where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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Note my post above for most of your answers to the questions you have asked me. Or do some research on the net.

I made the mistake of assuming that there would be any here that would really want to discuss honestly about UFO's / ETI a long time ago. There are the occasional posters that make that same mistake. Soon they are so beat up, bloodied, and bruised that they just quit trying.

You are just another "shit stirrer" JDawg, one has only to look at the threads you have started and where, to see that. But, you are a prime example of the attitudes of those losers that were tossed down from the heavens above. Nice to know though that you know, where heaven is, and where you are.

These cast down Bad ET's are deceivers, slanders, liars, and use these same tactics all the time. Same Tactics, Different Day STDD
ET's do not exist. Lie
UFO's do not exist. Lie
They can't get here because faster than light travel isn't possible. Lie
CS types of crater chains are not weapons strikes. Lie
Multi-Impact crater basins are not weapons of deep penetration. Lie
Big CS crater chains on big objects, little CS chains on little objects are not indicators of strategic usage of weapons. Lie
And the list goes on and on and on and on.

No one "up there" wants these kinds of SILF's as a neighbor, and neither do I. So until my hunting license says; "Bad Extra terrestrial's - NO BAG LIMIT", I'll just "play" with them.

It is so nice to know that the time is short, and even better to know that it will be cut shorter. Yet, the best one I like is that stated in Gen. 9:6 Pay back's a bitch, and it's coming soon. UQ

Hope that helps? or contact me privatly.
duendy said:
most abductees claim tat the 'aliens' communicate telepathically

i personally ha an 'OBE' experience--a very powerful one some years back which was very real. the entities communicated wit me telepathically

now...i am preempting what you may 'conclude' from this. hat because i had an OBE tat tat must mean it was flase ...hence hey presto = so do ALL abductions....? am i readin your mind? hope not.
maybe dimensions have some part in some abductionsn too. what you say?....are you aware of any scientific theories existing that speak of the probability of more dimensions?

Communicating by telepathy is not quite the same as being able to read other species' minds.

Am not aware of any scientific experiments where they put a human or other organism in another dimension and returned them safely, or even in a harmful fashion.

What is your standard amount of dimensions? Or should I guess how many dimensions you think there are so I can bring forward any theories that might postulate the existence of at least one more dimension of what you think is the standard amount of dimensions in the universe.
Gustav said:
what are the odds of the existence of planets capable of sustaining a lifeform
what would an astrophysist's opinion be about this?
if chances are good that life could exist elsewhere
can we call this....alien?

How many alien lifeforms have we encountered on earth?

You may be exact on this numberif you wish so. You don't have to give odds.
Gustav said:
yet i see you get hung up on ftl
you imagine that et must originate from the furthest point in space
what if......

Now, astronomers believe they have found a plan slightly larger than Jupiter orbiting Epsilon Eridani – making it the closest extrasolar planet ever found to our sun. Epsilon Eridani may eventually be the first star ever visited by an interstellar probe. It's a mere puddle jump in the galaxy - no need for a "warp drive" envisioned in science fiction. link link

so ahhh
et lives right next door
the exotic propulsions, the ftl barrier are not a valid arguments against et visitations

Interesting that you think only 10 light-years away wouldn't need something like FTL dirves to travel back and forth across. :) Unless your ETs have made that jump in technology, it most likely would take them 21 years at least for a round trip. And unless you also want to credit them with very long life-spans and a touch of stupidity as well, that would also seem like a great deal of time to invest in going back and forth to have apparently accomplished practically nothing here.

i have encountered none
some have alluded to the possibilty of et origin
others claim they have

cmon spurious
work with me here
answer the question
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Light said:
Interesting that you think only 10 light-years away wouldn't need something like FTL dirves to travel back and forth across. :) Unless your ETs have made that jump in technology, it most likely would take them 21 years at least for a round trip. And unless you also want to credit them with very long life-spans and a touch of stupidity as well, that would also seem like a great deal of time to invest in going back and forth to have apparently accomplished practically nothing here.

false assumptions

over 99% (well...large %) of sightings have a mundane explanation.
lets assume the remainder is indeed et

there need not be this...."back and forth"

you make anthropomorphic assumptions about lifespans
hibernation is a possible solution
your inabilty to divine alien intent is not a cogent argument against thier presence here
Gustav said:
false assumptions

over 99% (well...large %) of sightings have a mundane explanation.
lets assume the remainder is indeed et

there need not be this...."back and forth"

you make anthropomorphic assumptions about lifespans
hibernation is a possible solution
your inabilty to divine alien intent is not a cogent argument against thier presence here

Have it your way, Oh Great One. I just took a moment to point out that you are (and still are) assuming a great deal that has practically no basis. I'm not inclined to argue about this drivel anyway.
holy cow
how they fold

this is not about egos and personalities
focus on the points
refute, agree or qualify
it is what we do here
i must touch on mr anonymous and his addiction to refering to himself in the plural.

it is an amateurish troll

6. Always refer to yourself in the plural, as though you are speaking on behalf of the whole newsgroup: "all we are trying to say is..." sounds much more pompous than "all I am trying to say is...". When other people join in the thread, the rules are simple: if they side with you, follow-up immediately and enthusiastically, congratulating them on their courage; if they side with your opponent, ignore the tossers.
Gustav said:
holy cow
how they fold

this is not about egos and personalities
focus on the points
refute, agree or qualify
it is what we do here

Yes, I understand. It's just that the whole topic is pretty much pure speculation and opinions. I tire of that sort of thing pretty quickly.

After you've read what everyone said once, most of what follows is nothing more than repeats and rehashing the same stuff over and over. I'm actually a bit surprized that even more people don't seem to grow weary of it.
Light said:
Yes, I understand. .

if you did, you would follow up and finish the discussion that you iniated with me.
it is simple courtesy

so, given your sentiments, what are you doing here?
craterchains (Norval said:
Note my post above for most of your answers to the questions you have asked me. Or do some research on the net.

I made the mistake of assuming that there would be any here that would really want to discuss honestly about UFO's / ETI a long time ago. There are the occasional posters that make that same mistake. Soon they are so beat up, bloodied, and bruised that they just quit trying.

You are just another "shit stirrer" JDawg, one has only to look at the threads you have started and where, to see that. But, you are a prime example of the attitudes of those losers that were tossed down from the heavens above. Nice to know though that you know, where heaven is, and where you are.

These cast down Bad ET's are deceivers, slanders, liars, and use these same tactics all the time. Same Tactics, Different Day STDD
ET's do not exist. Lie
UFO's do not exist. Lie
They can't get here because faster than light travel isn't possible. Lie
CS types of crater chains are not weapons strikes. Lie
Multi-Impact crater basins are not weapons of deep penetration. Lie
Big CS crater chains on big objects, little CS chains on little objects are not indicators of strategic usage of weapons. Lie
And the list goes on and on and on and on.

No one "up there" wants these kinds of SILF's as a neighbor, and neither do I. So until my hunting license says; "Bad Extra terrestrial's - NO BAG LIMIT", I'll just "play" with them.

It is so nice to know that the time is short, and even better to know that it will be cut shorter. Yet, the best one I like is that stated in Gen. 9:6 Pay back's a bitch, and it's coming soon. UQ

Hope that helps? or contact me privatly.

That is precious.
Scifoolems, definitely Broken Arrow!
Gustav said:
answer the question

The chances that there is other life in this universe I guestimate to be 99,999999999999%

The chances that alien lifeforms have visited our wonderful planet in recent years (on a geological timeframe) i estimate at, if I am being generous, at 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000%. I'm probably being optimistic here.
spuriousmonkey said:
The chances that there is other life in this universe I guestimate to be 99,999999999999%

The chances that alien lifeforms have visited our wonderful planet in recent years (on a geological timeframe) i estimate at, if I am being generous, at 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000%. I'm probably being optimistic here.

how do you reach your second estimation?
Light said:
Yes, I understand. It's just that the whole topic is pretty much pure speculation and opinions. I tire of that sort of thing pretty quickly.

After you've read what everyone said once, most of what follows is nothing more than repeats and rehashing the same stuff over and over. I'm actually a bit surprized that even more people don't seem to grow weary of it.

:) ... Hello, Light.

Oh, I assure you pretty much everyone is hugely weary - except Gustav, and he's not in the slightest bit interested in what you have to say, he's just interested in telling you you're wrong. It doesn't matter what you're discussing, what the subject actually is, you're wrong - that is the nature of discussion on Gustav's part and he's been pulling this trademark brand of crap on everyone.

I read what you had to say. It's perfectly valid and makes perfect sense. A lot of other people are attempting to do the very same and, though fruitless an endeavour as it may be, no doubt will continue to try - but the point is, Gustav isn't the ring master in this tread - you don't have to qualify yourself to him or acknowledge him anyway, shape or form.

Saying your piece and walking away really is the only productive course of action you can take. Sooner or later he'll piss off back to whatever urethra it was he trickled out of and the rest of us can get back to whatever passes as being our day.

Sorry if I'm interjecting or anything, Light, but this has been going on for pages and it's not going to stop until piss face does.
1 - aliens are not mythical.
2 - however according to the exacting standards of proof you require, the claim that et visits cannot be supported

do you agree?
mr anonymous desperately tries to gather as many allies in order to declare a jihad against lil ole gustav

poor sap still cannot fight his own battles
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