Who believes and who doesn't?

Who believes and who doesn't?

  • You hold a firm belief in a supernatural presence or universal structure of some type

    Votes: 40 32.0%
  • You hold no beliefs in the supernatural

    Votes: 69 55.2%
  • You are unsure of where you stand on these issues

    Votes: 16 12.8%

  • Total voters
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ggazoo said:
Ah, and there is my point.

The subject of God and religion is a very personal one to different people. I know it sounds ludicrous, but God showed Himself to me through my own personal experiences in life, one of which was the aforementioned case.

So, you've seen god? What does he look like?

And hey, if surfing these forums for the last few months hasn't shaken my faith, then nothing will. :D

Remaining ignorant is not something to be proud of.
(Q) said:
So, you've seen god? What does he look like?

Haven't seen, but felt. I can't explain it, and no, that's not a cop-out.

(Q) said:
Remaining ignorant is not something to be proud of.

I'm just telling you what I've experienced, that's all. Not having been there, I can see how it's quite easy for you to judge me on a message board a thousand miles away.

Thanks for your input, though.
Haven't seen, but felt. I can't explain it, and no, that's not a cop-out.

How remarkably vague of you. Interesting how you attribute this superstitious 'feeling' to a particular organised religion which you were born into. Proof right away that you are wrong, ignorant, irrational, all because you seek a comfort blanket to help your insecurity.

I'm just telling you what I've experienced, that's all. Not having been there, I can see how it's quite easy for you to judge me on a message board a thousand miles away.

You can't hide behind the "you don't understand" cop-out. Atheists have by and large been there and done that as most of us have been indoctrinated and at one time believed in this bullcrap. As well as being aware of the things that attatch people to religion, we are also human, and understand emotions that regularly pull people towards religion.
Oniw17 said:
I don't believe in God or gods anymore, but I do believe that ther is some great purpose in life. The reason that I have for this is an orginism's will to survive and reproduce. Suely there is a reason that this is implated in every living thing that has ever existed.Hovever, many people don't focus on this purpose for people because religion and society have hidden it.

If this planet and all the life that exist came from strickly natural process without a god or surpreme being or what ever behind it all, then there would be no purpose in life. a planet with no purpose is filled with people who are comsumed by? that doesn't make sence to me. but hey, weather i'm right or wrong, it's just my opinon.
KennyJC said:
How remarkably vague of you. Interesting how you attribute this superstitious 'feeling' to a particular organised religion which you were born into. Proof right away that you are wrong, ignorant, irrational, all because you seek a comfort blanket to help your insecurity.

lol, ur funny. don't know what ur talking about but ur funny. comfort blanket? i believe in god, and to tell you the truth, if i was to die right now i'd rather find out i was wrong then to find out i'm right. i think believing in no god is more of a "comfort blanket to help your insecurity" then believing there is. after all if there is no god then you will never have to answer for what you've done in your life. do whatever you want when your dead it's all done. no worrys (except for prison. big deal, depending on what you've done you could be out in a couple years on good behaviour. but even prisons are becoming jokes). if you believe in god then u think you will have to answer. I just don't see the comfort blanket there.
If this planet and all the life that exist came from strickly natural process without a god or surpreme being or what ever behind it all, then there would be no purpose in life. a planet with no purpose is filled with people who are comsumed by? that doesn't make sence to me. but hey, weather i'm right or wrong, it's just my opinon.

Why is there any less purpose in life if there is no God?

lol, ur funny. don't know what ur talking about but ur funny. comfort blanket? i believe in god, and to tell you the truth, if i was to die right now i'd rather find out i was wrong then to find out i'm right. i think believing in no god is more of a "comfort blanket to help your insecurity" then believing there is. after all if there is no god then you will never have to answer for what you've done in your life. do whatever you want when your dead it's all done. no worrys (except for prison. big deal, depending on what you've done you could be out in a couple years on good behaviour. but even prisons are becoming jokes). if you believe in god then u think you will have to answer. I just don't see the comfort blanket there.


People believe in God because they want to believe in afterlife, and that they will meet dead loved ones again, or that they can pray for something and get, that this invisible father figure wubs them... if that is not a comfort blanket I don't know what is.
ggazoo said:
Haven't seen, but felt. I can't explain it, and no, that's not a cop-out.

No worries, that's the exact answer that not only did I expect, but which is pretty much the same answer from all theists. Yes, it is a cop-out.

I'm just telling you what I've experienced, that's all. Not having been there, I can see how it's quite easy for you to judge me on a message board a thousand miles away.

Thanks for your input, though.

Who's judging? You can't demonstrate to me, yourself or anyone else that whatever you felt has anything to do with gods. You, yourself are unable to distinguish between that and your imagination.
(Q) said:
No worries, that's the exact answer that not only did I expect, but which is pretty much the same answer from all theists. Yes, it is a cop-out.

Who's judging? You can't demonstrate to me, yourself or anyone else that whatever you felt has anything to do with gods. You, yourself are unable to distinguish between that and your imagination.

Nobody who feels a spiritual connection with God can explain it (Q). It just is.

People believe in God because they want to believe in afterlife, and that they will meet dead loved ones again, or that they can pray for something and get, that this invisible father figure wubs them... if that is not a comfort blanket I don't know what is.[/QUOTE]

once again, u seem to be under the impression that those who believe, believe "all" people who believe will "see" the afterlife and once again meet loved ones.

but none the less i see what your trying to say, but like i said, if i was to die right now, i know i wouldn't see the afterlife. but i know i would have to answer for the wrongs i've done in my life. for me, the "comfort blanket" would be no god. being a acting theist (by that i mean actually following your belief and not just saying you believe) is not a easy life to live. a atheist life is a much more easy life to follow.
KennyJC said:
Why is there any less purpose in life if there is no God?

ok, let me rephrase that, there would be no overall great purpose in life, a purpose for life itself. the only purpose would be that which you would decide is "your" purpose.

but hey, why would you even ask? after all, you don't believe there is. after all to believe that there is a purpose in life, is to believe by faith that there is. there is no evidence for it and it can not be proven by science. so there for it is irrational to believe in such a thing.
ok, let me rephrase that, there would be no overall great purpose in life, a purpose for life itself. the only purpose would be that which you would decide is "your" purpose.

but hey, why would you even ask? after all, you don't believe there is. after all to believe that there is a purpose in life, is to believe by faith that there is. there is no evidence for it and it can not be proven by science. so there for it is irrational to believe in such a thing.

I could kill a million people, or I could put and end to world hunger, I would still be worm food at the end of the day. I won't be judged by some divine sky fairy, nor will I be sucking Satans testicles in a lake of fire.

With that said there remains purpose in life without inventing a fantasy like our friend Ggazoo has.
ggazoo said:
So the easy way is the right way? Since when?

that's not what i'm saying. i believe in god just like you. I was just stating the point that believing in god and following him is not as simple as people think it is.
KennyJC said:
I could kill a million people, or I could put and end to world hunger, I would still be worm food at the end of the day. I won't be judged by some divine sky fairy, nor will I be sucking Satans testicles in a lake of fire.

With that said there remains purpose in life without inventing a fantasy like our friend Ggazoo has.

like i said, the only purpose in life would be that which you want it to be. there would be no great purpose for life itself. for an atheist, believing in a purpose for life without proof or evidence would be irrational wouldn't it?
like i said, the only purpose in life would be that which you want it to be. there would be no great purpose for life itself. for an atheist, believing in a purpose for life without proof or evidence would be irrational wouldn't it?

Congratulations on finally grasping how to quote properly.

Purpose in life is always self generated wether it is based upon superstition or not. If we have no purpose in life purely because we experience things for a blink of an eye, then maybe there isn't a purpose to life, but then again we still get out of bed in the morning to get on with our day even if we believe that to be true. But finding purpose in life doesn't really need proof unless you are making extravagant claims like God, Heaven, Afterlife, Judgement, etc. and claiming this to be the purpose.
samcdkey said:
Nobody who feels a spiritual connection with God can explain it (Q). It just is.

It just is... what, exactly?

Answer: indistinguishable from their imagination.
(Q) said:
It just is... what, exactly?

Answer: indistinguishable from their imagination.

Its like explaining the flavor of a fruit you will never taste?
samcdkey said:
Its like explaining the flavor of a fruit you will never taste?

So, are you saying gods are tangible and real, like fruit?

And why is that the 'flavor' you refer tastes different amongst theists? So much so, they would disagree with one another over that taste?

Bad analogy, darling.
(Q) said:
So, are you saying gods are tangible and real, like fruit?

Intangible and inexplicable like an unknown flavor

And why is that the 'flavor' you refer tastes different amongst theists? So much so, they would disagree with one another over that taste?

Maybe because they use different adjectives to describe the flavor, based on their interpretation of the taste.

Bad analogy, darling.

I don't think so, er, sweetheart.
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