Why are atheists so pissy?

I've been a devout Christian my whole life. No devil from hell will ever make ME change my mind/heart.

Your WHOLE life ? So you didn't make a conscious choice to become Christian then ? You were indoctrinated.. i see..
Christians are happier than atheists. You can see it in their eyes.

Numerous studies/surveys say the same thing

Catholic news... that's a real non-biased source you have there lol.

Tell me Sandy, why are you calling an Egyptian god?
Talk about facists. Atheists want everyone to believe the same hopeless spell they have fallen under.

You've got that backward. Christians are the ones running around telling everyone, "You need to believe in and worship MY God or you're going to hell."

I don't even claim an affirmative disbelief in your God, only a lack of belief based on the lack of evidence for such a being. If you want me to believe in your God and worship him/her then prove there is such a God. Until then the Christians need to shut up and quit telling non-believers they're going to hell over some fairy tale they can't provide any evidence for.
Nice... :bawl:
I on the other hand couldn't even begin to make such a list. I have no preferences, they are all people.
Although I must say that Scientology is particularly stupid.

Of course, I am just grossly characterizing and stereotyping, but if the shoe fits . . .
You've got that backward. Christians are the ones running around telling everyone, "You need to believe in and worship MY God or you're going to hell."

I don't even claim an affirmative disbelief in your God, only a lack of belief based on the lack of evidence for such a being. If you want me to believe in your God and worship him/her then prove there is such a God. Until then the Christians need to shut up and quit telling non-believers they're going to hell over some fairy tale they can't provide any evidence for.

God doesn't exist for the non-believer, and thus I cannot prove His existence to you.
Isn't it your job to preach the word of God and make him exist for the non-believer? :shrug:

Yes. But, he asks for scientific proof. That I can't give him because it's not there (with perhaps the exception of miracles - but miracles don't lend themselves to repetition in the laboratory).
just a curiousity.......why use labels? Athiest, christain, catholic, agnostic, etc.........all it does it make you "conform" your beliefs to that specific label and its definition.

If you truely do think for youself you cannot be labeled........unless your TRUE personal thoughts represent 100% accuracy with the label......which I highly highly doubt......

They DESPISE anyone's happiness--especially if it's rooted in God, as foolish.
Atheists disbelieve for many reasons, what you can’t do is assign a single dogma to them in the same way that can be done for Christians. I am sure some people despise the happiness of others and express cynicism for such things. I see no reason to think that that personality tendency is more likely to be atheistic than theistic.

Perhaps you could substantiate your claim that all atheists despise happiness. I doubt you can since what I observe in your statement is Christian propaganda and the result of your indoctrination – i.e. you have been taught to despise others that do not think like you and that they are somehow sub-standard humans.

Down in the mud? Most of us are deliriously happy
Apart from the millions of Christians who experience depression and guilt about their believed sinful nature. But unfortunately being happy doesn’t relate to knowing truth. Perhaps being deliriously happy by being convinced a fantasy is true has some value if happiness was the sole goal for humanity. Christian happiness is as relevant to truth as the person who is only happy when they are drunk.

Being happy doesn’t mean a great deal if the reality we face isn’t particularly fortuitous for us. It is easy to be happy when you are healthy but how would you feel when wracked with pain from the cancer moments before you die. The world is full of real challenges for humanity and burying your head in the sand and choosing to be happy by believing a fantasy is simply irresponsibility towards the rest of humanity.

Convert me to what? I'm already a born-again Christian. There is nothing better.
I hope you realize that such a declaration is in effect an admission of true closed-mindedness, i.e. God is the only answer and you don’t care what anyone else says.

We don't have to prove anything. Not to you or anyone else. On a 1-10 happiness scale, I am a 777,777,777,777!
Many drunk people find happiness as well, so what’s your point. Now – discovering truth might be worth being happy about – but you only have faith and that is no indicator of truth.

Yes, that too. And mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, romantically, socially, spiritually.....
Just like many atheists who achieve the same.

What a wonderful life!
I understand many inmates in mental institutions suffering from delusion are equally happy. What does that say for you, what’s the difference?

And you are a prime example of why many choose Christianity.
Isn’t that a prissy statement.

No. It's called reality. And you HATE that. You HATE that someone can be so happy. Better to wallow in misery, huh?
You seem to be very confused. There is nothing that says reality is something to be happy about. And remember this strange idea you have that atheists hate people being happy is a result of your twisted indoctrination.

Christians are happier than atheists. You can see it in their eyes.
Just like happy drunks, right?

Numerous studies/surveys say the same thing:


How is one link numerous? And if the one link is Christian quoting Christian propaganda then your claim is more than suspicious.

Mastering your emotions is one of the best things you can do in childhood. It prevents MANY problems later on in life. That's what they teach young kids at Christian schools. Awesome...
Religious schools do not teach control of emotions, but rather they exaggerate and stimulate emotionalism. Religious belief is entirely an emotional reaction to fantasy propositions. The alternative with logic and reason and religious teaching does not touch that.

They most certainly do. The best non-denominational schools are teaching kids exactly that--which explains why the kids are turning out so good despite some bad parenting...
Hmm, the USA, is one of the most religious countries in the world and has one of highest crime rates – clearly religion is doing a grand job. Perhaps all the crime is due to the few atheists? Hmm, except that US prison stats show atheists comprise less than the usual percentage compared to the outside population.

You can talk cr@p against God all you want. We don't care anymore.
Oops – yet another prissy statement.

Nope. There is a glow, a light that is on in someone's eyes when they're a believer.
It’s called emotionalism.

There's a darkness, a hardness when they're not.
When rationality attempts to assert itself.

Look at criminals. Perfect example.
And prison stats – prisons full of believers.
-Thats why I prefer eastern religions over western. In former you have the keys within you to understanding and harmony through exploration, in latter ones you are told to what to believe and if you dont, burn in hell !!! :D LOL


Yep, I see eye to eye with you here.
Let's face it. The concept of God has been used successfully by unscrupulous people for centuries now.
Although the NT does contain(in my opinion) a lot of good spiritual content, it's the idealogies and dogma within it that most fundies dwell on, not many of the finer teachings attributed to Jesus.

Salvation,hell for non Christians, God having a tantrum over atheists and condemning them to eternal hell, Gods hangup about homosexuality, judement day,etc..all these things seem to dominate most of the Christian programs I see..most not all of course.
just a curiousity.......why use labels? Athiest, christain, catholic, agnostic, etc.........all it does it make you "conform" your beliefs to that specific label and its definition.

If you truely do think for youself you cannot be labeled........unless your TRUE personal thoughts represent 100% accuracy with the label......which I highly highly doubt......

Why use words - afterall they don't describe reality with 100% accuracy?
God doesn't exist for the non-believer, and thus I cannot prove His existence to you.
M*W: Then just prove it to other christians as fact not faith, and the evidence you provide should convince us as well. You are just being silly by saying you can't prove god's existence to us. If god is really god, we would all know and not doubt.
Hmm, the USA, is one of the most religious countries in the world and has one of highest crime rates – clearly religion is doing a grand job. Perhaps all the crime is due to the few atheists? Hmm, except that US prison stats show atheists comprise less than the usual percentage compared to the outside population.

And prison stats – prisons full of believers.

Yep, that's what I was getting at :D