Whose God Is Responsible????

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
I dont have a beleif that eternal hell esists.!!!

well, i'll give you credit, for ignoring a hell of a lot of things that totally support the odds of it existing!!! like the world you live in!!! :confused:

Thers zero evidence in suport of an eternal hell... but thers a boat load of evidence which suports evoluton bein cruel.!!!

...if you heard and know about god, and etc... and you reject it, ...byebye to hell...

What is the purpos of hell.???

insane people, and people who are paralyzed in their mind, don't get judged by god...

Do those people automaticaly go to heaven.???

do you beleive that there are other intelligent beings in the univerce? do you beleive that there are other univerces, or parallel unvierces?

I thank those thangs are posible.!!!
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
I dont have a beleif that eternal hell esists.!!!

Thers zero evidence in suport of an eternal hell... but thers a boat load of evidence which suports evoluton bein cruel.!!!

oh, it's evolution that is cruel? and here i thought it was the people that were cruel.

What is the purpos of hell.???

to give the people who desire this kind of an existence a place to have it.


I thank those thangs are posible.!!!

hmm, i see, and why not hell possible? why it's not possible? i mean, you dont see aliens around or something, and why it's impossible that there's a god? how do you know? how do you know that there's an intelligent life outtheir? hmm

Thers zero evidence in suport of an eternal hell... but thers a boat load of evidence which suports evoluton bein cruel.!!!
zero evidence to provve the parallel univerces, or other univerces, zero evidences to proove that the univerce is infinite, or have a limit.

What is the purpos of hell.???
what do you think?

Do those people automaticaly go to heaven.???

what do you mean?

you can see in the world around us, that in a big way, we, based upon our desires, determine our own quality of life.

many of those desires have led to a hellish existence.

hell is simply a place where people who wish to reject god, and live in hatred and in suffering can do so, without victimizing the rest of us who don't want that. :shrug:
hell is simply a place where people who wish to reject god, and live in hatred and in suffering can do so, without victimizing the rest of us who don't want that. :shrug:

I don't "reject" God, I just don't believe one exists.. To reject something, you'd have to acknowledge it exists first.

Are you saying that if I don't believe in a God, I live in hatred and suffering?
That's horse shit.

I doubt my life is all that different from yours...I just don't believe in a God.

I don't need it to get thru each day..I don't blame it for the bad things that happen, I don't credit it, for the good.

Seems you believe that only those that believe in a God, can be happy.

If that works for you, that's great. I'm doing fine without one.

I am not anti-religion, I just personally don't subscribe to it.

There is no heaven, there is no hell...There is only life and death.
I don't "reject" God, I just don't believe one exists.. To reject something, you'd have to acknowledge it exists first.

Are you saying that if I don't believe in a God, I live in hatred and suffering?
That's horse shit.

I doubt my life is all that different from yours...I just don't believe in a God.

I don't need it to get thru each day..I don't blame it for the bad things that happen, I don't credit it, for the good.

Seems you believe that only those that believe in a God, can be happy.

If that works for you, that's great. I'm doing fine without one.

I am not anti-religion, I just personally don't subscribe to it.

There is no heaven, there is no hell...There is only life and death.

i'm not suggesting religion, and i'm not suggesting happiness per se. lots of things that make us happy can be pretty destructive at the same time.

i don't even talk about heaven and hell as a place, unless someone addresses that specifically, and then i make an analogy to the world we live in now. that is because it's what i'm familiar with (as i'm not dead yet), and because i think it's very easy to extrapolate the concept of heaven and hell based upon what we see going on around us, and even within us, every day.

the one thing i believe, that's based entirely on my own experience (although confirmed in scripture), is that a person has to be open to the idea of god, and to the idea of having a relationship with god, before that can ever happen. people have a whole host of very valid reasons for not being open to that, whether god exists or not. god has proven his existence to many people, including myself. i have absolutely no doubt in my mind that god exists, that his law exists, that a spiritual realm exists, and no religion gave me that, no book gave me that, and no person gave me that. the proof that i have was given to me directly and personally by god himself. and god can and will do that for anyone who is open, but being open to it is the key, whether you have evidence or proof or not. not being open IS a rejection, and like i said, the rejection is determined for a reason.
Who said I wasn't open to the idea? I've just seen no reason to believe one exists so far..Who knows, that could change some day..

From what you have said in different threads, you haven't always believed either.. Certain events changed your stance on the God question..

In my 46 years in this life, I haven't experienced any such events.

As I said before, I have nothing against those that believe..To each their own.

Just as I don't judge you for believeing, don't judge me for not.

That statement is in general, not neccessarily directed at you.
Who said I wasn't open to the idea? I've just seen no reason to believe one exists so far..Who knows, that could change some day..

From what you have said in different threads, you haven't always believed either.. Certain events changed your stance on the God question..

In my 46 years in this life, I haven't experienced any such events.

As I said before, I have nothing against those that believe..To each their own.

Just as I don't judge you for believeing, don't judge me for not.

That statement is in general, not neccessarily directed at you.

you're right. there was a time when i didn't believe because i had no reason to, and i wasn't about to believe unless i did. i honestly don't understand how it's possible to believe without some type of proof.

i admit though, that for a long time i didn't want to know, and i had some really valid reasons for not wanting to know. the first and foremost reason was religion and the fact that i wanted no part of it. beyond that, i didn't want anyone or anything telling me what to do, judging me, condemning me, forcing me, to be someone i was not. i've pleasantly come to find that my perception about those associations was wrong.

i know for a fact, that what changed in me, was my desire to know. i came to a place in my life that, regardless of the negative associations i held, i still wanted to know. so i said to god, "if you're out there, and if you're real, then prove it."

and god proved it.
1) i honestly don't understand how it's possible to believe without some type of proof.

2) the first and foremost reason was religion and the fact that i wanted no part of it. beyond that, i didn't want anyone or anything telling me what to do, judging me, condemning me, forcing me, to be someone i was not.

3) so i said to god, "if you're out there, and if you're real, then prove it."

and god proved it.

1)Then you agree, some proof is a must.. I have yet to see any for myself yet.

2)Big point here...I DO reject organized religion, for the very reasons you stated. Big difference between belief in a God, and religion.

3) Well, I have asked the same question many times over the years.. So far, I have recieved no response.. But, who knows what can happen later.

But, it's just hard for me to wrap my mind around an invisible entity that created everything, and sits quietly in "heaven" watching us destroy ourselves.

So, for now I will wait for some sign that leads me to believe...
1)Then you agree, some proof is a must.. I have yet to see any for myself yet.

2)Big point here...I DO reject organized religion, for the very reasons you stated. Big difference between belief in a God, and religion.

3) Well, I have asked the same question many times over the years.. So far, I have recieved no response.. But, who knows what can happen later.
yes, and from what i can tell, being sincere, even emphatic, and demanding doesn't hurt.

But, it's just hard for me to wrap my mind around an invisible entity that created everything, and sits quietly in "heaven" watching us destroy ourselves.

i think it's sensible to assume that our perception of what god is is very limited.

So, for now I will wait for some sign that leads me to believe...

yay. :)
@ Lori

I thought of a sure fire sign that God exists....

That you suddenly find that ranch is your favorite food, and eat it at every meal...'Cause that would take a miracle..lol

Sorry, just needed a light moment here...:p

Sidenote: I know others are gonna read this and wonder wtf I'm talking about.
@ Lori

I thought of a sure fire sign that God exists....

That you suddenly find that ranch is your favorite food, and eat it at every meal...'Cause that would take a miracle..lol

Sorry, just needed a light moment here...:p

Sidenote: I know others are gonna read this and wonder wtf I'm talking about.

so me channeling angelic poetry, being visited by spirits, watching stationery wad itself up on my coffee table, and having a telephone conversation with satan himself isn't enough for you? gosh!

god hates ranch. ha! that would make another fine piece of flair! ranch...satan's condiment. :mufc:
no, but i am determined to destroy the ranch anyway.

We only destroy that which we don't understand...

Embrace the ranch Lori...Come to know of its essence...lol

I actually had to laugh typing that out.
oh, it's evolution that is cruel? and here i thought it was the people that were cruel.

Evidene ponts to evoluton causin people to behave the way they do.!!!

...and why not hell possible?

It is.!!!

...why it's impossible that there's a god?

It isnt imposible that i know of.!!!

What is the purpos of hell.???

What do you think?

Its you who thanks hell esists... so what do YOU thank its purpos is.???
...a person has to be open to the idea of god, and to the idea of having a relationship with god, before that can ever happen.

Good pont... if people woud be open to the truth that the God i beleive in created everthang (includin the God you beleive in)... then the door woud open to them for a relatonship wit the God of Gods.!!!
We only destroy that which we don't understand...

Embrace the ranch Lori...Come to know of its essence...lol

I actually had to laugh typing that out.

haha...oh, i have known of it's essence. you saw the shirt. if you could only smell it.