Why Are Atheists Treated Worse Than Other Unbelievers?

you feel controlled? like a puppet. aw...poor thing. :bawl:

I didn't say that, my statement was the logical conclusion from your assertions. I was merely attempting to demonstrate your logic is flawed.

It's simple, you cannot have both free will and an an omniscient/omnipotent God.

The two are incongruous. I have explained via the machine analogy. You clearly did not grasp it.
I didn't say that, my statement was the logical conclusion from your assertions. I was merely attempting to demonstrate your logic is flawed.

It's simple, you cannot have both free will and an an omniscient/omnipotent God.

The two are incongruous. I have explained via the machine analogy. You clearly did not grasp it.

grasp this...

if god is the embodiment of all of the laws of the universe, then god is indeed omniscient and omnipotent and your creator, and part of everything, and you indeed have a choice to abide or transgress, thus proliferating or destroying.
Oh really?
You find a group of people who seem to have much in common with you. Then you find that they believe you will & should suffer horribly for eternity. Do you yet feel a close bond?
Theists of different religions differ in the specifics of their beliefs, but they at least all believe in powerful magical forces in the world, that we can keep existing after we die, supernatural miracles, etc, even if they can't agree on what exactly they should call the magical being or how to best go about pleasing them. They have far, far more in common with each other than with atheists. I strongly suspect (but cannot prove, of course) that if tomorrow someone came out with universally-convincing proof that a given religion was false, most of the believers from that religion would quickly pick a new one rather than quitting the game and becoming atheists.

It's like two groups who argue over whether to play basketball or football vs. a third group that doesn't like sports at all.
grasp this...

if god is the embodiment of all of the laws of the universe, then god is indeed omniscient and omnipotent and your creator, and part of everything, and you indeed have a choice to abide or transgress, thus proliferating or destroying.

"embodiment of all of the laws of the universe"? What does that even mean??? How could the law of, say, gravity have an "embodiment"?
"embodiment of all of the laws of the universe"? What does that even mean??? How could the law of, say, gravity have an "embodiment"?

it's a tangible or visible expression of it. then god would be in everything and in all of us.
Theists of different religions differ in the specifics of their beliefs, but they at least all believe in powerful magical forces in the world, that we can keep existing after we die, supernatural miracles, etc, even if they can't agree on what exactly they should call the magical being or how to best go about pleasing them. They have far, far more in common with each other than with atheists. I strongly suspect (but cannot prove, of course) that if tomorrow someone came out with universally-convincing proof that a given religion was false, most of the believers from that religion would quickly pick a new one rather than quitting the game and becoming atheists.

It's like two groups who argue over whether to play basketball or football vs. a third group that doesn't like sports at all.

That doesn't answer the question.

“Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Oh really?
You find a group of people who seem to have much in common with you. Then you find that they believe you will & should suffer horribly for eternity. Do you yet feel a close bond? ”
i have experienced the holy spirit.

How do you know that is what it was? Have you experienced a lot of different spirits, some holy, some not? Can you distinguish experiencing a holy spirit from other experiences which just seem like experienceing a holy spirit? Can you have this holy spirit confirm that is what happened and collaberate on your story?
grasp this...

if god is the embodiment of all of the laws of the universe, then god is indeed omniscient and omnipotent and your creator, and part of everything, and you indeed have a choice to abide or transgress, thus proliferating or destroying.

Grasp this, if God created the Universe, and knows how everything will end up, I cannot have free will, because the Universe was created to have a specific course. It's simple, an omniscient creator God and free will are mutually exclusive. There is no way around this. All you have to do to fix your description of God, is admit that God isn't omniscient.
According to Christianity, it should also say "No Jews, Moslems, Hindus, etc". It would likewise have all unbelievers thinking "I don't believe it".

From the Christian theological viewpoint, those other religions ('cept Judaism and maybe Islam) are atheistic. Not necessarily the view of every or even most Christians, in practice. But their theology holds to a doctrine of exclusivity; thus, any other deities are seen as delusions or demons. One way or another, Christian theology sees other gods as not gods. To them, belief in any other god beside their own is tantamount to believing in no god at all.
Huh, what's the point?
Why do you need to have an embodiment of the laws of nature?

It's Lori contradicting herself again. Her delusion is not consistent with itself. A creator God would not be the embodiment of 'laws' but their creator.

Maybe she just isn't very good at expressing herself though, and uses the wrong words.
It's Lori contradicting herself again. Her delusion is not consistent with itself. A creator God would not be the embodiment of 'laws' but their creator.

Maybe she just isn't very good at expressing herself though, and uses the wrong words.

I know some theists that claim that God created himself :D
Many Christians villify atheists much more than Moslems yet The Holy Babble says both are unbelievers & are condemned.

Why do some theists hate atheists so much more than they hate theists of conflicting religions???

I don't believe your premise.

In history I don't hear about persecutions of atheists but their have been many persecutions of minority religions by majority religions.

The loudest hate that I hear now in the USA is the hate of Muslims but that more like the hate of communists and blacks was so perhaps it is not religious. American Christians seems to hate homosexuals more than than they hate atheists.

Some American Christians seem to hate Mormons more than they hate atheists.

I did a big old genealogy and found that I had one ancestor who was burned to death at the stake by Christians for the heresy of promoting a slightly modified version of Christianity and another ancestor who died in prison while awaiting trial for being accused of being a witch. While doing my genealogy, I found no mention of anybody being persecuted for atheism.
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I don't believe your premise.

In history I don't hear about persecutions of atheists but their have been many persecutions of minority religions by majority religions.

The loudest hate that I hear now in the USA is the hate of Muslims but that more like the hate of communists and blacks was so perhaps it is not religious. American Christians seems to hate homosexuals more than than they hate atheists.

Some American Christians seem to hate Mormons more than they hate atheists.

I did a big old genealogy and found that I had one ancestor who was burned to death at the stake by Christians for the heresy of promoting a slightly modified version of Christianity and another ancestor who died in prison while awaiting trial for being accused of being a witch. I found no mention of anybody being persecuted for atheism.

You can't be serious..

Did you check your link? It reinforces my position. At least in the first few pages the links point to so many examples of presumably American presumably Christians demonizing Islam for Islam's alleged crime of not allowing Muslims to switch to other religions particularly not allowing Muslims to become Christians.

Atheism and Atheists don't get much mention in the pages that Google puts first.