Why are atheists so pissy?


I've been a devout Christian my whole life. No devil from hell will ever make ME change my mind/heart.
Its about time then you opened your mind and examined the real world, outside of your safe sheep-like fantasy.
If the persons labeling themselves as members of these particular groups happen to fit those stereotypes, than the shoe fits - doesn't it?

Not a lot of atheists label themselves atheist though.. this is a misconception. It's mainly used by theists..

Edit: or in relation with theists.
M*W: Then just prove it to other christians as fact not faith, and the evidence you provide should convince us as well. You are just being silly by saying you can't prove god's existence to us. If god is really god, we would all know and not doubt.

Not if God didn't want you non-believers to know and not doubt.
Why use words - afterall they don't describe reality with 100% accuracy?

As I agree they don't no one has found a better way to communicate........

are you saying your label as christain or whatever you are......is an accurate communication to others what you believe?

Be honest.....no where in your mind can you concieve the possibility god doesnt exist? or that your Label is for the most part false? If not that would imply you know everything.....do you really believe you know everything? If so you truely are a fool......and your label will reflect that.
Talk about facists. Atheists want everyone to believe the same hopeless spell they have fallen under.

I don't believe its a hopeless case at all. I just think that those in charge, mostly religious people, only want things done "their" way and if "they" don't get what they want then they themselves get pissed off and take it out on others. That's why many wars start as well as local problems where you live and work.
When you are continually surrounded by deluded people who believe outlandish shit, it would make you cranky too.
I liken being surrounded by theists, to dating a moody, irrational, neurotic woman who refuses to listen to reason or logic.
M*W: Something tells me they don't truly believe what they claim to believe.

Now, that's a good point. There are degrees of faith. Mine isn't particularly strong. That's why I'm not trying to convert you heathen. But, that's my failing - not God's.
Not if God didn't want you non-believers to know and not doubt.

Didn't God say that ALL people are His children ? Why would he not want non-believers to know that ? We are the lost sheep is it not ? Save us..
As I agree they don't no one has found a better way to communicate........

are you saying your label as christain or whatever you are......is an accurate communication to others what you believe?

Be honest.....no where in your mind can you concieve the possibility god doesnt exist? or that your Label is for the most part false? If not that would imply you know everything.....do you really believe you know everything? If so you truely are a fool......and your label will reflect that.

I believe God doesn't exist for you. Is that close enough for you?
And what EVIDENCE do you have that makes you think there is a GOD?

I don't need evidence. My heart tells me its true. Evidence is for the non-believer, who I believe rightly believes God doesn't exist (but only for them).
I have never known anyone to turn bad from being a Christian, i know that it has saved a lot of people. Regardless of the reasons. This seems to apply to mostly all mainstream belief systems.

Extremism is more of a personal phenomenon than a religious one. Whatever works for people, i know it is impossible for me to be an Atheist. So it does not matter what i read or experience from now on, will not change. I have accepted this part of my humanity and the part of me that lives unseen.
Tool - Opiate

Choices always were a problem for you.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
what you need is someone strong to use you..
like me,
like me.

If you want to get your soul to heaven,
trust in me .
Don't judge or question.
You are broken now ,
but faith can heal you.
Just do everything I tell you to do.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
Let me lay my holy hand upon you.

My Gods will
becomes me.
When he speaks out,
he speaks through me.
He has needs
like I do.
We both want
to rape you.

Jesus Christ, why don't you come save my life.
Open my eyes and blind me with your light
and your lies.

Its about time then you opened your mind and examined the real world, outside of your safe sheep-like fantasy.


You might as well be trying to talk some sense into one of these....

I used to get aggravated at theists' delusional thinking, but now I just ignore them when I can. However, sometimes one of them (won't name any names) will just say something so fucking stupid, I wish I was able to reach through the screen and punch them in the mouth.
If I have any negative or condescending thoughts, I just keep them to myself (this only applies in person, definitely not here).

You might as well be trying to talk some sense into one of these....

I used to get aggravated at theists' delusional thinking, but now I just ignore them when I can. However, sometimes one of them (won't name any names) will just say something so fucking stupid, I wish I was able to reach through the screen and punch them in the mouth.
If I have any negative or condescending thoughts, I just keep them to myself (this only applies in person, definitely not here).

Or this:
or yourself.

Just look into a mirror reflection

We are all mirror reflection of our souls...our actions are reflections of our souls...every object that we see, touch, smell is reflection of ourselves

or yourself.

Just look into a mirror reflection

We are all mirror reflection of our souls...our actions are reflections of our souls...every object that we see, touch, smell is reflection of ourselves


I don't believe in any soul.. sorry.