Whose God Is Responsible????

Oh is this thread for believers only? Well I suppose I will leave them to argue which God is responsible.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So does everbody have an equal opportunity to make it to heaven.???

yes, but, depending on your acts, if you did bad, go to hell, good, go to heaven, if you heart people, and etc... and heart animals, or plants, or even earth, byebye to hell, if you do good things more than bad, you go to heaven, anyway, it's like, in your life time, on each act, either you have a (+) or a (-), if the total is (-), you go to hell, if the total is (+) you go to heaven, that's a general look.

Does one need to beleive in the corect God to make it to heaven.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank God gave everbody an euqal amount of free will.???

Kind of like asking whether all correct answers to a maths problem are equally right, or if all expectant mothers are merely half pregnant or if all the people who lost their lives in WW2 give a variety of results in regards to the question of them being alive

Well mayb so... dependin on what you thank free will is... I see it as bein able to make uninfluended choises... how do you define free will.???

Oh is this thread for believers only? Well I suppose I will leave them to argue which God is responsible.

no, i meant, you don't beleive in god, why are you discussing about who's "god" is doing things.
anywya, i'm not saying that should leave or something, or trying to escape from disucssing with you.

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So does everbody have an equal opportunity to make it to heaven.???

Does one need to beleive in the corect God to make it to heaven.???

what correct god and what wrong god? just beleive in a one god, the creator, (not the fother of jesus, and not the god who's a human), and, that's it, that's the most important principale, anyway, for people who don't know about the relegions of one god, and their hall life warshiping a stone; or the moon, they wan't get judged on their beleif in teh stone and not in god, i mean, they don't know about god, no one told them about, so, they are judged according to their acts and life, and etc... and even some of he's relegion practices, if he's not hurting anyone with it, including himself,also no hurting any other creatures for nothing.
and, what correct god? i mean, christanity, islam, and jew, share the same god, maybe christian say god have a son, who is jesus, and worshiping jesus as god, but still, well, at least most colts, or, sections of christanity, beleive in god as god the creator, the ultumate, and etc etc... the 99 words i posted before, check them.

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank God gave everbody an euqal amount of free will.???

Well mayb so... dependin on what you thank free will is... I see it as bein able to make uninfluended choises... how do you define free will.???

lol, as i said before, you are free to do anything right? i mean, you can go out to the street and run naked? you can go and kill somebudy, right? you can do it, but, does your society allow you too? you do have the free will to do things, but, does your society let you do anything? for example kill someone? no, so, your free-will, is, well, there are soem lines, drawed by the society, you CAN do what you are going to do, that's a freewill, for example when you're going to run naked in the street, you can do it, you can remove your clothes, and walk, then run when peopel see you, or just run naked, etc...when you are doing that, is their actually, something, that put you in "pause" or freez, or something? that's the freewill, but the lines that the society draws, and the laws draws, and the being good draws, like no for killing, are limitations for the freewill, yet you can break those, but propably will lead you to jail, or cause some problems with your friends, etc... if you think the contrary, how so? we don't have free will? i can't do anything i want, i CAN do it, but i DON'T do it, but i CAN and i CAN
Kinda funny...If you ask people to describe Santa, or even the Easter Bunny, most people can..And their descriptions will all be pretty similar..

Yet, if you ask those same people to describe "God", it's a totally different story.. I guess it's just one of those things that makes ya go hmmm.

Santa and the Easter bunny are well defined and specific. God is as varied as the religions that define it.

God serves a different purpose for each believer... So "your" god is a false god otherwise my god could not exist because they are incompatible... there we have it! the justification for another war... :(

So "your" god is a false god otherwise my god could not exist because they are incompatible... there we have it! the justification for another war... :(


Kinda reminds me of being a kid..

The old "My dad will kick your dads ass" bit.. Only on a larger scale.
What if somone rejects God... will they go to eternal hell.???


omg clueless, would that be a place of violence, and hatred, and discrimination, and slavery, and suffering, and RAPED BABIES?!?!?!?!

you mean, exactly like the world you live in now, except you wouldn't die, so it would go on and on forever?!?!?!?!

OMG. :eek:

omg clueless, would that be a place of violence, and hatred, and discrimination, and slavery, and suffering, and RAPED BABIES?!?!?!?!

you mean, exactly like the world you live in now, except you wouldn't die, so it would go on and on forever?!?!?!?!

OMG. :eek:

Is you'r beleif that "earf is hell" from the Holey Bible.???

Santa and the Easter bunny are well defined and specific. God is as varied as the religions that define it.

God serves a different purpose for each believer... So "your" god is a false god otherwise my god could not exist because they are incompatible... there we have it! the justification for another war... :(


that's what we call, fanatisme, fanatisme, is, saying, NO you're GOD is not real! Myne is!! and the other guy, say the same, that's called fanatism and it would cause bad things, and that's what you just said, no, my god is the right one...

What if somone rejects God... will they go to eternal hell.???

there are different cases, if you heard and know about god, and etc... and you reject it, and you didnt think about it, and etc.. yes, byebye to hell, also, not only who don't beleive in god can go to hell, also beleiver can, unlike in christanity, wich says all christians go to heaven, in my relegion, it doesnt matter, you can be a muslim, and go to hell, who do the bad things and etc... i explained it in my previous post, wich is applied on all humans, not just christians alone, or atheists alone, or muslims alone.
in another case, where someone, born, and raised, and died, on, that there's no god, and, never heard anything about "god", and who's god, and etc... never knew, he wan't get judged on that, because, it wasnt he's fault that he don't know, anyway, knowing what's going on around you, and learning what's new, and etc... is a duty. but if he knowed about god, the creator, (and the other 99 words if you want) and didnt beleive in god, yes he would go to hell.

Do insane people have the free will to becom sane.???

insane people, and people who are paralyzed in their mind, don't get judged by god, because they are really aware, also, effcorse they have a free-will, i mean, who would controll them? they have the free will of their own mind (also the people who are paralyzed in their minds, act as they are raised on, just like kids, if they were raised on good, means, the people who raised them, are good with them ,and calm, and etc... they would be calm, for example you tell someone like that, to give you he's chocolate, he can give it to you, and he can not give it to you), but we can't realy understand how does the paralyzed people or insane people think, if you mean insane, sicologicly, that's along study, if you mean born like that, paralyzed in he's mind, means, kinda primitive, don't think.
insane people, means sicologicly ill, i really don't know, if you mean insane with killing for example, defferently to hell, because, he started to kill, not just like that, anoher example, a person insane,act like an animal, and as a primitive, and as a kid, and not aware of, he wan't get judged on that, if he's aware, he would be judged, but, anywya, if you mean, the people who are paralyzed in their minds, or, that kind of insane people like those paralyzed, are not really aware, they are more close to the their animal instinct, but they are aware, in their own world, and they have their free will in their own world in their mind, but, they wan't get judged in that.


omg clueless, would that be a place of violence, and hatred, and discrimination, and slavery, and suffering, and RAPED BABIES?!?!?!?!

you mean, exactly like the world you live in now, except you wouldn't die, so it would go on and on forever?!?!?!?!

OMG. :eek:

uuh, what do you mean exactly, lori?