Why are you ARGUING about "GOD?"


They did have that concept and you can read it in the Bible itself. H2O is the result of the desire of man not of science since science was already present before the foundation of the world and God's people in the time of Moses already knew that water is in fact composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen okay? Besides, I don't have to elaborate further isnasmuch as you have had a preconceived notion about the Bible.

Woah! I have no preconceived notions about new information. I would seriously like to see the bible passages describing the atomic structure of water. Could you please provide the chapters/verses?

superluminal said:
Woah! I have no preconceived notions about new information. I would seriously like to see the bible passages describing the atomic structure of water. Could you please provide the chapters/verses?

Because I promised you, okay here is my simple discovery of water in the Bible being known by ancients as H2O: Numbers 19:9 :D
How the hell is that relevant to the discovery of water as H2O?

Numbers 19:9
And a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay them up without the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation: it is a purification for sin.

No mention of diddly-squat that is relevant.
enton said:
Because I promised you, okay here is my simple discovery of water in the Bible being known by ancients as H2O: Numbers 19:9 :D

Hm. You mean that "water", as mentioned in the Bible, is the same thing we nowadays consider to be "water"?
Nowhere in that verse does it say "Water is two hydrogen and one oxygen molecules".
Enton, you're just getting worse and worse at debating...
water said:
I think Enton is trying to tell us something.
Dear water:

I did not say that the water we are using today for food and washing is that same water as literally written in that verse. Actually past waters and present waters are all the same waters. It's only by handling or by naming do waters differ. Again, H2O, although I am not a chemist and although God's people in Moses' times were not chemists but one thing is certain God let them know what scientists knew now. Meaning, the words of God in the Bible are really His own words. It's a fact that Hydrogen is (according to dict.die.net)
n : a nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless
and odorless highly flammable diatomic gas; the simplest
and lightest and most abundant element in the universe
and Oxygen is (according to dict.die.net)

n : a nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless
odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic gas; constitutes
21 percent of the atmosphere by volume; the most abundant
element in the earth's crust

But because you are just beginning to open your eyes about the scientific approach of the Bible, I will discontinue to discuss this at sciforums inasmuch as this is a very trivial matter in the Bible. One thing: notice the words FLAMMABLE and NONFLAMMABLE. Reread also the verse I've given and focus your attention to this phrase: water of separation.
enton said:
Again, H2O, although I am not a chemist and although God's people in Moses' times were not chemists but one thing is certain God let them know what scientists knew now. Meaning, the words of God in the Bible are really His own words.
Where is the evidence that "God let them know what scientists knew now"?
You have given none.
Scientists now know water is H2O.
Where does it say that the people in Moses' time knew this also???? :confused:

enton said:
One thing: notice the words FLAMMABLE and NONFLAMMABLE. Reread also the verse I've given and focus your attention to this phrase: water of separation.
What are you going on about!? :bugeye:

The "Water of Separation" is any substance that is used to "separate" man from his sin.
In the case of Numbers 19:9 - the ashes of the heifer were to be used as the Water of Separation to cleanse the people.

Now again, please explain how this has any bearing on water being two-parts Hydrogen to one-part Oxygen??
Sarkus said:
Where is the evidence that "God let them know what scientists knew now"?
You have given none.
I have given already and if you like a very crystal clear proof of God giving them knowledge about science like water as H2O. Review the Genesis about the separation of water. And beside even in Genesis 1:2 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Moses knew already that in water are found Hydrogen and Oxygen, only Moses hadn't known what to tag (hydrogen and oxygen).
Sarkus said:
Scientists now know water is H2O.
Where does it say that the people in Moses' time knew this also???? :confused: .
Yes scientists now know because they were able to tag water being in separation Hydrogen (2) Oxygen. But as far as their ignoring of the Genesis declaration of the Bible, they had not come to conclude that the Bible is scientific in its declaration especially in the Genesis creation account.

Sarkus said:
What are you going on about!? :bugeye:

The "Water of Separation" is any substance that is used to "separate" man from his sin.
In the case of Numbers 19:9 - the ashes of the heifer were to be used as the Water of Separation to cleanse the people.

Now again, please explain how this has any bearing on water being two-parts Hydrogen to one-part Oxygen??
You have not got my idea. H2O has nothing to do with heifer. Did you read my statements above. I said, focus your attention to WATER OF SEPARATION. I did not mean to focus your attention to the context. Water of separation is the tag of God's people of H2O.

Okay, ashes of the heifer. Okay. Because you intend to get the context of that verse, this is it. Water of separation is not any substance. What do you think of Moses fool? He saw "water" too from the Rock in wilderness. Do you think they had drunk any substance?

Vide Numbers 31:23 Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.

ash - (according to dict.die.net) the residue that remains when something is burned

Is fire not invloved?
enton said:
Moses knew already that in water are found Hydrogen and Oxygen, only Moses hadn't known what to tag (hydrogen and oxygen).
And where is your evidence of this? Where is your evidence that Moses even knew about atoms, about oxygen, about hydrogen?
You are doing nothing but spouting the bible and going "Look - there's the proof!"

enton said:
I said, focus your attention to WATER OF SEPARATION. I did not mean to focus your attention to the context. Water of separation is the tag of God's people of H2O.
No it isn't. "Water" is their label for, unsurprisingly, "water".
"Water of separation" is their label for, generally, water that was ordained to be used in the ritual of separation. However, as shown in Numbers 19:9, it didn't have to be actual water used. In this context "Water of separation" is a label for the substance used.

In the case of the passage you quoted (Numbers 19:9) they used the ashes of the heifer. Or do you have a problem with interpreting the words?

Let's take a look more closely, shall we....
And a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay them up without the camp in a clean place,....
Okay, understand this so far - a person that is clean shall, as it says, gather up the ashes of a heifer and put them in a clean place outside the camp. Nothing too complicated here.

.... and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation....
So, quite clearly, these ashes were to be kept for the gathering of the people to be used as a water of separation.

There is little debate here as to the meaning.
So why do you persist?

And why do you not just accept that 1,000s of years ago they had no knowledge of atoms, and thus didn't know that water was made up of hydrogen and oxygen?
Why is it important to you to think that God told them this?
Sarkus said:
Why is it important to you to think that God told them this?
Simple! I believe that the Bible contains the words of God. And not only belief, I've proven that the Bible speaks by itself. :D
enton said:
Simple! I believe that the Bible contains the words of God. And not only belief, I've proven that the Bible speaks by itself. :D
That doesn't answer my question.
And no, you haven't proven diddly-squat about the Bible, regardless of what you might think.
Or is this another delusional belief you have, that you've proven whatever it is you think you have?
Sarkus said:
That doesn't answer my question.
And no, you haven't proven diddly-squat about the Bible, regardless of what you might think.
Or is this another delusional belief you have, that you've proven whatever it is you think you have?

Delusion (according to dict.die.net) is 1: an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary 2: a mistaken opinion or idea; 3: the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas (WordNet)
Delusion (according to dict.die.net) is 1. The act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind.--Pope.; 2. The state of being deluded or misled.;3. That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief.

Christians are taught by God through His words in the Bible by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

"And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another." I Corinthiasn 4:6 :bugeye:

delude - c.1408, from L. deludere "to mock, deceive," from de- "down, to one's detriment" + ludere "to play."
delusion - "act of misleading someone," c.1420;
deluge (n.) - c.1374, from O.Fr. deluge (12c.), earlier deluve, from L. diluvium, from diluere "wash away," from dis- "away" + -luere, comb. form of lavere "to wash."

Actually I prefer to note what deluge means before I go to what delusion refers to etymologically. Note: Deluge is date 1374 while delude/delusion only came about 1408 and/or 1420.

Is the Deluge in Noah's time true?
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What has "deluge" got to do with the price of eggs?
Stop bringing irrelevancies into a debate and answer the questions posed to you.
Sarkus said:
What has "deluge" got to do with the price of eggs?
Stop bringing irrelevancies into a debate and answer the questions posed to you.
Irrelevant? Yes, because you're posing impertinency.
Do you come across this:

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. Proverbs 26:4-5

Sorry! Are you a fool? :)
Cottontop3000 said:
Enton, I think you are. By definition.
M*W: CottonT, my friend, I think it's time we let Brother Eli know his disciple enton is a member of an atheist forum.
Hi enton.

Just read your post about the water thing. Thanks for responding. You then posted some nice definitions for hydrogen and oxygen. Thanks. You then suggest we pay attention to the phrase "water of separation". Ok. Sort of reiterating what sarkus posted, here's the whole passage:

Numbers 19:9
And a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer,
So, a righteous man shall gather up the remains of a burned cow (a red one I believe)...

and lay them up without the camp in a clean place,
but don't but them near the camp. Makes sense because they stink to high heaven...

and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation: it is a purification for sin.
and it's to be used for the ritual cleansing of folks who have touched a dead body.

So. enton. Just what the heck does this have to do with the atomic structure of Dihydrogen monoxide?

I also noticed that you seemed reluctant to discuss the subject further:

I will discontinue to discuss this at sciforums...

Could you please show us directly where it refers to water as being even made up of two entities in a two-to-one ratio?