Whose God Is Responsible????

haha...oh, i have known of it's essence. you saw the shirt. if you could only smell it.

Yeah, I can imagine after a full shift, it would smell a bit rank..

That's why I used the word essence...lol

But, it's still one of Gods creations, and should be held in the highest esteem.:)
Evidene ponts to evoluton causin people to behave the way they do.!!!

really? because it doesn't seem to me as if people's intentions and/or desires have changed much, at least from what we can gather from recorded history. that's one of the coolest things i think about reading ancient or historical literature...to realize we haven't changed on the inside, regardless of how circumstances, or things have changed on the outside.

and personally, i don't use evolution as some excuse to be cruel. it's not usually obvious, when examining our own intentions, why we do what we do, and how the events in our lives, the people in our lives, the society we live in, and our beliefs shape our mentality, but it's not impossible. in my experience, examining these things with you is god's forte. the analogy i always use is that it's like god follows you around with a mirror and encourages you to look at yourself. i don't think that analogy would sound appealing to even the most vain person. perhaps especially to the most vain person. but appealing or not, it is very enlightening and empowering.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Evidene ponts to evoluton causin people to behave the way they do.!!!

really? because it doesn't seem to me as if people's intentions and/or desires have changed much, at least from what we can gather from recorded history.

Evoluton has been goin on for a bit longer than recorded history.!!!

...personally, i don't use evolution as some excuse to be cruel.

Its not an excuse... its an esplination for human behavior.!!!

in my experience, examining these things with you is god's forte. the analogy i always use is that it's like god follows you around with a mirror and encourages you to look at yourself.

At sunday school one time they told us that God is always wit us... always watchin us... well that nite when i was takin a bath i remenbered that an thout it was peerty creepy that som old man was in the bathroom watchin me take a bath :(
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Evidene ponts to evoluton causin people to behave the way they do.!!!

Evoluton has been goin on for a bit longer than recorded history.!!!

certainly. and so how do you know, or what reason would you have to believe, that people's intentions and desires were any different before recorded history, especially if they have remained the same throughout recorded history?

Its not an excuse... its an esplination for human behavior.!!!

it's absolutely an excuse.

At sunday school one time they told us that God is always wit us... always watchin us... well that nite when i was takin a bath i remenbered that an thout it was peerty creepy that som old man was in the bathroom watchin me take a bath :(

what old man?
At sunday school one time they told us that God is always wit us... always watchin us... well that nite when i was takin a bath i remenbered that an thout it was peerty creepy that som old man was in the bathroom watchin me take a bath :(

As long as he doesn't offer to "fluff" up your bath water for ya, or tell ya to call him "Uncle ___", I guess it's ok.:p
As long as he doesn't offer to "fluff" up your bath water for ya, or tell ya to call him "Uncle ___", I guess it's ok.:p

equating god with a human being is foolish first of all.

secondly, if you trust someone, like your mom for example, you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

thirdly, the complete and comprehensive exposure that is realized with a knowledge of god in your life is entirely transforming. all the walls come down, the secrets are exposed, and it is extremely humbling. people aren't that honest with themselves, much less other people around them, and god breaks all of that down. the things that society has taught you to pride yourself on, god doesn't necessarily appreciate, and the things you don't like about yourself, you are forced to address and change.

think about the mirror analogy for a minute. if you are emphatically encouraged to look in that mirror 24/7, you really need to love what you see. and getting to that point can be really difficult, but entirely worth it.
1) equating god with a human being is foolish first of all.

2)secondly, if you trust someone, like your mom for example, you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

3)think about the mirror analogy for a minute. if you are emphatically encouraged to look in that mirror 24/7, you really need to love what you see. and getting to that point can be really difficult, but entirely worth it.

1) Umm Lori...I was joking...Hello..At least I thought it was funny.

2) Big "IF".. Not all of us grew up trusting parents or authority figures.

3) I have no problem with what I see in the mirror.(aside from the effects of age) I like who I am..I don't need "god" to make me feel worthy. (Just ranch)
1) Umm Lori...I was joking...Hello..At least I thought it was funny.

2) Big "IF".. Not all of us grew up trusting parents or authority figures.

3) I have no problem with what I see in the mirror.(aside from the effects of age) I like who I am..I don't need "god" to make me feel worthy. (Just ranch)

i know you were kidding, and it was slightly funny in a really sick way. my response was more for clueless than it was for you.

no one grows up with perfect parents. some with far far less than perfect, and that is really sad. but god is perfect, and learning to absolutely trust an authority figure could and would be very liberating and enlightening. something we could all benefit from in one way or another.

i think that alot of people would say they like and/or love themselves. i also think a lot of people would say otherwise. i also think a lot of people would say they love themselves, but be lying about that. i think that we all have issues and baggage that we carry around with us every day 24/7 that affects us and those around us in a huge way, and that we can most likely be completely in denial about it, feel entirely helpless and defeated in regards to it, or most likely be completely ignorant of it.

let's face it, none of us are perfect. that's a fact that EVERYONE can agree on. and well, god is. so in that case, don't you think that EVERYONE could benefit in some way from knowing god?
1) i know you were kidding, and it was slightly funny in a really sick way. my response was more for clueless than it was for you.

2) no one grows up with perfect parents. but god is perfect.

3) i think that alot of people would say they like and/or love themselves. i also think a lot of people would say otherwise.

4) let's face it, none of us are perfect. that's a fact that EVERYONE can agree on. and well, god is. so in that case, don't you think that EVERYONE could benefit in some way from knowing god?

1) It was meant to be a bit sick.. But the way Clueluss wrote out what he did, made me envision what I wrote.

2) Some don't even grow up with "real" parents, or any for that matter.

And how do you KNOW God is perfect?..Did he tell you this, or are you assuming?

3) Very true..But, do you think the only way to like/love yourself, is to know a God? You can't live a happy life without one?

4) True, none of us are perfect...Not even close. Again, how do you KNOW God is perfect? Unless he told you this himself, there is no proof.

And I have to disagree with your last statement..I don't think EVERYONE would benefit from "knowing" God.. Many have lived very happy lives without knowing or believing in any God. Some have never even heard of any God.
the God of the priests, rabis, imaams, corrupt religious bureaucrats,
if people would learn to think for themselves and see past their brainwashing
there would be no need
for any religion, evil emanates from the clergy, the heretics are the
enlightened ones, like all our power structures a case of the good guys
are the really bad guys and the bad guys are the really good guys.
wake up!
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Evoluton has been goin on for a bit longer than recorded history.!!! ”

certainly. and so how do you know, or what reason would you have to believe, that people's intentions and desires were any different before recorded history, especially if they have remained the same throughout recorded history?

I dout that a 1 cell animal did much thankin about intentions or desires... but over time life evolved an produced humans esactly the way we curently are... which includes the esact desires an intentions we curently have.!!!

“ Its not an excuse... its an esplination for human behavior.!!! ”

it's absolutely an excuse.

Acknowledgin the cause of somptin is not an escuse.!!!

“ At sunday school one time they told us that God is always wit us... always watchin us... well that nite when i was takin a bath i remenbered that an thout it was peerty creepy that som old man was in the bathroom watchin me take a bath ”

what old man?

God... the bearded old man they showed us pitchers of.!!!
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equating god with a human being is foolish first of all.

Whether you thank its foolish or not... people are free to equate ther idea of God in any way they want... but I was about 9 years old... an at sunday school they had showed us pitchers of God (which was an angry old man)... an the idea of an invisible angry old man bein in the bathroom an starin at me while i took a bath was creepy... but it didnt cause me any psychological prollems... lol... i mean... its not as if i actualy beleived the "creepy-guy" was real :)
''Whose God Is Responsible" for the conditions of the world that we live in. Each religious denomination, especially the three organizations namely Judaism , Christianity , And Islaam , will claim that their God is loving caring, and in control of everything that happens in all the boundless universes. While these Rabbis , Preaches and Imaams stand before their congregations whether it is on Friday , Saturday or Sunday. They repeat over and over again, God's promise of paradise when you die , God's concern with all of his creatures and creations. Never once do they address the daily condition of the world; The mistakes in creation, the misfits, the deformed, the Criminally insane. All of this is blamed on one species in creation called "the Devil"

So whose REALLY responsible?????

Humans beings will commit wrong and blame another.
They rarely take responsibility for their own actions. Even the average teenager believes that their right and everyone else is wrong. What feels good is good. Do the parents bear responsibility? Of Course.

But when will the teenager start to take responsibility for his or her own actions?

God made man with the ability choose.

Is it God's fault that you people have your children with out the commitment and responsibility of a Family Arrangement?

Is it God's fault you people don't count the cost of having so many children and can't afford them?

Is it God's fault you don't educate your children toward ethics and morality?

The Present World was made by the Children of the Past. If you want to know why the world is so crappy you should ask your parents.

so me channeling angelic poetry, being visited by spirits, watching stationery wad itself up on my coffee table, and having a telephone conversation with satan himself isn't enough for you? gosh!

god hates ranch. ha! that would make another fine piece of flair! ranch...satan's condiment. :mufc:

are you serious?? how do you know that it was satan on the phone? satan is the devil right? how the spirits were? and how that happened?
god hates ranch? why? it's a building like others? hate ranch and don't hate the porn shops? well, just wondering, nothing against you or your relegion :p :p :p
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Evidene ponts to evoluton causin people to behave the way they do.!!!

It is.!!!

It isnt imposible that i know of.!!!

What is the purpos of hell.???

Its you who thanks hell esists... so what do YOU thank its purpos is.???

hmm, then, why should the infinit, or, the limited univerce should be also true? do you have evidences rather than theoritical articles? hmm.
weird that you beleive in the flying spagetty monster, and the green aliens or something, and you don't beleive in god :rolleyes:

what's the purpose of hell? why should i answer you? you know it, you are just playing to be like you don't know.

then, killing, fanatism, hypocrecy, being a hore, and etc... are a part of evolution? hmm, interresting, can you pleas explain it? and, can you even plas expalin evolution, and how it happeneds? and how the mutation happeneds? (since to you evolution is not adaptation), and why does it happen? and did it start?

imams, are nothign more than another person, they get married, they work, they don't have any authorities, they just know about the relegion, and they pray with people, means, they lead them in the pray in the mosque, and each friday they talk abou a certin subject, anything, scientific, relegious, social, or whatever, even history.

Humans beings will commit wrong and blame another.
They rarely take responsibility for their own actions. Even the average teenager believes that their right and everyone else is wrong. What feels good is good. Do the parents bear responsibility? Of Course.

But when will the teenager start to take responsibility for his or her own actions?

God made man with the ability choose.

Is it God's fault that you people have your children with out the commitment and responsibility of a Family Arrangement?

Is it God's fault you people don't count the cost of having so many children and can't afford them?

Is it God's fault you don't educate your children toward ethics and morality?

The Present World was made by the Children of the Past. If you want to know why the world is so crappy you should ask your parents.

that's what i was talking about ofr many posts in this thread, the free-will, and it's not god's fault, it's ours.