Why Are Atheists Treated Worse Than Other Unbelievers?

Stranger in his post #1, asked;

Why do some theists hate atheists so much more than they hate theists of conflicting religions???

In more than a dozen years of encounters in various discussion groups with theists, I've confirmed a few points on this question.

[a] Theists live in mortal fear of cancellation of their ticket on the Glory Train. This fear enables them to overlook the abuse of their children by priests and the conspiracy of cover-up by the bishops and cardinals. That fear also enables them to despise atheists with grotesque enthusiasm.

In a perverse way they envy the atheist's intellectual freedom and thus they despise him/her for having more fun and meaning in this life than they, the theists, do. They must wait for the next one at their god's convenience.

[c] All holy books call upon the faithful to eradicate the unbeliever by the most painful method they can devise. Civilised communities restrict this imperative in several ways, thus attracting the fury of the faithful. The faithful view this as an unconscionable intrusion into their right to religious freedom.

That should be enough to begin with.

OriginalBiggles, Prime
"They hate us for our freedoms"

Now where have I heard this before?
SAM in his post #23 asked;
"They hate us for our freedoms"
Now where have I heard this before?

If your [rhetorical?] question was asked in response to my post #22 then I'd be delighted to help you, but I have no idea where you might have heard it before. I'd be very surprised if the question had not been raised in this group some time previously. What was the response then?
Doubtless you've encountered [a] and [c] before and have no query regarding them.

OriginalBiggles, Prime
As a thiest, I am constantly boggled by how dumb some of the atheist arguments are. So no, I don't hate atehists for their "intellectual" freedom. Not when I see the difference between civilisations willing to develop abstraction inspite of it being unstructured and subjective and those restricted by what they can see and touch.

I know which side of that river I want to be on.
Organised religions have come to an uneasy alliance, because they have realised that any criticism of another religion, applies equally to their own, so instead, berate atheists.

That is of course a rather idiotic position to hold, since there are major theological difference between the Abrahamic schisms even, and each one is guilty of blasphemy according to the other's credo. But these are minor blasphemies, and if Jews don't believe God sent Jesus as a messiah, well, they end up questioning God, and that's one thing they do agree on. Ah, but those naughty atheists don't agree there, so let's demonise them, and keep tithing the flock.

Let's face it, it's all about the flock, and atheists aren't getting fleeced. That irks them.
You'll certainly find theists of most, if not all grades, standing outside this ^^^ circle.

What circle???

Do you know what's wrong with religious and atheist alike?

They pick and choose scripture out of context to serve their own agenda.

Jesus' message in regards to humanity was very simple. Even for all you masterminds. It was to love each other.

What gets in the way of that love? Sin.

What does god hate? Sin. Not the sinner, for we all are sinners.

Why? Because we are BORN into it.

Who is our spiritual father? God, our creator.

And we are redeemed through christ.

THAT is context.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Jesus said to hate your parents. You need more? ”

You'll certainly find theists of most, if not all grades, standing outside this ^^^ circle.

In that they don't believe he said that or they choose not to follow it?

The bible also says to honor them.

Do you seriously not know what that means? Have you ever heard of something called context?

The Holy Babble says many contradictory things.
I seriously do know what it means. It is not out of context.
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“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Jesus said to hate your parents. You need more? ”

In that they don't believe he said that or they choose not to follow it?

The Holy Babble says many contradictory things.
I seriously do know what it means. It is not out of context.

It is entirely out of context. The bible is not contradictory if taken as a whole and understood with spiritual guidance. Understanding and spiritual guidance being 2 things you admit to not wanting.
They pick and choose scripture out of context to serve their own agenda.

I think you find what is considered to be scripture today, was picked and chosen for you, by the Council of Nicaea.

That said, you'd have to revert some of their decisions, and read all the apocrypha, and the dead sea scrolls, as well as a more accurate translation of accepted scripture, and make your own mind up.

Then, you'd just have an opinion of what actually happened, as it's clear the council sat because the collective of stories is not consistent.

Between the Romans, and The Council of Nicaea, all we really learn, is that Christianity is a political compromise to retain control of the masses.
I think you find what is considered to be scripture today, was picked and chosen for you, by the Council of Nicaea.

That said, you'd have to revert some of their decisions, and read all the apocrypha, and the dead sea scrolls, as well as a more accurate translation of accepted scripture, and make your own mind up.

Then, you'd just have an opinion of what actually happened, as it's clear the council sat because the collective of stories is not consistent.

Between the Romans, and The Council of Nicaea, all we really learn, is that Christianity is a political compromise to retain control of the masses.

No dear, that's what you do. Not that I'm opposed to it.

The bible also says that it is to be interpreted by its author, the holy spirit.

Do you really think that man can thwart god? Wouldn't that make god not god?
... Why do some theists hate atheists so much more than they hate theists of conflicting religions???

because they at least believe in a god. Its how they worship that god that's different. They share a core belief.
Atheists don't believe in any of it. They scoff, ridicule and laugh at it.
No dear, that's what you do. Not that I'm opposed to it.

Sorry Lori, but I'm not one of the members of the Council of Nicaea. I didn't edit the Bible.

The bible also says that it is to be interpreted by its author, the holy spirit.

But it was written by men, and edited by a council. How do you know which bits were written by whom?

Do you really think that man can thwart god? Wouldn't that make god not god?

I don't believe in God, so I don't understand why you are asking me that question.
because they at least believe in a god. Its how they worship that god that's different. They share a core belief.
Atheists don't believe in any of it. They scoff, ridicule and laugh at it.

Well, it is to be scoffed at. Was Jesus a messiah? 2/3 of the Abrahamic religions say a resounding NO. But it's the same God they worship? No, it's not, they don't all worship the same God at all, they all have similar myths based on earlier myths, but the characters have been re-worked.

Until they can agree on the basics, well, they all look a little silly.
Well, it is to be scoffed at. Was Jesus a messiah? 2/3 of the Abrahamic religions say a resounding NO. But it's the same God they worship? No, it's not, they don't all worship the same God at all, they all have similar myths based on earlier myths, but the characters have been re-worked.

Until they can agree on the basics, well, they all look a little silly.

Who cares if its the same god? Its still a god. A god which atheists laugh at.
yeah, so. LOL, my children have parents who tell one of them one thing and a few days later something else. All the while saying 'do as I say, not as I do"

Its probably why god is called Father.
Sorry Lori, but I'm not one of the members of the Council of Nicaea. I didn't edit the Bible.

i was talking about reading those things, not writing them.

But it was written by men, and edited by a council. How do you know which bits were written by whom?

who gives a shit? what matters is what is accomplished through it.

I don't believe in God, so I don't understand why you are asking me that question.

you can't put mind out there? theoretically...think about it. if man could thwart god, he wouldn't be much of a god now would he? come on...
As a thiest, I am constantly boggled by how dumb some of the atheist arguments are.

The religiously deluded always think atheists arguments are dumb. Theists can't fathom a world without their delusions.

I know which side of that river I want to be on.

Yes, we know, the religiously deluded.