Why are atheists so pissy?

No. If God doesn't exist for the non-believer - God didn't create them.
M*W: Again, you discount what is taught by christianity. Not that I personally care, you've proven what I've been saying all along. But I'm just curious. If your god didn't create everything, the universe and everything in it, where do atheists come from? I'll answer that. We spring out of the lies of your false religions... the ones you have created. So if you look deep within the eyes of your fellow believers, you can see where we came from. We're no different than you, we just don't need your fantasies.
But the problem is, you have many people/representatives from every single religion that absolutely KNOWS that his/her religion/beliefs/messiah are real.
There can be only one truth.

The truth is that every indication points to theistic belief system. It is part of our civilization and past civilizations. I dont come on here and advocate one belief over another. Whatever i identify with more is only natural, they do have similarities and that can mean many things.

Why can Sandy not set a good example for the theists?
I dont know but you will probably be hearing about it.:D
Why can Sandy not set a good example for the theists?
Sandy doesn't even set a good example for Christians, let alone athiests.

The truth is that every indication points to theistic belief system. It is part of our civilization and past civilizations.
Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny are all part of our childhoods, but that doesn't make them real.
The truth is that every indication points to theistic belief system. It is part of our civilization and past civilizations. I dont come on here and advocate one belief over another. Whatever i identify with more is only natural, they do have similarities and that can mean many things.

I dont know but you will probably be hearing about it.:D

-Its psychological mindset that difference religions from each other since all most all of them have a common roots, astronomy/astrology.
-For Christians its quilt for killing their own God.
-Filthy rich Catholic Vatican based religions somehow better than lets say Jainism; practice what you preach. I´m not saying that you arent a good person and acting like a good "Christian", but, you should know that there is NOTHING special in Christianity compared to Jainism, which is truly peaceful religion. Christianity is one big soup of ancient myths.
-So why we create Gods ? Because of the control, and ancient people saw the phenomenas at sky and they had to explain those somehow, so they give them names, over time all that has altered to just to tool to control masses.
-Even if there is God we wouldnt know ANYTHING about him, we can just have a faith that there is God, or not.
I see atheists on this forum who are arrogant and think all believers are idiots. They laugh at them and call them names. They can't leave it alone. They even start threads to 'debunk' the Bible.
Why? Why does it matter? Because its important for them to be right. They don't care if religion makes the other person happy. They just HAVE to make the Christian see reason.
Yeah, they want to convert people and 'save the planet'
I don't know how they can't see that their atheism has become their religion.
"for the sake of truth man, for the sake of truth" :) Thats my only motive to hang around this forum, my apologies if I have offended somebody,
Talk about facists. Atheists want everyone to believe the same hopeless spell they have fallen under.
That's not true. I don't care what someone else believes - so long as their belief doesn't interfere in my life. The LAST thing I'm concerned with is turning someone over to the light side of the force :p
I really dont see why people here feel that delusion is limited to religion. Delusion keeps the wheels moving. What is the answer?
M*W: Delusion is not limited to only the religious. There are as many, if not more, delusions as there are people who believe them. Yes, delusions do keep the wheels moving, but only in a circle, and it's very hard to break out of that circle.

You get a different response from everyone yet an Atheist says there is nothing. Well how do you know? Then they say 'i know because...' But they dont know. Delusion may be a strong word but clearly extrapolation. But of course i hate to call people deluded. EVEN if they may be.[/QUOTE]
M*W: This is how I know. Being an atheist gives one a clear mind to learn what is and what isn't the truth. Atheism wipes the slate of religious delusions. In my opinion, anyone who was an atheist and becomes a christian after that must live in great fear which is also a delusion. I don't think it's possible to be an atheist and then a christian.
However, it is more common to be a christian first and then an atheist. I've been both. I was a delusional christian just like the best of you. I thought I could see god and the many saints, taste god in the Eucharist, feel them in my soul, touch them with my hands, hear them talking to me, and learn from them. I felt them reassuring me when I needed reassurance.

As a good catholic, I always felt the presence of the Virgin Mary, especially where motherhood was concerned. I believed she comforted me when my children were young and driving me crazy... but it wasn't my children doing it... it was my religious addiction that was taking over my life.

I have seen the same thing in the eyes of my fellow christians, as Sandy said, but I was so desperate to believe I was actually seeing god in them. Most of all, I selfishly hoped they could see god in me.

I played the perfect Oscar-winning role as a christian, but it was unfulfilling and empty. I believed everyone else was exlempar christians, so I was terrified for them to know the truth about me. I pretended I didn't have doubts. I copied them well, but in my own mind, I knew I was just playing a game with myself. That's delusion.
I see atheists on this forum who are arrogant and think all believers are idiots. They laugh at them and call them names. They can't leave it alone. They even start threads to 'debunk' the Bible.
Why? Why does it matter? Because its important for them to be right. They don't care if religion makes the other person happy. They just HAVE to make the Christian see reason.
Yeah, they want to convert people and 'save the planet'
I don't know how they can't see that their atheism has become their religion.

While I agree with you to some extent, I do believe it to be generalization just as "all Christians preach" is a generalization.

Atheists tend to look at things very scientifically. Knowing that, they get offended when confronted with something science cannot prove. Sometimes hiding behind “burden for proof is on the claimant”.

On the other hand:

I do also find that a big irritant to me by SOME Christians (I am not atheist) is their stubbornness to look at anything that would go against or obstruct their belief system. When you believe in something and are so sure of it that no other explanation or possibility will sway you, that alone implies that anything contradictory of your belief is WRONG.

Many Christians I have dealt with in my life are contradictive in their “claims” and that is also extremely frustrating to deal with, especially if you are trying to have an intelligent conversation with that person.

Being wrong is somehow in our consciousness something that is embarrassing or bad. I don’t believe that to necessarily be the case.

“Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work.” Thomas Edison

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Thomas Edison

Being wrong? Hell I’m wrong all the time; everyone is at some point “wrong”.

Why is it so hard for some Christians I deal with to admit…they COULD be wrong?
Same for Atheists…

I think the only truly WRONG thing you can do is put a frame around your mind and construct walls around what you believe to be real and what is not. Then try to defend your beliefs as a universal “right”.

This is why I cannot stand Christians who try and convert people. “Born again Christians” are the worst at that. Preaching isn’t all too bad it is just sharing of information…when you try to convert people to your belief is when irritation comes about. It goes for Atheists as well.

Simply put the religious “claims” to truth irritate the Atheists “rational thought” to the point they in-turn try to Enlighten the religious to how naïve they are, which in-turn causes the religious to try and enlighten the Atheists about how naïve they are……its insane…

But very entertaining.

Originally Posted by stretched

Perhaps they understand the concept of "honesty". You really have to take off your pajamas.

I really dont see why people here feel that delusion is limited to religion. Delusion keeps the wheels moving.

What is the answer?

You get a different response from everyone yet an Atheist says there is nothing. Well how do you know? Then they say 'i know because...' But they dont know. Delusion may be a strong word but clearly extrapolation. But of course i hate to call people deluded. EVEN if they may be.

Who said delusion is limited to religion? Its HUGE in politics! [flame deleted]
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I see atheists on this forum who are arrogant and think all believers are idiots. They laugh at them and call them names. They can't leave it alone. They even start threads to 'debunk' the Bible.
Why? Why does it matter? Because its important for them to be right. They don't care if religion makes the other person happy. They just HAVE to make the Christian see reason.
Yeah, they want to convert people and 'save the planet'
I don't know how they can't see that their atheism has become their religion.

"They" ? I thought you were an atheist yourself ?
And atheists mostly react to accusations from Christians, not the other way around.
See how started this thread ?
I am. 'They' are the atheists who have GOT to be right, have GOT to 'educate' Christians, who see religion as poison, etc.
I see a lot of atheists start crap just so they can prove how smart they are and how dumb others are. Its arrogant.
THEY are as bad as believers.
...Can you elaborate on those teachings?

Children are taught to not live by their feelings because feelings lie. They are taught to live by the Word of God. They turn out like amazing little angels instead of freaks from public schools.

I'm sure that's what people said about that devout churchgoer, the BTK killer.

Christians aren't perfect. There are some who choose satan over God. :(

Your WHOLE life ? So you didn't make a conscious choice to become Christian then ? You were indoctrinated.. i see..

I was raised as a devout Christian since I was two. My Mother read the Bible to me and taught me to be her little angel. I still am. :D

Perhaps you could substantiate your claim that all atheists despise happiness.... You have been taught to despise others that do not think like you and that they are somehow sub-standard humans...How would you feel when wracked with pain from the cancer moments before you die.

I never said ALL atheists despise happiness. I have been taught no such thing. I will never have cancer or even be sick. I have divine supernatural perfect health. I always have. I always will. Moments before I die I will be rejoicing in being with Him soon. :worship:

Its about time then you opened your mind and examined the real world, outside of your safe sheep-like fantasy.

Been there. Done that. I like being a devout born-again Christian MUCH better.

I thought Jesus and God were the same..

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. The Trinity.

I dont have problem with religious people what ever their religion might be as long as they dont start to sending me to hell.

"They" aren't capable of sending you to hell.
I am. 'They' are the atheists who have GOT to be right, have GOT to 'educate' Christians, who see religion as poison, etc.
I see a lot of atheists start crap just so they can prove how smart they are and how dumb others are. Its arrogant.
THEY are as bad as believers.

The way I see it it's the other way around. Atheists are provoked into doing that.
Of course there are the bad apples, but so have the theists.
I just don't get why there have to be sides.. :shrug: