Why Are Atheists Treated Worse Than Other Unbelievers?

Try to grasp the basics lix; atheism is not a religion.

Atheists are unbelievers.

But we've been over this several times before, and it doesn't sink it. Do you think the fact you can't learn has a bearing on the fact you are unemployable?
Atheism is a religion. Atheists are unbelievers in God. But they are believers that there is no God. And they believe that they aren't fanatics.
Believers are treated worse than atheists by other believers. The ME is what? ...a believer's paradise.:rolleyes: Has an atheist choirboy ever become the bumboy for a paedophile priest? Do atheists pretend they're chowing down Christ's body parts? Do atheist women willingly join Xian cults to be sexually exploited?

As an atheist its just plain hard to get out of the line of fire when believers start knocking heads.
After listening to the opinions of some atheists here, I'm surprised that any of them would even need to ask this question.
Atheists have an irrational tendency to fear the term "belief" as if it's a plague. Unfortunately, anything anybody claims to know is their belief.
Atheists have an irrational tendency to fear the term "belief" as if it's a plague. Unfortunately, anything anybody claims to know is their belief.

It's posts like this that remind me why I don't bother posting here anymore. The only thing religious apologists have left to offer is that non-belief is the same as belief... which even if true, I have no idea how it makes the atheist vs religious nutjob debate 50/50. It's not 50/50.
Because a few religions, out of a great number of religions that have existed in human history, happen to have an exclusivist viewpoint.
You can't blame all religions for the actions or positions of a few.

I'm not blaming all religions, sorry if it comes across that way, I'm blaming the most popular Abrahamic schisms for all the evil they have perpetrated, and those that still proselytise such schisms, and fail to recognise, or accept blame for their appalling history.
Atheism is a religion.

No it's not. There is no central tenet, no practice, no core belief, no ritual. It fails to qualify as a religion.

Atheists are unbelievers in God.


But they are believers that there is no God.

Some do, but that's not what atheism is. You still don't grasp set theory, do you?

And they believe that they aren't fanatics.

I know I'm not a fanatic. I'm very calm and reasoned in my rejection of religion. You guys show fanatical tendencies, when you start twisting words and making false accusations about atheism. That's your frustration showing. Now, argue honestly, or resign the debate.
Those are observations, not just beliefs. Do you know what an observation is?
Yes. Contrary to popular beliefs, not all theists are uneducated provincial people living in some backwater. This one at least is working on his MEng at MIT.

But anyways, you were saying that you have OBSERVED mysticism? Meaning that you can prove in a scientifically rigorous way that the faith behind those beliefs is, in fact, blind? As in, you have OBSERVED that I have no rationale for my beliefs, but have merely accepted them without thinking about them?

Good Luck.

So, what are the benefits?
I've already told you.

No, but you ARE claiming that science is the problem for designing a bomb. Note how silly your statement is?
If you'll notice, I was making fun of you. The fact that people have used religion to kill people and the fact that people have used science to kill people must either imply that both are at fault or neither is.

No, silly would be to make a claim that killing is ingrained into our psyche. You'd then have to explain why we are all still here?
Please don't be a total idiot. Obviously I was not implying that killing was the only part of our psyche. Just like reproducing is part of our psyche. But I don't have to explain why everybody doesn't have kids.

If you're referring to your documents with the typical tired nonsense arguments, yes, I've seen that before. I like the last part the best, it demonstrates the massive width and breadth of your ignorance.

"One last word to the atheists who are reading this:
I don’t actually care to debate you. This was not written for you. I am living in a manner consistent with the path I have chosen, namely that I should try to talk to those who are honestly looking for answers, and hopefully benefit them. If you’re looking for an argument, or a fight, or even a debate, you’ll not find one here. Go elsewhere.
But ask yourself why you are so bent on not believing. Take yourself out of the attitude where you are trying to beat me, and honestly think for a second. Do you really think you can prove God DOESN’T exist? If not, then why are you fighting so hard? Is there honestly NO merit to any of the evidence for religion? If there is ANY shred of truth to these arguments? If so, if you find yourself thinking for a few seconds, trying to come up with a reason why my points are not valid, then ask yourself if you are not biased. Why are you looking to beat my argument, starting out as an opponent, rather than a human, who, by his nature, always has more to learn?"

Clearly, that part was not meant for you.
No. It's neither scientific, nor a proof.

But let's not hear any more nonsense about "no evidence."

If it's not scientific, it's mere allegory, and doesn't count as 'evidence'.

And no, I haven't read it, there is no point, I've read enough twisted cherry picked factoids, I doubt you have anything fresh.

The problem you have, is that you need to counter science, with science. Cosmology, abiogenesis are all scientific arguments. Until you have scientific evidence for a counter theory, you have no evidence at all.
I'm not blaming all religions, sorry if it comes across that way, I'm blaming the most popular Abrahamic schisms for all the evil they have perpetrated, and those that still proselytise such schisms, and fail to recognise, or accept blame for their appalling history.

Then blame the individuals who chose to interpret the scripture in such a way
as to justify their actions. The church is NOT 'religion'.

It's posts like this that remind me why I don't bother posting here anymore. The only thing religious apologists have left to offer is that non-belief is the same as belief... which even if true, I have no idea how it makes the atheist vs religious nutjob debate 50/50. It's not 50/50.
Non-belief is not the same as belief. Non-theism is not atheism. Atheism is a belief.

Some do, but that's not what atheism is.
Yes it is.
Then blame the individuals who chose to interpret the scripture in such a way
as to justify their actions. The church is NOT 'religion'.


The Catholic Church is definitely a religion, and went on a rampage, called 'The Inquisitions'. Please name me an incident where similar happened in the name of not believing in something.
The Catholic Church is definitely a religion, and went on a rampage, called 'The Inquisitions'. Please name me an incident where similar happened in the name of not believing in something.

Is this part of the catholic religion?
Do current catholics agree with the inquistitions, or still paying homage to them?
If it is not a part of the religion of the bible, and
ceases to exist, how are these acts considered religious?

Is this part of the catholic religion?
Do current catholics agree with the inquistitions, or still paying homage to them?
If it is not a part of the religion of the bible, and
ceases to exist, how are these acts considered religious?


Jan, you are starting to sound a little ignorant of history now. Go read about it, and answer your own questions.

Current Catholics aren't so disgusted by the former activities of their organisation that they quit, are they? At least very few people these days profess being a member of the 'National Socialist' party these days, and people distance themselves from it. So yes, Catholics clearly think it's OK to be associated with the Inquisitions, and obviously don't see any shame in that association.
So, something that is the opposite of itself is the same as itself?

Stellar logic, there. :rolleyes:



Jan linked to a definition of Theist.

Seems Lix thinks not being a theist makes people take a firmer stance than being one. I guess by Jan's definition, even the term 'anti-theist' would still not qualify as a belief God does not exist!

Ah, I'd love lix to try and back up some of his assertions, merely than flaccidly restating them. I could do with a laugh.