Whose God Is Responsible????



The passage also mentions the first resurrection, which is in contrast with the second death. The point is not that the righteous is raised a thousand years before the wicked, for a physical reign on earth, but that the cause of Christ for which the martyrs died is triumphant. Evil is not forever on the throne. God has overcome.

this seems to make more sense as the world may become more enlightened as time progresses, so to speak.

what about this? do you agree or disagree and why?
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
...do you enjoy bein happy.???

Does the idea of communion wit God make you feel happy.???

hm...does the idea make me happy? do ideas make me happy? maybe an idea on a way to decorate a room, or solve a problem, if one comes to me, i'm happy when it does. but this isn't really my idea.

do i sit and imagine what it would be like and does that imagination make me feel happy? um...no, not usually. i'm not that imaginative.

you know, i've had interactions with god, speaking of communion, and i have to say that those interactions generally, did not make me happy initially, but perhaps have made it so, that i am happier now than i used to be, because they changed me. i'm a stronger person, i make better decisions, i have better relationships, so that allows to be to happier in a way i guess, but knowing god opened my eyes to a lot of things that made me very unhappy too. am i happy there's a way to solve those things? yeah. is happiness the means by which they'll be solved? hell no.
please kindly quote the scriptures and we can see how they can be interpreted.

this is the most important question. does someone, in your opinion, have to be literally a christian and of the christian faith in order to go to a heaven? or do you think different religions have their own heaven as well? even this alleged second coming of heaven on earth (which i think is relative but not absolute), is it only for christians? or is it based on those who live and revere the message what christ was trying to teach?

also, again, you seem to think that the corruption is only affecting humans (i suspect because it is what humans do that directly affects you). you say there will be no more suffering or death. animals also suffer and die.

matthew 5:17-20. there...


now i'm no bible-thumper, i'm a mastermind. the bible has been interpreted to me by the holy spirit through interaction, and based on experience. we don't sit around and memorize chapter and verse, we understand it and move on. if you want to look up scripture then do it. you really want me to google up scriptures that say satan was an angel? you want me to google up communion for you? no.

i've told you what i think about our experience in the afterlife and heaven and hell based on my rather obvious lack of knowledge regarding that experience. i don't really ever think about an afterlife, or heaven and hell. i don't think about death.

and i don't think anything is going to suffer or die in the kingdom, even animals.
matthew 5:17-20. there...


now i'm no bible-thumper, i'm a mastermind. the bible has been interpreted to me by the holy spirit through interaction, and based on experience. we don't sit around and memorize chapter and verse, we understand it and move on. if you want to look up scripture then do it. you really want me to google up scriptures that say satan was an angel? you want me to google up communion for you? no.

i've told you what i think about our experience in the afterlife and heaven and hell based on my rather obvious lack of knowledge regarding that experience. i don't really ever think about an afterlife, or heaven and hell. i don't think about death.

and i don't think anything is going to suffer or die in the kingdom, even animals.

un-believable! you are the christian, then it's on you to provide the scripture instead of just repeating that your god is real and your religion should be taken seriously. also, you evaded the other pertinent questions i asked you.

frigging nuts! i think the way you think illustrates why religion is mostly dangerous is because, even if unintentional, the way you reason is actually unfair or unjust. for instance, this was more trivial but you don't seem to realize what is your responsibility and what is someone else's and you easily put it on someone else as well as you evaded other similar questions asked on this thread as well as other threads which is kind of a form of dishonesty so you don't have to deal or admit that many of christianity's beliefs are biased or hypocritical etc.

BTW: that scripture has nothing to do with a physical heavenly kingdom on earth that you were purporting in your other post. also, you don't seem to understand shit. maybe if you actually read the bible and would remember it, then you would OR you could discern the difference between what you makeup or your opinion to what the bible is saying or actually realize when you are contradicting it if you could remember the frigging bible. some advice.
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un-believable! you are the christian, then it's on you to provide the scripture instead of just repeating that your god is real and your religion should be taken seriously. also, you evaded the other pertinent questions i asked you.

frigging nuts! i think the way you think illustrates why religion is mostly dangerous is because, even if unintentional, the way you reason is actually unfair or unjust. for instance, this was more trivial but you don't seem to realize what is your responsibility and what is someone else's and you easily put it on someone else as well as you evaded other similar questions asked on this thread as well as other threads which is kind of a form of dishonesty so you don't have to deal or admit that many of christianity's beliefs are biased or hypocritical etc.

BTW: that scripture has nothing to do with a physical heavenly kingdom on earth that you were purporting in your other post. also, you don't seem to understand shit. maybe if you actually read the bible and would remember it, then you would OR you could discern the difference between what you makeup or your opinion to what the bible is saying or actually realize when you are contradicting it if you could remember the frigging bible. some advice.

oh thanks, i'll be sure to write that down somewhere. hahaha...

think about it this way. i want people to be able to depend on me. i want to live in a world where people depend on each other and are accountable to each other entirely. so i don't want anyone who might want to depend on me to think that my motivation is my own happiness. it's not. i think we see that motivation in the world, and it really doesn't work out all that well. do you know what i'm saying?
oh thanks, i'll be sure to write that down somewhere. hahaha...

you are a poor representative of your religion, christianity. you never quote scripture and you never use anything to back up anything you say except to repeat 'i feel this or i had this experience'. you don't even bother to lucidly explain it either, not even an "attempt."

what makes it insane is you think people should take god seriously because of how you feel.


think about it this way. i want people to be able to depend on me. i want to live in a world where people depend on each other and are accountable to each other entirely. so i don't want anyone who might want to depend on me think that my motivation is my own happiness. it's not. i think we see that motivation in the world, and it really doesn't work out all that well. do you know what i'm saying?

i don't fall for the bs you are using. you could have answered the questions i posed on this thread but you evaded them.

if you aren't clueless and you are a christian as you profess, then stop beating around the bush and answer them. don't use some secular reasoning to hide behind or shove your christianity out of dodge when it suits you.
this is the most important question. does someone, in your opinion, have to be literally a christian and of the christian faith in order to go to a heaven? or do you think different religions have their own heaven as well? even this alleged second coming of heaven on earth (which i think is relative but not absolute), is it only for christians? or is it based on those who live and revere the message what christ was trying to teach?

answer this question, "christians."

and post 241.
you are a poor representative of your religion, christianity. you never quote scripture and you never use anything to back up anything you say except to repeat 'i feel this or i had this experience'. you don't even bother to lucidly explain it either, not even an "attempt."

what makes it insane is you think people should take god seriously because of how you feel.

oh you're so full of shit! i've told you exactly what the bible tells you to do and that which i have done, and that is have your own relationship with god. you don't want to do that so you expect me to sit here and banter over interpretations of scripture.
oh you're so full of shit! i've told you exactly what the bible tells you to do and that which i have done, and that is have your own relationship with god. you don't want to do that so you expect me to sit here and banter over interpretations of scripture.

stop "evading" and answer the specific questions.

'bible tells you to do' is very funny since you've shown some severe allergy to even referencing the bible. lol
stop "evading" and answer the specific questions.

'bible tells you to do' is very funny since you've shown some severe allergy to even referencing the bible. lol

it's the most well-known and easily accessible book in the history of mankind! :confused:
it's the most well-known and easily accessible book in the history of mankind! :confused:

will you stop evading and answer the questions. since you are the christian, you should be more knowledgeable.

do only christians go to heaven?

does everyone else go to hell, even if they are of other faiths with deities?

is the christian god the true god?

is the god of other religions not the true god?

if someone honestly values the teachings of jesus, mohammed, ghandi, confucious, buddha etc and live a moral life, do they still go to hell unless they are a born-again, baptized christian that believes that jesus is the messiah and the only son of god?


this seems to make more sense as the world may become more enlightened as time progresses, so to speak.

what about this? do you agree or disagree and why?

this has to do with that weird experience i had around 2005. during which god told me and showed me things, which led me to believe that 144,000 will be the last (martyred) that shall be the first (inhabitants of the kingdom) for 1000 years.
this has to do with that weird experience i had around 2005. during which god told me and showed me things, which led me to believe that 144,000 will be the last (martyred) that shall be the first (inhabitants of the kingdom) for 1000 years.

he is saying that is in heaven, not earth but that earth would overcome evil in general. he is saying that he does not agree with the 1000 year reign of heaven on earth and that there is no scripture supporting it either.

answer the other questions please.
will you stop evading and answer the questions. since you are the christian, you should be more knowledgeable.

do only christians go to heaven?

does everyone else go to hell, even if they are of other faiths with deities?

is the christian god the true god?

is the god of other religions not the true god?

if someone honestly values the teachings of jesus, mohammed, ghandi, confucious, buddha etc and live a moral life, do they still go to hell unless they are a born-again, baptized christian that believes that jesus is the messiah and the only son of god?

i don't think that religion matters. i think that if you want to commune with god, then you have to find a way to do that. the way i found to do that was in christ.
i don't think that religion matters. i think that if you want to commune with god, then you have to find a way to do that. the way i found to do that was in christ.

thanks for clearing that up. unfortunately, that is not what most christians believe taking the bible literally where it shouldn't be.
he is saying that is in heaven, not earth but that earth would overcome evil in general. he is saying that he does not agree with the 1000 year reign of heaven on earth and that there is no scripture supporting it either.

answer the other questions please.

well i don't know what he's reading, but i'm talking about revelation ch 21 and 22.

it talks about trees of life on either side of a river that produce 12 varieties of fruit, per month, for 1000 years. if they are trees of life, then the fruit would be 144,000 lives. that's a population.

i wonder if he's also considered that jesus has a physical resurrection body that was witnessed by many people. jesus isn't dead.
thanks for clearing that up. unfortunately, that is not what most christians believe taking the bible literally where it shouldn't be.

like where? what i just said is what the bible says...literally.

aren't you talking about people who substitute religion for a relationship with god?
like where? what i just said is what the bible says...literally.

here we go again.

since you think it says so literally, then reference those scriptures because most christians think that without jesus and without christianity, one is doomed to hell.
here we go again.

since you think it says so literally, then reference those scriptures because most christians think that without jesus and without christianity, one is doomed to hell.

i do think people are doomed without christ.