Whose God Is Responsible????

you are fighting your own preconceived notion of what a christian is..and will not listen when a specific christian says they are not like that. and when you do, you will accuse them of not being very good christian.. so again who is passing the judgements out?
you are judging yourself and blaming the christians for doing it..

no, it's the religious doctrines and beliefs.

it's like a person claiming that they are a satanist but don't judge all satanists, they aren't all bad or they don't do all the satany stuff that other satanists do.

no, it's the religious doctrines and beliefs.

it's like a person claiming that they are a satanist but don't judge all satanists, they aren't all bad or they don't do all the satany stuff that other satanists do.


do you really think all christians follow all doctrines?
and again you are citing religion and condemning the individual.
and again you are citing religion and condemning the individual.

it's been going by what those beliefs are.

why try to get others to believe what you believe when they don't believe in other religions either? what is the point?
I judge you Christians only because you judge me and that judgment motivates you to regard me as a child who must be protected from the results of my own decisions. You have a campaign to turn everybody in the world into a Christian for our own good, whether we want it or not, because this figment of your imagination called "God" told you to do it.

You do not respect our rights. That makes you evil.

that's absolutely wrong. god never told me that. quite the opposite really. i have absolutely no expectations that everybody in the world's going to be a christian. i know what it takes. i don't want you to be protected from the results of your own decisions, i want you learn from them and make better decisions, and if you don't want to do that, then i want you gone.
it's been going by what those beliefs are.
so you are assuming all christans believe the same things in the same ways..

why try to get others to believe what you believe when they don't believe in other religions either? what is the point?
again this question says you have preconceived notions..
and of projecting..

why are you trying so hard to devalue christians? why are you trying so hard to convince us that there is no god??
why are you trying to get others to believe what you believe when they dont.
lol. that's so arrogant.

lol. only christians allowed.

it's arrogant to testify that i have a relationship with god through christ? it's arrogant to say that many would not do what i do? you scream it at me every day on this forum. how many excuses do you have as to why you don't want to do it?

and that's right. anyone who is not willing to submit to god and does not want the greater good, then i want them out of my experience.
so you are assuming all christans believe the same things in the same ways..

lol. then why are you defending them all? the only thing that's ever said is that they aren't all the same yet nothing is pointed out that is wrong with the christian doctrines or religion.

this is called deceptive tactic.

why are you trying so hard to devalue christians? why are you trying so hard to convince us that there is no god??
why are you trying to get others to believe what you believe when they dont.

because christians don't respect other's beliefs.

lol. i've not even expressed my beliefs.

i'm not trying to convince anyone there is no god. i'm trying to get christians to preach their religion amongst their own kind instead of pushing it on the rest of the world which is exactly what religionists like to do. atheists don't do that because it's just an absence of the belief.

i have never and never would go to a christian forum to argue against them or their beliefs.
and that's right. anyone who is not willing to submit to god and does not want the greater good, then i want them out of my experience.

thank you for that honesty!

see, now you know why atheists are against you or don't respect your beliefs.

to expect otherwise, would be folly. now if christians would stop whining about it.
lol. then why are you defending them all? the only thing that's ever said is that they aren't all the same yet nothing is pointed out that is wrong with the christian doctrines or religion.

this is called deceptive tactic.

oh crap..another instance of two threads combining into one...see answer in other thread..

other than that..don't get me started on what i think religion is doing wrong
thank you for that honesty!

see, now you know why atheists are against you or don't respect your beliefs.

to expect otherwise, would be folly. now if christians would stop whining about it.

i'm not whining, and it seems to me that atheists would feel the same way that i do, and want those who do wish to commune with god out of their existence as well.
i'm not whining, and it seems to me that atheists would feel the same way that i do, and want those who do wish to commune with god out of their existence as well.

you've made some strong insults with your loaded statement before without realizing it or maybe you do.

again, you think in order for someone to want to do the greater good, they have to believe in god, and they have to believe in christ as the son of god and the only god.

again, that is a viewpoint that anyone outside of these beliefs is not a good person, not doing the right thing or not working for the greater good.
you've made some strong insults with your loaded statement before without realizing it or maybe you do.

again, you think in order for someone to want to do the greater good, they have to believe in god, and they have to believe in christ as the son of god and the only god.

again, that is a viewpoint that anyone outside of these beliefs is not a good person, not doing the right thing or not working for the greater good.

no, those inside the beliefs are not good people, not doing the right thing, and not working for the greater good either. that's why we need jesus.
no, those inside the beliefs are not good people, not doing the right thing, and not working for the greater good either. that's why we need jesus.

what a cheap save. you just rewrote it a different way.

it's still the same. without christ, you aren't doing the right thing.
what a cheap save. you just rewrote it a different way.

it's still the same. without christ, you aren't doing the right thing.

you making an incorrect statement and assumption AGAIN and me correcting you is a "cheap save"?

and AGAIN, this is a foundational and elementary tenet of christianity. something you apparently think you're an expert on, and yet continue to demonstrate your ignorance of.
right is relative..
good is relative..

arguments as to what is right and good are susceptible to opinions and not facts..

lori tries to present truth,but she is limited by her experiances and vocabulary..

i can understand what she is trying to say but others who do not believe the same things can easily misinterpret what she is saying..
IOW when she say we need jesus, she is just saying that she knows that someone loves her and can forgive her for any shortcomings that she has in her life and that she does not need an atheist to validate her beliefs..
i'm not whining, and it seems to me that atheists would feel the same way that i do, and want those who do wish to commune with god out of their existence as well.
We can't possibly want that. For starters, it violates the right to freedom of religion, which is a fundamental doctrine of American civilization. As bad as religion is, we have learned from thousands of years of experience that any attempt to ban it inevitably ends up being far worse. All we can do is be patient and wait for it to burn out, as civilization continues to advance and people become more enlightened. That will surely take at least a couple of thousand years, so we have to hope that the religionists don't blow the place up in the meantime.

Just as importantly, most of the people on earth are religionists. Most of the really great things that have been accomplished on this planet were done by people who believe in gods. Religion is not a complete and automatic barrier to doing good, it's just a handicap. We all have our handicaps, so we have to forgive everyone else for theirs.

When I say I want Christians and Muslims to go fuck themselves I'm just treating them to the same kind of language that I hear so often coming back at me. (Perhaps not from every one of you who's posting on this thread, but you can't say you don't know what I'm talking about.) I don't really want anything bad to happen to them, so long as they're not the ones blowing up airplanes or making creation "science" a standard part of a state's school curriculum.

Freedom of religion is not a guarantee that nobody's ever going to be pissed off at you. It just means that all we'll do is shout insults, not burn your temples, put you in ghettos, and refuse to give you jobs.
this is the irony. when theist are arguing about god to atheist here, they are not really referring to god in a universal concept but based on their religion. they leave that out so it appears they are for all religions or faiths. the only ones who are truly like that are universalists, bahai etc. i've met universalists and they think that no one religion is right or wrong, accepts everyone and encourage each person's individual religious or non-religious quest whether atheists, christians, or any other religion. i actually support their organization because it sincerely validates the dignity, reality and spirituality of everyone.

for instance, Einstein seemed to be more a deist or pantheist in his view of the cosmos and we in it. everyone is one with it. it's more open, expansive and leaves much to be in awe or explored and regards everything in it. people here are actually arguing for their own specific and narrow religios views but pretend they are not, occasionally slipping in their religious persuasion mentioning christ or islam. they never come out and say that all religions are valid until pushed much later when it is too obvious they are just talking about their religion.
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this is the irony. when theist are arguing about god to atheist here, they are not really referring to god in a universal concept but based on their religion. they leave that out so it appears they are for all religions or faiths. the only ones who are truly like that are universalists, bahai etc. i've met universalists and they think that no one religion is right or wrong, accepts everyone and encourage each person's individual religious or non-religious quest whether atheists, christians, or any other religion. i actually support their organization because it sincerely validates the dignity, reality and spirituality of everyone.

for instance, Einstein seemed to be more a deist or pantheist in his view of the cosmos and we in it. everyone is one with it. it's more open, expansive and leaves much to be in awe or explored and regards everything in it. people here are actually arguing for their own specific and narrow religios views but pretend they are not, occasionally slipping in their religious persuasion mentioning christ or islam. they never come out and say that all religions are valid until pushed much later when it is too obvious they are just talking about their religion.

um excuse me?
how have i done that?
um excuse me?
how have i done that?

was i specifically talking about you?

and no, i don't respect the beliefs of any fundamentalist religion that thinks it's the only way but i do respect the right to practice amongst yourselves. the reason why i have a dislike for fundamental religions or organizations is because though i always respected and saw that it must be natural and right for some people as a spiritual path they chose, they never respected that i had my own. they were constantly projecting and subjecting me to their beliefs and that they were only right. it wasn't just a matter that it was right for them but it's the only right thing for me or else i'm wrong. i have had a hell of a time and so many bad experiences with it where i felt even violated for so many years by religious people who are so numerous, especially in religious countries like america, though there are others.

it's like universalists/unitarians are like a breath of fresh air or true sanity/humanity. buddhism ain't bad either but it's become so faddish people that they are just going through motions without understanding.

i really respect more cosmic and spiritual type of new-age philosophies. universalist/unitarian are really great people who are conscientious and see the universe and people in it with more a general love of life and respect regardless of religious affiliation. they do not think others are lost, look at them with pity or any other condescending and insulting ways if they are not of their religion. they are truly enlightened and working for the greater good.

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person

Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion that embraces theological diversity; we welcome different beliefs

Unitarian Universalism is a caring, open-minded religion that encourages seekers to follow their own spiritual paths. Our faith draws on many religious sources, welcoming people with different beliefs. We are united by shared values, not by creed or dogma.

Our congregations are places where we gather to nurture our spirits and put our faith into action by working toward social justice in our communities and the wider world. There is no formal conversion process, so becoming a Unitarian Universalist (UU) is simply a matter of self-identification. Newcomers are always welcome at UU churches. Membership in local congregations is voluntary and does not require renouncing other religious affiliations or practices.

Unitarian Universalism is a theologically diverse religion in which members support one another in our individual search for truth and meaning. We have historic roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions, but today individual Unitarian Universalistsmay identify with Atheism, Agnosticism, Buddhism, Humanism, Paganism, or with other philosophical or religious traditions. Interfaith families often find that Unitarian Universalist congregations are a good fit for them.

We promote reason and tolerance in our communities and embrace a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. As members of a non-creedal religious tradition, we Unitarian Universalists are encouraged to discern our own beliefs about various spiritual topics. Our members hold wide-ranging opinions on topics like the afterlife, God, and scripture. What unites us is our acceptance of diverse spiritualities and our commitment to making the world a better place for everyone.

The Unitarian Universalist Association's (UUA's) seven principles express the shared values that UUA member congregations affirm and promote. Many Unitarian Universalists find rich personal and theological meaning in these principles.
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