Whose God Is Responsible????

''Whose God Is Responsible" for the conditions of the world that we live in. Each religious denomination, especially the three organizations namely Judaism , Christianity , And Islaam , will claim that their God is loving caring, and in control of everything that happens in all the boundless universes. While these Rabbis , Preaches and Imaams stand before their congregations whether it is on Friday , Saturday or Sunday. They repeat over and over again, God's promise of paradise when you die , God's concern with all of his creatures and creations. Never once do they address the daily condition of the world; The mistakes in creation, the misfits, the deformed, the Criminally insane. All of this is blamed on one species in creation called "the Devil"

So whose REALLY responsible?????
Its not clear what you are citing to indicate a world gone off the rails or whatever it is that indicates a lack of responsibility.
Do you thank God gave everbody an euqal amount of free will.???
Kind of like asking whether all correct answers to a maths problem are equally right, or if all expectant mothers are merely half pregnant or if all the people who lost their lives in WW2 give a variety of results in regards to the question of them being alive

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank God gave everbody an euqal amount of free will.???

So does everbody have an equal opportunity to make it to heaven.???

yes, but, depending on your acts, if you did bad, go to hell, good, go to heaven, if you heart people, and etc... and heart animals, or plants, or even earth, byebye to hell, if you do good things more than bad, you go to heaven, anyway, it's like, in your life time, on each act, either you have a (+) or a (-), if the total is (-), you go to hell, if the total is (+) you go to heaven, that's a general look.

Uninfluenced choises.!!!

Kind of like asking whether all correct answers to a maths problem are equally right, or if all expectant mothers are merely half pregnant or if all the people who lost their lives in WW2 give a variety of results in regards to the question of them being alive

yes we all have a freewill, the same freewill, BUT, does the society and the envirement make it an equal free will to everyone? and do you make it a total freewill to our self? i mean, you surely wanted to throw someone from the roof once, but, you wan't do it, it's a bad thing, you are free to do it,you can, but, it doesnt mean it's good to, you can do it, but you didnt, so you controlled that free will of throwing that person from the roof :p
yes we all have a freewill, the same freewill, BUT, does the society and the envirement make it an equal free will to everyone? and do you make it a total freewill to our self? i mean, you surely wanted to throw someone from the roof once, but, you wan't do it, it's a bad thing, you are free to do it,you can, but, it doesnt mean it's good to, you can do it, but you didnt, so you controlled that free will of throwing that person from the roof :p
free will is one thing and the (in)ability to fulfill one's desires or act in accordance with them is something else

I mean its not like the argument "I want to have a million dollars but I don't" is an argument against free will
''Whose God Is Responsible" for the conditions of the world that we live in. Each religious denomination, especially the three organizations namely Judaism , Christianity , And Islaam , will claim that their God is loving caring, and in control of everything that happens in all the boundless universes. While these Rabbis , Preaches and Imaams stand before their congregations whether it is on Friday , Saturday or Sunday. They repeat over and over again, God's promise of paradise when you die , God's concern with all of his creatures and creations. Never once do they address the daily condition of the world; The mistakes in creation, the misfits, the deformed, the Criminally insane. All of this is blamed on one species in creation called "the Devil"

So whose REALLY responsible?????
If you are arguing that god is merely a construct of provincial culture (and that there exists no possible way to reconcile the variety of claims made in the name of god) you are arguing that humanity is responsible

free will is one thing and the (in)ability to fulfill one's desires or act in accordance with them is something else

I mean its not like the argument "I want to have a million dollars but I don't" is an argument against free will

that's not what i meant, you can't have everything you want, to desire to have something, not really what i meant by free-will, i meant the free will to do anything, you can go and do what you want to do, but, that doesnt mean that the society is not against all your free-will, or laws too for example.
now seriously, now think about it, if we all were programmed to do the things we do, and the world is programmed to be just like that, and all things are runned, then, why would we be judged at the judgement day? well, in christanity, they say all christians will go to heaven, a killer or whatever, all of them will go to heaven, however, i'm not christian, anyway, god, in the judgement day, will judge us all, by individuals, what did you do in your life? what are the bad things and the good things, etc etc etc.....means, we Do have the free-will, to act how we like, and then, god will judge us, on that acts we did, but still the free-will is not 100% free will in our societies, i mean, the society always creats some boundaries, also laws, the envirement, etc etc... but you can challenge your society or whatever, and do what you like, i mean, you can, but, you mostly you wan't, but you can.
and there's no "who's god is responsible", god, is the same god, worshiped in the 3 relegions, (i don't mean jesus christ (pbuh), jesus christ is not a god neither the son of god, he's a human like me and you, he's a prophet) anyway, there's only one god, wich we all agree on, that is, god is who created everything, and started the univerce, god is beyond our understanding (if the univerce itself is beyond our full understanding, do you actually expect us to know how god is? we don't even know alot about our own sun, and we don't know everything about our own history and planet)
i think most atheist, don't really know, who or what's god, they don't really know, they propably think god, like in christanity is a human or something, etc.. many of them don't really know, while when discussing about the begening of univerce, it seems like they do what's or who's god, but they don't say god, while, is really god.
Hmm, like me. TBH I've never found a theist whos able to describe god either in a way I understand.

Kinda funny...If you ask people to describe Santa, or even the Easter Bunny, most people can..And their descriptions will all be pretty similar..

Yet, if you ask those same people to describe "God", it's a totally different story.. I guess it's just one of those things that makes ya go hmmm.

Hmm, like me. TBH I've never found a theist whos able to describe god either in a way I understand.

describe god physicly, we can't, god is not physical, and, we can't see god,
99 name, description: http://www.arabacademy.com/download/99Names.htm
god is the creator, and not like in christanity god is a human and have a son and etc... no, god is the creator, beyond our understanding, i mean, we don't even understand all about our sun! and we don't even know everything on our own planet, esspecialy oceans.

Kinda funny...If you ask people to describe Santa, or even the Easter Bunny, most people can..And their descriptions will all be pretty similar..

Yet, if you ask those same people to describe "God", it's a totally different story.. I guess it's just one of those things that makes ya go hmmm.

can you describe how do i look? i look like a human, but, can you describe how do i look?
god is the creator, beyond our understanding.
So I guess we can never know God, or even know what he wants of us. I might as well simply shrug my shoulders and carry on as if he/she/it didnt exist. If I tried to understand what God wanted from me I'd probably get it wrong anyway, after all he is beyond our understanding.

So I guess we can never know God, or even know what he wants of us. I might as well simply shrug my shoulders and carry on as if he/she/it didnt exist. If I tried to understand what God wanted from me I'd probably get it wrong anyway, after all he is beyond our understanding.

what i mean with it's beyond our understanding, is, how do god look or something, and etc...
why did god created us?

search google more if you want
god created us and gave us a free-will, to build and use creation, all creatures are nations like us, but we are superior than them, because we have this, curiosity to knowledge, and the search of knoledge, simply, the mind, and it's like a test for us, because, we have the free-will, we can do bad, or good, and at the judgement day, god judge us, and send the good to heaven, and the bad to hell, why this test? because we have the free will, while angels, god created them (not as you see in the churche or whatever, we have things we call, "the unseen" wich we can't know how do they look) but they don't have the free-will, that's why, we can be better than angels, if we did good, and worshiped and convinced with the existence of god, and worked and did everything to make things better and do good to people and all the other creautres, etc... and we do it with the free-will.

((in your self, you are saying, what a bullshit!, right? lol))

More or less. Though I find it funny that all I need to do is "google it" if I want to find out what God is.

if you do, don't take the christian defition, they say god is from flesh, and have a son, or that son is god, idk, anyway :p
so, if you don't even beleive in god, why are you on this thread?