Why are you ARGUING about "GOD?"


Wer did U go 2 skool? Ur english is not 2 good. Ur posts r hrd 2 read n make no cents.
superluminal said:

Wer did U go 2 skool? Ur english is not 2 good. Ur posts r hrd 2 read n make no cents.

All that is not more important here.

If its only U dont understand me then, I achieved my aim in this thread, YES !
superluminal said:

Spelling correction: It's "I believe in U 2".

Its Ur mind U should correct in a mental hospital, discussing stupid things.

U r wrong I believe only in 1 and that isnt U.
Yeah, U2 is a great band whose music is unto the divine. Yea, surely they shall lift us above our petty humanity with their greatness!

*Stabs Bono*
Quote Cottontop3000:
"I'm looking for something beyond and outside our "understanding" of G(g)od. A world-wide set of goals or ideals that we can work on now. That will make this a better world for us all."

* Yeah. You know what works for me Cotton? I look at the world and I hear and see all the religious folk praying and petitioning their god for an end to poverty, war, pain, hunger, suffering, etc. I can see for myself this is futile. I cannot see that it makes ANY difference. I think to myself. "I could do something about the way I feel, or I could do nothing." I reckon it would be neigh impossible to change the world, given the fundamental problem of our seemingly self destructive human nature. But I can make a difference to individual people and make their world a better place. Even if just slightly better. So I volunteer to work with addicts and victims of trauma. It is pretty hard, but I have the privilege of shining a bit of light on some very shady worlds. And I’ve seen plenty people improve and move on with their lives. This is very rewarding and also a meaningful way to make a difference. So perhaps one can make a difference, even if it is one person at a time. Maybe you want to look into it?

stretched said:
* Yeah. You know what works for me Cotton? I look at the world and I hear and see all the religious folk praying and petitioning their god for an end to poverty, war, pain, hunger, suffering, etc. I can see for myself this is futile. I cannot see that it makes ANY difference. I think to myself. "I could do something about the way I feel, or I could do nothing." I reckon it would be neigh impossible to change the world, given the fundamental problem of our seemingly self destructive human nature. But I can make a difference to individual people and make their world a better place. Even if just slightly better. So I volunteer to work with addicts and victims of trauma. It is pretty hard, but I have the privilege of shining a bit of light on some very shady worlds. And I’ve seen plenty people improve and move on with their lives. This is very rewarding and also a meaningful way to make a difference. So perhaps one can make a difference, even if it is one person at a time. Maybe you want to look into it?
Yeah, I've thought about it, but I'm a perfectionist, and I can't help but think that one person at a time is too few for too long. I am trying to change this thinking, though, this perfectionist thinking. It's one of my biggest problems, I think. At times, I have done what you say, and I ended up feeling more depressed though. I give you a lot of credit for working with addicts and trauma victims; I know how hard it must be, as I am a recovering addict myself (alcohol, pot and coke). I've been sober, minus a couple of short relapses (alcohol and pot), since 1999.

I know that alcohol and pot (and coke) contribute to depression. Learned that the hard way, like most other things that I have learned in my life. It's taken me this past 5-6 years just to kind of get back to a functioning level.

Anyway, I don't know what else to say in this thread. I don't know if I've articulated myself well enough to get across what I'm thinking. I guess I just wanted to point out what I think is the futility of arguing about God.
Yo Cottontop3000,

`K brother. One foot in front of the other. In your own time.

I affirm that everyone needs to read my post about death and judgement...
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Anomalous said:
"Us" is not equal to "I". Read carefully before commenting.
Since the sentence can be read in the general or specific, I chose the specific because "we" humans can't agree on anything, so I have a hard time believing "we" would be able to function together in anything that would be worth calling an entity.
To add to my original post, if all of us together ARE God, I would try to become an atheist. Since I would BE God though, that would be difficult. Look, I'm (you're) not God. God is not as foolish as I am (you are). Let's not pretend.
[Why can't we accept that we don't know for sure, and accept that this is alright? :bugeye:

That is the eternal "WHY?"[/QUOTE]
No. This is the eternal why: Why is there eternity?
Cottontop3000 said:
Why can't we accept that we don't know for sure, and accept that this is alright?
Because, as a species, humans are an inquisitive, exploratory, and generally reckless bunch. We seek answers to stupid questions. That's what humans do.
Hapsburg said:
Because, as a species, humans are an inquisitive, exploratory, and generally reckless bunch. We seek answers to stupid questions. That's what humans do.

Alright. Cool. I wish some aliens would come and attack us. I also wish that when they do, we are at least able to defend our own planet, and someday, attack back. That should unite most of us. What else could possibly ever unite all of us?