Why Are Atheists Treated Worse Than Other Unbelievers?

Seems Lix thinks not being a theist makes people take a firmer stance than being one.
Where did I say anything about any firmer stance. Any delusion of firmness of any stance doesn't exist. There are only 3 stances. True, false, inconclusion. Atheism is the stance that the existence of God is false which is equivalent to the non-existence of God is true. Inconclusion is not atheism.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Many Christians villify atheists much more than Moslems yet The Holy Babble says both are unbelievers & are condemned.

Why do some theists hate atheists so much more than they hate theists of conflicting religions??? ”

I don't believe your premise.

In history I don't hear about persecutions of atheists but their have been many persecutions of minority religions by majority religions.

The loudest hate that I hear now in the USA is the hate of Muslims but that more like the hate of communists and blacks was so perhaps it is not religious. American Christians seems to hate homosexuals more than than they hate atheists.

Some American Christians seem to hate Mormons more than they hate atheists.

I did a big old genealogy and found that I had one ancestor who was burned to death at the stake by Christians for the heresy of promoting a slightly modified version of Christianity and another ancestor who died in prison while awaiting trial for being accused of being a witch. While doing my genealogy, I found no mention of anybody being persecuted for atheism.

Let go of my leg!

in all seriousness man, you and people like you are the ones with hate.
You don't appear to have anything but toxic contempt for God, religion, the religious, and theists. It's really obvious.

Why do you harbour such negativety?


In all seriousness, you are a fool. You prove it with that post & will probably prove it further with a response to this.
I do not hate anyone. I have given absolutely no indication in this forum that I am capable of hating anyone yet there are indications of the reverse. You see what you want & read into my posts things which are not there.
God (according to The Holy Babble), religion & most theists have nothing but contempt for me & I am sick&tired of it.
What seems obvious to you only shows what a pitiful blind fool you are.
I do not harbor negativity. It is insane gods & fallaciously faithful theists who do that so well.
So explain your claim of how a belief can be the same thing as a non-belief.

That is your claim, not mine. You said:

"Non-belief is not the same as belief. Non-theism is not atheism. Atheism is a belief."
That is your claim, not mine. You said:

"Non-belief is not the same as belief. Non-theism is not atheism. Atheism is a belief."
What are you talking about? How does me specifically stating in your own quote of me "Non-belief is not the same as belief" mean that I am stating non-belief is the same as belief?
What are you talking about? How does me specifically stating in your own quote of me "Non-belief is not the same as belief" mean that I am stating non-belief is the same as belief?

Lix, you need to take a step back, and read the things you have written, 'cos you are getting wrapped up in your own contradictions.