Why are atheists so pissy?

No. I said I used to be an atheist. Past tense.

Yes, I've read that. You are now a Christian right ?
Were you influenced by people of faith to become a Christian ? Did you want to fit in, did it simply 'rub off' on you ?
Enmos, would you now please explain how I can cite a prior quote in my post - as a fellow past-atheist to current atheist?
I was not influenced by people of faith to become a Christian. It did not rub off on me. I saw their faith and it called to me.
Enmos, would you now please explain how I can cite a prior quote in my post - as a fellow past-atheist to current atheist?

Sure, copy the text you want to cite and paste, then: [ quote ] text [ /quote ].
Remove the spaces.
Did you mean that ?
Yes, I was a Christian prior to being an atheist, than I went back to being a Christian, correct.
We don't have to prove anything. Not to you or anyone else. On a 1-10 happiness scale, I am a 777,777,777,777! :D

-Yes, I know, but why then comments that "they dont want to be happy" -
"they want stay unhappy" ?
How about, whom are more happier, Zen philosopher or Christian ?
I have a special place for atheists in my heart. I understand them well. I also understand Christians. Sure, Christians can be down right stupid. But, atheists are also missing out on the emotional experience of faith.
I have a special place for atheists in my heart. I understand them well. I also understand Christians. Sure, Christians can be down right stupid. But, atheists are also missing out of the emotional experience of faith.

Maybe, but emotional experience is not based on truth.
I am of a different opinion, without a clear definition of truth.

Your mind, however clear, is never bereft of emotions. There is always an emotional element to the truth - whether religious or scientific.