Why are atheists so pissy?

M*W: If religion were true and factual, why does it need defending? It should speak for itself, but it doesn't. It should stand on its own merit, but it doesn't. Christianity is dying worldwide. That's why atheists don't buy into that crap. We can see it for what it is. You all are blind to reality and pretend you are gleefully happy because of Jesus. Cut the drama. Your religious addiction is delusional. We can see it. Why can't you?

You people think atheists are so unhappy, because we don't want to put up with your crap. The difference between us is that atheists know when we are happy, and we know why we are happy, and a lot of people and things in our lives make us happy. But you christians have a false sense of security. You've got to put up a false front with each other to reassure that false security of salvation. And you put on your happy faces for us to pretend that you have something over on us, but we can see right through your fake smiles! We are sad for you, really, even more than we are disgusted with your silliness.

Many of you have called us "bitter." But it is you who are trying to pretend you're not the bitter ones. For everything you say about us, it represents what's really going on in your irrational minds. You transfer your fears on us, and it just isn't working. We can still see through the veil of your delusions.

I think you are the ones who are afraid to be happy, and you are subconsciously wanting to believe that we are the unhappy ones, but it's not us, it's you.

We don't care if you ever embrace atheism. That's not what we are about. That is a personal journey that can take years of ruling out the religious addictions and delusions. Embracing atheism is an awakening. We can't teach you that. Only you can learn that for yourselves in your own time.

What we can do for you is provide you an awareness about your religious addictions. Sure, you don't want to hear it. Neither did we when we walked in your shoes, those of us who did. So, we understand how tightly you hold onto your beliefs. Your beliefs are like a baby's security blanket. We know that. There may have been a time when we were afraid to let go, too. But when we did, we realized that was the best thing we have ever done. We realized we could face the future without bearing false hope. We opened up a whole new dimension of awareness in our lives, and we were no longer afraid of personal failure as far as any supernatural being coming to judge us. This isn't self-righteousness--it's freedom from delusion, and that is just the beginning.

You may not like what we have to say, but we're not going to stop saying it just because it makes you uneasy. What you don't understand at this point is that if what we say makes you uneasy, you might want to question why you feel uneasy about it. We keep telling you the same thing over and over again, and you should question why we repeat ourselves.

You believe you know something that we don't, but the fact is that we know more about your religion(s) than you do! We were not afraid to learn about religious inconsistancies, because we knew we had nothing to lose (i.e. a sense of false hope of salvation), but neither do you have to worry about that. You just don't know it yet.

If you're feeling riled up right about now, ask yourself why this is bothering you so? What emotions have I triggered? What false promises have you been fed even by those who love you? Ask yourself why you are afraid of what I've said to you.

Hate us all you want, that's no problem. Maybe that emotion of hate will trigger an awareness in you to question everything I've said to you today. And I hope you do.




-Thats why I prefer eastern religions over western. In former you have the keys within you to understanding and harmony through exploration, in latter ones you are told to what to believe and if you dont, burn in hell !!! :D LOL

"A tree as big around as you can reach starts with a small seed; a thousand mile journey starts with one small step."

I am sure overall that Theists are better adjusted, happier and more at ease. I have observed this in many variations. There are reasons for this which are beyond the scope of this thread.
M*W: John, can you provide some links/statistics on these variations? I would like to see your references.

How can having no beliefs be an awakening. It is a theory but how is this enlightenment? Supported by the fact that Atheism is unproven and unprovable, possibly never will be known to mortals.
M*W: It's an awakening, because you learn the truth. When you learn the truth, you can see the lies.

That is if one were to believe you are an Atheist, i think most Atheist are actually agnostic but for some reason they dont reveal this. I am not sure what M*W is.
M*W: I was an agnostic at one time, when I first came to sciforums, but I am now an atheist. Simply, "agnostic" means "without knowledge." "Atheist" means "without a god." The reality of it is, everyone is "atheist," but they just don't know it.
hey Why?, Could you put the following in a list according to likability for you:

Muslims, atheists, scientologist, Jehova witness, hindus, Thanks....

American atheists are pissier than European atheists, probably because they have to put up with way more bullshit. Hell, 40% of England is non-believer.
Hindus, Muslims, scientologists, Jehova witnesses and then, atheists.

No Jainism on your list ? :confused:

"They are expected to follow five principles of living:
-Ahimsa: "non violence in all parts of a person -- mental, verbal and physical." 3 Committing an act of violence against a human, animal, or even vegetable generates negative karma which in turn adversely affects one's next life.
-Satya: speaking truth; avoiding falsehood
-Asteya: to not steal from others
-Brahma-charya: (soul conduct); remaining sexually monogamous to one's spouse only
-Aparigraha: detach from people, places and material things. Avoiding the collection of excessive material possessions, abstaining from over-indulgence, restricting one's needs, etc.
-Jains follow a vegetarian diet. (At least one information source incorrectly states that they follow a frutarian diet -- the practice of only eating that which will not kill the plant or animal from which it is taken. e.g. milk, fruit, nuts.)
-They often read their sacred texts daily.

-Jains are recommended to pass through four stages during their lifetime:

-Brahmacharya-ashrama: the life of a student
-Gruhasth-ashrama: family life
-Vanaprasth-ashrama: family and social services
-Sanyast-ashrama: life as a monk; a period of renunciation"
I've been a devout Christian my whole life. No devil from hell will ever make ME change my mind/heart.
As long as you are happy thats okay, but beware what is done in the name of your God.
I have issues with religion, but not (for the most part) with the people that believe in it. Most of my friends have been Christians of some sort or another. I don't care what you personally believe if it helps you. I support diversity of religious and philosophical thought, the more the better.
Or you could just click on this .. image on the post you want to quote.

If you want to quote several posts click on .. on every post you want to quote and after the last one, click on .. on any one of them to reply.

Show off !! With your fancy buttons and all.. ! :p
I think he meant portions of posts though. Oh well, both work :)
They most certainly do. The best non-denominational schools are teaching kids exactly that--which explains why the kids are turning out so good despite some bad parenting...

Why have I never heard of it then ? I must not be a Christian thing then but more like a local initiative.
All the atheists that I know were not pissy whatsoever. I don't know where you Christians, Muslims, and other theistic religions get off on this idea. You make it seem as though all atheists are unhappy and shit like that, not true. Is this your ignorance based on your own beliefs or your ignorance based upon your blind faith?
Nope. There is a glow, a light that is on in someone's eyes when they're a believer. There's a darkness, a hardness when they're not. Look at criminals. Perfect example.

Don't start on that, you might be disappointed..
Why have I never heard of it then ? I must not be a Christian thing then but more like a local initiative.

Maybe you were thinking of denominational schools like Catholic? They don't teach mastering your emotions. Most teach fear and guilt.
Maybe you were thinking of denominational schools like Catholic? They don't teach mastering your emotions. Most teach fear and guilt.

No, I went to Christian schools. And I know lots and lots of people that went to other Christian schools, I'm sure I would have heard it from them if anything like that was taught there.
To be honest it sounds kind of creepy.. can you elaborate on those teachings ?

Maybe it's more like an American thing. As far as I know we have nothing like that here in The Netherlands.
Talking about what's a choice to make for us:

illusion of "truth" for the sake of the better or the real "truth" were nothing is known precisely to assume anything?

Christians do feel better ... but that's what it seems to us as observers, however do Christians really feel better after all or is that a side-effect of their social events and gatherings that make people feel together and happy. perhaps the key here is to have such social events for atheists as well under common understanding of Scientology perhaps so that atheists experience the same social healing effect as theists experience.
Hindus, Muslims, scientologists, Jehova witnesses and then, atheists.

Nice... :bawl:
I on the other hand couldn't even begin to make such a list. I have no preferences, they are all people.
Although I must say that Scientology is particularly stupid.