Whose God Is Responsible????

If i coudnt be happy... i woudnt want to live for eternity even if it did include truth freedom an peace... woud you.???

well, i've had no problem forsaking my happiness before, and i would never take my own life so, again...it's irrelevant.

i mean come on clueless, you know as well as i do that you can be happy one day and sad the next, and nothing's changed except your perception or your state of mind, or perhaps your hormones.

it's irrelevant!
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
If i coudnt be happy... i woudnt want to live for eternity even if it did include truth freedom an peace... woud you.???

well, i've had no problem forsaking my happiness before, and i would never take my own life so, again...it's irrelevant.

i mean come on clueless, you know as well as i do that you can be happy one day and sad the next, and nothing's changed except your perception or your state of mind, or perhaps your hormones.

it's irrelevant!

Well how about this:::

If eternal life included NEVER bein happy... i woudnt want that eternal life even if it did include truth freedom an peace... woud you.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
If i coudnt be happy... i woudnt want to live for eternity even if it did include truth freedom an peace... woud you.???

Well how about this:::

If eternal life included NEVER bein happy... i woudnt want that eternal life even if it did include truth freedom an peace... woud you.???

Do you thank you'r view that "happyness is irrevelent"... is helpful... or a necessity in acheivin communion wit God.???

yeah maybe. i guess it depends on the person, but we're all pretty conditioned to making what the bible calls the desires of our flesh a priority. to make communion a priority requires some sacrifice that initially is uncomfortable (for me it is anyway).
If i coudnt be happy... i woudnt want to live for eternity even if it did include truth freedom an peace... woud you.?
Who would want to live forever in a state of unhappiness? That would qualify as torture. It would certainly not be anyone's definition of "heaven"!
What are you, a masochist?
. . . . we're all pretty conditioned to making what the bible calls the desires of our flesh a priority.
Happiness is a condition of "the flesh"??? Who comes up with these idiotic definitions??? If anything, happiness is a condition of "the spirit."
To make communion a priority requires some sacrifice that initially is uncomfortable.
To be unhappy for all eternity is only "initially uncomfortable?" Then you get used to it and you don't mind being miserable? This is what Abrahamic religion has to offer, and people go for it?
Who would want to live forever in a state of unhappiness?

Sinse Bible-God is sadistic i dout he woud have much use for somone who thanks hayypness is irrelevent... yep... God wants people like me who enjoys happyness... then he can have the pleasure of takin our happyness from us.!!!

It apears to me that Lori will get to go to hell an im doomed to eternity in heaven :runaway:
Who would want to live forever in a state of unhappiness? That would qualify as torture. It would certainly not be anyone's definition of "heaven"!What are you, a masochist?

i didn't say that would be my desire, or that would be the outcome. what i said was that imo, it's irrelevant.

Happiness is a condition of "the flesh"??? Who comes up with these idiotic definitions??? If anything, happiness is a condition of "the spirit."

i think turning what i said into a definition is a stretch. my point is, in both cases, sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't. that's why i say it's irrelevant.

To be unhappy for all eternity is only "initially uncomfortable?" Then you get used to it and you don't mind being miserable? This is what Abrahamic religion has to offer, and people go for it?

no, but depriving yourself of things like greed, or lust, or pride, being humbled, accepting authority, accountability, being introspective...these things are initially uncomfortable. having a spiritual experience can make you quite uncomfortable. we're just not conditioned in society, or even by our own nature to consider this.
Sinse Bible-God is sadistic i dout he woud have much use for somone who thanks hayypness is irrelevent... yep... God wants people like me who enjoys happyness... then he can have the pleasure of takin our happyness from us.!!!

It apears to me that Lori will get to go to hell an im doomed to eternity in heaven :runaway:

i know i'm stating the obvious, but you're really hard to take seriously.
we're just not conditioned in society, or even by our own nature to consider this.

and you said creation was perfect. it is clear you are implying a separate source for spirit vs physical. you also are clearly implying it isn't perfect.

it seems you just make up things and correct yourself as you go along but continue to state that you were right all along.
and you said creation was perfect. it is clear you are implying a separate source for spirit vs physical. you also are clearly implying it isn't perfect.

it seems you just make up things and correct yourself as you go along but continue to state that you were right all along.

You don't know what conditioning is? If you don't understand something you should just ask questions and ask for clarification. Perhaps you have been conditioned to insult instead.
You don't know what conditioning is? If you don't understand something you should just ask questions and ask for clarification. Perhaps you have been conditioned to insult instead.

if something is conditioned that way, then why would it need to be changed if creation is perfect?

it's like saying a carnivore is conditioned to be a carnivore but now needs to become an herbivore.

you assume others are not intelligent because you don't understand where you were incorrect. lol
Who would want to live forever in a state of unhappiness? That would qualify as torture. It would certainly not be anyone's definition of "heaven"!

What are you, a masochist?

Happiness is a condition of "the flesh"???

Who comes up with these idiotic definitions??? If anything, happiness is a condition of "the spirit.

"To be unhappy for all eternity is only "initially uncomfortable?" Then you get used to it and you don't mind being miserable? This is what Abrahamic religion has to offer, and people go for it?

For once, I agree with you! ( :) )

It is their utter devaluation of happiness that puts me off so much.
I have always wondered where that devaluation comes from.

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if something is conditioned that way, then why would it need to be changed if creation is perfect?

it's like saying a carnivore is conditioned to be a carnivore but now needs to become an herbivore.

you assume others are not intelligent because you don't understand where you were incorrect. lol

So you're trying to tell me that you don't understand how people can be conditioned by lies, incorrect thoughts and behaviors, hate, violence, greed, and at best, incomplete knowledge?

If that were true all the psychologists would be out of business.
So you're trying to tell me that you don't understand how people can be conditioned by lies, incorrect thoughts and behaviors, hate, violence, greed, and at best, incomplete knowledge?

you said creation was perfect. if it were perfect, then none of that would be a problem now, would it?

if it was perfect, jesus wouldn't have needed to tell people to change or else, watch out.

you just make up whatever you want and pass if off as christianity. at least be honest enough to just state you want to revise christianity then.
you said creation was perfect. if it were perfect, then none of that would be a problem now, would it?

if it was perfect, jesus wouldn't have needed to tell people to change or else, watch out.

you just make up whatever you want and pass if off as christianity. at least be honest enough to just state you want to revise christianity then.

you just don't get it birch. it's not my fault. i do get it.

negative and positive consequences and/or conditioning arise from different actions under the same law. transgression has negative consequences, and submission has positive ones. this is actually quite elementary, and a foundational tenet of christianity. i'm not sure what your mental malfunction is, but whatever it is, it's not my nor jesus's fault.
For once, I agree with you! ( :) )

It is their utter devaluation of happiness that puts me off so much.
I have always wondered where that devaluation comes from.


god rocks...


if you're not dancing to that song, you need to call the mortician and find out why you're dead.

*jump, jump, jump, shake it, shake it, shake it*

i got the answer oh!
negative and positive consequences and/or conditioning arise from different actions under the same law. transgression has negative consequences, and submission has positive ones. this is actually quite elementary, and a foundational tenet of christianity. i'm not sure what your mental malfunction is, but whatever it is, it's not my nor jesus's fault.

i have a mental malfunction? what happened to perfect creation that you were pushing before?

you glossed over that you stated that creation is perfect and you think there are consequences due to "tenets of christianity" (lol) when earlier you stated that it's due to laws of nature.

you keep forgetting that consequences are not just from your own actions, it's also from others. for instance, if someone broke into your home to rob and kill you, your conclusion would be that is wrong.

this blows your contention that creation and nature are perfect, otherwise you would have no issue with everything others do as well.