Whose God Is Responsible????


If his name were not "Nietzsche" many\most would not have taken him seriously. People would be surprised at how much the superficial is buried into our psyche. Particularly in the long term.
i have a mental malfunction?

yes, and then go on to demonstrate...

what happened to perfect creation that you were pushing before?

nothing. law is perfect. it is perfect that good has good consequences, and bad has bad consequences.

you glossed over that you stated that creation is perfect and you think there are consequences due to "tenets of christianity" (lol) when earlier you stated that it's due to laws of nature.

here's the mental malfunction at it's finest. i did not say that consequences are due to tenets of christianity. what i am saying is that one of the foundational tenets of christianity is that there exists law, and consequences according to it.

the way you twist what i say makes me think that your brain is a pretzel.

you keep forgetting that consequences are not just from your own actions, it's also from others. for instance, if someone broke into your home to rob and kill you, your conclusion would be that is wrong.

no, i don't forget that, it's another foundational tenet of christianity, and it's called communion.

this blows your contention that creation and nature are perfect, otherwise you would have no issue with everything others do as well.

oh dear, i have an big issue with most of what we all do.
yes, and then go on to demonstrate...

nothing. law is perfect. it is perfect that good has good consequences, and bad has bad consequences.

here's the mental malfunction at it's finest. i did not say that consequences are due to tenets of christianity. what i am saying is that one of the foundational tenets of christianity is that there exists law, and consequences according to it.

the way you twist what i say makes me think that your brain is a pretzel.

no, i don't forget that, it's another foundational tenet of christianity, and it's called communion.

oh dear, i have an big issue with most of what we all do.

you have a dishonest mind which because it's "religion" people let you get away with. but unfortunately, this spills over into other areas and why religion is a poison in society and breeds injustice more than justice. you did state that consequences are due to tenets of christianity. can you understand your own post? it's you who have a mind like a twisted pretzel trying to make excuses after another instead of just correcting what you stated earlier.

what the heck is this?

negative and positive consequences and/or conditioning arise from different actions under the same law. transgression has negative consequences, and submission has positive ones. this is actually quite elementary, and a foundational tenet of christianity.

none of your replies are based on any real reasoning considering what you have been purporting.

if bad actions have bad consequences, then why do you have a problem with bad consequences and the law is perfect? a choice that you might consider bad because the consequences for you are bad may be considered a good choice for another if it ends in gain for the other.

do you have a problem with bad consequences or that there exist choice to make these decisions?
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you have a dishonest mind which because it's "religion" people let you get away with. but unfortunately, this spills over into other areas and why religion is a poison in society and breeds injustice more than justice. you did state that consequences are due to tenets of christianity. can you understand your own post? it's you who have a mind like a twisted pretzel trying to make excuses after another instead of just correcting what you stated earlier.

this is what i said...

negative and positive consequences and/or conditioning arise from different actions under the same law. transgression has negative consequences, and submission has positive ones. this is actually quite elementary, and a foundational tenet of christianity.

it's like your brain is upside down or something.

i said that consequences are according to law. that belief, that statement, is one of the foundational tenets of christianity.

and you said, that consequences are according to tenets! no!

none of your replies are based on any real reasoning considering what you have been purporting.

given your level of comprehension and understanding, what in the hell would that matter?

if bad actions have bad consequences, then why do you have a problem with bad consequences and the law is perfect? a choice that you might consider bad because the consequences for you are bad may be considered a good choice for another if it ends in gain for the other.

do you have a problem with bad consequences or that there exist choice to make these decisions?

i have a problem with bad consequences because those consequences suck, and i would like for myself and those around me to make correct decisions.
i said that consequences are according to law. that belief, that statement, is one of the foundational tenets of christianity.

and you said, that consequences are according to tenets! no!

your post is making the association that the laws are the foundational tenets of christianity.

who is having the problem of comprehension?
quite the silence. you've been using semantics to weasel away from the assertions you've made over and over that creation is perfect. 'tenets' vs 'laws', is just a distraction.

i have a problem with bad consequences because those consequences suck, and i would like for myself and those around me to make correct decisions.

more semantics. everything to skirt the possiblity of calling creation imperfect. it just may not be to one's "liking." you have a "problem" with it. if it's perfect, then maybe the problem is you and you should just accept it. that's following your logic as well.

interesting though, that jesus was pleading for people to change and there was no indication that all was perfect. if it was perfect, "sin" would not exist. people wouldn't even have the capability to even make an honest mistake. dense beyond belief.

what a christian you are. don't even understand your own bible.
Sorry, it was my God. He said he was just going for a quick virgin, and never came back for a week, and then all this!
When he gets back from smiting Judeans, I'll have a word..
Sorry, it was my God. He said he was just going for a quick virgin, and never came back for a week, and then all this!
When he gets back from smiting Judeans, I'll have a word..

Shoulda known it was yours! :bugeye:
"Whose God is responsible???"

I guess that would have to be Zeus..After all, he's King of the Gods right?:shrug:

Though I figure Thor must share in the blame..I knew swinging that hammer, would make a mess of things.

Kind of like letting a bull loose in a china shop, you might say.
your post is making the association that the laws are the foundational tenets of christianity.

who is having the problem of comprehension?

laws are the foundational tenets of damn near everything, but that wasn't my point. my point is, that in christianity, given that law, we can be correct or incorrect in our behaviors, and the consequences to that, according to law, are positive or negative respectively.
quite the silence. you've been using semantics to weasel away from the assertions you've made over and over that creation is perfect. 'tenets' vs 'laws', is just a distraction.

more semantics. everything to skirt the possiblity of calling creation imperfect. it just may not be to one's "liking." you have a "problem" with it. if it's perfect, then maybe the problem is you and you should just accept it. that's following your logic as well.

interesting though, that jesus was pleading for people to change and there was no indication that all was perfect. if it was perfect, "sin" would not exist. people wouldn't even have the capability to even make an honest mistake. dense beyond belief.

what a christian you are. don't even understand your own bible.

silence? did you think i was hanging on your every word? how cute.

certainly you've heard that jesus was born without sin, right?
silence? did you think i was hanging on your every word? how cute.

certainly you've heard that jesus was born without sin, right?

strange that a professed christian would understand less about their own religion.

let's explain what christianity is in regards to what jesus christ was representing or purporting.

i was trying to get you to own up to your lack of religious considerations before and your total "nature's laws" schpiel. the tenets of christianity don't even line up with these laws as you have been assuming which was illustrated before. the tenets of christianity are not to just be followed for one's own consequences but for the consequences based on the sanctity of life or of reverence for ethical principles. this means that being damned to hell either literally or figuratively is a consequence that should not be avoided just out of fear but because one esteems the virtues/values which would lead them to heaven (again symbolically or literally). natural law/laws of nature is just based on a power struggle based on selfish motives. jesus christ was telling others to rise above that, symbolized by the 'flesh'. he said what is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the spirit is spirit.

jesus's major symbol was of love and morality. through morality can people be fair, respectful and compassionate to all. (you stated earlier that you didn't care about morality but only right or wrong/laws of universe).

you don't realize or purposely ignoring that what jesus symbolized is not about working with a perfect world but helping others to alleviate as much suffering as possible and making life as best as possible considering the factors at hand. this is why jesus promised an after-life that is perfect because it is not here.

you also never mention the symbolism of the "devil." i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt since previously you seemed to hint that it's not christian or honest to blame the devil to absolve themselves of responsiblity. that is right but it's also true that the devil is mentioned in the bible to symbolize that creation has been tainted or compromised. that is the duality and struggle as well as what jesus was fighting against or enlightening others to whether it was disease or sin.

if creation was perfect, even in the christian sense, the bible would show that both good and evil or satan as well as god or demons as well as angels would have been embraced. it is clear it wasn't because there are conflicts of interest. a blatant example is jesus casting out demons as well a promising an after-life that is free from this struggle or suffering.

now this is christian theology but not necessarily my own opinion on the bible or the religion.
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strange that a professed christian would understand less about their own religion.

let's explain what christianity is in regards to what jesus christ was representing or purporting.

i was trying to get you to own up to your lack of religious considerations before and your total "nature's laws" schpiel. the tenets of christianity don't even line up with these laws as you have been assuming which was illustrated before. the tenets of christianity are not to just be followed for one's own consequences but for the consequences based on the sanctity of life or of reverence for ethical principles.

are you talking about the ability to always act in accordance with the greater good? are you talking about the right answer according to law?

this means that being damned to hell either literally or figuratively is a consequence that should not be avoided just out of fear but because one esteems the virtues/values which would lead them to heaven (again symbolically or literally). natural law/laws of nature is just based on a power struggle based on selfish motives. jesus christ was telling others to rise above that, symbolized by the 'flesh'. he said what is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the spirit is spirit.

in other words you're saying that motives don't have to be selfish? even given the very same law?

jesus's major symbol was of love and morality. through morality can people be fair, respectful and compassionate to all. (you stated earlier that you didn't care about morality but only right or wrong/laws of universe).

jesus wasn't a symbol, and he wasn't just a teacher. jesus was an actual human being who was born without sin, and is the actual spiritual and physical catalyst by which we (the church) will also be born (again) without sin.

you don't realize or purposely ignoring that what jesus symbolized is not about working with a perfect world but helping others to alleviate as much suffering as possible and making life as best as possible considering the factors at hand. this is why jesus promised an after-life that is perfect because it is not here.

hahahaha...no. jesus is the messiah. jesus is the king of a coming kingdom, in which real live people (like me) will live in communion with god and each other, and will never suffer or die.

you also never mention the symbolism of the "devil." i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt since previously you seemed to hint that it's not christian or honest to blame the devil to absolve themselves of responsiblity. that is right but it's also true that the devil is mentioned in the bible to symbolize that creation has been tainted or compromised. that is the duality and struggle as well as what jesus was fighting against or enlightening others to whether it was disease or sin.

the devil is also not a symbol, but an angel, and has free will just like we do. the human race has been tainted, corrupted, and jesus is the cure...not symbolically, but physically and spiritually.

if creation was perfect, even in the christian sense, the bible would show that both good and evil or satan as well as god or demons as well as angels would have been embraced. it is clear it wasn't because there are conflicts of interest. a blatant example is jesus casting out demons as well a promising an after-life that is free from this struggle or suffering.

now this is christian theology but not necessarily my own opinion on the bible or the religion.

law will not change, but we will according to it. that is why jesus said that he was the fulfillment of the law.
^a disturbing exhibit of many oddities and why religion is mostly a problem. lack of comprehension, backpedaling, literalism of metaphors, fantasies, and even hints of parasitism and elitism (jesus the catalyst for christians to be born without sin) and missing the greater message.
^a disturbing exhibit of many oddities and why religion is mostly a problem. lack of comprehension, backpedaling, literalism of metaphors, fantasies, and even hints of parasitism and elitism (jesus the catalyst for christians to be born without sin) and missing the greater message.

nope. that's actually what the bible says, and the actual meaning behind what i've experienced.
nope. that's actually what the bible says, and the actual meaning behind what i've experienced.

please kindly quote the scriptures and we can see how they can be interpreted.

this is the most important question. does someone, in your opinion, have to be literally a christian and of the christian faith in order to go to a heaven? or do you think different religions have their own heaven as well? even this alleged second coming of heaven on earth (which i think is relative but not absolute), is it only for christians? or is it based on those who live and revere the message what christ was trying to teach?

also, again, you seem to think that the corruption is only affecting humans (i suspect because it is what humans do that directly affects you). you say there will be no more suffering or death. animals also suffer and die.
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