dont fucking argue and and start doing something about making some positive changes in your own life.
Some people are inherently dishonest to manipulate their way through life. Their agenda has nothing to do with the truth. It is not about perspective, education etc. Thats the deception, you're just barking up the wrong tree. Trying to get honesty out of someone who chooses to be dishonest is futile.
Arguing over God, fairness, opinion versus fact etc.
ellion said:
who do you include in your group when you say we?
again you are accusing other people when really you are talking about yourself.
I see a lot of me in you. And vice versa.

own it. say what you mean, "I dont think" say it "I have achieved nothing" say it, "Ihave gotten nowwhere" say it,

You are exactly right, thus this thread. Starting to use your brain yet?

you need not be concerned what we think and what we need to do,

When I see people fostering ignorance and hate, I will make it my concern.

i am sure people on this forum can think for them selves.
Most can. Can you?

if your world is fucked and you dont want to argue about some cunt of a god then dont fucking argue and and start doing something about making some positive changes in your own life.

Any suggestions? Or are you just blowing smoke again?
Yo Cottontop3000,

The mere fact that you are here interacting on this forum indicates that you are achieving forward momentum. Good for you.
stretched said:
Yo Cottontop3000,

The mere fact that you are here interacting on this forum indicates that you are achieving forward momentum. Good for you.

Thanks stretched. :)
Let me say this differently. I think some of you are under the impression that I want to convert Christians or Muslims or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists to Atheism, or that I am trying to convert Atheists to some religion or belief in a God, etc., etc.

I'm not.

Have your beliefs. Have faith in what you believe and be firm in that faith, or not. Search. Find answers that you can be at peace with. Keep searching. Whatever you need to do with respect to God or no-god. This topic of religion or God is what I'm trying to find a parallel path to. One that will allow us as a race to get around the obstacles we currently face as a result of religion or G(g)od, yet still allow us to have our beliefs in God or no-god.

I'm looking for the next step in our evolution as a race I guess. I feel like we have to or we are going to destroy ourselves. Call me pessimistic? Maybe. I am tired of this world, as it is. I've had money. I've had the good education. I've driven the nice cars. I've had material succeess, and it left me empty. So now, I'm a broke hermit who has, until recently, left this world behind to pursue thoughts of my own death. I've decided, for now, that I do not want to die. Why, I'm not sure.

I'm looking for something beyond and outside our "understanding" of G(g)od. A world-wide set of goals or ideals that we can work on now. That will make this a better world for us all. Something that encompasses and encourages all religions or Gods or non-gods, but also something that inspires and motivates us as one race. One world. One people. (Oops. That sounds a little like what I picture the Bible's end-times to be, when the antichrist returns. Ouch. Gotta think about this some more.)

Anyway, if you've got a good life, great. Help someone who doesn't, regardless of what faith or belief they have. If you do this already, even greater.

Please, more comments. :)
Satyr said:
I’m not arguing about God, I’m arguing with Him.

Someone should kill that bastard before He creates something else.

U can kill only those who were born, Umm, some one like U perhaps.
OOOh, YAAAAAAAh; I am gona enjoy this one. Now that its personal.

Cottontop3000 said:
1) Like that's gonna accomplish anything.

2) This is MY thread bitch, you leave.

3) You are an example of the reason I created this thread in the first place.

4) Morons who can't except that they may be wrong. I can. I have. I do. Still doesn't change the fact that I may be right.

5) However, just insisting that you are right in order to continue to inflate your own little self-ego is exactly my point.

6) You and one other, so far, have chosen to pick out little idiotic things to pick on (like Ellion with We) because you really have no desire to THINK.

7) Because you like to argue for arguments sake.

8) Are you smart enough to realize that for thousands of years we have been arguing these same tired points about a supposed God or Gods?

9) That we have gotten NOWHERE! That it just leads to more hatred and violence and misery. Just because it is easier to do this than it is to do the hard things in life.

10) You wonder why some Muslims hate America, and other similar countries? That would be a no-brainer if you had one.

1) then Y did U create this thread.

2) I think U should be alone in a thread, Or with those who can patronize Ur deflated ego.

3) Nope, U lied about this in previous posts , now U cant change your statements. Shame on U. U have no idea about me BTW.

4) Ur statements are irrelevant to reality. Dont just sing it bring it. Prove it Mr. All talk and no walk.

5) Again, if I am right than Why am I arguing with U ?
U have a nagging bad habit of imposing your views as right on me that too about me. Over that U r deciding what I believe, This is what I call a Moron.

So U dont have a EGo ? then why are U angry ?

6) Hey people here, Can I think, Or will that be decided too by this moron.
Idiotic, Ooohh the things that didnt get passed through thick Cranium.

7) Again imposing, are U from Hitlers family or what. I am not arguing for timepass, but for crushing people like U who come in my way of living. People like U r like dogs who bark for no reason on strangers. U dont like to get real and live a fantacy. There were another like U they were called Neanderthals, got rid of them, now its your turn.

8) No not so liar, For thousands of years U prayed god. And burned people like me alive who challanged your wrongs. But this is the age of scientists and preist like U will Scum at our hand, Ur times will be abolished, the victory is on our side.

9) If U cared so liar then like I had said U should have just shat Aap, But U chose Ur end.

10) Thank god I am no longer a Muslim. They are dumb and hence I am gona use them.