Why are atheists so pissy?

I didn't say that. We obey the 10 Commandments. And I never said Jews were any better than anyone else. Spin much? :rolleyes:
got nothing to do with spin, you said you believe the OT, but follow the NT.
to believe is to have confidence in. to follow is to give allegiance.
I'm only going by what you said, did you not say this " We believe the OT but follow the NT" or was I dreaming.
Now it seems you follow the OT, you need to make up you mind.
and it was my assumption by your statement, that jews must be of higher moral fibre because they actually follow the commandments, which you said earlier you just believed, do try to be honest, when you make a statement thank you.

Would you like to rephrase your earlier statement here "I would leave those all alone. Christianity and Islam are COMPLETE opposites. Devout Jews live by the Old Testament." to read " Devout jews and Christians live by the Old Testament."
M*W: Please explain what you mean by "petty differences?"

Perhaps petty was the wrong word to use. My point is that I'm so sick and tired of the whole Creation vs. Evolution and Atheists vs. Thiests stuff. It's a waste of time, can't we all just agree to disagree and leave it at that. Atheists and Thiests are like men and women, one will never understand the other, but they need to get along. I also don't thing pissy was the right word to use.:truce:
got nothing to do with spin, you said you believe the OT, but follow the NT.
to believe is to have confidence in. to follow is to give allegiance.
I'm only going by what you said, did you not say this " We believe the OT but follow the NT" or was I dreaming.
Now it seems you follow the OT, you need to make up you mind.
and it was my assumption by your statement, that jews must be of higher moral fibre because they actually follow the commandments, which you said earlier you just believed, do try to be honest, when you make a statement thank you.

Would you like to rephrase your earlier statement here "I would leave those all alone. Christianity and Islam are COMPLETE opposites. Devout Jews live by the Old Testament." to read " Devout jews and Christians live by the Old Testament."
The laws were refined in the New Testament and the specific laws are not as important as the principle they are based on. To follow that principle is to follow the law, the written law is for those that don't follow that principle, to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Atheists and Thiests are like men and women...
Sexual desire has been a big motivation to reconciling differences between men and women.

I wonder if debates between atheists and theists are repressed (or sublimated) sexual encouters.

OPs are pick up lines
and the whole thing has a nice
leather and whips

Come on people let's learn how to make love.
They DESPISE anyone's happiness--especially if it's rooted in God, as foolish.

I am an atheist. Most of my family are not. I would die right now to purchase them 1 ounce of happiness. It is fortunate that I do not have to. Your assumptions, at least in my case, are wrong. I suspect that there might be more cases. I suspect that there may be more research (on your part) to do.
lol Fascists ? Now who's pissy ?
Atheists do not want everyone to believe the same. In fact, atheism is not even a belief.

I do beg to differ the Atheist actively BELIEVES there is no God(s). To merely say there is no evidence of God makes you an Agnostic.
I do beg to differ the Atheist actively BELIEVES there is no God(s). To merely say there is no evidence of God makes you an Agnostic.
wrong the atheist has no belief in god/gods or the concept of god/gods, he lacks believe. As believe in god/gods is unreasonable. therefore it's not considered viable.
I do beg to differ the Atheist actively BELIEVES there is no God(s). To merely say there is no evidence of God makes you an Agnostic.

No. Anyone that is not·theist is a·theist by definition. This includes those that simply lack belief in any God(s) as well as those with an affirmative belief that there is no God. Agnostics believe that man can never know anything about the existence of God. Atheism is about belief, agnosticism is about knowledge. Agnosticism is not a point on the axis of theism.