Who believes and who doesn't?

Who believes and who doesn't?

  • You hold a firm belief in a supernatural presence or universal structure of some type

    Votes: 40 32.0%
  • You hold no beliefs in the supernatural

    Votes: 69 55.2%
  • You are unsure of where you stand on these issues

    Votes: 16 12.8%

  • Total voters
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samcdkey said:
Intangible and inexplicable like an unknown flavor

I see, then your argument is that if something is unknown it must be of a divine nature?

Maybe because they use different adjectives to describe the flavor, based on their interpretation of the taste.

No, they blatantly disagree with each other.
(Q) said:
No, they blatantly disagree with each other.

actually, they dont.
for one, abrahamic faiths all agree that they are eating the same dish. they only have arguments over how to prepare it.

once it has been prepared properly for the particular people in question, muslims, jews, and christians (and a host of others) can sit and acknowledge that they are eating the same meatloaf as eachother.

stick to harrassing ToR. it suits you better than debating theology in which you are not educated.
KennyJC said:
Congratulations on finally grasping how to quote properly.

Purpose in life is always self generated wether it is based upon superstition or not. If we have no purpose in life purely because we experience things for a blink of an eye, then maybe there isn't a purpose to life, but then again we still get out of bed in the morning to get on with our day even if we believe that to be true. But finding purpose in life doesn't really need proof unless you are making extravagant claims like God, Heaven, Afterlife, Judgement, etc. and claiming this to be the purpose.

hey, no need to be rude. besides i was just replying to someone else who mentioned about an organisms will to survive and reproduce. he believes that because is seems to be implanted in a organism to do this, then there must be a greater purpose (i'm pretty sure that's what he was saying, but you can check on page two of this thread to double check me).

just out of curiosity though, haven't you ever given any thought to why so many things on this planet almost seems to be geared to supporting life?
Rickie said:
hey, no need to be rude. besides i was just replying to someone else who mentioned about an organisms will to survive and reproduce. he believes that because is seems to be implanted in a organism to do this, then there must be a greater purpose (i'm pretty sure that's what he was saying, but you can check on page two of this thread to double check me).

If it wasn't for an organisms built in survival methods, then life wouldn't get far beyond the primordial goo that we all evolved from. I don't know what you mean by this proves there is a 'greater purpose', but if by this you mean something divine you will need to prove that otherwise you are just making a leap of faith.

just out of curiosity though, haven't you ever given any thought to why so many things on this planet almost seems to be geared to supporting life?

You don't appear to understand something called 'odds'. Earth is suitable for life due to it's circumstances. In other words it is luck. If Earth was smaller like Mars, we would have no atmosphere enough to incubate life. It just happens that way. Given the amount of stars in the visible universe, Earth, statistically won't be the only planet were conditions were just right.
The Devil Inside said:
actually, they dont.
for one, abrahamic faiths all agree that they are eating the same dish. they only have arguments over how to prepare it.

once it has been prepared properly for the particular people in question, muslims, jews, and christians (and a host of others) can sit and acknowledge that they are eating the same meatloaf as eachother.

stick to harrassing ToR. it suits you better than debating theology in which you are not educated.

Yes, I can clearly see that you're not one to get involved with over debating meatloaf.

In any event, just sit quietly in the corner over there and don't bug the adults - we'll call you when the meatloafs ready.
KennyJC said:
If it wasn't for an organisms built in survival methods, then life wouldn't get far beyond the primordial goo that we all evolved from. I don't know what you mean by this proves there is a 'greater purpose', but if by this you mean something divine you will need to prove that otherwise you are just making a leap of faith.

i agree, but what i mean is that, if you really look at it, it almost looks to be designed.

You don't appear to understand something called 'odds'. Earth is suitable for life due to it's circumstances. In other words it is luck. If Earth was smaller like Mars, we would have no atmosphere enough to incubate life. It just happens that way. Given the amount of stars in the visible universe, Earth, statistically won't be the only planet were conditions were just right.

I do understand 'odds', and they are like 200 million to 1 if not greater. and for people who need evidence to believe something, you'd think they would want a better explaination from science then luck, fluke, or miracle to believe it came about all by itself without the help of a higher power, alien or something else. almost looks like you need "faith" for your belief just like i do for mine.

just a question, i know science says that our sun is going to burn out, do you have any links where i can read up on it? Thanks.
KennyJC said:
If it wasn't for an organisms built in survival methods, then life wouldn't get far beyond the primordial goo that we all evolved from. I don't know what you mean by this proves there is a 'greater purpose', but if by this you mean something divine you will need to prove that otherwise you are just making a leap of faith.

I agree, but what i mean is that if you really look at it, it almost looks to be designed.
Rickie said:
I do understand 'odds', and they are like 200 million to 1 if not greater. and for people who need evidence to believe something, you'd think they would want a better explaination from science then luck, fluke, or miracle to believe it came about all by itself without the help of a higher power, alien or something else. almost looks like you need "faith" for your belief just like i do for mine.

But all the evidence says that it was luck and a fluke. Miracle would mean it would be impossible made possible by divine intervention which isn't the case. The earth formed at the relative distance from a G type star and was a nice size. This isn't to say the Earth is the only circumstance life could form. If the Earth was further away, it might be harder for life to form, but if the star was larger/brighter it would cancel it out. There are probably limitless situations life could form on a planet/moon, but we only have one example to go on.

just a question, i know science says that our sun is going to burn out, do you have any links where i can read up on it? Thanks.


I agree, but what i mean is that if you really look at it, it almost looks to be designed.

It could be interpreted as that, but why not look at the complexity of Jupiters atmosphere and say that's been 'designed'?
(Q) said:
Yes, I can clearly see that you're not one to get involved with over debating meatloaf.

In any event, just sit quietly in the corner over there and don't bug the adults - we'll call you when the meatloafs ready.
what the hell is your problem?
still mad that i defended the object of your obsession? :p

dude, you are a joke.
The Devil Inside said:
what the hell is your problem?
still mad that i defended the object of your obsession? :p

dude, you are a joke.


(Q) and I are having a very "civil" war these days.

We've both agreed that I'm delusional and he's rational. :cool:
Does Mel Gibson believe.

Jesus was a jew,
Mel has his own catholic church.

Mel hates christ because I was a jew.

How terribly ironic.
don't you think. ???
The Devil Inside said:
what the hell is your problem?
still mad that i defended the object of your obsession? :p

dude, you are a joke.

No amount of defence is gonna get you laid, pal.
samcdkey said:
edit: they disagree because they know little about their own religion and next to nothing about others'.

That statement only serves to undermine the position of theists next to their religions as the whole concept of a single god with a single message for all simple doesn't exist.
(Q) said:
That statement only serves to undermine the position of theists next to their religions as the whole concept of a single god with a single message for all simple doesn't exist.

Yes it does, if you go far enough back into any religion.

e.g. Hinduism is generally considered as a polytheistic religion

But if you examine the core of Hinduism, i.e. the Vedas, The Rig Veda says:

ekam sat viprā bahudhā vadanti
Truth is One, but sages call it by many names
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I'm sure many things appear supernatural/magical with ignorance, I mean things like black holes, lightning, weather, etc...all appeared that way with ignorance

With knowledge, there is nothing supernatural, even if there is.
Lyrics from yankee rose. David Lee Roth, Anton Levay, Aleister Crowley.
The church of satan. They believe.

"she's beautifull!, I'm talkin about a yankee rose".
are you ready for the new sensation now here's a shock heard around the world.
"guess who's back in circulation, now I don't know what you're made of PAUL, but
what I need right now is the original good times gold".
"she's a vision from coast to coast. sea to shining sea"
"hey sister you're the perfect ghost".
with a toast.

you're toast David.
you love the fruit but hate the tree?

pay up or burn and Maybe I won't play this song over and over for you in hell for eternity!
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