Whose God Is Responsible????

was i specifically talking about you?
when you say things like ;
when theist are.. they are ... their ... they .. they ...they
people here are actually arguing for their own specific and narrow religios views . they never come out and say ...... they are just talking about their religion.
severely shortened to try and show you how you are classifying ALL believers into one pidgeon hole..
as a believer you have included me in that statement..
severely shortened to try and show you how you are classifying ALL believers into one pidgeon hole..
as a believer you have included me in that statement..

i have a question for you:

when you talk about god or christianity, do you make sure you mention that there are exceptions to the rule every single time you make a general statement?

i really doubt you do. just as the theists here don't mention that they are talking about christianity or islam when they mention god over and over and over again.

i'm pretty tired of all the special treatment and these supposed rights of christians need attending to when they do it in their own way. it's just only wrong when another does it.

please, if you really think that your views are so different, you wouldn't be so easily offended. i know that if universalists read my posts, they would not be offended as they know what i'm talking about and what i'm referring to. they know i'm not referring to them or about their christ path but about the religions general issues.

that's why they have veered from the sole organizations where they only worship with other christians.
"god told me to get my bible and read the book of revelations one night. and after i dusted it off, i did. and in the middle of it god told me that i was the woman in the story in ch 12, and the chosen lady in 2 john, and the tree of life later in the book, all in the middle of some whacked out spiritual experience that would have put most people in the hospital"

"lori tries to present truth"

oK... do you beleive God told Lori the thangs she clames above.???
i have a question for you:

when you talk about god or christianity, do you make sure you mention that there are exceptions to the rule every single time you make a general statement?

i really doubt you do. just as the theists here don't mention that they are talking about christianity or islam when they mention god over and over and over again.

i'm pretty tired of all the special treatment and these supposed rights of christians need attending to when they do it in their own way. it's just only wrong when another does it.

please, if you really think that your views are so different, you wouldn't be so easily offended. i know that if universalists read my posts, they would not be offended as they know what i'm talking about and what i'm referring to. they know i'm not referring to them or about their christ path but about the religions general issues.

that's why they have veered from the sole organizations where they only worship with other christians.

"worship". are you referring to when religious people congregate in a particular place and sing songs and clap their hands out of time to some really bad music?

that's a pretty lame ass definition of worship don't you think?
"worship". are you referring to when religious people congregate in a particular place and sing songs and clap their hands out of time to some really bad music?

that's a pretty lame ass definition of worship don't you think?

and you expect people to respect your ways. how much more "lame" and immature are your post going to get. your lack of interest or even minimal knowledge of any other philosophy or religion is what i don't respect either. i think people who are truly searching for the truth are not as closed-minded.

if you would actually "read", you would see that they are not all religious, they are of all faiths and philosophies and even sexual orientation. it's people coming together as a community to support eachother. they actually have lucid conversations and speakers.

what you are referring to is what often takes place in fundamental churches.
oK... do you beleive God told Lori the thangs she clames above.???

do you think i'm lying about it? why in the hell would i do that? i don't even talk about it anymore except for out here. when it first happened i told my family and friends and anyone else who would listen and all it did was scare them, and i'm not looking to scare people.

and if you asked me to explain what it means from a practical standpoint, i wouldn't even be able to tell you. i don't even know. all i know, is that's what i was told, and who else, or what else, would tell me something like that? what is your best guess?
and you expect people to respect your ways. how much more "lame" and immature are your post going to get. your lack of interest or even minimal knowledge of any other philosophy or religion is what i don't respect either. i think people who are truly searching for the truth are not as closed-minded.

if you would actually "read", you would see that they are not all religious, they are of all faiths and philosophies and even sexual orientation. it's people coming together as a community to support eachother. they actually have lucid conversations and speakers.

what you are referring to is what often takes place in fundamental churches.

which is what you have repeatedly tried to equate me with.

worship is living 24/7 in faith, no matter where you are, or what you're doing, or who you're with.


Do you thank that som people are delusional when they thank God told 'em thangs.???

no. not in the way you would define it i don't really. i think that some people want evil, and are looking to be lied to, and i think their desire invites that very influence.
Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank that som people are delusional when they thank God told 'em thangs.???

no. not in the way you would define it i don't really. i think that some people want evil, and are looking to be lied to, and i think their desire invites that very influence.

So... sinse you dont want evil... you can be sure that its actualy God whos talkin to you.!!!

What woud cause somone to "want evil".???
when you talk about god or christianity, do you make sure you mention that there are exceptions to the rule every single time you make a general statement?
i do try to..to avoid someone taking offense..search my posts,you will see..
i really doubt you do. just as the theists here don't mention that they are talking about christianity or islam when they mention god over and over and over again.
i believe god is god..

i'm pretty tired of all the special treatment and these supposed rights of christians need attending to when they do it in their own way. it's just only wrong when another does it.
not sure what you are saying here..what special treatment? what supposed rights? what 'own way'..what does another do?
please, if you really think that your views are so different, you wouldn't be so easily offended.
i guess my attitude qualifies for being offended..
i just get tired of atheist slamming christians based on others opinions and only seeing the bad things that christians do,my arguements are atheist are guilty of all the same things christians get accused of..IOW it seems to me that the general attitude of an atheist is they think that christians have to be perfect and if they fall short of that perfection they blame god..
christians are just as fallible as everyone else..so when a few mess up the whole gets blamed, is not right in my opinion..
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Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank that som people are delusional when they thank God told 'em thangs.???

So... sinse you dont want evil... you can be sure that its actualy God whos talkin to you.!!!

What woud cause somone to "want evil".???

if we could answer that question, perhaps we could get rid of it huh?

my whole experience start to now with god has been one of introspection. the only way i can understand god, and the world around me, and other people, is to understand myself. intent and sincerity are constantly examined. i think that in regards to that, what you receive in this life, including spiritual things, is basically what you ask for. so be careful what you ask for. you need to be discerning with yourself and with what's around you, and if you're not looking to be discerning or honest, well then...you're screwed.