Why Are Atheists Treated Worse Than Other Unbelievers?

No he doesn't. Whatever else you can accuse (Q) of, he keeps himself distant on sciforums. He's an equal opportunity asshole. :D

Thank you for clearing that up, Sam. I owe you one. Insult, that is... ;)

Well, it depends on the Christians and the timeframe. Right about now many Xians are thinking Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhist could go to Heaven - if they lived Good lives and if they didn't outright reject jesus, but just didn't know about him. Because most Atheist outright reject God, well, there's a special place in Hell for us.

That all said, most Christians are coming around to thinking Hell is only for the truly evil, like Hitler, Mohammad, Dick Cheney..... :D For the people they conned, Germans, Muslims and GW Bush Jr., there's still a chance they can go to heaven.
Jayleew #60,
There's a lot of sense here. I remember as a Christian that I felt kinda like what OB is saying.
Careful my friend, you are breaking the mould here. But I appreciate the confirmation.

However, I don't think it is hate that theists have against atheists. It's really frustration. More of a sick feeling when I was around atheists. And if that "sick feeling" was aroused into physical expression, do you think hostility is the best description for the phenomenon? "Frustration" is most commonly expressed as hostility when aroused from the sub-conscious.

It's a stereotype that atheists are close minded.
Indeed, it's a juvenilely simplistic stereotype. Atheists are intellectually discriminating and skeptical. Their minds are not so open that all that is good falls out and all that is fantasy floods in.

And now I feel that way about both theists and atheists.
Do you see fence-sitting as a viable alternative? Or do you still hold to the christian view?

But, I definitely have lost a lot of frustration. I've got a little more tolerance to both sides unless either side strays away from the facts.
Putting aside frustration is a plus and substituting a little of it with tolerance is dangerously close to heresy. But the point you raise about FACTS is an interesting one. What FACTS might the other side have from which they might stray? Can you reconcile religious FACT and scientific FACT? The first has the whiff of oxymoron about it, which confuses the task.

OriginalBiggles, Prime
It is entirely out of context. The bible is not contradictory if taken as a whole and understood with spiritual guidance. Understanding and spiritual guidance being 2 things you admit to not wanting.

It is not out of context. It is simple & clear.
It is contradictory. It is obviously contradictory & your blind faith doesn't change facts.
You mean I can't understand it because I haven't accepted it by faith to be totally true & inerrant. That is a backward process which can result in believing anything to be true & inerrant.
The verse I was thinking of is by far not the only instance of The Holy Babble promoting hate & intolerance. You want to take it as a whole? How many examples do you need?

Speaking of facts, I have not admitted to not wanting understanding & spiritual guidance. Are you frigging full of it or are you taking on too much at once & confusing me with someone else?

No dear, that's what you do. Not that I'm opposed to it.

The bible also says that it is to be interpreted by its author, the holy spirit.

Do you really think that man can thwart god? Wouldn't that make god not god?

So 1 must believe it to be true & inerrant before 1 can understand it.

Do you really believe god can twart god? Indeed, god is not god. God is simply what you decided to label something YOU cannot understand.
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Who cares if its the same god? Its still a god. A god which atheists laugh at.

Some worship a god who condemns to eternal suffering the worshippers of the other gods. I just don't see commonality there.

you can't put mind out there? theoretically...think about it. if man could thwart god, he wouldn't be much of a god now would he? come on...

It isn't much of a god.
As a thiest, I am constantly boggled by how dumb some of the atheist arguments are. So no, I don't hate atehists for their "intellectual" freedom. Not when I see the difference between civilisations willing to develop abstraction inspite of it being unstructured and subjective and those restricted by what they can see and touch.

I know which side of that river I want to be on.

Yes, it is so frigging idiotic to require proof. It is so stupid to see absurdity & cruelty & call it as it is.
Isn't it obvious? It's because theists have more in common with other theists of different religions than they do with atheists. Duh...

Oh really?
You find a group of people who seem to have much in common with you. Then you find that they believe you will & should suffer horribly for eternity. Do you yet feel a close bond?
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
In that they don't believe he said that or they choose not to follow it?

In that they certainly understand what it means to choose between your parents and the truth.

I had to choose between my parents & the truth. I don't hate them.
I had to choose between my parents & the truth. I don't hate them.

The idea behind Jesus' teaching is that sentimentality is not a substitute for the truth. You shouldn't choose a path simply because your parents decreed it if it is morally deplorable. This lesson is often repeated in the Bible and the story of Abraham and his son is an instance where, if necessary, the parent should be willing to 'sacrifice' his child for the truth.

To reduce it to

Jesus said to hate your parents.

is a sign that you are not thinking at all.
i have experienced the holy spirit.

See, now, you had an idea of what this spirit was like, from scripture. Scripture edited by people. Your spiritual experience was defined for you by mortals.

given, what is a consistent and logical description of god, being omnipotent and omniscient, you can certainly see how the wills of men and the actions of men would not thwart him. right? :bugeye:

If god is omnipotent and omniscient we have no free will, so could not 'thwart' God. But this brings us back to the attributes of God being consistent, which they aren't.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa

I had to choose between my parents & the truth. I don't hate them. ”

The idea behind Jesus' teaching is that sentimentality is not a substitute for the truth. You shouldn't choose a path simply because your parents decreed it if it is morally deplorable. This lesson is often repeated in the Bible and the story of Abraham and his son is an instance where, if necessary, the parent should be willing to 'sacrifice' his child for the truth.

To reduce it to

“ Jesus said to hate your parents. ”

is a sign that you are not thinking at all.

This is a sign you decided on your interpretation & that's all there is to it.
Why the quotes around sacrifice? There is no ambiguity. He was told to kill his son & he was about to do it.
Both of those are not anti sentimentality. They are anti decency. They are nasty & repulsive.
And now I feel that way about both theists and atheists.
Do you see fence-sitting as a viable alternative? Or do you still hold to the christian view?
No, I don't want to sit on the fence forever, it's just where I am. I'm leaning towards atheism, coming from theism.

Putting aside frustration is a plus and substituting a little of it with tolerance is dangerously close to heresy. But the point you raise about FACTS is an interesting one. What FACTS might the other side have from which they might stray? Can you reconcile religious FACT and scientific FACT? The first has the whiff of oxymoron about it, which confuses the task.

OriginalBiggles, Prime

You are right, and herein is the cause of the issue. Theists have nothing to stand on aside from their beliefs. The beliefs do not themselves have any supportable evidence. It takes life experiences to give testimony that the theories and speculation are true. So, first there is frustration that the atheist doesn't believe the theist's testimony, then there is defensiveness when the character is attacked when the testimony is picked apart....or the belief is challenged with reason. The main reason being that there is no evidence gives some credence to the atheist's position which further infuriates a theist, where there is loss of respect of an atheist. And so, the atheist loses respect when the theist does, then you have yourself a war.

My point is that it could lead to hate yes, but it doesn't have to be that way. Does it typically happen that way? I'm not convinced, but that's probably because my bias is in the way.

I digress.
It is not out of context. It is simple & clear.
It is contradictory. It is obviously contradictory & your blind faith doesn't change facts.
You mean I can't understand it because I haven't accepted it by faith to be totally true & inerrant. That is a backward process which can result in believing anything to be true & inerrant.
The verse I was thinking of is by far not the only instance of The Holy Babble promoting hate & intolerance. You want to take it as a whole? How many examples do you need?

Speaking of facts, I have not admitted to not wanting understanding & spiritual guidance. Are you frigging full of it or are you taking on too much at once & confusing me with someone else?

well you obviously don't have spiritual guidance in regards to this, otherwise you would not assume that you would need to accept anything as true based on blind faith.

spiritual guidance helps you to understand. understanding is not blind faith.

there's nothing backwards about that.

So 1 must believe it to be true & inerrant before 1 can understand it.

no, how could you?! what you are proposing here doesn't make any sense!

Do you really believe god can twart god? Indeed, god is not god. God is simply what you decided to label something YOU cannot understand.

now you're just rambling...
See, now, you had an idea of what this spirit was like, from scripture. Scripture edited by people. Your spiritual experience was defined for you by mortals.

no, actually there was nothing that could prepare me for what i experienced, and his personality is not like what a lot of religious people would like you or i to think. BUT, he did identify himself, and through understanding him i came to understand a lot of scripture that religious people don't seem to understand.

i've told religious people about my experience and had them claim it to be of evil. isn't everything with them huh?

if you'll notice from what i have to say about religion on this forum, those people aren't going to be anymore happy (maybe even less) about what i've been shown than the average atheist.

If god is omnipotent and omniscient we have no free will, so could not 'thwart' God. But this brings us back to the attributes of God being consistent, which they aren't.

you obviously have the free will to reject the possibility of him and his word.