where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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duendy said:
That is quite intersting. i have researched that regarding NDEs but haven't seen anything regarding abduction phenomena........do you have sources?

I saw it on tv could be an answer. But I also personally know no al qaeda member ever abducted by aliens.
spuriousmonkey said:
I saw it on tv could be an answer. But I also personally know no al qaeda member ever abducted by aliens.
i expected more......now is just silly wise cracks
Originally Posted By:The Total Dweeb Norval
Are you sure?

Dude, seriously...is that the best you can do? Are your arguments so weak that the most you can offer a conversation on UFOs is "Are you sure?" which is really the equivilent of sticking your tongue out and saying "How do you know?" or "Who made you boss?"

Really, Norval. If you're going to speak up and post on this thread, offer something up. You aren't planting seeds of doubt in our minds, you're merely annoying the people here actually trying to have a conversation...and duendy. (She told me she doesn't really think you're all that cool. She says I'm way cuter than you!)

The topic at point is "Where is the evidence for alien visitation" and if you have none or are not willing to argue the points, then shhhhhhh! Nobody wants to hear you!

Let Mommy and Daddy talk now.

Which brings me to my next point....

Originally Posted By: Gustav
how sad
a beaten and traumatized old man throwing the mother of all hissy fits

Dude, just when I thought we had reached a point of calm in our relationship, you up and say something like that. A couple of points:

1) He and his pal are joking. They are mocking the typical debate between a debunker and a kook. Calm down.

2) You aren't even remotely the voice of reason here. Everything Annonymous has posted since then are direct quotes from you. He left out the one where you called me a piece of shit or something like that, I can't remember now. So seriously, man, give it up. You are the one who requires a Tampon for his bleeding clam when the argument isn't going your way. Even Duendy is more relaxed than you when she knows she's wrong...even though the poor gal doesn't really know much other than "Pretty Lights" are aliens from outter space because her daddy told her so.

Ahhh...much better.

Now, my own contribution to this topic...

I believe someone said "Whatever happened to maybe?" earlier in this thread, and that, can I say, is so typical of you kooks. Is that all you want from us? To say "maybe?" Because if it is, you could get that as an answer to just about goddamned anything you ask!

"There are goblins pissing on the dark side of the moon, right?"


"There are ducks that speak French on Mars' moon, right?"


"Fairies existed in the days of the Dinosaur, but were made of Jello, so they left no fossils, right?"


We are asking for evidence, not maybes. It's either "yes" or "no" so pick a side and argue for it. Bring some balls to the table and stop asking us to lower ourselves to your standards. If all you want is a maybe, then fine, you win. Maybe they'll play a baseball game on the Moon! Yeah, it could happen because we have a moon and baseball. Will it? Who knows? Are there aliens visiting Earth? Maybe! We know there are other planets in the galaxy, so maybe there is life elsewhere, but are they visiting us? Who knows?

I'm saying they haven't, because there is. no. proof. Period. Videos, pictures, testimony...all of this can be faked. Eyewitnesses who cook up abduction or sighting stories will at least gain some local attention, and if the story is wild enough, they may get national attention on one of those shows on Discovery.

There are people who want this, crave this. There have been women who craved fame so desperately that they've fucked their C-Movie directors for roles in films that don't even make it to your local video store. Men and women have been so desperate for attention that they've put their children through hell by painting them up like whores for beauty pageants. Men and women have been so desperate for fame and attention that they've hired fat men to club their competition. Men and women have been so desperate for fame and attentiont that they've faked videos, pictures and stories of/about aliens!!!!

Face it! None of what you have brought here is conclusive evidence. Hearsay regarding alien abductions is just that: hearsay. Families who report these things get their faces on TV and rightfully so! After all, a whole family reports a sighting or abduction, it must be true, right?

Wrong. There is no way to account for the motives of these people. We can't question them, we can't research their backgrounds. We can't psychoanalyze them. We cannot verify their experiences, and that is where the problem lies.

I can say that I see a UFO right now outside my window, and none of you on this board can prove me wrong. In other words, the evidence is not testible, therefore it is not evidence.

If a picture can't be proven to have been tampered with, that does not even remotely define the object in the picture as anything other than an object.

Face it, people. The best you will get from anyone here is "maybe," and that's because we have no evidence. And that is not what this thread is asking for; this thread is asking where this proof is...and you have delivered none.

JDawg you are daft.
no imagination.
homogenize everything into one big dolup of hydrogenated gloop.
this is your sorry world, behind those sorry darting eyes u look out of.
everyone is a cone man in your little world. even women. grans and children. everyone. take no prisoners.
thegreat JDwggggg HE-KNOWs ya know/
nd he-wants-ev-i-dence...yes sireee. evidence. he wants it on his computer table N.O.W. ya hearrrrr?
JDawg said:
Men and women have been so desperate for fame and attentiont that they've faked videos, pictures and stories of/about aliens!!!!

JDawg, have you noticed, how those very people mostly seem to be underachievers? Certainly here at SciForums, where the language skills of the woowoos rather gives the game away.

That said, I think it's all about self aggrandisement. Woowoos don't know science, or history, or have language skills, but they can self promote by 'knowing' something the rest of us don't.

It's how religions got power and money, and only the fearful and gullible fall for it.
duendy said:
no....at the beginning of the article doesn't it say that 'a respected analyst' contradicts the Mexican airforce version of events etc?...i am just wondering who that is...his name?
That is part of the introduction. It is referring to the author Robert Shaeffer.
phlogistician said:
JDawg, have you noticed, how those very people mostly seem to be underachievers? Certainly here at SciForums, where the language skills of the woowoos rather gives the game away.

me::language? so you are setting yerself up? how comes ten I aint impressed. whatmakes you think YOU are eloquent...?hahahaha

That said, I think it's all about self aggrandisement. Woowoos don't know science, or history, or have language skills, but they can self promote by 'knowing' something the rest of us don't.

me::again. we are not impressed with your knowledge you arrogant poo pooer. I would like to hear what you know of history. Which version is that then? The materialistic patriarchal one no doubt?......how veeeery conveninent for you sa

It's how religions got power and money, and only the fearful and gullible fall for it.
religions And sciencism. one as bad as tother. btw i am starting a thread on sciencism
shaman_ said:
That is part of the introduction. It is referring to the author Robert Shaeffer.
hah...well, that says it all doesn't it. If i wereyou, i would not trust tat organization at all. Their purpose is to totally disengage any serious inquiry, and to debunk ANY nonordinary occurance, I bets ya there isn't one paranormal event tey haven't explained away. or am i wrong?
Hey duendy, I'm not trying to impress you, because you couldn't tell a fact from a slap in the face with a wet fish.

As for my eloquence, how would you know? You are barely literate!

You can't even work out how to quote properly duendy. There are children on here that have picked that one up.

But, your post shows exactly what I've been saying about you and your fellow woowoos. It's all about your ego.
duendy said:
hah...well, that says it all doesn't it. If i wereyou, i would not trust tat organization at all. Their purpose is to totally disengage any serious inquiry, and to debunk ANY nonordinary occurance, I bets ya there isn't one paranormal event tey haven't explained away. or am i wrong?
Duendy do you actually expect people to take you seriously when you come up with lame excuses like this?

You are more close minded than any sceptic...
I'm saying they haven't, because there is. no. proof. Period. Videos, pictures, testimony...all of this can be faked. Eyewitnesses who cook up abduction or sighting stories will at least gain some local attention, and if the story is wild enough, they may get national attention on one of those shows on Discovery.

Eyewitness testimony has been recognised by the law, for thousands of years, to constitute evidence. Just how good or how bad is case dependent, but evidence none the less.
JDawg said:
Which brings me to my next point....

Hello again JD, an admirable post, one that sums up very much so what a lot of people have been trying to get across and not so much failing, just finding their bashing their heads against a total brick in the process - its time consuming, frustrating as hell, but the fact that people can continue to persist in trying to instill a tad of sense into the proceedings, admirable and welcome.

Unfortunately we both know who introduced the "whatever happened to maybe" element, so we can probably kiss of any chance of further progress for the next 7 pages whilst the member, and I use the phrase perfectly deliberately, in question berates yourself and anyone else of similar disposition as a traumatised child...

the horror....

Leaving the shortcomings of others aside though, I'm possibly going to regret actually writing this more than the prospect of entering into a "debate" with Gustav could ever possibly instill, and it concerns the following:

JDawg said:
'm saying they haven't, because there is. no. proof. Period. Videos, pictures, testimony...all of this can be faked. Eyewitnesses who cook up abduction or sighting stories will at least gain some local attention, and if the story is wild enough, they may get national attention on one of those shows on Discovery.

I couldn't agree more - entertaining the possibility, the singular argument each and every UFO Believer resorts to to in order to put across their final argument yet singularly refuse to entertain when entreated to do the same by those who singularly do not share their own, personal, beliefs, that people could possible make these things up in order to support the belief in the existence of extraterrestrials - that to them remains an impossible suggestion to accept, but only really because very few have actually the first fuck of an idea of what the idea of viable interstellar travel actually means....

If they did, being somewhat sceptical of the frankly patently ludicrous claims Believers up hold their right to defend to the death wouldn't in the least little bit be at all difficult for them to to entertain - they simply either don't understand or else just refuse to.

And by all possible means, do whoever may be reading this feel perfectly free to post the words fraud, delusional, debunker, etc in the space provided. The rest of us already know you people only read one sentence at a time, and so thus completely miss the point of whatever's been said time and time again.

That being the case however, technically, there is actually a loop-hole.

Simply put, any concept of interstellar travel on a viable basis dictates that time travel must be occurring on the parts of the Travelers involved - we know enough about Time Dilation to know that it actually happens up to the point we can viably test the theory, there's really very little evidence to suggest what Einstein predicts regarding faster than light wouldn't equally prove to be equally true if only there was some way of travelling faster than the speed of light in order to prove it.

Einstein himself provides a practical work around for that - realistic travel - either moving through or else using space itself in such a way as to effect the same physical consequences as if one were actually travelling faster than the speed of light without physically actually travelling anything like as apparently fast.

If we ever, subsequently in our development, ever get to go out there and do the Star Trek thing for real - this is the way we get to bring that about. Realistic Travel.

As ways of going about things go, it's neither simple, nor is it anything like as straight forward as people like to make out, but technically, providing one has the means of bringing it about, it's possible.

Now, frankly, if there is an alien species out there visiting Earth on a regular basis, the possibilities of that species in anyway, shape or form directly interacting with events here on our world at either this point in time or else any in the past, remain extremely remote - the conspiracies between Earths Governments/Military and Extraterrestrials, the abductions, taking any action which has a direct consequence on any events here on Earth would be the undertaking only of Extraterrestrial idiots, with not the first clue concerning what it is they would actually be doing - it's basically all the work of frankly highly over active imaginations.

But, the idea of a species being able to undertake travel to the sort of degree and extent our species would one day hope to be able to accomplish - not impossible, just currently beyond our reach.

Basically, it's not so much a problem of are they or aren't they here with regards to this sort of question - it's more along the lines of Schroedinger's Cat - it's both, at the same time.

Curiously enough, proof in itself invalidates the argument for the existence of extraterrestrial visitations more or less completely.

Sorry, probably not helping in the slightest here and I'm a dyed-in-the-wool I couldn't give a shit sort when it comes to this entire subject I really, really am - but the entire business concerning interstellar travel in itself fundamentally dictates nothing is either clear cut or in anyway terribly simple at all about the subject.

Couple that with the fact there's actually no physical reason why a vehicle that conforms to UFO Classification can't physically exist - in the terms of such a thing being actually capable in itself of interstellar travel, no chance in hell - but as a runabout for something that conceivably could be capable of travel in these sorts of terms, absolutely.

I fail completely to see why those who choose to argue the most vehemently of all concerning the existence of UFO's and Extraterrestrials simply have to resort to the weakest minded arguments for one could possibly imagine and berate everyone else as every shade of idiot simply because they personally don't appear to be able to muster the cognitive faculties we are all, universally, actually born with - but then again, the chances that most that do have ever actually so much as sniffed a high school physics book I'd find a far higher improbability than ET tap dancing his way down Sunset Boulevard in broad daylight.

Try cracking a book that doesn't have either Harry Potter or a UFO on the cover people - it's not difficult and might actually teach you something.
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phlogistician said:
Hey duendy, I'm not trying to impress you, because you couldn't tell a fact from a slap in the face with a wet fish.

As for my eloquence, how would you know? You are barely literate!

You can't even work out how to quote properly duendy. There are children on here that have picked that one up.

But, your post shows exactly what I've been saying about you and your fellow woowoos. It's all about your ego.
duuude....you are just an insult machine
So where is the evidence?

It can't be that hard to produce evidence for alien visitation.

Maybe some court issued visitation records?

Did we happen to kill some aliens in outer space and did we find a receipt for a milkyway bar in their pockets?

Did someone take a picture of them taking a picture of the eiffel tower?

I need to know.
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