Why are atheists so pissy?

than what do you believe in? than what are you to believe in anything but yourself? than how can you be yourself to know not who you are?

everything is reflection of us, you and I, you and others, others and I...we are all the same.

You speak for yourself.
You mean here Mike? I know i am annoying sometimes but in person i am ultra cool.
Yeah, I meant here, but I meant myself. I meant I have no problem speaking my mind on here; but this is kinda what this site is for, for open discussion.
"They DESPISE anyone's happiness--especially if it's rooted in God, as foolish."

Perhaps they understand the concept of "honesty". You really have to take off your pajamas.
Am I the only one to find it preposterous and beyond naive to think or be convinced there is a universal "WAY" that everything runs? GOD, Science, whatever the hell you want to call it.

I'm going to create a new religion.....

Its going to be called "Thruthiests"

and our motto will be "we don’t know shit"

Because that’s the closest thing to a true unbiased/non delusional/loony religion this world will ever see.

All these people claiming ownership to truth within their religions…..its INSANE…


Christains/Catholics claim truth in KNOWING god exists.
Atheists claim truth as well in claiming they KNOW god does not exist. But at least they are more open to saying they honestly don’t know……there is no atheist bible….there are no huge atheist churches taking in tax free profits and donations. Some atheists I know just label themselves atheist because you can’t prove to them god exists……

The non-subscription to a belief is better than the blind subscription to something.

The only true religion is mine…the one where you don’t know shit…..cuz you really don’t. So join me and end the madness…lol
Sorry to rain on your parade but someone already beat you to that; that's more or less agnosticism dude.

1. a religious orientation of doubt; a denial of ultimate knowledge of the existence of God; "agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God's existence"
2. the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge
That basically means we don't know shit.
Perhaps they understand the concept of "honesty". You really have to take off your pajamas.

I really dont see why people here feel that delusion is limited to religion. Delusion keeps the wheels moving.

What is the answer?

You get a different response from everyone yet an Atheist says there is nothing. Well how do you know? Then they say 'i know because...' But they dont know. Delusion may be a strong word but clearly extrapolation. But of course i hate to call people deluded. EVEN if they may be.
Not if God didn't want you non-believers to know and not doubt.
M*W: But that goes against everything christianity teaches. I was taught as a christian that god wants everyone to believe in him, and he would certainly give them every opportunity (if he existed), but he doesn't, that's why you are so confused.
Now, that's a good point. There are degrees of faith. Mine isn't particularly strong. That's why I'm not trying to convert you heathen. But, that's my failing - not God's.
M*W: I somehow got that impression. Thank you for being honest.
M*W: But that goes against everything christianity teaches. I was taught as a christian that god wants everyone to believe in him, and he would certainly give them every opportunity (if he existed), but he doesn't, that's why you are so confused.

There is a big difference between belief and knowing.
I have never known anyone to turn bad from being a Christian, i know that it has saved a lot of people. Regardless of the reasons. This seems to apply to mostly all mainstream belief systems.
M*W: Re-read Cris's recent post where he comments on the statistics of the number of christians in prison as compared to number of atheists in prison.

John, how do you know a lot of people have been saved? Have they come back from the grave and told you? No, you're just wishfully thinking it.

Extremism is more of a personal phenomenon than a religious one. Whatever works for people, i know it is impossible for me to be an Atheist. So it does not matter what i read or experience from now on, will not change. I have accepted this part of my humanity and the part of me that lives unseen.
M*W: No one here is trying to force you to be an atheist. Only you are in control of what you believe--or you choose to believe and not be threatened by what atheists or anyone else believes.

John, what did you mean by your statement, "I have accepted this part of my humanity and the part of me that lives unseen." It sounds like you have a lot of self-doubt. I wish you well.
Maybe because we get PISSED OFF at being harassed just for not believing in God, despite that it is no one else's business?

Sandy: I do not despise people's happiness. Christians seems to despise my happiness. Flame/Insult Removed
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John, what did you mean by your statement, "I have accepted this part of my humanity and the part of me that lives unseen." It sounds like you have a lot of self-doubt. I wish you well.

Has nothing to do with cognition so where did self doubt come from?

And read my post 168, everyone conveniently ignores my posts when they are outstanding.
Maybe because we get PISSED OFF at being harassed just for not believing in God, despite that it is no one else's business?

Sandy: I do not despise people's happiness. Christians seems to despise my happiness. Go die of cancer, you right-wing fascist.

Cant you just set a good example for the Atheists?
There is a big difference between belief and knowing.
But the problem is, you have many people/representatives from every single religion that absolutely KNOWS that his/her religion/beliefs/messiah are real.
There can be only one truth.