Whose God Is Responsible????

As a matter of fact I could explain God to someone without both using the word "God" or describing Him as It's impossible for Him to have descriptions.

THIS is your original statement...You say nothing about altering the definition of "describing". I.E. the color, shape etc.

You then realized this wasn't possible, and altered your statement.
I altered my statement did I? I don't know what's description if not size, color, or shape and let me ask again think carefully and tell me how being finite, infinite or not existing are descriptions do you get any literal sense or image from those words alone.
I suggest you look up the word "describe" in the dictionary..

It means a lot more than size, color or shape...

You will find that there is NO way of explaining something, without describing it.. It's impossible.
You didn't ask a question..You made a non-sensical statement.

I guess you don't care to know the definition of the word describe..

You will just throw up your arms and wave.
I thought so, you have chosen to ignore the question apparently probably because you realized you can't answer it without admitting to what I said.
And, it's not a matter of confidence..I just prefer to know the implications of a statement, before I toss it into the ring. And to know the definitions of words that I use, before using them.
You're totally right BC...I can't answer your question.. It didn't make any sense..

You're also throwing up red herrings...

You failed to carry out what you claimed you could...You attempted to change the rules.. You failed..

Have you bothered to look the word up yet?...Or do you plan to just keep changing the subject?
You proved you failed already...Nothing can be explained, that can't be described...

Really nothing else to say on the subject.
Side-tracking? that would be YOU..

You claimed you could EXPLAIN "God", without DESCRIBING it..

It's impossible to do, and you failed..

Yet you keep asking me to answer this so called question of yours..

What's the point?...Would it make your claim any less wrong?
You've yet to prove how I completely failed in my claim so answer the darn question and tell me if you get a literal sense or image like you may from a particular color, size, or shape from just a word like infinite, finite, or non-existent.
colorless? nameless? measurable (I think not)? possibly indefinite as it is by definition? You can describe the word with a word with the one that expresses it as a summation, but No I tell you it is the beginning action that runs through any person's mental calculator. It is also the last thing that runs through their mind when they attempt to justify their actions. What do I speak of? as it certainly can not be contained within three letters. It comes with a book that may or may not be used by a crook. If only the actions were better on this planet of ours maybe we could see my view. To see all we see? Is that all we have to do to become more like this aspect of peace. No it is to do as I do. Monkey see, monkey do. Are we all not part of it in some way? Whatever world this may be. Whatever actions we hold to value our existence. It goes beyond good and evil as it is always justified in the end. Which leads only another beginning to it. It is called life and there is only one escape, To end it completely. But even then I say it is only a beginning left for another to pick up and justify. There is no escape. So Who is to blame? I tell you from the soul that I will accept the blame if you can Justify my reasoning. Cut/ print/ show to grandmother. It is alive:worship:
You've yet to prove how I completely failed in my claim so answer the darn question and tell me if you get a literal sense or image like you may from a particular color, size, or shape.

I don't need to prove you wrong..YOU ALREADY DID!..

Is there something wrong with you mentally? We have gone over this time after time..

You clearly don't know the definition of the word describe, so you choose to make one up that suits you... Hence your query can't be answered..


A verbal account or portrayal of a person, scene, or event. etc.

A technical account,definition.

Where in that definition from the DICTIONARY, does it say anything about the word only meaning size, shape, and color????
I think this is a bit funny, tell me how do you get a portrayal of a person, scene, or event from just adjectives like finite, infinite, or non-existent and no literal descriptions.
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I think this is a bit funny, tell me how do you get a portrayal of a person, scene, or event from just adjectives like finite, infinite, or non-existent and no additional descriptions.

Dude, you're just playing games now...You can't be as dumb as you're coming across.

You failed..I gave you the definition of the word description..You want to argue what it means, contact Websters Dictionary.

And for the LAST time..You CAN'T explain something without describing it..

If you feel that you can, please do...Otherwise, this is a waste of time.

You proved yourself wrong several posts ago...Yet you just keep coming back with more red herring..

You made a ridiculous claim, without thinking it thru..You got called on it. Now you're back pedaling and side-tracking...I'm done with ya.
Well you do seem very reluctant to answer a simple question on topic.

And you seem very reluctant to admit you failed.

Btw...You initially referred to "God" as HE or HIM..I do get a "literal sense or image" from that.

Or are you saying, that since you didn't add that to your later "explanation" that this so called "God" may in fact be a female?

If so, then your explanation, doesn't match your belief.
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He thinks he is self reliant and is not accepting of the fact that god didn't put you here to argue his existence. Or because you believe a "physical" being made the universe. Both points are mute as we would not be able to ask these questions if the word "God" itself did not exist. You could not even attempt to explain God to your grandmother if the word itself did not exist. Try it Go up to your grandmother and explain God without using the word or bringing a book. Might as well tell her every detail of your life story. That is the only way I could explain it and nobody wants their grandmother to know their most intimate details...

well, in my relegion, God, is different from what in christanity wich is a physical being, how can a physical being, creat a physical univerce, while there was no physical things before it, and before that matters before the bigbang, anyway, god, to us, is not a physical being, god is an ultumate being, infact, idk if the ord being is correct, god is out of our laws that we know, out of the limits of time, time doesnt mean anything to god, god can see the future as past,the certin future as past, because it will defferently happen, and it will be happened, time doesnt mean anything, god in our defition is the creator, who created everything and started the univerce, god is who will judge us in the end of earth, as he did to who were before us, we humans we'rent the first intelligent beings that god created on earth, also we do beleive in aliens, and in djins, besides the angels and devils. if we even don't know or understand out sun, or even everything on our own planet, and don't know anything about our oceans, and the univerce, how can we judge that there's no god if we can't judge on what's on our own earth or our own univerce, on earth, everyday new ceature gets discovered, even some bacteria discovered in the atmosphere, wich we thought there's no life in it, etc etc...and yes you can ask question in my relegion, because it's based on mind, and not as some people think, "it say so, so it's so", on teh contrarry, you should ask, to understand why, and to be convinced, yes, you can explain what's god.